Project Mugetsu Wiki

Clans are names that can be rolled to give additional passive abilities and boosts depending on its rarity.

Common - 60%[]

Clan Boost
This clan has no buffs.
This clan has no buffs.
This clan has no buffs.
This clan has no buffs.
This clan has no buffs.
This clan has no buffs.
This clan has no buffs.
This clan has no buffs.
This clan has no buffs.
This clan has no buffs.
This clan has no buffs.
Natsui This clan has no buffs.
Shigeo This clan has no buffs.

uncommon | 22%[]

rare | 11%[]

Clan Boosts
  • +1 Melee
  • +2 Block
  • +30 Health
  • 0.18x Mastery Experience for Fist Mastery
  • +1 Strength when under 30% HP
  • Deals 0.2 more damage with fists per physical attack (Hakuda Combat doubles this).
  • Can trade heal for Reiatsu in one succession
  • Reiatsu bar increases
  • 0.35x Mastery Experience for Sword Mastery.
  • +1 Speed
  • Runs faster and has an extra Flashstep
  • Reiatsu bar increases
  • Increases mastery by 0.3 in all areas where mastery is required
  • Can deploy a temporary barrier that negates all incoming attacks.
  • Weaken Attack: Adds "Attack debuff" ability to Ults
  • Ailment Reversal: Redirects inflicted stats ailments and causes stamina recovery
  • Debilitator: Increased duration of inflicted status ailments on opponents
  • Marauda: Establishes a temporary barrier that negates all incoming attacks
  • +50 Health
  • +15% M1
  • Increase M1 speed with fists and swords
  • Can move faster
  • Can see players through walls
  • 55% burn.
  • +50 Reiastsu/Reiatsu Bar increased
  • Resistance to fire
  • +2 damage buff when under 30% HP
  • Takes less sword damage while under 30% HP
  • +1 Sword
  • +1 Melee
  • +75 Reiatsu
  • +3 Block
  • +3 damage buff when under 25% HP
  • Deals more damage based on the missing percentage of maximum HP
  • Can deploy a temporary barrier that negates all incoming attacks.

legendary | 5%[]

Clan Boosts


•Gran Rey Cero (only usable for hollows)

•Increased Reiatsu •Extra flashstep + More speed • +Sonido & +15% more speed

  • +65 Health
  • +65 Reiatsu
  • +2 Sword
  • +2 Block
  • +1.75x Speed
  • +1.5x Damage
  • 5% chance of Freezing the enemy with M1
  • Increase Ice skills Freezing effect
  • Immune to Freeze stuns
  • No passive healing
  • +0.7x Mastery Experience for Sword Mastery
  • Deals 0.2 more damage with Fists per physical attack, which can be doubled with Hakuda Combat
  • Under 25%: Damage received divided by 0.8%, jump higher
  • +550 HP
  • +620 Reiatsu
  • +15 sword
  • +30 Block
  • +2x Mastery Experience for Swords
  • Reiatsu bar increases
  • Special benladen attack
  • Under 100% Health: Speed +1.75x, +1.5x Damage, user damage dealt +0.25%, higher jump, no passive healing
  • Under 100%: Take half damage from incoming attacks
  • More Maxium Reaitsu Bar,
  • Ability to run faster than the average person.
  • Extra flashstep.
  • Poison Immunity.
  • Paralysis Resistance by -35%.
  • Blade Resistance by -25%.
  • +1.8 Melee
  • +55 Reiatsu
  • +65 Health
  • +3 Block
  • Deals 0.5 more damage with fists
  • Loses footsteps and can’t be detected by ESP or scanning
  • Damage dealt is increased by 0.25 and damage received is halved when at or under 25% HP
  • Resistance to burn damage and freeze stuns
  • +2 Sword
  • +100 HP
  • +1 Block
  • Reiatsu Bar increased
  • Gets Kenpachi skill, increasing damage dealt by 1.8 and decreasing damage taken for a short amount of time
  • Halves Zanpakuto ability cooldown
  • Reduces damage taken
  • Deals 0.5 more damage from sword attacks
  • Increases mastery by 0.35 in all areas where mastery is required
  • Can heal self and every ally within a 5 magnitude radius by trading Reiatsu.

