A downloadable game

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General L. has gone missing, we're sparing no resources in the search for his whereabouts. We've been receiving strange cryptic messages from him. 

Get out there and Find the General.


Did you hear that, cadet? We have no shortage of variety and resources, choose your preferred piloting rig from 20+ on-demand ships.


It feels like the search could go on forever, we've developed the technology to use Blackholes as portals to get deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper... into space.


Mod and upgrade your ship as you explore. Many law-defying (and potentially game-breaking) builds are awaiting to be discovered!


With all this exploring the fleet has been finding some bits and baubles on their journeys. We suspect there are 25+ of them out there to find.


There is no time to waste, the General needs us now more than ever! Get out there and fight your way through Deep Space, Dapper Squad.

A Roguelite Shmup Adventure set in space. Fight, Upgrade, Unlock, Repeat.


Fleet Marshal Tomás Franco🫡🇵🇹



IN MEMORY OF General Luigi, my best friend.


By completing the Dapper Academy, cadets should be able to use the D-Pad, A/B buttons, and the elusive Crank -- which requires no precision to handle.

The Fleet also features a "Quality" setting for when your piloting device is overwhelmed with all the action in your mission (only impacts combat).

But care, elements on your journey may move fast and be small at times. The "Reduce Flashing" option is supported.

Your journey will hold a serious message with a funny sugarcoat on top and immense dapper levels. Besides that, it is appropriate for the entire ranks of the fleet.

Catalog Link

Updated 19 days ago
Published 27 days ago
AuthorTomás Franco
GenreShooter, Action
Made withPlaydate
Tags1-bit, Funny, Playdate, Roguelike, Roguelite, Score Attack, Shoot 'Em Up, Space, Top down shooter
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsGamepad (any)
LinksTwitter, Playdate Catalog


Buy Now$8.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $8 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Deep Space Dapper Squad PDX 22 MB

Development log


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Really enjoying this, once I got a handle on it! Took me a few games to realise that I could use the crank to refill my shooting energy :D before that I was like "how I am I supposed to survive more than one level!"

I've noticed the performance degradation by the time I reached a depth of about 5 or 6, will remember to restart to fix that.

One time my ship got a huge laser boost which meant that when I was shooting enemies, they were flickering so much that they were invisible more often than they were visible. This was probably down to having so many lasers and enemies on-screen at one time, and the fact we're playing on a Playdate!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey i am loving the game! However there has been a couple issues.

1. once i got a 300% speed and 300% acceleration upgrade in the same run, and if i tried to move in any of the levels it would crash the game.

2. sometimes the black hollies spawn directly in the path, so i cannot explore the rest of the level/ or will block off combat or the shop sometimes.

Other than that i just hope you are working on optimization, so i can play for longer!!

i really love your soundtrack, and the art-style here, you have an amazing skill and i cant wait for this to grow larger!

EDIT: i forgot to ask if you could add some min/max-ing perks so that its more awesome. Percentage based upgrades are fine, but you cant really feel the progress you are making with them. Personally, i would swap the loop pool from the shop and the bosses. that way you feel more accomplishment from getting past a level

Hi! The acceleration one is new. Might have to look into that.

The black hollie issue is fixed in the new version, be sure to update!

Thank you for your feedback!!


loving the game!


got it on catalog today and its lots of fun!!


Glad you are having fun!


Hey, I just bought your game when I saw you mention it on Reddit. I'm struggling to understand gameplay. I have questions:

1) How does range work? Can I only ever go one point away or is there a way to increase my range? 

2) Does ship energy restore over time or do I have a finite amount for the entire run? 

3) Can you explain the ways I can earn currency? 

4) Is there a way to keep the energy bar open the whole time during game play?

5) What are the quality settings (dappest, tolerable, rude) for? 

Also, in general I'd love like an orientation manual for new recruits that goes over the basics. (Also happy to write an on theme one for you once I understand myself). 

-- A Fresh Space Cadet

Hello new recruit Lawrencek!

  1. Your range in constellation maps never increases, but you can freely move through cleared planets by clicking A to get closer to what you need. (The next update has some QoL improvements to this)

  2. There are some upgrades you can find that can increase/lower it. Be sure to also try different ships as they have different fill rates, deplete rates and sizes.

  3. Asteroids sometimes have crates inside them that you can shoot or crash into to open and reveal its contents, which is always currency. Additionally, disposing of enemy units also has a small, more consistent chance of dropping it.

  4. Unfortunately no, refer to the small arrow on the side to gauge the current amount of energy available.

  5. The quality setting reduces general graphical quality by limiting background renders and the amount of animated entities on-screen. Although, if you experience some major consistent performance issues, it is recommended to restart the game which is very likely to help, as I’m still looking for what’s causing this.

Thank you for your interest in the Game and devotion to the cause! I’d be delighted to see what you come up with ☺️

—- Your Fleet Marshal

(6 edits)

This game looks very intriguing – BUT for all the long description, you've managed to not really tell us what type of game this is. I mean I can see it's a sort of rogue-like shumup (real-time?) – but I think you need to give us a bit of a clearer explanation of what to expect please. For example is that a puzzle element in the fifth screen. Does the Star Fox-like constellation-map suggest it has a tailored campaign as well as the rogue elements? Is that a trading aspect? etc...


It’s all about the experience! The description of the game is said in an immersive way in line with the game’s narrative. Not the most common way to go about it, but that’s what I chose!

For clarification, it’s a roguelite shmup.


I get the poster's point.  However, I like the approach you're taking, "staying in character."  Anything that stands out and is novel gets a thumbs up from me :). Currently playing the game.  Enjoying it.  My own small gripe is I wish there was a way to enlarge text ( I have this comment for zillions of PD games, but I do like to raise it). 

(1 edit) (+1)

Fair enough - and I did see your more descriptive reply on Reddit. The game really sounds great!