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"I am not part of the dark—simply deeper in the shadows."
―Quinlan Vos[10]

Quinlan Vos, nicknamed Quin by those closest to him, was a Kiffar male Jedi Master who, despite walking perilously close to the dark side of the Force throughout his life, served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic in their final days. Born into Clan Vos, the ruling bloodline of the planet Kiffu, Vos possessed a strong sensitivity to the Force, one that nurtured in him an exceptional talent for psychometry. After Jedi Master Tholme discovered his Force sensitivity, Vos underwent initial Jedi training on his homeworld instead of at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, as his people hoped to one day make him a Guardian of Kiffu. Yet everything changed for Vos after his power-seeking great-aunt, Tinté Vos, secretly sacrificed his parents—Guardians Quian and Pethros Vos—to Anzati vampires and then tricked him into psychometrically experiencing their murders. To master his subsequently acquired fear of Anzati, Vos began proper Jedi training as Tholme's Padawan learner, though the memory of his parents' deaths spawned in him a darkness that he would never be able to vanquish.

Vos took the lead in a number of missions and events, including the Stark Hyperspace War, and he eventually achieved Jedi Knighthood. He took a Padawan of his own, Aayla Secura, and they formed a close bond over their years of training. While investigating a glitteryll smuggling ring, the two were dosed with glitteryll and robbed of their memories, bringing Vos ever closer to the dark side. Finding an unlikely ally in the bounty hunter Vilmarh Grahrk, Vos returned to the Jedi Temple with help from Jedi Master Mace Windu to recover his forgotten training. Once Vos rescued Secura from the Anzati Dark Jedi Volfe Karkko, Secura resumed her own training under Tholme, though it was not long before Vos and Secura were again reunited. Their combined efforts in rescuing the heir to Ryloth's Clan Secura earned them elevations in the Jedi Order: Secura became a Jedi Knight, while Vos, who had by now overcome the loss of his memory, ascended to Jedi Mastery.

After participating in the Battle of Geonosis, Vos turned down orders from the Jedi High Council to serve as a Jedi General in the resultant Clone Wars, instead opting to oversee a spy network that he had developed within the rising Confederacy of Independent Systems. Vos later turned to infiltrating the Confederacy, specifically Count Dooku's inner circle of disciples, to find the identity of the second Sith Lord who was eluding the Jedi. Vos's three-year gambit subjected him to constant tests for Dooku's trust, pitted him against his friends, and saw him commit several cold-blooded assassinations as he sought to justify his exploits. His deceptions persisted until the Siege of Saleucami in the war's final year, in which he renounced Dooku's fold once and for all and returned to the Jedi Order. Vos finally became a Jedi General and took up a command within the Grand Army of the Republic, only to be betrayed by his clone troopers during the Battle of Kashyyyk as part of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's Order 66, which branded all Jedi as traitors to the Republic. Thanks to aid from Vilmarh Grahrk, Vos survived the ambush and went into hiding with his lover, Khaleen Hentz, and their son, Korto Vos, to escape from the newly christened Galactic Empire.


Early life[]

Quin Boy

Quinlan Vos at the age of four.

Quinlan Vos was the Force-sensitive son of Quian and Pethros Vos, members of Clan Vos, the rulers of Vos's homeworld of Kiffu. Vos was born with psychometric powers, and thus destined to become a Guardian like his[1] parents. Most Kiffar had psychometric ability to some degree, but Vos's latent ability with the Force enhanced his own, and he was considered by many to be the best exemplar of that ability that had ever lived.

Initially, Vos's people were unwilling to give him up to the Jedi Order, as that would require him to relocate to Coruscant, cutting him off from his homeworld. As a compromise, Jedi Watchman Tholme agreed to train Vos initially on Kiffu.[11]

This changed, however, when both of Vos's parents were murdered by Anzati. Vos's aunt, Tinté Vos, then forced the boy to use his abilities to read the memories implanted in his deceased mother's medallion. Vos cried out in terror for days, reliving the nightmare of his parents' deaths, and only Tholme was able to calm him. Knowing that Quinlan would never be safe on his homeworld, now that his aunt had become its ruler, Tholme took the boy back to Coruscant and presented him to the Jedi Council, who agreed that he should enter into regular Jedi training.[11]

As a youngling, Quinlan trained alongside other Jedi hopefuls such as Siri Tachi, Bant Eerin, Shylar, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. He trained under the watchful guidance of Jedi Master Tholme.

Force connection

Jedi Padawan Quinlan Vos connects through the Force with Force-sensitive child Aayla Secura.

As a young apprentice, Vos was responsible for saving the life of the Twi'lek child Aayla Secura from the rogue wampa guard of a Hutt crime lord during a mission to Ryloth with Master Tholme, in 46 BBY. Through the Force, Vos immediately felt a strong connection to Secura, who was being concealed amongst slaves for her protection. Sensing she was in danger, Vos rushed to her rescue. Vos was able to communicate with Secura through the Force and together they defeated the rampaging wampa. Vos persuaded Master Tholme to test Secura for Jedi training on Coruscant, where she passed the tests and later became Vos's own Padawan.[12]


Quinlan Vos and Obi-Wan Kenobi training on Ragoon VI in 44 BBY.

Padawan Vos also fought beside his master in their mission to Thyferra and in the Stark Hyperspace War, where he met and became friends with fellow Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi.[13] When the war was over, Tholme went away for a while, leaving Vos with Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn on Ragoon VI to complete a survival-training mission. While trying to show off and best each other with different moves, Vos accidentally tumbled into the water. Kenobi jumped in to rescue him, but both were saved by Jinn, who called upon the Force to lift them from the vortex of churning waters in which they'd become trapped. Vos recalled later that, as he was drowning, it had seemed easier to just let go, to surrender himself to "a comfortable and very familiar darkness."[14]

Ragoon rescue

Master Qui-Gon Jinn rescues Obi-Wan Kenobi and Quinlan Vos from a Ragoon whirlpool.

Also during his apprenticeship, Quinlan had a romantic relationship with fellow Padawan Shylar. They eventually ended it, knowing the Jedi Code forbade such attachments. This relationship would come back to haunt Vos during the Clone Wars.[15]

In 32 BBY, Vos was on Tatooine on an undercover mission,[13] at the same time Master Qui-Gon Jinn found himself temporarily stranded there. While both Jedi were in the settlement of Mos Espa, Vos witnessed an early meeting of Jinn and Anakin Skywalker, who Jinn would soon come to believe was the Chosen One.[16][17] Secura, who, as a 16-year-old Padawan, was working with Vos on Tatooine, later told the Jedi Council that she and Vos heard about his death just before they left the planet. She reported that Vos regretted not revealing himself or contacting Qui-Gon, that if he had been aware of Jinn's plight, he would have undoubtedly aided him in reaching Coruscant.[13]

Following Obi-Wan Kenobi's defeat of the Sith Lord Darth Maul on the planet Naboo, Jedi Council member[16] Jedi Master Mace Windu speculated that the Sith had originated on Ziost, the ancient throneworld of the Jedi's ancient enemy the Sith Empire, and suggested Vos as a candidate to investigate his suspicions. Although the Jedi had heard rumors of the Sith's survival under the "Rule of Two," a tenet limiting their numbers for reasons of secrecy, from the cultist Kibh Jeen, the events on Naboo confirmed the truth for the skeptical and cemented for Vos the importance of fighting the Sith.[18]

Amnesia (31 BBY)[]

Vilmarh Grahrk[]

A year after the Invasion of Naboo, Vos suddenly found himself inside of a burning building on Nar Shaddaa, with no memory of who or where he was, nor what he had been doing. He was able to escape to the roof, encountering a small group of bounty hunters upon doing so. Acting instinctively, he Force pushed them off the edge, sending them to their deaths. Diving into one of Nar Shaddaa's many dark alleys, Vos encountered Vilmarh Grahrk, a Devaronian smuggler.[19]

Using a commandeered speeder bike, the two managed to find a place to hide, avoiding assassins at every turn. Villie, as he liked to be called, explained to Vos that the local criminals had made bets based on how long Vos would survive on Nar Shaddaa, knowing of his Jedi origins and his amnesia. Once they were safe, Villie put his blaster to Vos's head and pulled the trigger, but it turned out that Vos had switched the weapon's power cell, his powers having forewarned him of Grahrk's betrayal.[19]

Vos kicked Grahrk to the ground and, after grabbing the blaster and switching its power cell once again, demanded Grahrk tell him everything he knew, or he would kill him. Before he could do so, two beings carrying lightsabers walked into the room, claiming to be Jedi. Grahrk told him that they were in fact "bad boys," and with that the two attacked. Vos instantly killed one with Villie's blaster, then grabbed his downed opponent's green lightsaber.[19]

As it touched his hand, visions suddenly flowed through his mind, including that of his Padawan, Aayla Secura, and his own name. With a great deal of his power returned to him, he quickly killed the other lightsaber-wielding foe, a Gotal. Villie revealed that, while Vos was killing the fake Jedi, he had made a new bet: that he would get off Nar Shaddaa alive. After being convinced to go with Grahrk, Vos grabbed the other lightsaber which he could sense belonged to Secura. With that, the two began their trek off the Smuggler's Moon.[19]

Leaving Nar Shaddaa[]


Quinlan Vos fighting his way to Bib Fortuna.

