Days Gone

Days Gone

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How To Not Suck: Days Gone Survival Guide
By ikzdeg
This guide aims to streamline your survival strategy, ensuring you're well-prepared for any challenges Days Gone throws your way.
Resource Management
  • Residue & Plants:
    Residue from Freaker nests respawns roughly every 24 hours, with a notable location being near Crazy Willie’s where you can collect 3 residues. Plant-based resources also respawn, aiding in replenishing your crossbow bolts, effectively making it a weapon with unlimited ammo, ideal for ambush camp raids.
  • Car Parts & Police Trunks:
    These resources do not respawn. Conserve them until you are in dire need of supplies or ammo.
  • Gasoline:
    Fuel can be replenished at gas pumps, and fuel canisters will always respawn, ensuring you're never stranded.
  • Crafting Materials:
    Non-container items and specific rare crafting supplies, marked on the map, do respawn. Utilize these for maintaining a steady supply of essential items.
Combat & Strategy
  • Crossbow Bolts:
    Residue bolts serve as a long-duration poison. Use them strategically against tough enemies, like a certain bear near a bus.
  • Nest Tactics:
    Incendiary bolts are effective for destroying nests; however, explosive bolts are not suitable for this task.
  • Stealth & Skills:
    Prioritize ranged combat, stealth, and focus, especially at lower levels. Essential early skills include Focused Fire, Ear to the Ground, Field Repairs, Thorn in Your Side, Butcher, and Green Thumb.
  • Ambush Camps:
    Clearing these is vital for upgrading your gear and unlocking new craftables.
Equipment & Upgrades
  • Crafting & Inventory:
    Max out components by crafting essential items like Molotovs, bolts, and health kits to ensure you can continue collecting resources.
  • Bike Upgrades:
    Focus on enhancing your bike's fuel capacity first, followed by speed, ammo capacity, and durability.
  • Weapons:
    Purchased weapons are retained in your inventory. Reequip them at any locker or weapon shop if needed.
  • Enemy Bikes:
    These can be a source of scrap, similar to how you repair your own bike.
Exploration & Survival Tips
  • Hazmat Suits & NERO Caches:
    Keep an eye out for white hazmat suits and NERO caches or tapes. Backtracking to find these later can be frustrating.
  • Hordes:
    Study a horde's behavior before engaging. Planning an escape route in advance is critical. Position your bike towards your intended escape direction for a quick getaway.
  • Challenge Badge Rewards:
    These carry over to your main game, enhancing your capabilities, whereas rings do not.
Key Takeaways
  • Crafting & Collecting:
    Continuously gather and craft to keep your supplies topped off.
  • Strategic Engagement:
    Understanding your enemies and the environment is crucial for survival.
  • Upgrades & Equipment:
    Regularly enhance your gear and bike to stay ahead of challenges.
  • Exploration Benefits:
    Clearing camps and exploring thoroughly reveals points of interest and unlocks valuable resources.

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Just add me up and punch in this friend code: 1037097143 and let the gaming shenanigans commence!

Game on!
NextNuke Jun 16 @ 6:15am 
i play with controller but half my shots i take with mouse
^4~(WTF)~^0Master^4Bleed Jun 12 @ 8:24pm 
Thanks no mater what I do I can not kill hordes I ether have to flee or skip so thanks for the Tip about the hordes :)
slowly dismantling Jun 9 @ 5:30am 
Nice guide bro, appreciate it.
surfnut Mar 5 @ 8:23am 
Thanks man
ikzdeg  [author] Mar 1 @ 5:19am 
To all my friends who happen to get into this game, this guide might come in handy! Check it out!