
Stage 1: Play Through 5 Tutorial Missions and Required Campaign Missions

G-Police is a PS1 era flight shooter in which you take command of what is essentially an armed, futuristic helicopter. The G-Police keep the peace on Callisto, a moon of Jupiter, where the population live in a series of domes connected by highways. The trophy list is quite simple, especially if you choose to play through the whole campaign. There is a method in the guide to skip over optional missions not required for the platinum trophy with in-game passwords. This will cut down the time to plat from 12-13 hours, to 5-6 hours, but will likely require playing a few other missions after the end of the campaign.


As this is a PS1 era game where memory cards were not always available, there is also a password system. With the passwords, the player can optionally skip missions that are not required for the platinum trophy. The password system tracks much more than just what level comes next though, it tracks everything the memory card save file would track like your kills, # of completed objectives, hit %, etc. So one particular completed mission can generate a LOT of different valid passwords depending on how well the player performs. Thus the passwords you receive in-game will likely differ from the ones printed in this guide (they were mostly acquired through a complete playthrough of the campaign), this is no cause for alarm. Many different codes will get you back to the same place, all that will change are the stats on the memory card save file (which aren't important for platting the game).

In addition, the passwords listed below and throughout the guide were tested and found to be compatible with all 3 versions of the game: NTSC-U (Americas), PAL (Europe), and NTSC-J (Japan). Jumping around to skip levels with passwords has also been confirmed not to affect the ability to plat the game, and since passwords allow the return to any mission, no trophies are technically missableNote: The password the game provides during a mission debrief, post-completion is NOT to replay the mission you just finished, but to play the next mission that is upcoming.

Emulator Features:

As previously stated, progress can be saved via the password system or the "memory card" (Select "Load Mission" on the main menu to access either option), but it is much safer to just save your progress via the emulator's save states accessed via the Options button. The Options button also accesses the emulator's rewind feature. You will likely be using Rewind quite a bit as the missions can be lengthy (with no in-game checkpoint) and death can come on very quickly vs. the large cruisers or when fighting an enemy convoy. If your shield gets too depleted or too many of your allies are killed, rewind and try again. Occasionally a mission may get stuck because it didn't register a primary objective as completed or an enemy you need to kill has wandered somewhere far off. If it is bugged (a common sign is there no waypoint for your next objective) try rewinding and completing the objective again.

During the playthrough you will:
  1. Complete the five Tutorial Missions (Bronze Learn to Fly) aiming to beat at least some of the course time trials 
  2. Complete at least these required campaign missions: 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 34, 35 while completing a few more secondary objectives (Silver G-Police's Finest Pilot). Consult the 8 respective "Complete Mission" trophies bellow for an overview of the each mission, as well as other misc. trophies that can be acquired during them.
  3. Complete a mission without switching off the default "cannon" weapon, Clearing optional Mission 29 unlocks Gold Old Fashioned Pilot automatically
  4. Kill a particular primary mission target during Mission 3 (Silver Smuggler's Folly) and Mission 34 (Silver Nocardo Here)
  5. Kill 25 hostile targets from each of the three factions: Unaligned Civilian (white), Krakov Corp. (red), and Nanosoft (green) on map/radar
  6. Complete a mission with a +70% hit ratio (Mission 4 or 10 is recommended) to unlock Gold Reliable Sky Guardian
  7. In one mission, order a Wingman to attack an enemy 3+ times to unlock Silver On My Command!
  8. In one mission, resupply your craft 3 times (Mission 18, 20 or 30) to unlock Bronze Okay, but It Comes Out of Your Paycheck!
Complete 5 Training Missions.
Complete Mission 1.
Complete Mission 5.
Complete Mission 10.
Complete Mission 15.
Complete Mission 20.
Complete Mission 25.
Complete Mission 30.
Complete Mission 35.
Successfully complete a secondary objective.
Successfully complete 5 secondary objectives.
In any mission, never swap from the standard Cannon.
In any mission, rearm yourself 3 times.
Destroy 25 active Nanosoft targets.
Finish any mission with a hit ratio of 70% or more.
Recover 25 shield energy in a mission.
Instruct your wingmen to attack 3 times in a mission.
Fail any mission.
Eliminate Rogan Edwards.
Eliminate Ricardo.

