Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

76 ratings
HotSwap! - [Local Hotseat + Online Multiplayer]
Number of Players: 1, 2, 3, 4
Assets: Scripting
File Size
254.212 KB
Apr 16, 2020 @ 7:19am
Apr 19, 2020 @ 11:59am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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HotSwap! - [Local Hotseat + Online Multiplayer]

Play with the buddy beside you, and with the friend online.
TL;DR: Put the clicker of your color in front of you. Click it.

The HotSwap!
Combine the functionality of Local Hotseat & Online Multiplayer -- with a simple button!

The HotSwap button allows for multiple players, using the same computer, to quickly swap seats at the tabletop and take turns -- while playing in a traditional online multiplayer game.

Whether it be for a partner using your machine, or for a TTS friend that has a guest joining -- this is a handy addition to every host's toolkit.


Quick HOW-TO
-- Workshop & Demo --
Subscribe to the Workshop File and launch in TTS. The HotSwap! table comes preconfigured with several button and hand combinations -- quickly experiment with them to learn their function, and determine which fit your use case. Read on for details regarding difference in type.

-- Save as Object --
For use of any HotSwap! button with friends, Save the HotSwap Chair as an 'Object' and Load in your custom multiplayer game. The contents of the HotSwap Chair are displayed in the center of the tabletop, and can be pulled from the Chair once loaded in your game.

-- Custom Configuration --
If a HotSwap configuration has been customized, and met your unique use case successfully, you can always save that setup for future use. Drop all custom HotSwap buttons in a New Bag (Objects > Components > Tools) and Save as Object.

Workshop Files[]
Games Workshop[]
Save as Object[]

Form & Function
In short, a HotSwap button quickly changes the Player's Color, while protecting their hand privacy. That's it!

A single button switches between 2 colors, specified in the object's description. This functionality, combined in a series, can prove to be a powerful hotseat tool. One button may be all you need, Two buttons might add convenience -- Several buttons may save a split-group Game Night.

HotSwaps are configured to be placed adjacent to the player's hand of the button's corresponding color. One Player : One Button to interact with.

HotSwap comes in two different variants: Direct & Indirect


HotSwap (direct)
HotSwap buttons, of the 'direct' variant, are for immediate handoff to the next player. A button click blindfolds the player, swaps to the specified color, and prompts the next player to remove blindfold & resume.

DEMO with the preconfigured hands on table:
[1] Red <> Blue
[2] Orange > Green > Purple > (repeat)

*optionally hide your HotSwap button from other players via Hidden Areas


HotSwap (indirect)
HotSwap buttons, of the 'indirect' variant, introduce an intermediate 'spectate-mode' before swapping to a chosen player's private hand. This allows for shared use of the screen, between turns, while hiding player hands. Click a player color's HotSwap button to play that hand, re-click to spectate.

DEMO with the preconfigured hands on table:
[3] Yellow <> spectate(Brown) <> Pink

*requires spare 'unseated' color for spectate usage (i.e. Brown); cannot protect buttons via Hidden Areas


Troubleshooting & Tips
  • Revise HotSwap color: Right-click > Description (bottom)
  • Color must be a possible player color and Capitalized
  • Custom Player Name can be entered [betweenBrackets]
  • Limit button description to 2 colors, 2 lines, no spaces
  • If PlayerName/Color seem mismatched, swap lines 1 & 2
  • If multiple machines are using HotSwaps, of Indirect type, swap out the spare 'spectate' color accordingly (ie. Brown > Teal)
  • Scripted games that rely on seated player counts to function, are unlikely to cooperate with this hotseat tool
  • Pro-Tip: Double-click a HotSwap button to skip the blindfold behavior

The 'HotSwap' is mostly a refactored recreation of the original workshop file 'Color Changer'. Big thanks and major credits to the creator:


Color Changer

Revisions made:
  • Added color change delay to better protect hand privacy
  • Split into two button variants: direct & indirect
  • Introduced intermediate 'spectate' functionality & camera view
  • Revised status messages to reflect play/spectate behavior
  • Packaged 15+ preconfigured buttons for easy import & use

Closing Notes
Does this button compare to having another TTS license and playing from a separate machine?
No. Every player having their own copy of TTS on their own computer will always be a better experience. This is a tool for when that is not possible, or you are just introducing a friend / significant other to TTS.

