

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
For other uses, see ascension (disambiguation).

A clone trooper fires an ascension cable.

"Ascension cables!"
―Captain Rex, to the troopers of Torrent Company during the Battle of Teth[1]

An ascension cable was a type of grappling hook that was used during the Clone Wars. The DC-15A blaster carbine and DC-15A blaster rifles, which saw widespread usage by the Grand Army of the Republic's clone troopers, were equipped with ascension cables.[1] A grappling extension could be equipped to a DC-17 hand blaster, another standard issue weapon in the Republic Army, to provide an ascension cable to a smaller weapon.

During Domino Squad's training, Master Chief Bric attempted to sabotage their final attempt at the Citadel Challenge by stealing the squad's ascension cables. However, this backfired as it provided a final incentive for the formerly bickering clones to pull together as a team to find an alternate way to complete the challenge.[2]

Clone Captain Rex and ARC trooper Fives used the extension during the Battle of Ringo Vinda.[3]

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