Operationalizing Mobile Data

A unified approach to operationalizing your mobile data across the entire data lifecycle

When new data types emerge, old types of data aren’t replaced, they’re supplemented. As technology advances and data volumes increase, it’s clear that the crux of digital transformation is flexibility with data. Flexibility getting data, changing and unifying it, and delivering it where it needs to go. What this means is that an organization’s approach to data management, including the all-too-important mobile data, must be built upon flexibility as a means to achieve a comprehensive foundation.

Tealium for Mobile gives brands the capability to get, integrate and deliver all mobile customer data as part of a comprehensive data supply chain powering a world-class customer experience.

Key Benefits of Tealium for Mobile

A Unified Approach— Correlated From the Start – A single data collection strategy prior to distributing data across your tech stack creates numerous significant advantages. Less post-processing of data is required because data is correlated at collection instead of after. Data is standardized up front, as it’s collected per your rules, to enable easier re-use across tools.

Plug and Play New Vendors Easily – Once Tealium for Mobile is integrated into your data supply chain, swapping in and out new vendors is merely a few configurations clicks away. No more lengthy re-submission processes for the app store or laborious and repetitive work to setup short-sighted and narrow point to point solutions.

Enable the Organization to Use Mobile Data— Reduce IT Requests – Data that is easy to use benefits an entire organization. Once setup, marketers can leverage data without requiring lengthy IT requests. IT can focus on building high-value functionality instead of tedious and repetitive integrations. And business intelligence pros can analyze and use the same data as the rest of the business.

Comprehensive Options to Get Data In and Out – Data can be collected and delivered in two different ways— client-side (browser-based) via tags and cloud-based delivery (server-side) via APIs. Tealium provides users with options and the ability to choose based on business and strategic needs.

Simplified SDK Management – Tealium offers installation libraries that make it simple to begin sending data to the CDH. Each library has an easy setup process to get your installation up and running quickly. Tealium’s libraries are designed specifically to be open, meaning you install Tealium once and immediately gain access to use data from Tealium’s integration marketplace without additional coding or reviews required.

Stream Data Wherever You Want— All of it, or just a subset – The capability to stream all data or any subset of that data to various execution systems in real time is a significant advantage. These execution systems could use the data to power customer engagement actions (emails, ads, personalization, etc.) or for further analysis or visualization of the data (analytics systems, data lakes, data warehouses, etc.). The more data destinations (just like data sources), the more valuable the data supply chain.

Industry-Leading Integration Marketplace – Tealium offers an expansive marketplace of over 1300 client-side (browser-based) integrations and cloud-based (server-side) audience and event delivery connectors.