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The Eleventh Doctor: a critical ramble through Matt Smith's tenure in Doctor Who (English Edition) Edición Kindle

When Matt Smith appeared in his first Doctor Who episode, The Eleventh Hour, Mike Taylor bashed out a review on his blog, and was surprised to see it featured on Slashdot. He kept blogging about each episode of Smith's first two series, and discussing them with blog commenters. Along the way, he developed some ideas on what makes the show unique.

THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR contains Mike's reviews, discussions and digressions on all 43 of Matt Smith's episodes (including all of Series 7 and the recent specials), plus the two mini-episodes leading into the 50th anniversary. It also features series retrospectives, evaluations of the different Doctors, and a look forward to the next Doctor. Along the way, Mike talks about Steven Moffat's writing, Matt Smith's acting, how Karen Gillan's Amy shapes up against Jenna Coleman's Clara, the glory that is Rory, and the visual vocabularies of various episodes. He also contradicts himself repeatedly (it took him a while to figure out what he thought about some things), makes wildly inaccurate guesses about how series arcs are going to pan out, and gets sidetracked onto ubiquitous surveillance, Peter Jackson's Tolkien films, and how to make a perfect summer salad.

If you're not already a Doctor Who fan, this book will not convert you -- in fact, it may not even be comprehensible. If you're looking for facts and stats about the show, you won't find them here. But if you love Doctor Who and want to dig deeper into what makes it tick (and what sometimes stops it from ticking as well as it ought to), then THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR is for you.

“Doctor Who is a light-hearted TV show which occasionally touches on deep subjects. This is not lost on Mike Taylor, whose analysis of the show is equally deep. The commentary enriches the viewing experience, and casts an interesting new light on the action.” -- Nicolas Laurent.

“There is more to Doctor Who than a mad man in a box; Taylor brings a passionate and well read analysis to each episode. With comfortable writing he discusses themes, the writers and Matt Smith in light of story arcs, current affairs, classic Who, and Veronica Mars.” -- Jeff Mitchell.

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Detalles del producto

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00HOA1X5U
  • Idioma ‏ : ‎ Inglés
  • Tamaño del archivo ‏ : ‎ 1584 KB
  • Uso simultáneo de dispositivos ‏ : ‎ Sin límite
  • Texto a voz ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • Lector de pantalla ‏ : ‎ Respaldados
  • Tipografía mejorada ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ No activado
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Activado
  • Número de páginas ‏ : ‎ 279 páginas
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Mike Taylor
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4.7 de 5 estrellas
4.7 de 5
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Allyn Gibson
5.0 de 5 estrellas One man's opinionated take on the Matt Smith years of Doctor Who, as they happened
Reseñado en los Estados Unidos el 4 de febrero de 2014
Mike Taylor's THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR is one man's opinionated take on the Matt Smith years of Doctor Who, written as they happened.

It's not an episode guide in the conventional sense. You won't find broadcasts dates, AI scores, lists of guest stars, or even episode summaries. Instead, the book analyzes what's on screen, with a look at character arcs, outstanding questions, and even theories about where it was all going. You need to have a passing familiarity with the on-screen material first.

I don't always agree with the opinions -- Mike is more forgiving of Series 6 than I am, I'm not as bothered by the disjointedness of Series 7 than he is -- but that's the genius of Doctor Who. We watch it for different reasons, take away from it different things, can discuss our differences like rational adults, and, hopefully, we can see something new and thought-provoking in what someone else thinks.
A 4 personas les resultó útil
5.0 de 5 estrellas Great book
Revisado en el Reino Unido el 10 de febrero de 2014
Not an episode guide but the author's thoughts on my favourite Doctor episode by episode, and much more besides. I love Who with a passion bordering on the obsessive and I love anything factual about the show - this book was especially great for me because not only does the author write with great depth and insight, he plainly has as much affection and respect for Doctor Who as I do. His opinions are interesting, thought provoking and above all honestly critical and he's made me look again at the episodes I love from a new perspective. Highly recommended.
A 3 personas les resultó útil
Blue Lake Bookster
4.0 de 5 estrellas This one goes up to eleven
Revisado en Australia el 16 de enero de 2015
A thoughtful, funny and well written guide to the amazing four year tenure of the Eleventh Doctor, based on a blog the author maintains on Doctor Who and other subjects. Mike Taylorâ(tm)s critical ramble covers all episodes of Matt Smithâ(tm)s run, from The Eleventh Hour to The Time of the Doctor, with series summaries and other short asides interspersing the text. I found myself agreeing with much of what Mike has to say in this book, that Matt Smith was absolutely, consistently superb as the Doctor (perhaps the most Doctorish of all Doctors), as were Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill as Amy and Rory, perhaps the best team that has ever travelled in the TARDIS; that Series 5 represents the high water mark so far of new Who, followed by the frustrating Series and disjointed Series 7; that acting standards in general now are vastly superior to those of the classic series, even during the Tom Baker years; that the ambition, ideas and sheer verve of Steven Moffatâ(tm)s vision for Doctor Who exceeds anything that has gone before for the programme, even if the reach sometimes doesnâ(tm)t match the execution. At times I thought he was a little harsh in his assessments of RTD, David Tennant, Alex Kingston and Jenna Coleman, but such criticisms are always well argued and it is clear that Mike is not just knowledgeable about Doctor Who, but someone who actually enjoys it and always looks for the positives in each episode, seeming disappointed with himself when he has been critical of a story; something not always common amongst Who fans incredibly; he is like the optimistic McCartney to Andrew Rilstoneâ(tm)s acerbic Lennon. There are some lovely little flourishes amongst the writing, I liked lines such as â~intellectual judoâ and âaeUp to now Series 7 has felt like a buffet on a pinball tableâ and while some tighter editing might have caught some of the typos that have slipped through this is one critical ramble through time and space (something the Doctor himself does well) that I thoroughly enjoyed. I hope in time Mike does a similar treatment for the so far outstanding Peter Capaldi Doctor.
4.0 de 5 estrellas Eleven is before Ten
Reseñado en los Estados Unidos el 14 de abril de 2017
Enjoyed the book emensely.
However it could have used more episodes for examples. I'm always entertained by people who are either critics for their lively hood or the people who feel that they have force cast as critics. They do take their output seriously to the point ad nausea. The always assume that the writer always knows about every little meanings contained within the story. Since I am always surprised by small nuances that suddenly appear to me after I finish a painting or drawing. Since I know that I didn't consciously put in that point of view, I'm always intrigued if the pot is intelligent and witty. I cannot not believe that writers can be blessed with the same sage subconscious. I can only hope that they are as entertained as I.
Joshua v Frost
5.0 de 5 estrellas I very much enjoyed reading Mike's take on the Matt Smith years
Reseñado en los Estados Unidos el 20 de agosto de 2015
I very much enjoyed reading Mike's take on the Matt Smith years. I didn't agree with all his choices, of course, but he always makes clear, thoughtful arguments about his decisions. His largest concerns seem to come when a character behaves uncharacteristically in order to heighten the drama. He also thinks its sloppy writing when a script tells us that something works one way in the Doctor Who universe, and then contradicts itself later in the same story, again usually to heighten the drama at the expense of the story. Overall, a good book.

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