

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

"I warned you. Working with Aurra Sing is bad business."
―Fong Do, to Castas[1]

Fong Do was a male Nautolan who lived in the Coruscant underworld during the Clone Wars. One of his friends was the bounty hunter Castas, who contacted him from Florrum after he quit a job with Aurra Sing. Fong had previously warned him about dealing with her but Castas quickly dismissed that revealing he had valuable information, most likely concerning Aurra. Before Castas could reveal the information to him, which Do seemed interested in, he was killed by Sing. Later he was recounting the event to a Weequay Pirate, who was a member of Hondo Ohnaka's gang, in a tavern called Moshi Bar. Realizing that he was being spied on by Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Do pulled out his two knives and would have attacked her had Jedi Master Plo Koon not intervened. Like the rest of the thugs in the bar he was taken by Ahsoka's distraction and let the eavesdropper get away. He was later seen at Jabba's palace when Chairman Notluwiski Papanoida and his son Ion were tracking Greedo.

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Behind the scenes[]

Do was voiced by James Arnold Taylor in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.



Notes and references[]

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