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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Head-to-Head was the third in a series of Head-to-Head books. It was written by Pablo Hidalgo and published in the United Kingdom on November 28, 2011, by Penguin Books. It detailed hypothetical duels between characters from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. It was published in America by Scholastic Inc.

The book makes several mistakes about biological information. For example, the book states that Barriss Offee is a human born on Tatooine, when she is in fact a Mirialan born on the planet Mirial.

Product description[]

Have you ever wondered what would happen if your favorite characters and creatures from The Clone Wars faced off head-to-head? Thirty fearsome battles include Anakin Skywalker vs. Savage Opress, Clone Captain Rex vs. a demolition droid, and Chewbacca vs. Gor! Decide who you think would win in these never-before-seen showdowns. Then check out what the experts have to say about who would be left standing.

Anakin Skywalker vs Savage Opress

  • Winner: Anakin Skywalker
  • "Savage believes that his anger is without equal, and so he is suprised when Anakin shows enough ferocity in combat to rival a Sith Lord. Opress has fatally underestimated Skywalker, believing him to be a weak-willed Jedi."

Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Naa'leth

  • "Naa'leth's twists and spins keep her from Obi-Wan's blade but also prevent her from landing a blow. She eventually closes the distance, and Obi-Wan disarms her with a well aimed jab."

Ahsoka Tano vs Boba Fett

  • Winner: Ahsoka Tano
  • "Fett fires low to keep Ahsoka unbalanced while she deflects each blast. Boba kicks his grenade under her feet, but she somersaults over the blast and gets in close enough range to slice through Boba's weapons."

Padmé Amidala vs Aurra Sing

  • Winner: Aurra Sing
  • "Aurra is relentless in her pursuit. and Padmé's luck - and cover- runs out. Sing stuns the Senator, earning a hefty payday."

Mace Windu vs General Grievous

  • Winner: Mace Windu
  • "Grievous relies on tricks to defeat inexperienced Jedi, but Mace is far too focused to be afraid. Windu knows Grievous' secret: the droid general is but a cowardly bully who would rather run than face an evenly matched opponent. Windu quickly cuts through Grievous' defenses."

Clone Captain Rex vs Demolition Droid

  • Winner: Clone Captain Rex
  • "Rex's precision saves the day. His blasts actually knock the explosive charge from its housing, leaving the droid incapable of detonating. The rest of his hits eventually damage the droid beyond repair"

Clone Commander Cody vs Hondo Ohnaka

Winner: Clone Commander Cody

Cody's military training proves superior to Ohnaka's brash attacks. Hondo is not one to risk his life needlessly, so he surrenders when he realizes this raid will not be profitable

Notes and references[]

  1. Star Wars: The Clone Wars : Head-to-Head

External links[]

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Head-to-Head on Puffin.com.au