On the way, Vos encountered more intense visions; of Tatooine, Bib Fortuna, Tinté Vos, and glitteryll, primarily. After learning Grahrk knew of Bib Fortuna and his possible whereabouts, Vos quickly convinced him to help find the Twi'lek and, knowing they could never leave the moon until doing so, Grahrk agreed. Vos and Grahrk located the Twi'lek, and the Jedi asked Fortuna aggressively what glitteryll was. Bib only revealed that "someone in a high position on Coruscant" was behind it all before a group of guards burst into the room.[19]

Vos and Grahrk quickly dispatched the guards, though Fortuna was able to escape during the melee. After the emergence of a droideka, the two escaped through a window, stealing Bib Fortuna's parked speeder, and immediately made their way to Grahrk's ship, the Inferno. Upon arriving to the ship's docking bay, Vos discovered Grahrk had failed to mention he lost the ship in his recent betting on Vos's possible demise, so the ship now had security droids surrounding it, conveniently forcing Vos to help Grahrk regain his ship.[19]

Upon entering the ship, Vos and Grahrk were not allowed to take off due to the Inferno's onboard navigation droid, NT 600, correctly claiming that Grahrk was no longer the owner. With annoyed bounty hunters and gamblers fast approaching, Vos quickly told the droid that activating the ship's shields would "protect the new owner's investment." Agreeing with this logic, NT activated the shields, though they began deteriorating instantly due to an ion cannon-wielding bounty hunter firing upon it. A Quarren named Gorzima suddenly came on-screen, accusing Villie of stealing back the Inferno. Vilmarh promised that he would simply fly the Inferno off-planet, collecting his soon-to-be winnings due to Vos escaping Nar Shaddaa, and allowing himself to buy the Inferno back. Gorzima disagreed, but Vos was able to persuade him, allowing the two to fly away from Nar Shaddaa.[19]

Grahrk transferred his new-found credits to Gorzima once out of the atmosphere. With Vos not being sure where to go next to fill out his memory a bit more, Grahrk reasoned that the best place would be where he was born. So, NT 600 scanned the Jedi and discovered that he was a Kiffar from the planet Kiffu. After granting him transport to his homeworld, Grahrk stayed behind on the Inferno, allowing Vos to seek out his past, and perhaps learn a little more about himself.[19]

On his home planet, Vos met with his aunt, Tinté Vos, the Sheyf of Kiffu and Kiffex. Though she shunned the Jedi, as well as Quinlan Vos's Padawan Aayla Secura, she told him that a few weeks ago he and Secura had come to Kiffu to learn of a drug called glitteryll. She said that it was a combination of glitterstim and ryll, that the Corporate Sector Authority was interested in it, and that he and Secura had investigated the matter on Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine. She also echoed Bib Fortuna's statement on Nar Shaddaa that someone high up on Coruscant was behind it all. She told him to go to Ryloth to seek information, and his Padawan.[19]

Seeking Aayla Secura[]

Quinlan Remembers

Quinlan Vos finds his lost identity.

Once on Ryloth, Vos and Grahrk were met by Asanté Vos, a fellow female Kiffar and Vos's cousin. Vos didn't recognize her, and, after a brief moment of disappointment, Asanté brought him to Pol Secura, a Twi'lek chieftain on Ryloth and uncle of Aayla Secura. Vos explained his situation to Pol, who said that, last time Vos and Aayla Secura came to Ryloth, they found nothing in their investigation and went to Kessel, the place of origin for glitterstim, one half of gliteryll's components. Weary from his ordeal on Nar Shaddaa, Vos stayed the night at Secura's residence.[19]

When he awoke, he was contacted via hologram by Vilmarh Grahrk, who told him to meet him by the Rock Gardens of Ryloth. Upon arrival, Vos was confronted by another Devaronian, Holmar Grahrk, Villie's cousin. Holmar was quickly shot down by the approaching Villie, who told Vos that he had recently made another bet that he would get off Ryloth alive. Vos wasn't ready to leave just then, and the two investigated a nearby cave, Vos picking up traces of his and Secura's visit there.[19]

When they arrived, the two found a mass web of giant spider eggs; the kind found normally on Kessel, and used to make glitterstim. They were soon attacked by a group of hatched spiders, resulting in Grahrk being knocked down a pit, though he was able to survive by landing on a spider web. All of a sudden, Asanté Vos walked in wielding a blaster, and shot Vos in the back. She explained that he and Secura had gotten too deep into the glitteryll situation, and that she and Pol Secura had overdosed them with glitteryll to wipe their memories, in the process protecting them from higher-ups behind the scenes. As she prepared to kill Vos, pulling her blaster up to his head, she was stabbed from behind by the mother spider. With a recovered Villie's help, Vos was able to kill the spider and, with his new information, decided to visit Pol Secura once more.[19]


Quinlan Vos discovers his lost Padawan, Aayla Secura.

Vos and Grahrk barged into Pol Secura's quarters overlooking the caves of Ryloth, aggressively demanding to know where Jedi Secura was. Pol fearfully revealed that she was now one of his servants, motioning to her, mere meters away. Vos introduced himself and asked if she remembered him, but she didn't. He handed her the lightsaber and encouraged her to ignite it; even when she did, she recalled nothing. Vos threateningly asked Pol Secura what he had done to her, and he explained that she had to be given more glitteryll every day to suppress her Jedi memories.[19]

Vos interrogated Pol Secura with Force lightning, demanding to know who was behind selling the drugs to the Corporate Sector. After suffering much pain, Pol Secura yelled that it was Chom Frey Kaa, a Senator from Ryloth. As Vos prepared to kill him, Aayla Secura instinctively Force-pushed them both off the ledge, leaving Vos hanging on the edge and sending Pol Secura plummeting to a stone platform, killing him. As Jedi Secura rushed to her uncle, Grahrk pulled Vos up, explaining to him that going after Aayla Secura would be useless, because to her he was nothing more than the man who made her kill her uncle. Vos reluctantly agreed, and the two made their way back to the Inferno, flying out of the atmosphere.[19]

Confronting Chom Frey Kaa[]

Soon after entering outer space, Vos and Grahrk were contacted via hologram by Mace Windu, who said that he had learned of Vos' memory loss from Tinté Vos, as well as his assassination of Pol Secura on Ryloth, and that he was to come back to Coruscant for retraining immediately. Vos cut off the transmission and, against Grahrk's cautioning, decided to go to Coruscant to find Chom Frey Kaa.[19]

Landing in the underbelly of Galactic City, Vos displayed unsureness as to where to find Kaa. Without warning, Grahrk shot Vos in the back, presumably with a stun blaster. When the Jedi awoke, he found himself handcuffed, laying next to Chom Frey Kaa, a large white Twi'lek, and Vilmarh Grahrk. Kaa revealed that in fact Grahrk was the one who transported the spider eggs from Kessel to Ryloth in the first place, and that he also brought Vos from Ryloth to Nar Shaddaa after his memory wiping. Grahrk however made his third betrayal of the day, tossing Vos's lightsaber to him, allowing him to unshackle himself and destroy the Twi'lek's battle droid guards.[19]

As Vos prepared to kill the Senator, he was interrupted by Master Mace Windu, who told Vos that to kill him would be to succumb to the dark side of the Force. Vos was disobedient, not willing to let Kaa survive. After a brief lightsaber duel between the two, Master Windu, with his pacifism, was able to make Vos see the error in his actions, and Vos pledged himself to the Jedi Order's retraining, with only one request: that Aayla be retrieved from Ryloth and taught the same.[19]

Unbeknownst to those involved, the entire debacle had been engineered by Darth Sidious, who aimed to bring Vos to the dark side as a new acolyte. However, even though Vos returned to the light side, Sidious recognized how close he had come, and that in the future he would be even more at risk of falling.[19]

Mission to Dathomir (31 BBY)[]

Slave of the Witches[]

Quin Vos

Quinlan Vos, Jedi Knight.

