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For other uses, see Contispex (disambiguation).

"Here we stand, at the extremity of our exertion, having cast behind us the idols of our fathers, to once again carry to our foe the penalties due their sacrilege. Come perdition or hard vacuum, the Republic expects that every citizen will do his duty."
―Supreme Chancellor Contispex I, Fourth Inaugural Oration[2]

Contispex, eventually known as Contispex I, was the Supreme Chancellor from 11,987 BBY to 11,947 BBY. A Human born on the planet Coruscant and serving as a Republic senator, Contispex was a member of the Humanocentric Pius Dea religious sect. Pius Dea orchestrated the impeachment of Supreme Chancellor Pers'lya and the election of Contispex, and he subsequently reformed the Republic government, granting economic and military power to fellow Pius Dea adherents. In 11,965 BBY, Contispex sanctioned a Republic crusade against the Hutt species of Hutt Space, which would become the first of a series of similar anti-alien military campaigns during the subsequent millennium. After a reign of four decades, Contispex stepped down in favor of his son, Contispex II, and his descendants, either biological or ideological, continued to rule as Supreme Chancellors until 10,966 BBY.


Rise of Contispex I[]

"Approximately 12,000 BBY a theocratic conspiracy, centuries in the offing, impeached Chancellor Pers'lya and placed its own man, Contispex, in the seat."
―Doctor Gabrel Treon, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes"[2]
Malkite Poisoners

The Malkite Poisoners (emblem pictured) played a role in the rise of Supreme Chancellor Contispex I.

Contispex was a Human born on the Core Worlds planet Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, at some point around the beginning of the time period that lasted from 12,000 BBY to 11,000 BBY and that would eventually be known as the Pius Dea Era. He was a member of the centuries-old[1] Humanocentric cult of Pius Dea.[3] Contispex rose to prominence in the Coruscant Merchants' Guild[1] and eventually became a senator of the Republic's Galactic Senate.[3]

In 11,987 BBY,[1] Pius Dea brought about its centuries-old plans by[2] having the Republic's Supreme Chancellor Pers'lya impeached[3] and assassinated, and Contispex was elected as the new Chancellor.[1] Unknown to many, the Malkite Poisoners, a secret society[4] based out of the[5] remote[1] planet Malkii,[5] played a role in Contispex's rise to power.[4]

A religious Chancellor[]

"Interspecies tensions had simmered since the very dawn of the Republic; Contispex and his successors exploited prohuman sentiment for increasingly violent jihads on what was then its periphery."
―Doctor Gabrel Treon, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes"[2]

At one point, as noted in Fourth Inaugural Oration, Contispex spoke about the need for the Republic citizens to do their "duty," as related to punishing its enemies for their "sacrilege," after they had abandoned the "idols" of their forebears.[2] The Supreme Chancellor overhauled the government of the Republic, granting economic and military power to fellow adherents of the Pius Dea faith, with important government posts becoming reserved for members of the cult's hierarchy within a single generation. Those who refused to convert to Contispex's religion were quickly purged. During the reign of Contispex, Pius Dea also began preaching that fallen communities should be restored to purity by purging the elements within them which could not be redeemed.[1]


Contispex I sanctioned the First Pius Dea Crusade.

Contispex and Pius Dea exploited both pro-Human sentiment in the Republic[2] and tensions within the[3] long-unpopular Hutt Empire[2]—the realm of the Hutt species, members of which had preyed for centuries on Republic's colonists at its periphery. In 11,965 BBY, the Chancellor sanctioned a pre-emptive strike against the Hutts[1] in the form of an invasion of Hutt Space.[2] In what became known as the first of the Pius Dea Crusades, Republic forces advanced[1] in Contispex's name[6] beyond the Republic's borders toward Hutt Space.[1]


"His opening target was the perennially unpopular Hutt Empire, but the program soon expanded to unbelievers of less evident threat."
―Doctor Gabrel Treon, "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes"[2]

In 11,947 BBY, Contispex, who eventually became known as Contispex I, stepped down from his position in favor of his son, Contispex II. By that time, the Republic had effectively come under the control of fanatic followers of Pius Dea.[1] Contispex's subsequent descendants continued to inherit the Chancellorship,[3] and by the last centuries of the Pius Dea Era, every new Chancellor, whether related to Contispex I or not, took the name "Contispex" upon attaining office, with Contispex XIX serving as the final Pius Dea leader of the Republic until his deposition in 10,966 BBY.[1]

During the millennium following the rise of Contispex I, under him and his successors the Republic carried out at least thirty-four crusades at various regions along its borders, aimed at both the Hutts and other species neighboring—and constituting—the Republic, with the Third Crusade already taking place in 11,939 BBY.[1] As a result, millennia-long cultural integration was undone,[7] and tensions were deepened between the Core Worlds and Rimward regions that would go on to last for tens of thousands of years.[8] In 104 ABY, Doctor Gabrel Treon mentioned Contispex I in the article "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes," published in the Byblos Journal of Historical Science.[2]

Personality and traits[]

During his membership in the Coruscant Merchants' Guild, Contispex became legendary for his devotion to the Pius Dea religion. He also notably opposed corruption and vice and did not tolerate any individuals who did not share his high standards.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Contispex was first mentioned in the 2005 reference book The New Essential Chronology by Daniel Wallace and Kevin J. Anderson.[8] He was identified as Contispex I by the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart.[1]



Notes and references[]

External links[]

Supreme Chancellors of the Galactic Republic
Before the Ruusan Reformation First Chancellor · Fillorean (c. 15,500 BBY)
Pers'lya (—11,987 BBY)
Contispex I (11,98711,947 BBY)
Contispex II (11,947 BBY—) · Contispex XI (c.11,591 BBY)
Contispex XIX (—10,966 BBY)
Biel Ductavis (10,966 BBY—)
Blotus (Rianitus Period) · Nagratha (c. 7786 BBY)
Fattum (c. 5010 BBY) · Pultimo (c. 5000 BBY)
Vocatara (c. 4800 BBY) · Sidrona (—3996 BBY)
Tol Cressa (c. 3963 BBY—) · Berooken (—3653 BBY)
Paran Am-Ris (3653 BBY)
Dorian Janarus (c. 3653–3640 BBY)
Leontyne Saresh (3640–3632 BBY)
Jebevel Madon (3632 BBY—c. 3630 BBY)
Galena Rans (3630 BBY–) · Vedij (c. 3017 BBY)
Genarra (c. 1032 BBY)
After the Ruusan Reformation Tarsus Valorum (1000992 BBY)
A Chancellor (992 BBY—)
Anwis Eddicus (c. 700 BBY)
Eixes Valorum · Vaila Pecivas (—60 BBY)
Thoris Darus (6052 BBY) · Frix (5248 BBY)
Kalpana (4840 BBY) · Finis Valorum (4032 BBY)
Palpatine (3219 BBY)
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