Project Mugetsu Wiki

Calls are phrases that the player can say in chat that allow them to release their Shikai, Bankai, Resurrección, or Vollstandig.

Shinigami/Soul Reapers[]


To activate a Shikai, the player must choose a call word from the list of available call words, and pair it with your Zanpakuto's name. For Example, if your Zanpakuto's name was Senbonzakura, then you would say "Scatter, Senbonzakura". However, the call word the player chooses is purely preferential and does not offer any advantages to using different call words.

Shikai Call Names:

  • Howl
  • Bloom
  • Roar
  • Devour
  • Scatter
  • Reap
  • Dance
  • Fly
  • Awake
  • Dash
  • Burst
  • Sing
  • Growl


To activate Bankai, the player simple has to say "Bankai", whilst their Shikai is activated.



Similar to activating a Shikai as a Shinigami, the player must choose a call word from the list of available call words and use it in the same fashion.



To call a Vollstandig, the player must say the first letter of their Vollstandig's name, followed by "The (Vollstandig Name)". An example of this would be "E, The Explosion"
