Legend of the Master Baiter

Legend of the Master Baiter

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Swaps4  [developer] Jun 5 @ 9:46am
Bug Reports
This thread will be for bug reports. Please post a screenshot and a description of any bugs you may find in the game, and we will fix them as soon as possible.

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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
The timing for the hold variant prompt is lagging.
The meter kept moving even after I timed the hold release prompt correctly numerous times, causing the fishing session to fail immediately.
Last edited by madhatter; Jun 22 @ 8:12am
Originally posted by Valatros:
Having this same problem. Thought it was just me at first but hands up in the air and it just kept moving before failing... makes the game kinda unwinnable.

Originally posted by blizzcarsten:
Hold is extremly misleading with the small red part at the end, all you need to do is to HOLD C until the Game gives you your Catch/goes to the next Phase.

Basically a Free Pass, you can't fail it as soon as you realize how it works.
Last edited by blizzcarsten; Jun 24 @ 8:53am
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