Copilot for Microsoft 365 capabilities now available in the Windows desktop
Published Feb 05 2024 09:00 AM 25.8K Views

As previously announced at Ignite 2023 and in the January 15th blog, we are enhancing the Copilot in Windows experience and making it easier for users to access to the power of generative AI. Today, we are happy to share that the integration of Copilot for Microsoft 365 into the Windows desktop experience is now available. This will bring Graph-grounded chat capabilities to Copilot in Windows for users who have a Copilot for Microsoft 365 license and Copilot for Windows enabled.  


In the Copilot in Windows sidebar, this appears as a toggle between “Work” and “Web”, allowing users to choose between leveraging the capabilities of Copilot for Microsoft 365 or Copilot with commercial data protection (formerly known as Bing Chat Enterprise). This offers a new, easy way for users to access Copilot in Microsoft 365 features in addition to existing surfaces in Teams, Edge, and 

The new Copilot for Microsoft 365 experience in the Windows sidebar appears as a toggle between “Work” and “Web” options.The new Copilot for Microsoft 365 experience in the Windows sidebar appears as a toggle between “Work” and “Web” options.



The feature will roll out today for organizations with a Copilot for Microsoft 365 license and Copilot in Windows enabled.  



For information on managing Copilot in Windows, please review this article


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Version history
Last update:
‎Feb 05 2024 08:47 AM
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