i would be a kittypet all the way in the warrior cats universe. if i heard a bunch of guys were in the woods killing each other for survival and they think i’m the lame one for getting mediocre banquets i would be like you guys are stupidd and then when the thunderclan medicine cat comes by my fenced lot to pick yarrow i would be like what are you doing and shes like medicine so my clanmates don’t die and i’m like wow you guys really have it that rough. and she keeps encountering me and one day i’m like why don’t you come inside there’s plenty of kibble and she averts her eyes shyly and is like …no that would be against starclan and i’d go To have a little kibble? and she’s like You know what i mean. and i do. 5 moons later she is getting adopted by my people and visions of her ancestors still haunt her and she is from time to time like Did I do the right thing…? how could i be so selfish…? and i’m like my toy mouse squeaks

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