Stage 2: Clean-up Targets If Needed

If you came up short on destroying 25 Civilian or Krakov targets by the end of the campaign because you skipped missions, restart a new campaign from Mission 1 for civilian targets or load up Mission 11 (password IKFNIVDA) for Krakov targets, and keep playing the campaign until the respective trophy pops.
Unlock all trophies in G-Police.
Destroy 25 active Civilian targets.
Destroy 25 active Krakov targets.

Tips & Strategies


  • Left Stick: Up Points ship down
  • Left Stick: Down Points ship up
  • Left Stick: Left Points ship left
  • Left Stick: Right Points ship right
  • Right Stick Moves your head in the cockpit so you can fly one direction while looking in another
  • Hover Up / Down (L1/L2 default) - Causes the craft to rise straight up or lower straight down
  • Increase Thrust (Triangle default) - Increases forward thrust, double tab to engage afterburners
  • Fire Weapon (Cross default) - Shoot currently equipped weapon
  • Slow Thrust/Reverse (Square default) - Hold to slow down and then eventually reverse direction
  • Change Weapon (Circle default) - Cycles through weapon equipped to your ship
  • Target Toggle (R1 default) - Switches between craft that are target locked. WARNING: Allies can be target locked.
  • Air Brake (R2 default) - Hold to come to a stop without eventually starting to reverse
  • Touch Pad Right - Brings up the Start Menu, from here you can access the Map among other options
  • Touch Pad Left - Tap to cycle through various ship views, one tap removes the cockpit interior for maximum visibility

Many players find the default control configuration awkward, the game offers the ability to remap buttons in the options menu.

The guide author preferred:
  • R1 - Air Brake
  • R2 - Fire Weapon
  • Cross - Increase Thrust
  • Triangle - Target Toggle
  • Rest Default


The Area Map screen accessed via the start menu:
  • Has a layout of the domes which you have access to during this mission (the top of the map is always North)
  • Shows the locations of the highways that connect the domes
  • Show points of interest in all the domes colored coded to a legend on the right side
  • Shows all enemy and friendly units in the dome your craft is currently inside
  • Has the option to zoom in and see a larger, more detailed map of the current dome
  • Has the option to see the list of secondary objectives available for the mission.


At the top of the screen is your Radar, use it in conjunction with your Map to help you navigate:
  • Thin Red Line - Points North on the compass. Use this to figure out where enemies are relative to you on the map since the map doesn't show which direction your craft is facing. Up is always North on the map.
  • Red Arrow - Points to your current objective or waypoint. Your mission may be to destroy what is being pointed at or protect what is being pointed at, so read the mission briefing carefully. The Red Arrow points to the entrance to the highway to the next dome if the objective is in another dome.
  • Green Triangle - Points in the direction of an active target lock. If you are too far away the green triangle will temporarily disappear.
  • Red Dot with Upward Black Line - Bogey on radar, the distance it is below you is indicated by the black line
  • Green Dot with Downward Black Line - Bogey on radar, the distance it is above you is indicated by the black line


