Days Gone

Days Gone

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I recently investigated one of those question marks on the world map and got trapped in a snare, knocked out and imprisoned. I had to escape and kill the fools who captured me which was easy enough, but in the process I lost all items. And I mean everything: weapons, bounties, throwables and crafting items. I couldn't find any way to recover my items so have had to start again from nothing.

This has happened just before taking on the sawmill horde to progress the story. So it's sort of gimped my ability to take on this horde as I can only craft a few throwables and traps.

Is this usually the case that you lose all items with no way to recover them? Or did it bug out on me by not giving me an option, from what I could find, to retrieve my former inventory.

I'd also appreciate any tips on taking on the horde with limited traps and napalm bombs as I'd like to progress the story but I don't really want to trawl through the map looking for gunpowder, polystyrene and other craftables.

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When you get ambushed, and escape where you are locked up, there is always an item case, which will return all your items/weapons in the immediate area.

There is also areas in game where things respawn, military grade mines etc.

Also check out:


These guys are great for advice how to get weapons early, spawn locations, taking out hordes, ambush camps etc
Last edited by WeirdScienceX; Jun 29 @ 12:36pm
Dabizhi Jun 30 @ 12:18am 
Originally posted by WeirdScienceX:
When you get ambushed, and escape where you are locked up, there is always an item case, which will return all your items/weapons in the immediate area.

I thought there should have been one but in the end I gave up after being unable to find it. I looked everywhere and constantly popped survival vision and couldn't see any intractable case.

I'll need to prepare more, switch out my sniper rifle, refill bike ammo bags, etc,. and have a play around with different strategies today.
The foot locker / case, with all your equipment in it, is usually very close to the cage you're held in. Often it's up against a side of your cage. I can't remember if it shows up as anything special in survival vision, or if it has an icon for you to see. It's just another case, until you get right up beside it, then the 'open this' icon appears.
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