Three months into his retraining, Quinlan Vos was sent to Dathomir to investigate the local Witches, following reports that they had something to do with the planet Ova mysteriously vanishing. With only four days to work, Vos flew into the planet's orbit and, activating the ejector seat in his starship once he had entered the atmosphere, crashed down into Dathomir's towering forests. He was soon confronted and taken as a slave by the female-dominated Dathomiri.[20]

While excavating one of the Dathomiri's ancient temples, Vos introduced himself to a Givin named Yag Shushin, before being quickly reprimanded by one of his Dathomiri slavemasters for fraternizing with other slaves. Vos, hoping to find out what exactly they were doing with this excavation, told her to "burn in the fire rings of Fornax", causing her to angrily attack him with a Force pike. Before she could accurately hit him, a sudden "rock-quake" sent boulders crashing onto many of the workers, including Yag Shushin, though he survived due to the Givins' tough exoskeleton.[20]

While being kept in his laser prison with the other slaves, Vos was offered healing by Ros Lai (known to the workers as "the Rancor"), the hunchbacked daughter of Matriarch Zalem. Though he refused, he sensed something special about her. Suddenly, a group of Dathomiri riding actual rancors, led by Yongti, arrived, shooting and injuring Ros Lai, but not killing her. Yag quickly explained to Vos that they were a rival clan of Witches, coming to steal slaves and mates. One of them then fired upon the laser grid security console, allowing them to walk through unscathed and take anyone they liked.[20]

Vos was soon lassoed by one of the rancor-mounted Witches, and desperately used the Force to reactivate the laser grid, killing one of the rancors. Suddenly, a large tunneling machine called a subterine piloted by a Dathomiri came flying out of the ground, and fired upon all of the attacking Witches, killing all of them and successfully defending her slaves.[20]

Lizard Keeper[]

The next day, Vos's digging was interrupted by a giant wuffa burrowing out of the ground and attacking the workers. Wary of letting anyone else see his lightsaber, Vos dived into the massive worm's mouth, stabbing into its heavily exposed brain with his glowing green blade; the only witness was Yag Shushin, who didn't say anything. Upon hearing of Vos's accomplishment, Zalem promoted him and Shushin to Lizard Keepers, guardians of the Kwi, a blue saurian species native to Dathomir.[20]

Upon arriving in the Kwi stable, Shushun explained to Vos that the Dathomiri were cutting off the Kwi's paws, and using them to activate the machines in the temples they were excavating. He also said that he knew where the Witches kept their subterines, and that he could easily pilot them. A fellow worker explained to him how to do it, but just as he was about to eagerly demonstrate on an unfortunate Kwi, Vos punched him to the ground, taking out his lightsaber and killing all attacking slaves. Vos then sliced through the Kwi cages, setting them free, and told Yag to go get a subterine. He did so, and Vos noticed one Kwi standing its ground, seeming to want to converse with Vos via psychometry. He agreed, and put his hand up to the creature's paw.[20]

The Kwi told him of his species' ancestors, the Kwa, and how they built interstellar gateways called Infinity Gates, underground, concealing them with large, pyramidal Star Temples. The Temples were laden with lethal traps throughout the interior, and guarded by giant wuffas from without. As a result of both of these detriments, the Dathomiri were attempting to dig under the Star Temples and access the Infinity Gate. The Kwi told Vos that, as he has killed one of the Temples' guardians, he must replace it. Vos understood, and the Kwi ran off with the rest of the herd.[20]

The deceptive sister[]


Quinlan Vos battling several Nightsisters

Vos suddenly realized that Ros Lai, the hunchbacked daughter of Zalem, was spying on him. He chased after her, only to be lured into a large pit filled with hog-like creatures. Ros Lai walked away, saying she didn't want him "interfering with her plans." Vos killed several of the boars and jumped out of the hole, catching up with Ros Lai, who had transformed from her disfigured guise into an upright, red-haired woman.[20]

Vos eavesdropped on Lai speaking to a Force spirit; her father, and thus Zalem's husband. He learned that Zalem killed her husband for being Force-sensitive, fearing any male becoming too powerful. Lai promised to take revenge. Vos then revealed himself, offering that the two should work together to stop Zalem's excavating of the Star Temples. Lai disagreed, explaining that she wanted Zalem to gain access to the Temples, then she would kill her and use the Infinity Gate for herself.[20]

With that, Lai used Force choke on Vos, planting him against a pillar. Before she could kill him however, three other Witches appeared—Vonya, Yani, and Leela—apparently having heard the previous conversation. As Lai released Vos from her Force choke, the Witches seemed pleased to learn that Lai had become beautiful, and accepted her into their sisterhood. Lai didn't seem very eager to do so, however, as she once again used Force choke, this time on Leela, killing her. Yani ran away in fear, as Vonya used the Force to throw nearby rocks at Ros Lai.[20]

Realizing that she would be a powerful ally, Vos slashed the rocks apart before they could touch Lai, causing Vonya to retreat. Vos once again made his offer to Lai, but she wasn't any more willing to help him than before. Vos, finally relinquishing, decided to rendezvous with Yag Shushin and use a subterine to dive underground. He was soon attacked however by a group of Dathomiri, taken prisoner, and transported to Zalem's personal tent.[20]

Infinity's end[]

Shackled to a vertical bed, Vos was injected with deadly artery worms. Before they began to take effect, Ros Lai arrived, closely followed by Yag Shushin in a subterine. After dispatching some of Zalem's guards, Vos and Lai boarded the subterine and flew off to safety, digging underground once at the location of the Infinity Gate. Lai gave Vos a potion containing her blood, which, being a Witch's blood, was immune to artery worms. Suddenly, two Dathomiri ships piloted by Vonya and Zalem arrived, and the three ships flew into the Star Chamber, the massive chamber containing the Infinity Gate.[20]

Firing upon Vos's subterine, Vonya knocked Yag back roughly, shattering his exoskeleton and killing him. Vos took revenge, blasting relentlessly at Vonya's ship, destroying it in a ball of flame. They were too late to kill Zalem however; she had docked with the control station and, forcefully using a captured Kwi's paw, activated the Infinity Gate's weapons systems, aiming it and firing it at Coruscant. With only one hour to spare until it would make contact with the Republic capital, Lai docked at the station, claiming to be holding Vos as a prisoner.[20]

Lai declared herself to be on Zalem's side, but her mother needed convincing. Lai, using an illusion spell, stabbed her Force pike into Vos's chest, and demanded justice for her fallen father from Zalem. After being denied, Lai stabbed her mother in the stomach, killing her, then walked off, leaving Vos to die against Zalem's guards. Vos, backed up against the wall, psychically activated the Star Chamber's death traps, killing all of the guards, though Lai was able to dodge them. Vos activated another trap, this one simply stunning Lai, allowing Vos to reverse the energy beam plummeting towards Coruscant, sending it towards his current location. Vos gathered Lai, carrying her back to the subterine and making the jump to hyperspace, flying to the now-safe Coruscant with his mission accomplished.[20]

Mission to Kiffex (30 BBY)[]

"… in becoming a Knight, a Jedi is expected to face their greatest fears and vanquish them."

Approximately one year later, in 30 BBY, the Jedi Council, at the request of Tinté Vos, sent Vos to Kiffex to investigate a break-in and slaughter at one of the planet's security compounds, as well as a disturbance in the Force reported by T'ra Saa, watchman of the Kiffu sector.[11]

Tholme and Villie[]


Quinlan Vos battling Anzati after arriving on Kiffex

Upon arriving at the Kiffex security compound in question, Vos was attacked by a group of Anzati. Fending them off narrowly, Vos was soon joined by his former Master Tholme, who had been sent by the Council to watch over Vos, and together the two were able to send the Anzati running. Though Vos did not remember Tholme due to his recent amnesia, he recognized him from the files in the Jedi Archives.[11]

Tholme and Vos both sensed someone hiding in a nearby storage compartment, and upon opening it, discovered Vilmarh Grahrk. Grahrk seemed glad to see Vos, but the feeling was less than mutual, as Vos gave Grahrk two punches and a kick for killing several Jedi a few years ago, something Vos had only recently learned. Before Vos's actions became too hostile, Tholme warned him that killing Grahrk would only lead to the dark side. Vos reluctantly agreed.[11]

Grahrk explained that he came to Kiffex smuggling blasters, but was arrested by the local Guardians and imprisoned on Kiffex for his actions. Grahrk, believing that Vos and Tholme would get him off Kiffex, led the Jedi to a nearby settlement, where they were fired upon by order of Gorto Zaga, chief of the settlement; specifically that no one was to be let in after sundown. The Jedi and Grahrk were able to survive the blasterfire however, and with a cautionary mind trick from Tholme, were soon inside the settlement and Vilmarh Grahrk's hiding place.[11]

The Vos medallion[]

When Tholme and Vos had a moment alone, Tholme showed Vos a medallion that once belonged to his mother, Quian Vos. Upon touching the medallion, Vos was ravaged by memories of his parents, Quian and Pethros, intercepting an Anzati ship attempting to come to Kiffex, only to get boarded and attacked by the Anzati in doing so. The Anzati sucked the essence from Quian and Pethros, draining them of their lives.[11]

Tholme recounted Vos's youth to him, and said that witnessing the death of his parents as a child caused the darkness within him, and that, due to his amnesia, Vos had to face his mother's death once again to quell the darkness within him. Inside, Vos knew that Tinté Vos had shown his parents' murder to him to turn him to the dark side, thus making him useless as a Jedi, hoping to bring him back to Kiffu as a Guardian.[11]