  • Cannon - Default weak machine gun with unlimited ammo, but it can overheat. Always available.
  • IR Seeker Missile - Large damage, but turns and moves slowly so will not be effective against nimble craft. Requires manual target locking for seeking. Good against slow aircraft and ground units. Almost always available
  • Rocket - Lower damage, but the movement speed, ammo count, and fire rate are much higher than the IR missile. It must always be manually aimed as it has no homing ability. Good Against aircraft of medium agility. Almost always available.
  • Hyper Velocity Missile - Basically a railgun shot, it hits the target almost immediately after firing for high damage. Great against nimble aircraft, but also against swarms of ground units and turrets as you can quickly kill them in 1-3 shots and then dodge to the side to avoid enemy fire. Low ammo count until later in the campaign, but available most of the time.
  • Firestreak Missiles - Slightly lower damage than IR missiles, but moves at a higher velocity and can make tighter turns. Target Lock for homing and only the most nimble enemy aircraft will be able to escape its target lock. Low ammo count until later in the campaign, but available most of the time.
  • Bomblets / 500KG or 1000KG Bomb - Very difficult to use, if you are not moving, they will drop straight down. The faster you move, a HUD predictor will approximate where they will impact in front of you. One would think they would be great to strafe a convoy of slow moving ground units, but the blast range is tiny enough and the damage weak enough that it can't one or even two shot any of the more dangerous ground units. You rarely get access to the 1000KG bomb, this is pretty much the only one that is useful. Bombs are only available on bombing missions.
  • Starburst Missiles - Fires a volley of 8 missiles that will all home in on your manually target locked enemy or if none are target locked, will spread out and auto-target all enemies in your HUD viewfinder. This is an excellent tool to attack a formation of aircraft before they separate as each volley will target all craft. A few volleys will destroy most aircraft and significantly weaken the rest. Since you don't have to carefully aim, it is also a great tool to attack a dense cluster of turrets or ground units. You can buzz them at max speed to minimize the chance of getting shot and you just have to point in their general direction and fire to strike them all. Not available until around the mid-point of the campaign.
  • Laser - An upgrade to the cannon, as it also has unlimited ammo, fires basically as fast, but does much higher damage per shot. Though it overheats more quickly than the cannon, it also cools off much quicker. Not available until late in the campaign.
  • Plasma Launcher - Like the laser, it also has unlimited ammo, but has a unique firing mechanic. The fire button must be held down to charge up the launcher to full and then the high damage plasma shot is launched when the fire button is released. This weapon is ideal for poking out from behind cover to take a potshot at a tough air or ground unit before flying off to avoid damage. Not available until late in the campaign.
  • EPP - Fires a bubble of energy that upon striking any vehicle disables its electronics. It freezes air and ground units in place without destroying them so they can be arrested. A special tool given in the few missions that call for it.

Graphics Options

Under the options menu before you enter a mission there are a few graphics settings you can tweak to your liking: 
  • Draw Distance - How far ahead the game renders the environment 
  • Field of View - How narrow your vision of the environment is, lower FOV means you see less at the top and side
  • Framerate - How often the image refreshes per second

Raising Draw Distance or Field of View automatically lowers the FPS setting, but not really in actuality. The emulator can run it just fine with both Draw Distance and Field of View at max. Though even with Draw Distance at max, there can still be very tall / sparse domes in which it can't render all the way from the top of the dome to the bottom so you can get lost in a sea of black.

How to Fight a Heavy Cruiser (Gunboat)

These are the very large, slow moving craft that begin periodically showing up in the campaign after Mission 10. They are difficult to deal with as they can fire from long range, can do a fair amount of damage, and are very tanky.
  • Maximize Your Opening Shot - Often enemies (including the heavy cruiser) will not engage until damaged by your craft. Use this mechanic to its advantage by locking on at maximum range and then spamming the launch of as many slower missiles (like the IR's) as possible. It will only start to react when the first missile impacts, allowing you to dodge away as the rest of the missiles hit their target.
  • Use Distraction - Some cruisers have a certain enemies or structures they will target for the mission. This means, once you engage them, if you break line of sight they will go back to attacking their pre-programmed target. This often allows you to fire another volley of shots before it will react and start firing on you again.
  • Use your Wingman - Another way to distract the Heavy Cruiser is to give it another target to shoot. Target lock the Heavy Cruiser, then "fire" your Wingman weapon and they will attack the cruiser, drawing some of the fire. If the cruiser doesn't have a target for the mission this is a great way to break aggro so you can fire another volley of shots while out of aggro.
  • Use Cover - If there are tall buildings to place between you and the ship you can target lock the vessel then launch the more maneuverable firestreak missiles slightly to the side from behind the building. They will curve around the building to strike the craft. You can also use buildings to break line of sight so it starts attacking something else, allowing you to get in a few shots before it starts firing at your craft again.
  • Strafing Run - If you can't find a way to break aggro from the cruiser then you need to keep on the move while attacking. If you fly straight at the cruiser it will hit you with its very accurate laser fire. Instead fire the afterburners and fly in a straight line toward the left or right side of the heavy cruiser, like at a 40 degree angle. As you prepare to pass by, launch a volley of 3-4 Firestreaks or a couple of Starbursts while the cruiser is still in view of the HUD so the target lock will hold. Keep the speed up as you make a wide turn to come around for another strafing attack run.
  • Use Hover Up/Down - As a last resort if you are fighting it in the open, use L1 / L2 to hover up and down as you fire. That is the closest to a dodge feature in the game as you cannot move side to side. This tactic is most effective at dodging fire when your craft is directly above or below the Cruiser. If you are a far distance away to its side and attempting to dodge with Hover Up and/or Down, you may get better results periodically tapping it. If you hold either button down so the hover is a constant speed it seems to be able to lead its shots to still hit you.


