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Temporal range: PiacenzianHolocene 3.4–0 Ma
The seex wild Felis species: European wildcat (F. silvestris), jungle cat (F. chaus), African wildcat (F. lybica), black-fited cat (F. nigripes), sand cat (F. margarita), Cheenese moontain cat (F. bieti)
Scientific classification e
Kinrick: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Cless: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Faimily: Felidae
Subfaimily: Felinae
Genus: Felis
Linnaeus, 1758
Teep species
Felis catus
Native Felis range

Felis is a genus o fower species o smaw, cats foond in Africa, Europe an Asie. Maist are able tae soum well; some species are black-fited cat an body mainly on heid length from 38 o 42 cm (15 o 17 in).