Showdown at Black Hole[]

While at the Black Hole cantina in the town of Deadend, Vos, Tholme, and Villie watched as a Jedi Master named Zao concealed himself as personal chef of Gorto Zaga, the Aqualish chief of Deadend. Following Zaga disapproving a meal prepared by Zao, Zaga's men opened fire on him, forcing himself, Vos and Tholme into battle.[11]

Seemingly from nowhere, an army of Anzati led by Aayla Secura, who had recently been turned to the dark side by Volfe Karkko, attacked Black Hole, forcing the Jedi and Gorto's men into a defensive position. Vos, consumed by feelings of fear and rage brought on by his parents' death, was attacked by his former Padawan, as the Anzati began wrapping the Black Hole patrons in green webbing. Secura fled to the roof of the establishment, and Vos, against Tholme's advisement otherwise, gave chase.[11]

When the two met on the roof, Secura said she would kill Vos for killing her uncle Pol Secura, "but not yet," then fled on her bathwa, leading several Anzati on theirs. Tholme soon caught up with Vos, who accused Tholme and the Jedi Council of lying about not knowing where Aayla Secura was, and that they sent him to Kiffex to find her. As Tholme defended himself and the Council and denied Vos's claims, Grahrk arrived with three of Gorto Zaga's skycycles. Grahrk, Vos, Zao and Tholme escaped Zaga's forces on them, and began to track down the Anzati on their bathwas.[11]

In a thick outcropping of trees, the three Jedi and Grahrk were attacked by a large group of Anzati, who then captured them and sealed them in green webbing inside of a cave. They were eventually rescued by T'ra Saa, and together, she and Vos defeated their Anzati captors.[11]

Death of Volfe Karkko[]

Vos strikes down Kaarko

Quinlan Vos strikes down Volfe Karkko.

T'ra Saa, after freeing Tholme, Zao and Grahrk, told Vos that she was sent to bring him back to Coruscant, and recounted the story of Volfe Karkko, an Anzati Jedi who had turned to the dark side and was eventually put in stasis on Kiffex, only for Aayla Secura to awaken him a thousand years later.[11]

Together, Saa, Tholme and Zao were able to detect Karkko's whereabouts on Kiffex with the Force, and they and Vos set out to find him, with Grahrk prompting to stay with Saa's crashed ship. When the four Jedi arrived at Volfe's compound, the Anzat called out to Vos through the Force, compelling Vos to enter. As the other three Jedi battled Karkko's Anzat defenses outside, Vos entered Karkko's fortress, discovering countless conscious bodies wrapped in green webbing. Vos neglected to rescue them despite their pleas for assistance, instead going straight for Secura.[11]

As Vos arrived in the inner sanctum of Volfe Karkko, he was attacked by his Padawan, much to the delight of Karkko. Vos and Secura dueled with their lightsabers, Vos's calls to Secura to come back to the light falling on deaf ears. Eventually, Vos switched off his lightsaber, refusing to battle Aayla further. Just as Secura seemed to be convinced of Vos's sincerity, she was struck by a blast of Force lightning from Volfe Karkko.[11]

Vos and Karkko then proceeded to duel each other, and in the end, with mental assistance from Zao, Tholme and Saa, Vos defeated Karkko, slicing through his abdomen and cutting him in two. Vos then revived Secura, whose memories, stored in her lekku for so long, came back to her, turning her back to the light side. Vos carried the weakened Secura out of Karkko's fortress and the five Jedi, after rescuing all of those held captive inside, boarded Grahrk's ship, the Inferno—which he had contacted using T'ra Saa's ship—and escaped Kiffex.[11]

The five Jedi and Villie then landed on Kiffu and were joined by Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, and Plo Koon, who had originally come to the system to rescue Vos from Kiffex. Together, they decided that, with Vos and Secura's collective closeness to the dark side of the Force, Tholme should become Secura's new Master. Vos, meanwhile, decided to follow Zao's lead and become a "leaf blown by the winds of the Force." With that, he and Villie boarded the Inferno and set out to parts unknown.[11]

From Knight to Master (28 BBY)[]

Wayward Jedi[]

Aayla and Quin Ord Mantell

Quinlan Vos and Aayla Secura's mission to Ord Mantell.

Vos soon found himself in the midst of a dangerous adventure yet again after a number of bounties were posted on his life. A group of bounty hunters tracked Vos to Ord Mantell, though they underestimated the Jedi's skills, to their misfortune. Even so, it took the timely arrival of Aayla Secura to save him, though his former Padawan had come with dire news. Tholme was missing, after pursuing Tsyr and Bok, the father-son pair of Morgukai warriors who had abducted Nat Secura, prime heir to Clan Secura. Vos agreed to help Jedi Secura locate their Master.[12]

They began their search by seeking out Vilmarh Grahrk in Ord Mantell's casino district. Vos asked for Grahrk's help. Grahrk informed Vos and Secura that he had been in the employ of the Morgukai, obtaining cortosis and flying transports for them. He went on to say that had been the pilot of a ship carrying Tsyr, Bok, Tholme, and Nat Secura, but had been dropped off at Ord Mantell and paid off. After Vos used his Force powers to give the Devaronian a winning edge in the casino, Grahrk finally admitted that Tholme and Nat Secura had been taken to the Nikto homeworld of Kintan. After asking Villie to send a message to Lon Secura, telling him his son had been located, Vos and Secura departed for Kintan.[12]

En route to the planet, Vos sensed uneasiness in Secura—uneasiness about him. Secura responded that he was not acting like the Vos in her lekku memories. Vos realized this, but for him, his life began in the burning room on Nar Shaddaa; thanks to Pol Secura, he knew little of his life before that, but assured Secura that he was at peace with his situation.[12]

Mission to Kintan[]

"Two Morgukai against one wounded Jedi? Seems unfair. Would it help if I closed my eyes?"
―Quinlan Vos to Tsyr and Bok[12]

Vos battles Bok on Kintan.

Upon arrival on Kintan, the Jedi inadvertently set off a sensor, alerting Tsyr and Bok to their presence. The Morgukai tracked the Jedi vessel and blasted it out of the sky, despite Aayla's impressive flying. Realizing their prey were not dead, the Morgukai set out on foot to hunt them down, but were ambushed. The Jedi managed to escape for a time, using the explosion of a thermal detonator as cover, but were again ambushed by the Morgukai as they attempted to cross a lava river. A fierce battle ensued, in which Secura attempted to fend off the two Morgukai, while Vos—already safely on the opposite side of the river—used the Force to steady Secura's footing. Even after being wounded by Tsyr, Vos was still able to aid Secura in reaching him.[12]

Leaving the Morgukai behind, Vos and Secura made a difficult climb up to the fortress where Nat Secura was being held. A sandstorm impeded their progress, forcing them to seek shelter within a cave. Inside, Vos informed Secura that she had passed all the preliminary trials to become a Jedi Knight, and the coming battle would be her final test. He encouraged her to steady herself, and release her feelings of self-doubt if she wished to succeed.[12]


Vos is made a Jedi Master and Secura is made a Jedi Knight in the presence of Tholme.

Once within the fortress, the Jedi were again confronted by Tsyr, who set attack droids upon them. Vos told his apprentice to seek out Nat Secura, while he engaged Tsyr. Jedi Secura feared for Vos's life, as he had already been wounded in the previous battle, but Vos was resolute. However, his situation became increasingly desperate with the arrival of Bok, thought lost at the lava river. Vos was able to hold his own in the battle, recovering Master Tholme's lightsaber and beheading Tsyr. Bok, however, was still alive, and shot Vos through the shoulder.[12]

By this time, Secura had located and rescued both Tholme and Nat, and raced to Vos's aid. She sliced off Bok's arm, and watched his apparent demise as he threw himself from a cliff. Vos, however, was on the verge of death. Secura helped heal Vos and return him to consciousness, at which point he thanked her, calling Secura his "former apprentice." She had passed her final trial.[12]

Vos, Secura and Tholme returned Nat Secura to Ryloth, then departed for Coruscant and the Jedi Temple. There, Secura was formally given the title of Jedi Knight, while Vos, for his selfless actions on Kintan, was made a Jedi Master in the presence of the High Council and Tholme. After the ceremony, Vos promised Secura she would never have to walk the path of a Jedi Knight alone, for he would always be at her side.[12]

Clone Wars (22–19 BBY)[]

"Hey, Kenobi! Hey, Commander, looking good. How's temple life?"
―Quinlan Vos to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Cody[22]

Vos was a part of the Jedi strike team that Master Mace Windu led to rescue Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo on Geonosis,[23] alongside his former apprentice, Aayla Secura. They encountered the droid armies there alongside other[24] 211[source?] fellow Jedi.[24]

Double agent[]

"He will be our agent on their side."
"But dangerous this game is that Quinlan Vos plays—most of all for him. For that which you pretend to be, you may become."
―Tholme and Yoda[25]

Vos kisses Khaleen Hentz.