Occasionally the game may miss recognizing that a primary objective has been completed and it is time to move to the next stage of the mission. If you think the mission has stalled out for some reason (like the red arrow on the radar pointing to the next waypoint disappears) you can attempt to fix it by rewinding with the emulator to before the current condition was met (such as shooting down all the aircraft) and then try again. One rewind is typically enough to fix the issue. Another cause of a mission stalling out might be that your commanding officer has asked you to complete a certain secondary objective. Though the game says none of them are required, the mission sometimes cannot advance without doing them.

Mission Password List

If you pass all the missions that you can use to obtain certain trophies or just want to jump around for whatever reason, enter the following passwords into the Load Mission screen to continue the campaign from the start of that mission.

Mission 1
Mission 13
Mission 25
Mission 2
Mission 14
Mission 26
Mission 3
Mission 15
Mission 27
Mission 4
Mission 16
Mission 28
Mission 5
Mission 17
Mission 29
Mission 6
Mission 18
Mission 30
Mission 7
Mission 19
Mission 31
Mission 8
Mission 20
Mission 32
Mission 9
Mission 21
Mission 33
Mission 10
Mission 22
Mission 34
Mission 11
Mission 23
Mission 35
Mission 12
Mission 24

Aviator's Pride
Unlock all trophies in G-Police.
Very Rare
Learn to Fly
Complete 5 Training Missions.
Select Training from the menu and complete all five tutorial missions. You can come back to them whenever you would like if you need a refresher or to try to improve your time trial course times for Tutorial Mission 1 and 3.

Below is a summary of each tutorial mission:
  • Tutorial Mission 1 and 3 are straight forward time trial courses. Fly your ship through the rings, in order, as fast as you can. If you can't make those faster times, each mission has a slower time worth 1 secondary objective. Beating any of the times on the 2 courses will give you a real leg up on completing the requirements for Silver G-Police's Finest Pilot, particularly if you are going to be skipping missions.
    • Finish Tutorial Mission 1 course under 60 seconds - completes 2 secondary objectives
    • Finish Tutorial Mission 3 course under 50 seconds - completes 2 secondary objectives
  • Tutorial Mission 2 has you following three different craft without losing sight of them. Toggling target lock on the ship you are following will make it harder to lose track of them.
  • Tutorial Mission 4 and 5 familiarizes you with some of the craft's weapons.
A Successful First Day
Complete Mission 1.
This mission sees the player scanning incoming transports for weapons being smuggled into Callisto.

Scanning is an activity that you will have to do a several times in the campaign:
  1. Locate an item with a white outline in your HUD viewfinder and press the Toggle Target button until it is manually target locked. 
  2. Aim your ship's target reticle at the object and the scan will be begin. You don't need direct line of sight to the target, you can scan through a wall.
  3. Hold the reticle in place until the scan is complete.

There is only a little combat in this opening mission so it is a good opportunity to get Gold Old Fashioned Pilot out of the way by never changing weapons from the cannon when shooting down enemies. If you find it too frustrating at this point you can always wait until you are done and then start a new game to get the trophy or it will come naturally if you complete Mission 29.
Whirly Bird Escort
Complete Mission 5.
This mission sees the player escorting the Krakov president's limo to Krakov HQ.

In the course of the mission the limo will be targeted by a series of air attacks and ambushes by a few roadblocks. Though they are listed as secondary objectives, completely destroying each road block is necessary in order for the convoy to move forward. As a result you are almost guaranteed to complete 3 secondary objectives during this mission. If you completed a couple of the time trials during the tutorial missions then Silver G-Police's Finest Pilot will likely unlock during this mission.

