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Fight the threat to World Security with your Digibot, in this game set in the era of Digital Warfare!

BACKSTORY - In 2018, a pair of Japanese programmers created the first Digibot; an advanced human-controlled computer virus. Later that year, they used the Digibot to infiltrate the computer systems of a large multi-national bank, stealing over $500,000. The theft quickly led to the arrest of the hackers, but that wasn't the end of the Digibot.

The Digibot was soon reverse-engineered, and criminals, governments and the military were now creating their own leading to a new era of Digital Warfare!


W/A/S/D - Move

Left Mouse Button - Shoot

Spacebar - Swap Weapons

Shift - Slower Movement

R - Retry/Reload

Development log


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Nicely done, the mouse aiming felt a little laggy in the browser but it wasn't too bad once you get used to it.

What about the difficulty level? And did you complete this game?