During the time of the Separatist uprising, Vos had been working undercover setting up an elaborate network for spying on the Confederacy of Independent Systems. After the First Battle of Geonosis, his flow of information to Coruscant stopped. Aayla Secura was sent to investigate, since she would know him the best, as his former Padawan. She found that Vos was very upset since he had known nothing of the development on Geonosis. Vos informed her that he was very close to intercepting a certain disc that had valuable information concerning a pending attack on Kamino. They, along with Khaleen Hentz, managed to steal the information, although they put Khaleen's life at risk. Secura also learned then that Vos was beginning to get emotionally involved with Khaleen. She did not make any move to report this to the Jedi, but she did warn him not to get too attached.[8]


Vos murders his great-aunt, Tinté Vos.

Vos played a major part in the Clone Wars when he, under strict orders from Tholme and part of the Jedi Council, infiltrated the inner circle of[26] Separatist leader and Sith Lord Count Dooku. Based on his knowledge of the Sith Rule of Two and the apparent death of Darth Maul, Vos believed that killing Dooku would put an end to the Sith threat.[18] He provided valuable information to the Jedi and the Republic. While undercover, he was forced to do things that would convince most of the Jedi he had joined the CIS, such as betraying Republic information at the Battle of Brentaal IV.[26] Agen Kolar was sent to Nar Shaddaa to bring Vos in once he learned of Vos's actions at Brentaal IV. Vos escaped Kolar, but Hentz was captured.[25] Deep in a Coruscant prison, Tholme offered Hentz her freedom in exchange for her cooperation in contacting Vos.[5]

Meanwhile, Count Dooku played into Vos's dark side weakness and drew him "closer to the shadows," as Vos himself described it, than he had ever been before. When Dooku took his acolytes to Kiffu to negotiate establishing a Separatist base on Kiffex, the Guardians refused. When the two sides attacked, Vos tried to rescue his great-aunt, the Sheyf Tinté Vos, and killed acolyte Kadrian Sey in the process. Seeing Vos's true intentions, Dooku went after and caught Vos. Dooku hinted to Vos that the Sheyf held a dark secret. He tempted Vos to use the dark side to strengthen his psychometric powers so he could read the Sheyf's past. When Vos did this, he discovered that Sheyf Tinté had sacrificed his parents to Anzati vampires as part of an unholy business deal. Vos went into a blood rage and with a surge of dark side power, Vos swung through his aunt with his lightsaber. Dooku now knew Vos's conversion was no act.[5]

Dooku's servant[]

"Master Drallig teaches this form, and I think Master Windu invented a variation on it, too. He calls it Vaapad, just like Bane's Sith instructor did. Could Master Windu be a–? Nah. Still, I'll look into it."
―Vos, while reading a section from Darth Bane's The Rule of Two[18]
Quinlan finds Andeddu holocron

Vos finds Darth Andeddu's holocron.

As a reward, and for his homicidal service to the Count and to signify Vos' now cemented position as one of Dooku's Dark Acolytes, Tyranus gave Vos the lightsaber crystal found inside a holocron that Vos successfully recovered. It once powered the ancient Sith Darth Andeddu's blade and now it would power his own.[10] During Vos' time as a Dark Acolyte, Dooku shared with him The Rule of Two, a text written by the tenet's creator Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Bane, to feign confidence in the Jedi agent and lure him to the dark side. Vos studied and annotated the volume, discovering that techniques and technologies he had seen wielded by Jedi—Master Windu's lightsaber form Vaapad, the saberstaff lightsaber of Master Gelleric, and the Crucitorn technique of Master Eeth Koth—had ties to the Sith. Vos also learned of the near-annihilation of the Sith at the Battle of Ruusan of 1000 BBY, an event not spoken of by the Jedi.[18]

By 21 BBY, Vos was, along with Asajj Ventress, one of Dooku's top assassins. He was, on one important occasion, given a mark by Dooku and told that this person would be at a high-class banquet on Coruscant. Dooku implied that the mark was in fact a second Sith, his master, whom, unbeknownst to Vos, the Count knew Vos was obsessed with discovering and, possibly, eliminating. Vos jumped at the chance, as Dooku knew he would, and along with Hentz, infiltrated the banquet disguised as a recently killed Kiffari general. Vos was told via holocomm when the mark was in front of him, but Vos saw both Supreme Chancellor Palpatine as well as Senator Viento. Vos decided that Viento was the most likely to be the target, as it was unthinkable that Palpatine could be the second Sith, so he waited until later that night and broke into Viento's quarters to attempt the assassination, using his powers of self-concealment to hide his presence from the Jedi assigned to guard Viento, K'Kruhk. However, K'Kruhk had been keeping a watchful eye on Vos at the party and, even though he couldn't sense Vos at first, was aware of the fact that Viento may be in danger. Just as Vos ignited his lightsaber to kill Viento, K'Kruhk burst through the window and lunged for Vos. He was too late, however; Vos had already slashed Viento across the chest. After a brawl with the Whiphid Jedi, in which both combatants were wounded, K'Kruhk more so than Vos, Vos escaped with Hentz's help. Angered and confused, he decided to return to Dooku to find some answers.[10]

Vos realized that Viento could not have been the second Sith, as Vos would not have so easily been able to eliminate a Sith Lord and when he confronted Dooku about the Count's misleading him, Dooku seemed amused and stated that he never said that the mark was the second Sith, seemingly taking pleasure in his own hidden awareness of Vos' obsession with rooting out the second Sith.[10]

One month after recovering Darth Andeddu's holocron, Vos returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He made a recording about the holocron and Dooku.[27]

Next on the Count's hit-list was the Twi'lek Kh'aris Fenn, a traitor to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, condemned for using the funds Dooku had supplied as a means to aid the Separatists for the Twi'lek's own needs. Fenn was executed by Vos for his treachery, with each murder further immersing himself in the dark side. By this time, most Jedi, with the exception of Tholme and perhaps Secura to some extent, were convinced that the Kiffar had surrendered to the dark side.[28]


Vos helps Obi-Wan Kenobi escape Asajj Ventress and Tol Skorr.

But Vos escaped Dooku's grasp; on the planet Honoghr, Aayla Secura and clone trooper commander Bly were trying to find an SIP (Scientific Information Packet) disk containing evidence of the Separatists contaminating the planet. Vos met them, and told Secura he had not really turned to the dark side. He helped them recover the disk, but then threatened to kill Secura if she did not give it up. He revealed his true intentions in joining the Separatists: to find out the identity of the Second Sith and kill him to end the war. Secura forced Vos to see the light by saying he could kill her or return to Coruscant with her, if there was any good left in him. Vos almost agreed, but fled after Bly shot him. This convinced Secura that Quinlan Vos was not totally lost.[29]

Old Friends[]

Months later, Vos met Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the derelict spaceship Titavian IV, and they found themselves on opposite sides. But by helping him escape Asajj Ventress and Tol Skorr, Vos managed to convince Kenobi that he still served the Republic. In the ensuing skirmish, Skorr told Vos that Dooku knew of his duplicity from the start. Trying to escape the ship, Kenobi proposed that one of them retrieve the Skorp-Ion with his starfighter so they'd both escape. Vos volunteered to hold off the Dark Jedi, but Kenobi knew he was injured so Vos took the fighter.[14] He managed to repair the Ion and then destroyed Kenobi's starfighter to prevent Skorr from getting his hands on it. He then disabled Skorr's ship and the two Jedi Masters jumped to the Rendili system. Master Saesee Tiin had him imprisoned to await trial. During the ensuring battle, power to the prison hold was lost, so Vos escaped to take a starfighter to assist the Republic. He helped Kenobi board the lead Rendili ship to rescue Plo Koon, Jace Dallin and Jan Dodonna.[30]

When he returned to Coruscant, where he managed to convince the Council of Reconciliation of his intentions. Vos was given time to recuperate[15] and then served as a General.[31]

Caught by the Red Hand[]

On Coruscant, Quinlan Vos was tasked by Jedi Master Yoda with the investigation of a rash of political assassinations. Finding the Red Hand, a criminal class led by Ayo Morota and operating out of the sewers of Coruscant, to be responsible, Vos infiltrated their number to uncover their motivations. Unknown to the Jedi, the Red Hand were pawns of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who, learning of Vos' mission and feeling that the criminals were no longer of use to him, exposed the infiltrator in the hopes that he would destroy them. The Red Hand put Vos on trial for his betrayal, found him guilty, and sentenced him to death. Vos escaped his captors and fled into the sewers, where, despite losing his way, he eventually cornered Morota and demanded the identity of her employer. Instead, the criminal took her own life, leaving Vos to return to Yoda disturbed by her willingness to sacrifice herself to hide the truth.[32]

Tracking Down a Hutt[]


Vos prepares to fight Cad Bane while on Teth.