This mission is also one of the first opportunities to use the Wingman "weapon." 
  • Target lock an enemy with the target toggle button
  • While the craft is in the HUD's viewfinder, mash the attack button 3 times in order to unlock Silver On My Command!

Mission password WHLTMIAA.
Presidential Defense
Complete Mission 10.
This mission sees the player protecting the Krakov president's residence from a heavy cruiser.

Here's what you'll be doing during this mission:
  1. Get moving into the next dome with afterburners as soon as the mission starts
  2. Exit the highway tunnel and travel slightly to the left to reach the the Heavy Cruiser and 3 other smaller aircraft traveling in a tight formation toward the residence. If you intercept the squad before they arrive at the building it is easy to destroy the smaller craft quickly as they will not move off their pre-pathed course until personally fired upon. This allows you to quickly target lock and destroy the flanking craft before they arrive at the residence and the squad separates. Try to avoid hitting the heavy cruiser while attacking the smaller craft as this will draw its aggro.
  3. See Tips & Strategies for methods to combat the heavy cruiser. Once it is destroyed, the mission will end.

Since the craft is large and moves very slowly, this is a good opportunity to obtain +70% mission hit rate for Gold Reliable Sky Guardian.

Mission password CJWGRFAA.
Data Breach
Complete Mission 15.
Very Rare
This mission sees the player protecting ground units as they hack into Krakov Corporation for evidence.

Here's what you'll be doing during this mission:
  1. Destroy Krakov aircraft as you escort a ground convoy to Krakov HQ to hack for evidence. 
  2. An easy secondary objective is available for Silver G-Police's Finest Pilot in this mission. When the data download is nearly complete, 3 limos with Krakov executives will try to escape. Hit the vehicles with EPP shots to immobilize them without destroying them. Though it is listed as a secondary objective, not completing it can cause the mission to bug out and stall. If you aren't able to catch them and your mission doesn't update, rewind until you are in a position to complete that secondary objective and try again.
  3. Nearly simultaneously, enemy aircraft will attack from the Northeast to strike your ground units, so stun the limos quickly and get back to the fight. Once all the aircraft are destroyed your mission will complete as long as at least 1 ally ground unit remains.

Mission password UUBTMGSA.
Complete Mission 20.
Very Rare
This mission sees the player protecting retreating G-police ground units and then destroy bridge crossings after they have evacuated.

This is a rather long mission in which you will engage a variety of unit types. 
  1. Protect the ground units from aircraft as they retreat across the first set of bridges. Once clear, bombers will destroy the bridges. 
  2. Several waves of convoys of ally ground units will begin retreating to the bridge in the final dome and each will be pursued by a convoy of tanks which must be destroyed. These tanks have very good anti-air fire so attack them from behind at the furthest range possible to avoid quick death. 
  3. In between waves of ally convoys, you will be attacked by squads of aircraft including a couple of light cruisers. Each wave must be destroyed to continue the story. If the game bugs out on you and the next wave doesn't start, rewind and rekill the last of the previous wave.
  4. Once the last enemy pursuit group is destroyed, the mission will end.

If you haven't already obtained Bronze Okay, but It Comes Out of Your Paycheck! it can be obtained in this mission by re-arming 3 times. 
  • Quickly locate the 2 manual rearming stations in the dome you start in on the map and fly in to use both of them. You won't use up enough ammo to be worth retreating to here before you get locked inside the final dome, so do these two rearms now. 
  • When you start running low on ammo in the final dome, resupply at the 3rd rearm station in the NE corner of the dome and the trophy will pop. 

Mission password UUUONJVJ.
Low Profile Assault
Complete Mission 25.
Very Rare
This mission sees the player leading a squadron of bombers on a sneak attack of a Nanosoft airbase.

Here's what you'll be doing during this mission:
  1. Fly ahead and begin attacking the airbase, that will help keep your allies safe. Big bomb drops or Starburst 8-missile strikes are good for quick passes over thick ground defenses. If you try and hover and shoot at them you will get quickly overwhelmed. 
  2. Once it is safe, drop the beacon to send for the ground team. Protect them as they drive over and then from a wave of aircraft that attack.
  3.  Once the ground team have established a beach head, command will send you to destroy one more base in another dome.