Games aren't starting, or begin improperly dealing to HotSwap players.
Scripted games that rely on seated player counts to function, are unlikely to cooperate with this hotseat tool. A HotSwap setup, as far as TTS is concerned, is still only one 'seated' player. Perhaps in the future there is a manual option for declaring seated players -- for now, best suggestion is to test any scripted game and search for an unscripted alternate if it proves unsuccessful.

Can the 'Spectate' Behavior be improved?
Probably. In fact, if you have a second monitor, TTS supports a 'Spectator View' with multiple custom commands. I have not tested the combined use of HotSwap and the native Spectator View -- please comment if it improves gameplay.

I do hope the TTS team finds a way to combine Local Hotseat & Online Multiplayer features for native support in Tabletop Simulator. The functionality is there -- perhaps the experience can be refined.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
May 31, 2020 @ 10:02am
Issues (one button works the wrong way round)
DragonMasterN93 Jan 8 @ 3:33pm 
any tips for things that have secrets?
Ms.Bunny0² Aug 19, 2023 @ 4:17pm 
Super useful tool! Took a few minutes to figure it out, but once done it works wonders. Thank you so much!

I don't know how often you check this page anymore, but there is one thing I was wondering: Would it be possible to turn this into a UI element instead of an in-game object? I'm not too familiar with TTS, and I'm not necessarily asking you to do it yourself, just wondering if you tough it would be possible.
F3RN May 31, 2022 @ 6:29pm 
can someone make a vid tutorial? would be very helpful.
kabinet_K  [author] Nov 19, 2020 @ 2:50pm 
@ CadenzaVvi -- I suggest practicing with the Demo table that the HotSwap buttons come configured in. A good example is if you want to Swap between the Red and Blue colors (2 local players) you can simply press the button in front of you (Blue button if Blue player, Red if Red, etc). That gives you a sense of Direct swap functionality. Indirect are different buttons that you click to become that color. Easier to learn Direct first, and far simpler to use. Lock options should have no impact on any behavior, nor do any buttons switch you to a random color.

Further details outlined in Desc above.
CadenzaVvi Nov 1, 2020 @ 3:25pm 
It seems wonderful... but I've played around the option for 30 minutes and still haven't figured out how to make it work... I figured how to spawn the button in a game, move the board so I can see them, uncheck the "lock" option so I can remove them from under the board. Then, if I click of the button of the color or the active player, the player change color to a random one. If I click the button of another player, nothing happens. I've tried with direct and indirect. I don't get how it is suppose to work...
Ziggy Oct 23, 2020 @ 3:14pm 
This tool is exactly what I needed! Thanks so much.
Insatiable Oct 4, 2020 @ 9:16am 
Thanks Kabinet_K! This is a great help when playing with my wife and friends. I hope TTS takes notice and integrates something like this into their engine.
kabinet_K  [author] Oct 1, 2020 @ 12:27pm 
@Insatiable -- Yeah, you've got the Save/Load object process right. More details above in Description & Troubleshooting if anything else comes up. If you're playing with others over multiplayer, and they have their own TTS copy, then they do not need a button of any form. HotSwap button is just to allow local player(s) to play with you in an online game. Just buttons for you and the person physically beside you is likely all you need.

@yukonzach -- Cheers, glad you find it useful. Yes, you can customize each button as you see fit. Including the set of premade buttons is simply for ease-of-use -- as configuring them incorrectly can lead to some pretty funky behavior.
yukonzach Sep 23, 2020 @ 12:46pm 
Once I figured out how to change the text in the Properties of the buttons to point to the next desired color, this mod is extremely helpful for facilitating combined Hot Seats and Multiplayer. Thank you!
Insatiable Sep 13, 2020 @ 3:48pm 
Okay, I think I got it. You save the flaming chair object, then import that. Then you drag a bag out of that, then you drag a token out of that. Whenever you click on the token, it puts a blindfold up and changes whose turn it is. I suppose you need to do that for the multiplayer people as well so that it can cycle back around to your color?