Soon after his role as a General was reinstated, he was once again reunited with his long time friend, Obi-Wan. After Ziro the Hutt escaped Republic prison with the help of Cad Bane and his posse[33] at the discretion of the Hutt Ruling Council,[34] Vos pursued Ziro across Coruscant's skylanes but Bane and Ziro escaped the Jedi on an airspeeder and made it to the bounty hunter's ship.[35]

Vos and Kenobi were then assigned to find and apprehend the runaway Hutt. Kenobi thought that Jabba the Hutt still had it out for Ziro for the kidnapping of his son, but Vos believed Ziro had damaging evidence against the Hutt council. So They journeyed to Nal Hutta and spoke with Gardulla the Hutt. Although Vos seemed to be a little overconfident, he used his telekinetic abilities and discovered the cup that Ziro had been drinking out of before. After visiting Ziro's mother, they eventually tracked the Hutt to Teth. After discovering that someone had already killed Ziro, he and Obi-Wan proceeded to confront Cad Bane and his droid, Todo 360, after Bane attempted to leave the planet. After a rather lengthy chase and fight, Bane was able to gain the upper hand. While the Jedi were occupied, the bounty hunter and his droid escaped in Bane's starfighter, the Xanadu Blood.[22]

The calm before the storm[]

Vos fights anzati

Quinlan Vos and Khaleen Hentz fighting against Sajé Tasha.

But Vos had not faced his demons yet; he continued working for the Confederacy in a mad race to uncover the second Sith Lord. He read Viento's corpse, determining that an Anzati was responsible for Finis Valorum's death. He went to Dexter Jettster, who put out the word for assassin Sajé Tasha.[36] After relieving her of her cortosis gauntlets, he used his reading, enhanced by his teachings from Dooku to determine her hirer. He saw the face of Separatist Jedi Sora Bulq, which he believed to be the face of the second Sith and the one who told Viento to hire Tasha. Tasha, bound to the Anzati Code of Honor, became determined to make him "one of the Silent Voices, forever." Luckily, Hentz hit the Anzati with a pole before she could suck out his brain. As Tasha fled from Hentz's blaster shots, Vos blindly believed that he knew the Second Sith's identity and was determined to finish Bulq off himself, rather than tell Master Yoda. Vos was then asked to see Master Oppo Rancisis at the Jedi Temple. Rancisis showed Vos a message from his master, Tholme on Saleucami, telling them of the Anzati trained Morgukai clone army being cloned there. Vos said he could leave immediately for Saleucami and make contact with Tholme. Rancisis told him that Jedi Council will send 3 battalions with Rancisis in charge of this mission. Rancisis wanted Vos to serve as his second in command due to his knowledge of both the Anzati and Morgukai. Vos agreed to Rancisis' wishes.[37]

Siege of Saleucami[]

On Saleucami, Vos fought alongside Secura, as part of the forces led by Master Rancisis, sent to prevent the Morgukai clones from leaving the planet. He had Khaleen Hentz arrange a meeting with Sora Bulq. After a night together, Vos recorded into his holocron that he would kill the second Sith.[31]

Fighting a false battle against Skorr, he was taken to Bulq, who was communicating to Dooku. He was ordered to kill Tholme, even if it meant compromising his position. He found his master over a lava ridge. He begged him to join in destroying Bulq. Tholme, however, knew that Bulq was only a Dark Jedi and knew things wouldn't be right if Vos continued on in what he was doing. With the "whatever it takes" mindset, he battled his former master. Having bested his master, Vos watched as a large rock fell onto Tholme and sent him falling down into the lava. He believed him to be dead. He returned to the fortress to find that Rancisis had been killed.[38] Though the other Jedi suspected Bulq, Master Sian Jeisel felt that Vos had done it. Vos, however, proved that he didn't. Because of Rancisis' death, Vos was placed in overall command of the Republic forces on the battle. To ensure that the siege would be a success, Vos "read" Rancisis's corpse to determine his plans, as he hadn't shared them.[39]

Dance with the dark side[]

"No more games, Count. No more pretending. I know who I am. I've made my choice. My name is Quinlan Vos and I am a Jedi."
―Quinlan Vos to Dooku on Saleucami[39]

Sora Bulq masquerading as Vos's inner demon.

Infiltrating the Separatist base, Vos sent Secura off to set charges on the thermo generators. He then met with Skorr, Bok, Bulq and Dooku (via hologram). He claimed to have read Rancisis' corpse to learn his plans. He also claimed that Secura was sent to the shield generators and Bok was sent to get his revenge. But Dooku showed him one last thing—Khaleen Hentz. The CIS leader revealed that Hentz was a double agent sent to infiltrate his spy ring. She was ordered to gain his sympathy, and confidence, including making him think she loved him. Hentz confessed that some of that was true but she soon fell in love with him for real. Vos was faced with the choice of murdering Hentz or not. She pleaded with him to look in her heart and know the truth. He cupped her face in his hands, looked in her eyes and passionately kissed her. He then sliced her chains with his lightsaber, proclaiming he was a Jedi. As he was surrounded by Dark Jedi and Anzati, help came from an unexpected source—Tholme, who withdrew from the Force and waited to see if Vos chose the right path. Better than that, Bok didn't find Secura; Vos lied, she was sabotaging the generators. Coming close to the dark side, Secura communicated with her former Master through the Force to bring him into the light.[39]

Vos battled against Skorr, Tholme battled against Bulq, and Hentz battled against Anzati. Skorr revealed there is no second Sith; Dooku played him for a fool.[39] In anger, Vos Force pushed Skorr into the fiery lava. He proceeded to save Tholme from Bulq, all the while as Dooku taunted him to giving in to the dark side and Tholme pleaded him not to fight with anger. Bulq proceeded to engage Vos in a duel in Vaapad to force the issue.[4]

Bulq duel

Quinlan Vos and Sora Bulq duel in Vaapad.

Vos' use of Vaapad did indeed open him to the dark side, and deep in Vos' inner spirit, he was facing against his most powerful opponent himself, saying that he was the hidden second Sith. However, this may have been a Force illusion projected by Bulq during the fight, as it was within the Weequay's power.[4][40] Secura, who had defeated Bok, and Tholme joined together to remind him of the light. Bulq proceeded to duel Vos using Vaapad, with the belief that the flow of light and dark in the lightsaber form would cause Vos to fall to the dark side.[4]

"Vaapad is more than a fighting style. It is a state of mind, a path that leads through the penumbra of the dark side."
―Mace Windu[27]

Bulq believed he had perfected the power of Vaapad through the direct application of the dark side. Vos, in order to combat Bulq's furious technique, gave himself over completely to Vaapad, and in turn accepted and embraced the full fury of his opponent; it transformed his anger into a superconducting loop, connecting Bulq's hatred with his own inner darkness, which passed in and out and through him, which he then channeled back towards Bulq's. Vos finally mastered the flow of light and dark, he had a strange calmness as Bulq raised his saber for the killing. Suddenly, Vos turned around and struck Bulq down across his torso, showing his level of mastery of Vaapad over its co-creator - Vos remained a Jedi while Sora Bulq and Depa Billaba fell. Count Dooku replied this victory meant nothing while Tholme then replied that Dooku lost, as all who served the dark side did.[4]

The four of them then escaped the base just as the Republic fleet bombarded the place. As the Jedi Generals departed to other places, Vos agreed to lead a battalion on Boz Pity, also having earned back Jeisel's respect. But he also learned that Hentz was pregnant with his child, and saw their child as a sacred bond of love that could not be broken. He intended to leave the Jedi Order at the end of the Clone Wars and instructed Khaleen to hide somewhere far away from the war, so that he could rejoin her later.[4]

Last days of the war[]

Shortly before he was rotated out of Saleucami, Vos had a short discussion with Masters Sian Jeisel, K'Kruhk and Secura. They talked about their next destinations, with Vos going to Boz Pity, Secura to Felucia to help Barriss Offee, and Jeisel and K'Kruhk to Mygeeto, to assist Ki-Adi-Mundi. They parted with camaraderie, with K'Kruhk promising that he would meet Vos again when the war was over.[41]

General Vos then took his troops to Boz Pity for a refit,[41] and left for Kashyyyk following the Battle of Coruscant. On the way, he had heard that Anakin Skywalker had killed Count Dooku.[42]

While at Kashyyyk, Vos, along with Luminara Unduli and Wookiee Elder Gumbaeki, freed a number of Wookiees from Trandoshan enslavement. Near the end of the conflict, Vos's group was cornered by LM-432 crab droids and considering retreat when the Inferno blasted in and saved them. Vos introduced the Wookiees to their savior, Vilmarh Grahrk, along with his new co-pilot, Chak. Because of his previous travels with Grahrk, Vos was given full access to the Inferno, which he used to access Grahrk's recent navigational charts. He discovered that Grahrk had been using the Claatuvac Guild hyperspace routes mentioned by a wounded Trandoshan,[42] leading Vos to believe Grahrk had stolen the information. However, Vos learned that Chak had provided the routes after stowing away on a run Grahrk was carrying out for the Wookiees.[43]

Order 66 and beyond[]

Republic 82 16

Quinlan Vos is ambushed after the execution of Order 66.

