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Articles on Quarter Life

Displaying 1 - 20 of 304 articles

Fast fashion has serious environmental and social consequences. These tips can help you build a more sustainable wardrobe. Members of Extintion Rebellion perform in front of a Zara outlet in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2021. (AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)

Fast fashion is harming our planet — these 4 tips can help you build a more sustainable wardrobe

In a world dominated by fast fashion, building a slower wardrobe is the key to living more sustainably, saving money and standing out among the crowd.
Investing is pretty much what you make of it. You can go fast and risk it all, or go slow and make those investments that pay off in the long run. (Shutterstock)

Young investors: Here’s some tips for getting into the market

Just got your first paycheck, or saved a tidy sum from your first job? You might be thinking about how to invest your money. Here are some of the things you should think about.
Leadership roles present exciting opportunities for career advancement, personal growth and fulfilment. (Shutterstock)

Ready for the next step in your career? Here’s how to get ready for your first leadership position

Whether you’re stepping into the C-suite or your first team lead role, the prospect of leading others can be daunting. So, how can you confidently make the leap into a leadership position?
An image from Nintendo’s The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Nintendo has made effective use of nostalgia to turn the Mario series into the best-selling video game franchise of all time and one of the largest multi-media properties on Earth. (Nintendo and Universal Studios via AP)

Sick of reboots? How ‘nostalgia bait’ profits off Millennial and Gen Z’s childhood memories

Nostalgia can provide emotional relief during times of stress, a fact which the entertainment industry takes full advantage of to profit off of the anxiety of Millenials and Gen Z.
Dating can also expose us to a lot of cringey things, maybe even something we didn’t know we’d consider cringey. (Shutterstock)

How embracing the cringe can help your dating life

It’s understandable to worry about coming across as awkward, or being seen as cringeworthy. But embracing our cringey selves can improve our self-confidence and even our dating lives.
Paul Craft/Shutterstock

How to know when it’s time to quit therapy

It can be difficult to know when to quit therapy when a problem is ongoing. In such cases, it can help to break the therapy down into two phases: ‘acute’ and ‘maintenance’
A recent report has found that a growing number of people in Canada are in polyamorous relationships. (Shutterstock)

Thinking about polyamory? You’re not the only one

Polyamory is on the rise, yet at the same time, younger people are turning away from romance and dating. Does Gen Z want multiple partners or none at all?

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