Mythic | 1%[]

Clan Boosts


  • The Maximum Reiatsu Bar Increases.
  • User Gains HighSpeed Regeneration Out Of Combat By A 20% Boost.
  • 2.5x Mastery Experience For Sword Mastery.


  • MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE: The User Can Heal Himself In The Trade Of Reiatsu In One Succession.
  • CERO OSCURAS: Is A Variation Of The Cero Technique Used By The Espada In Their Released State.(only for hollows)
  • SPIRITUAL AWARENESS: The User Can Sense/See Soul Reapers And Hollows Through Walls ( Soul Reapers Are Green and Hollows Are red )
  • +2 Sword
  • +2 Melee
  • +2 Block
  • +85 Block
  • +105 Reiatsu
  • +0.4x Mastery Experience for Fist Mastery
  • Reiatsu bar increases
  • Can covert Reishi to Reiatsu if in an area with a lot of Reishi
  • Can trade Reiatsu for Health
  • Can see Hollows through walls
  • +2 Sword
  • +2 Melee
  • +3 Block
  • +120 Health
  • +75 Reiatsu
  • +1 Speed
  • +15% AoE on M1
  • +0.7x Mastery Experience for Sword Mastery
  • Unfreezes faster by 65%
  • Flashstep uses less Reiatsu and has a faster cooldown
  • Under 50% HP: Gains Melee damage buff
  • Under 40% HP: Gains Strength passive buff
  • Under 30% HP: Takes less damage and immune to all types of Fire burn damage.

War Powers | 0.1%[]

Clan Boosts


  • +135 Health
  • +2.5 Sword
  • +100 Reiatsu
  • +1 Melee
  • +4 Block
  • +3 Sprinter
  • The Maximum Reiatsu Bar Increases.
  • User Gains 3.5x Mastery Exp Boost On Both Ability And Sword Mastery.
  • Immune To All Debuffs.
  • The User Gains +1 Damage Buff When Under 30% HP.
  • The User Takes Less Reiatsu While Flash Stepping And Also Can Do It Quicker Than The Regular Flash Step In Quick Succession.
  • Skills And Potions Are 2x Cheaper.


  • The User Has A Move Called “Gigai” Where He Activates The Skill Then Reverts All Damage Done To Him During A 15 Second Period.
  • +115 Health
  • +130 Reiatsu
  • +2.85 Sword
  • +2.85 Melee
  • +4 Block.
  • +1 Speed
  • Faster Flashstep and run
  • Can dodge any Skill for 2.5 seconds
  • 2x Mastery buff on all categories
  • Reiatsu bar increases
  • 2x progression on Soul Consumes
  • Soul Consumes have a 50% chance of HP regen
  • Can see players through walls
  • Under 30% HP: Takes less damage.
  • Under 25% HP: +1.75x Speed, +1.5x damage, loses passive heal, and jumps higher.

Transcendent | 0.005%[]

Clan Boosts
  • 5.85+ Sword
  • 5.85+ Melee
  • 315+ HP
  • 12+ Block
  • 10+ Spinter
  • 750+ Reiatsu
  • 10x HP Regen


  • Ailment Reversal: Reflect status effects back to the caster
  • Reishi Manipulation: When exploring an area with highly concentrated Reishi, you can covert it to Reiatsu
  • Antithesis: Reverse any event that has occurred (can only be used once per life)
  • Master Archer: Gain increased power and precision with arrows
  • Reclamation Regeneration: High Speed Regeneration outside of combat is boosted by 50%
  • The Almighty: Read the future and gain a 20% chance of dodging an M1 attack
  • Soul Consumption: Every soul you consume becomes 2x Souls EXP – you’ll also gain a 50% chance of HP Regen
  • Speedster: Normal flashstep speed increased
  • Enhanced Speed: 35% faster than other clans
  • Enhanced Reflexes: Obtain dodges that can avoid all skills for a total of 2.5 seconds
  • Advanced Growth Rate: Obtain 4x Mastery buff for all categories
  • Immense Spiritual Power: Maximum Reiatsu bar is increased
  • Spiritual Awareness: Sense players through walls