Vos went on to play a part in the Battle of Kashyyyk. When Order 66 was transmitted to the clone commanders throughout the galaxy, Vos was on the overseer's platform of an HAVw A6 Juggernaut, when a neighboring tank fired on him and destroyed the tank he had been standing on at the time.[43][44]

Although he was believed to be dead, Vos emerged from the explosion badly wounded, though very much alive. His right arm was broken and bloody and his lungs burned. Upon learning of the betrayal of his troops, Vos realized his priority was to survive in the jungles of Kashyyyk. He knew also that if this betrayal had occurred on Kashyyyk, then it had happened elsewhere.[43] He vowed to escape Kashyyyk and track down the second Sith Lord he had been searching for during the war, and bring an end to the dominion of the dark side.[6]


Vos clings to life in the jungles of Kashyyyk.

Quinlan Vos escaped into the woods of Kashyyyk, eluding the clone troopers. He clung to his training as a Jedi through his pain, using lessons taught by Yoda, Mace Windu, and Count Dooku to overcome his clone opponents. He was eventually tracked by Clone Commander Faie, who told Vos that if he didn't come out of hiding, Faie would call in an air strike and kill himself, Vos, and the neighboring Wookiee village. Vos made up his mind that he couldn't run and hide, that he would never track down the second Sith Lord, and that his destiny was to stop Faie and protect the innocent Wookiees. Vos jumped from his perch, lightsaber in hand, and Faie shot him a moment before Vos killed the clone commander. Both men fell to the forest floor.[6]

Grahrk (on Kashyyyk working as a smuggler for the Wookiees) soon came looking for Vos and found him on the ground, the dead Faie a few feet away. Soon after this, a squad of clone troopers burst through the woods, and found Grahrk standing over a Jedi funeral pyre. The Devaronian claimed to have killed the Jedi himself. As the clone troopers left, Grahrk said under his breath, "All debts paid, Jedi".[6]

Eight months later, in a cave on Kashyyyk, Khaleen Hentz and her baby had met up with Masters Tholme and T'ra Saa, along with some Wookiees. Hentz was watching a holocube from Vos, explaining his feelings for her, when suddenly he himself walked in, and repeated the words to her face.[6]

Hentz had feared that Vos was dead, as had they all, but due to Grahrk's trickery (he had burned Faie's body instead), Vos had escaped off-planet and been healed. Hentz fell into Vos's arms, and then presented him with their child, Korto Vos.[6]

Painting the traditional Kiffar markings on his newborn son, Vos declared that the darkness would never touch the boy, for he would be raised in the light.[6]


While believed dead by Darth Sidious and most of the galaxy, accounts of Quinlan Vos' survival eventually arose. In 24 ABY, Luke Skywalker managed to recover Sidious' Book of Sith, a compilation of Sith texts including Vos' annotated Rule of Two, from one of his storehouses on Mount Tantiss at Wayland and examined it before supplying it to the New Republic Intelligence Service and Historical Council. In the book, Skywalker found a mention of Vos' presumed death, leading him to write an annotation in which he expressed his happiness that the Emperor got wrong with that detail as from the account he had heard, Vos had survived Order 66 and gone into hiding during the Imperial Period.[18]

Personality and traits[]

"You seem troubled."
"Well, Quinlan Vos has that effect."
"Ah, yes. That Jedi has quite a reputation."
"You may be overstating it, Cody. Let's just say he's… crazy."
―Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi[22]
Stark Hyperspace Vos

Thirteen-year-old Quinlan Vos struggles again with the Jedi Code's precept of "There is no death" during the Stark Hyperspace War.

Quinlanvos detail

Quinlan Vos as seen during the Hunt for Ziro

Though Quinlan Vos was a good Jedi in many ways, he suffered an ongoing struggle with the dark side that continued long into the Clone Wars. He was consumed by hatred for his great aunt, Tinté Vos, after discovering that she had sacrificed his parents to Anzati vampires, and he eventually murdered her in cold blood, completing his fall to the dark side.[5] Having committed many evil acts during his time as Dooku's Dark Acolyte, Vos yet managed to convince his old friend Obi-Wan Kenobi that he still served the Republic, and he helped Kenobi escape from both Tol Skorr and Asajj Ventress.[14] Vos was very mindful of his cover as a Dark Acolyte, sacrificing a childhood friend, Shylar, so that he wouldn't reveal his identity. Even so, Quinlan blew his cover by rescuing his great aunt, whom he shortly thereafter killed. Having waged long war with his inner demons, Vos displayed great strength of character by ultimately overcoming the dark side during the Clone Wars.[5]

Against the strict mandate of his Order, Quinlan fell in love with Khaleen Hentz and at the end of the Clone Wars became her husband and the father of their child, Korto Vos.[6] Quinlan also forged an intimate Force bond with Aayla Secura, who once said that he had been like a father to her.[45]

Vos had a rather sarcastic sense of humor. When he faced Tsyr and Bok on Kintan, for example, he said that the two of them against him—who was wounded at the time—was unfair, before asking if it would be easier for them if he closed his eyes.[12] Quinlan was openly disdainful of clone troopers, who in turn disliked him, but he was loathed by Sergeant Kal Skirata.[46] Despite this general mutual enmity, Vos was civil, if not friendly, towards Commander Cody.[22]

Vos found the natural lightsaber crystals used by the Jedi beautiful, and more reliable in combat than the red-colored artificial crystals of the Sith. He appreciated the presence of handguards and spikes on the hilt of a lightsaber, allowing the hilt to be wielded as a weapon in its own right. Vos found the Sith application of djem so, the Strong style of lightsaber combat, to be unnecessarily forceful and lethal, preferring to incapacitate than kill opponents.[18]

Powers and abilities[]

"Form seven is very aggressive, Quin. It can take the user very close to the dark side—and you, frankly, sometimes walk too close there as it is."
―Mace Windu[9]

Quinlan Vos applying a Vaapad maneuver against Mace Windu.

Quinlan Vos was trained as a Jedi Guardian and he wielded a single green-bladed lightsaber, though his chosen blade color changed throughout his lifetime. The hilt design was similar to that of Dooku's standard, Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsabers. He was a master of Form IV/Ataru and taught his apprentice Aayla Secura everything he knew.[47]

Vos was also trained in Form VII/Vaapad by Sora Bulq, though he was not a master of it. Vos would later demonstrate his new talents inadvertently during a practice session with Mace Windu, who immediately recognized his move as part of Vaapad. Windu abruptly halted the duel, warning Vos not to use Vaapad again, as Vos was already considered to tread too closely to the dark side for him to safely employ Vaapad.[9] However, while Vos was serving as a double agent for Count Dooku during the Clone Wars, he was encouraged by Bulq, who had by that time allied with Dooku, to take up Vaapad's power again.[5] Mace Windu, in his private memoir, expressed concerns and suspected Vos has mastered Vaapad to a degree greater than the Kiffar Jedi had revealed.[48] Quinlan Vos would later demonstrate his level of mastery of Vaapad in defeating Sora Bulq during the Siege of Saleucami in lightsaber combat.[4]

QuinVos saber

Vos' saber hilt.

Count Dooku also trained Vos in some elements of Form II/Makashi, while characterizing Vos' dueling skills as "appalling."[5] The Kiffar had also been shown to hold his lightsaber in reverse grip, indicating he was a practitioner of Form V/Shien. Such examples of this fighting style were displayed in various missions: Anzat,[11] Kiffex,[12] Kiffu,[5] the assassination of Senator Viento,[10] Titavian IV,[14] Saleucami,[31] and Kashyyyk.[6] At one time, he utilized Jar'Kai against Tysr.[12] Vos's abilities with a lightsaber allowed him to defeat and slay three Dark Acolytes during the Clone Wars; Kadrian Sey,[5] Tol Skorr, and even Sora Bulq with the support of his fellow Jedi through the Force technique of battle meditation.[4]


Vos using an WESTAR-34 blaster pistol.

