51+ Blogging Statistics (2021 State of Blogging)

Whether you’re just starting your blog, trying to increase your authority, or performing content marketing for a company, it’s important to know what’s going on in the world of business blogging.

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Let’s dive right into it.

General Blogging Stats

There were just 23 blogs on the internet in 1999.

In 2020, there were over 600 million active blogs in the world.

• The number of US bloggers sped past 28 million in 2015.

• About 5.8 million blog posts are published each day.

• It takes bloggers 3.5 hours on write a blog post, on average.

• There are more than 20 billion page views by over 405 million monthly viewers.

• Readers generate about 77 million blog comments each month.

• Back in 2014, bloggers published a couple of posts a week, but now, 66% of bloggers only publish a few posts each month.

• 53.3% of bloggers are between 21 and 35.

• 54% of bloggers have editor or proofreaders to review their blog posts while 46% of bloggers edit their own work.

• Of all internet users, 77% of them read blogs.

• Roughly 40% of readers prefer listicle-type headlines.

• On average, readers will spend just 37 seconds reading a blog post.

• Websites that have blogs tend to have more indexed pages than sits that don’t. In fact, the former has an estimated 434% more indexed pages than the latter.

• Out of all trustworthy sources for getting information online, blogs are rated #5.

• 17% of readers prefer a “how to” headline when searching for online information.

• In the US, internet users tend to spend 3x the amount of time on blogs compared to emails.

• There are roughly 32 million bloggers in the US alone, a huge increase from the 22 million in 2014.

• By 2018, the number of bloggers in California surpassed the total number of bloggers in Canada.

• The most popular blogging language is English (not too surprising).

Key Blogging Trends

• WordPress is used by about 76.5 million blogs in the world.

• On Google SERPs, approximately 33% of all clicks goes to the first result.

• Aim for 11-14 words for the perfect blog headline.

• There are 16x more posts with just a mere 1000 words than posts that border 2000 words.

• If you want to rank a blog post, the optimal word length is 2,250-2,500 words.

• The average blog post now has just 1,151 words.

• Of all companies’ blog posts, just 18% of them have over 750 words.

• Longer pieces of content tend to be better at generating leads than short posts. Not convinced? How about a metric: 9x better?

• By prioritizing business blogging, marketing ROI can be increased by 13x.

SEO Blogging Stats

• According to 72% of marketers, content creational is by far the most effective tactic for online marketing.

• Inbound marketing is bound to generate the best leads with regards to quality, according to 60% of marketers.

• Search engines account for beginning 68% of all online experiences.

• Nearly 75% of the top ranking pages have meta data while 25% don’t.

• As much as I’d like to say 0% of Google searchers still click on page 2 of SERPs, the number still stands at a strong .78%.


99 Firms, OptinMonster, Hosting Tribunal, Hubspot, TechJury, Quora Creative, Orbit Media, Sparktoro, Content Marketing Institute, SEMrush, Forbes, Blog Tyrant, Kinsta, Ahrefs, Codeless, Ricky Wang

More Stats from RickyWang.com:
1. Website Statistics
2. Content Marketing Statistics
3. Email Marketing Statistics
4. YouTube Statistics

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