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Audience Insights • February 2024

Discover the power of Audience Insights

We're excited to announce our newest product, Audience Insights. Audience Insights offers the first of its kind visibility into your existing, competitor and potential new audiences, across all social and mobile platforms in one place. This report showcases data from Audience Insights which is mobile app & digital advertising data.

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Investor Insights

Mobile App Insights from May

Explore the latest insights on business and brand trends in this month’s roundup. Learn how Walmart, Anheuser-Busch, British Airways and other brands are leveraging advertising, user engagement, and strategic partnerships to drive growth and stay ahead of the competition.



Explore the biggest trends and launches in AAA game advertising

Get up to speed on the biggest PC/Console game launches in 2023. The report drills down into timing, channels, positioning, spend and the biggest trends in PC/console game advertising.

Q1 2024 Data Digest Report Resource-Page R1

Store Intelligence

Digital Advertising, Apps, and Retail Media

Discover digital advertising, global apps, consumer spend, and retail media trends and insights for the first quarter of 2024.