

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about the music genre. You may be looking for the bounty hunter Deva Lompop.

Deva was a genre of pop music. The New Republic pilot Chass na Chadic enjoyed the music, specifically one track that featured an easygoing beat as well as saccharine and somewhat ironic lyrics about a local holiday that had been banned by the Galactic Empire. She would play it in her starfighter during missions. During the Attack on Pandem Nai, she played the deva pop track about the local holiday on an open comm channel for any nearby starship to hear. Following the New Republic victory at Pandem Nai, Chadic's fellow pilot Wyl Lark and members of the ground crew took one of Chadic's datachips that contained deva pop music and played it during the victory celebration at the makeshift cantina Ranjiy's Krayt Hut aboard the Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship Lodestar.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Deva appeared in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, written by Alexander Freed.[1]


Notes and references[]

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