Days Gone

Days Gone

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Something not working properly with the crossbow ?
Im using drifter crossbow on hard 2 and even though i got nocked up still only kill freakers and human enemies with headshot or 2 shots in the body exactly what it took before the skill.... Is this normal ?
Last edited by BluesMan; Jun 30 @ 4:56am
Originally posted by WeirdScienceX:
Knocked up gives a slight damage increase which is pointless at harder difficulties, head-shots are the way to go.
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I think the nocked up skill just makes it more accurate. I'm not sure it makes hits more effective, just improves the likelihood of a hit.
I've just started an NG+, and been making headshots almost every time.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Knocked up gives a slight damage increase which is pointless at harder difficulties, head-shots are the way to go.
Thank you because it says "significantly increases crossbow damage" i thought i would be able to one shot trash enemies with a body shot
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