Project Mugetsu Wiki

Meditation is one of the multiple mechanics that are in the game, this unlocks your Shikai and Bankai as a Soul Reaper or it unlocks you Resurrección as a Hollow (Arrancar).

Meditation Levels (As Soul Reaper)[]

  • Get your Zanpakuto's Name: Level 5
  • Fight your Zanpakuto (to get your Shikai): Level 20
  • Fight your Zanpakuto (to get your Bankai): Level 50 (if you have a urahara clan) and level 75 for shinigami

Meditation Levels (As Arrancar)[]

Note: It is recommended to level up your Meditation even if you already got your Resurrección. This is because the ignition bar will drain very fast if your meditation level is 5.

==P.S.:== i reccomend you to farm meditation potion on hogoyku conquest (witch is located in hub, in main menu). It's much faster, then playing meditation game