In addition to his considerable lightsaber combat skills, Vos had the power of psychometry, the ability to read images from objects. Vos was also one of the few Jedi who was able to use Force cloak, which he learned from Tholme and taught Secura. He could locate his enemies based on their effects on the environment. He also had considerable working knowledge of espionage and counter-intelligence, and worked as a double agent. While working undercover, Dooku personally trained Quinlan Vos in the dark side and in a variety of dark side powers including Force lightning, Force choke, and to tame animals and bend them to his will, most notably a krayt dragon.[6] Following his recruitment into Dooku's servce, he tried to learn the Force power inertia, but dislocated his shoulder in the process.[18]

Behind the scenes[]

"We had already done some creation of the character and Jan wanted him to be connected to TPM --- which had appeared in the movie theaters by that time. LFL agreed we could use a background character. Jan [spotted] him while watching the movie. She can see a hummingbird flap [its] wing. I'm totally serious about that. >I< didn't spot him until [TPM] was out on DVD and THEN I had to freeze frame to it."
―John Ostrander, on how he and Jan Duursema came up with Quinlan Vos's character[49]

Quinlan Vos's first appearance in The Phantom Menace.

Quinlan Vos first appeared in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. His appearance in that film was confirmed by his Databank and Encyclopedia entries, as well as his Star Wars: The Vintage Collection action figure from 2012.[50][17] His character was created by author John Ostrander and artist Jan Duursema, though Vos's first non-film appearance was actually a cameo in the Timothy Truman–penned Emissaries to Malastare. After this, he would take center-stage in the Ostrander/Duursema work Twilight. Vos appeared primarily in the Star Wars: Republic and Star Wars: Jedi comic book series from Dark Horse Comics. In an interview, Ostrander elaborated on the origins of Quinlan Vos's name, explaining that he patterned after Qui-Gon Jinn; he had wanted a name with the same number of syllables.[51] He was later portrayed by Doug Wangler, a model for Duursema, at Celebration III.[52]

Quinlan Vos showed up again in the Star Wars Tales comic, "Ghost." In the story, Vos rescued a young Han Solo, who was trying to find a treasure with a map he won in sabacc, from a swoop gang on Socorro. The swoop gang hunted Vos because they believed him to be a Jedi. After Vos confronted young Solo, he disappeared into the shadows, never to be seen again. However, that Star Wars Tales issue came out when most of Tales was considered to be Infinities. The story is considered, at this point in time, non-canonical in the letters section of Star Wars Insider 99.[53]

Doug wangler

Doug Wangler as Quinlan Vos.


Quinlan in an Episode III deleted animatic

Intrigued by the character of Vos, George Lucas included him in the script of Revenge of the Sith, but his scene never made it past the animatics stage and was never photographed.[54] However, the character is still mentioned in the final film—Obi-Wan Kenobi notifies Anakin Skywalker that "Master Vos has moved his troops to Boz Pity."[55] According to Randy Stradley, the fate of Vos at the end of the Republic series came directly from Lucas.[56] Ostrander had initially considered killing Vos off,[57] and an interview with Duursema in Star Wars Insider before the final issue's release claimed that he died.

Quinlan Vos and Vilmarh Grahrk action figures were released by Hasbro in late April 2007 as part of their Comic Packs line with Republic #19. Vos was based loosely off of the Siege of Saleucami designs, while Villie's design was straight out of Star Wars: Republic #19. In 2008 Hasbro released another comic pack with Quinlan Vos and Commander Faie ('08/#13). It also included a reprint of the Star Wars: Republic #82 comic book. Only the upper body of the Quinlan Vos figure is new (new head, arms, and torso).

Quinlan Vos was originally slated to appear in Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Bombad Jedi." He was to be working undercover and actually using his Force abilities to make it look like Jar Jar Binks was a Jedi. He was eventually cut, because at the early stages of production the studio didn't have the ability to include many new characters because of the time it took to create a digital model.[58] He did eventually make it into the series, appearing in the episode "Hunt for Ziro." He was voiced by Al Rodrigo.[59]

After The Clone Wars was pulled from the air in March 2013, Dave Filoni and Brent Friedman indicated that Vos would have been featured alongside Asajj Ventress in a future story arc that never got produced.[60][61][62] That story arc would later be released as the Canon novel Dark Disciple.


Jan Duursema stated the following about Vos and Hentz's marriage:

The Kiffar version of marriage is not a ceremony or a legal document. Kiffar 'marriage' is more of a state of mind or a state of being. Through Korto, Khaleen and Quin have an unbreakable connection--and a responsibility that transcends their own separate lives. If you create life, you nurture that life, whatever hardships lie ahead.[7]

The Dark Times[]

Vos survived the Clone Wars, but details of his life after that point are sketchy. Around a decade before the Battle of Yavin, a young Han Solo encountered an old man matching Quinlan Vos's description on Socorro.[63]



Quinlan Vos with his lightsaber ignited


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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 The New Essential Guide to Characters
  2. JCF-favicon The Official Jan Duursema Discussion Thread on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by Jan_Duursema on Sep 25, 2003 at 10:08 PM; accessed July 30, 2014): "Aayla was 2 when Quin and Tholme found her on Ryloth. Quin was 11. So there's 9 years difference in age. Quin is Obi-Wan's age--which I think was stated as 25 during Ep I. So Aayla would be 16 at the time of Ep I." (backup link) (Note: Jan Duursema states: "Quin is Obi-Wan's age")
  3. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Head-to-Head
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Republic 77
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 Jedi: Count Dooku
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 Republic 83
  7. 7.0 7.1 Re: Did Quinlan Marry? by Jan Duursema on Comics Community (January 21, 2007) (archived from the original on October 13, 2007)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Republic 49
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Jedi: Mace Windu
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Republic 63
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.16 11.17 Star Wars: Republic: Darkness
  12. 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 Star Wars: Republic: Rite of Passage
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Star Wars: Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 Republic 69
  15. 15.0 15.1 Republic 71
  16. 16.0 16.1 Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
  17. 17.0 17.1 HasbroInverted Star Wars: The Vintage Collection (Pack: Quinlan Vos) (backup link)
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side
  19. 19.00 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.04 19.05 19.06 19.07 19.08 19.09 19.10 19.11 19.12 19.13 19.14 19.15 19.16 19.17 Star Wars: Republic: Twilight
  20. 20.00 20.01 20.02 20.03 20.04 20.05 20.06 20.07 20.08 20.09 20.10 20.11 20.12 20.13 Star Wars: Republic: Infinity's End
  21. Star Wars (1998) 33
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Hunt for Ziro"
  23. Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones 4
  24. 24.0 24.1 Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
  25. 25.0 25.1 Republic 54
  26. 26.0 26.1 Jedi: Shaak Ti
  27. 27.0 27.1 Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force It is unknown whether Tionne acquired the holocube or the record was copied to a holocron.
  28. Republic 66
  29. Republic 68
  30. Republic 70
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Republic 74
  32. CWACite "Life Below" — Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 9
  33. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Hostage Crisis"
  34. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Evil Plans"
  35. Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures video game, "Crisis Ziro" mini-game
  36. Republic 72
  37. Republic 73
  38. Republic 75
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 Republic 76
  40. Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
  41. 41.0 41.1 Dark Times 6
  42. 42.0 42.1 Republic 81
  43. 43.0 43.1 43.2 Republic 82
  44. Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith 3
  45. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Jedi Crash"
  46. Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel
  47. TCWA Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures — "Lightsaber Duel" (Ataru Mastery Pack)
  48. Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
  49. JCF-favicon The Official John Ostrander Discussion Thread on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by jfostrander on September 22, 2005 at 10:05 AM) (backup link)
  50. Databank title Vos, Quinlan in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
  51. Ostrander uses the Force in "Vector" by Renaud, Jeffrey on Comic Book Resources (November 28, 2008) (archived from the original on January 10, 2017)
  52. Interview with Doug Wangler by Spice, Chris on sandtroopers.com (August 3, 2006) (archived from the original on December 20, 2016)
  53. Star Wars Insider 99
  54. StarWars "Hunt for Ziro" Trivia Gallery on StarWars.com (backup link) (Slide 1)
  55. SWInsider "Ask the Master" — Star Wars Insider 85
  56. JCF-favicon Republic #83: The Hidden Enemy, part 3 (of 3) on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by Randy_Stradley on 2/8/06 11:27am) (backup link)
  57. JCF-favicon Republic #83: The Hidden Enemy, part 3 (of 3) on the Jedi Council Forums (Literature board; posted by jfostrander on 2/10/06 8:23am) (backup link)
  58. JCF-favicon TheForce.Net interviews Henry Gilroy... and Dave Filoni !!! (Your questions answered!) on the Jedi Council Forums (Star Wars TV board; posted by HGilroy on December 30, 2008 at 10:34 AM; accessed March 21, 2014) (backup link)
  59. StarWars The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Hunt for Ziro on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  60. StarWars To Fans of Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Thank You on StarWars.com (backup link)
  61. TwitterLogo Brent Friedman (@BFree63) on Twitter: "@hulitherium @MattMichnovetz Yes. A very dark, very cool one." (backup link)
  62. TwitterLogo Brent Friedman (@BFree63) on Twitter: "@VictorBarnab @hulitherium @MattMichnovetz Yep. Def painful." (backup link)
  63. StarWarsTales-Icon "Ghost" — Star Wars Tales 11

External links[]
