My book: The 11th Doctor

The Eleventh Doctor: a critical ramble through Matt Smith's tenure in Doctor Who by Mike Taylor

My book, The Eleventh Doctor: a critical ramble through Matt Smith’s tenure in Doctor Who, is now available!

If you want a sense of how much book you get for your money, the paperback edition is 312 pages long, on US Trade pages (6″x9″). It’s about 84,000 words in total, which is rather longer than The War of the Worlds (60,000) or about 10% shorter than The Hobbit (95,000).

Table of Contents

  • About this book
  • Introduction: warming up to Matt Smith
    • Ages of Doctor Who actors on their debuts
  • Series 5
    • Episode 5.1. The Eleventh Hour
    • Episode 5.2. The Beast Below
    • Episode 5.3. Victory of the Daleks
    • Oh, and by the way …
    • Episode 5.4. The Time of Angels
    • Episode 5.5. Flesh and Stone
    • Episode 5.6. The Vampires of Venice
    • Episode 5.7. Amy’s Choice
    • Episode 5.8. The Hungry Earth
    • Episode 5.9. Cold Blood
    • Episode 5.10. Vincent and the Doctor
    • Episode 5.11. The Lodger
    • What’s in the box?
    • Episode 5.12. The Pandorica Opens
    • Episode 5.13. The Big Bang
    • Series 5 summary and retrospective
  • Christmas 2010: A Christmas Carol
  • Series 6
    • Episode 6.1. The Impossible Astronaut
    • Who killed the Doctor?
    • Episode 6.2. Day of the Moon
    • Episode 6.3. The Curse of the Black Spot
    • Episode 6.4. The Doctor’s Wife
    • Episode 6.5. The Rebel Flesh
    • Episode 6.6. The Almost People
    • The Almost People, redux: let’s see if we can sort this out
    • Episode 6.7. A Good Man Goes to War
    • Episode 6.8. Let’s Kill Hitler
    • Episode 6.9. Night Terrors
    • Episode 6.10. The Girl Who Waited
    • Episode 6.11. The God Complex
    • Episode 6.12. Closing Time
    • What do we know about the Lake Silencio incident?
    • Episode 6.13. The Wedding of River Song
    • More thoughts on The Wedding of River Song
    • Series 6 summary and retrospective
  • Christmas 2011: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe
  • Series 7
    • Episode 7.1. Asylum of the Daleks
    • In praise of Rory (consisting mostly of a digression about how terrible Torchwood is)
    • Episode 7.2. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
    • Episode 7.3. A Town Called Mercy
    • Episode 7.4. The Power of Three
    • Episode 7.5. The Angels Take Manhattan
  • Christmas 2012: The Snowmen
    • Episode 7.6. The Bells of Saint John
    • Episode 7.7. The Rings of Akhaten
    • The reason Doctor Who is the best thing on TV – a discussion
    • Episode 7.8. Cold War
    • Episode 7.9. Hide
    • Episode 7.10. Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
    • Episode 7.11. The Crimson Horror
    • Episode 7.12. Nightmare in Silver
    • Episode 7.13. The Name of the Doctor
    • A quick thought on The Name of the Doctor
    • Series 7 summary and retrospective
  • 50th Anniversary
    • Mini episode: The Night of the Doctor
    • Mini episode: The Last Day
    • The Day of the Doctor
  • Christmas 2013: The Time of the Doctor
  • The Eleventh Doctor’s place in the pantheon
  • Looking forward
  • Appendix A: most memorable episodes
  • Appendix B: Magic moments
  • Acknowledgements
  • Image and font credits
  • A reminder: Copyright and licence
  • About the author
  • Where next?

Reinvigorated Programmer posts about the book

 See also the blog-posts that about two thirds of the book is based on.

You may also be interested in Allyn Gibson’s detailed comments on specific parts of the book (with my responses to some of them, and a bit of back-and-forth discussion).

2 responses to “My book: The 11th Doctor

  1. The last page of the book invites us to discuss it here, so here I am! I’m going to start with the highly important point that I enjoyed the book sufficiently to not only recommend it to a colleague at work but to stand over him while he faithfully downloaded it to Kindle. What I like the best about it I can sum up in one sentence: I, too, have never shared this view of Classic Who being some kind of golden age, and have also infinitely preferred the work of Matt Smith and Chris Eccleston over that of David Tennant in the modern period. This, of course, makes your book an incredibly comfortable place to spend some time. There’s more than enough there, however, to disagree with. I’ll try not to be dull though and present anything as mundane as a list, but I would like to make an observation now though for your consideration (please feel free to either reach for a strong drink or head off behind the sofa at any time).
    Towards the end of the book you comment on the fact that Capaldi’s more advanced age should presumably make us safe “from the threat of more Doctor/Companion romance”. Have you considered the following though:
    When we last met River alive and kicking in 1930s New York, she complained about how difficult it was being in love with someone “who insisted on having the face of a twelve year old” (I paraphrase). The point is, in selecting an actor who is older than Alex Kingston (but not too much older), do we now have a Doctor with whom River is willing to spend some quality time? A Doctor with whom she would be willing to play companion to and be with for a whole season (or two)? I have to say, that was the first thought that I had as soon as I realised that Moffat and co had decided not to go for someone on the 30 – 40 age range. And of course, this gets even scarier when you recall a comment she made back when we first met her in the library, when she said that she was always meeting the Doctor out of order. Actually, up until then, she hadn’t: all her dealings (that we;ve seen to date) had been solely with the eleventh Doctor. Anyhow, I think I shall retire and let you have that drink now…

  2. Hi, Dave, thanks for dropping by! I can’t tell you how encouraging your response to the book is, and I couldn’t wish for a more practical positive response than forcing you colleague to buy it! Keep up the good work :-)

    On the relative merits of Old and New Who, I recently wrote a guest-post on the blog of Andrew Hickey, who is very much an Old Who advocate, trying to make the case for the new series. I can’t say it was well received in the comments, but no matter: we do what we can.

    The idea of a Twelve/River romance somehow hadn’t occurred to me before you mentioned it — though in retrospect of course it seems obvious. I do consider it a threat rather than a promise, though, for the simple reason that Alex Kingston’s portrayal of River consistently irritates me. Were she to become a regular companion, I’d consider that a step down from Clara (and far, far down from Amy and Rory.) Still, we should be safe from this given that River has now died twice.

    We’ll see …

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