Mission password EYZTDMVB.
Thwarted Domination
Complete Mission 30.
Very Rare
This mission sees the player weakening the defenses around Nanosoft HQ and then rearm with an air fuel bomb to destroy it.

Here's what you'll be doing during this mission:
  1. Fly around the map and destroy all air and ground units as well as all base defenses. If you completed the previous stealth Mission 29 to scan for targets, then you will know precisely what structures and craft need to be destroyed. If not, then they are shown on the map. Waves of reinforcement aircraft will also appear sporadically once certain clusters of targets are destroyed.
  2. Once all air and ground defenses are removed, the G-Police will recall you to base camp. Land on top of the bomb at the waypoint to rearm with an Air Fuel bomb. 
  3. Select the bomb and drop it anywhere on the base to complete the mission.

If you still haven't already obtained Bronze Okay, but It Comes Out of Your Paycheck! it can be obtained in this mission by re-arming 3 times. There is a manual rearm near the front of the dome with the base, a manual rearm that eventually unlocks in the enemy base, and loading the bomb counts as a 3rd rearm.

Mission password YAFDLECL.
Avenging Those We've Lost
Complete Mission 35.
Very Rare
Mission 35 is the final campaign mission. This mission sees the player clearing out the defenses at the North of the Super Carrier in order to enter and bomb the ship's core on the inside.

Here's what you'll be doing during this mission:
  1. After a bit of searching and destroying defenses the G-Police will ask you to return to base camp to rearm with a bomb. Do so then fly in the opening of the Super Carrier near the front of the craft. 
  2. Once inside, consult your map to locate and destroy all the generators. They will be guarded by a lot of defensive turrets and a few tanks, but there is no time limit so take your time removing defenses before attacking the generators. The recharging "Laser" will be your best bet for the turrets as it can take them out in a couple each and move much more quickly than missiles. For the few ground units consider firing the "Plasma" weapon that you charge up, poke around the corner, and fire to greatly weaken it. Then finish it off with other weapons. 
  3. Once all the generators are destroyed proceed to the South end of the craft where the door to the core room is now open.
  4. Select and drop the bomb anywhere in the core room, then quickly fly back out the way you flew in.

Mission password UYPPVADD.
Go above and beyond Duty
Successfully complete a secondary objective.
See Silver  G-Police's Finest Pilot for more information.
G-Police's Finest Pilot
Successfully complete 5 secondary objectives.
Select the right touchpad, Map, and from there you can click to see the list of optional secondary objectives on the current mission. Five completed over the entire campaign is extremely easy to obtain. You will probably get this naturally through the course of the story as some secondary objectives are pointed out during the missions. Four alone can be completed just between Tutorial Mission 1 and 3. If you can't make those faster times, each mission has a slower time worth 1 secondary objective. See Bronze Learn to Fly for more information.

Here are the two missions you can get four secondary objectives with:
  • Finish Tutorial Mission 1 course under 60 seconds - completes 2 secondary objectives
  • Finish Tutorial Mission 3 course under 50 seconds - completes 2 secondary objectives
Old Fashioned Pilot
In any mission, never swap from the standard Cannon.
Very simple, during a campaign mission do not change your primary weapon off from the default weapon "cannon."

You can either do this on an early mission like Mission 1 when the craft are weak and not very nimble or if you plan to play every mission it will come naturally during the campaign. In Mission 29 (password UEHLYUJC), you must remain undetected as you scan all the defenses on the enemy base. If you are detected, the mission is a failure. Since there is no combat allowed, you are only armed with the cannon and so the trophy will pop at the end of the mission. You can then press Continue as Mission 30 is required for Gold Thwarted Domination.
Okay, but It Comes Out of Your Paycheck!
In any mission, rearm yourself 3 times.
Very Rare
Right touchpad brings up the menu where the map can be selected. On the map rearming points where shield and ammo can be refilled are marked with white squares. Tutorial Mission 4 shows you what they look like. To fulfill this trophy you must rearm your craft 3 times during a mission. There are only a few missions where this can be done, because manual rearms normally top out at 2 per mission. There are also a couple missions where the ship is rearmed for a special mission, and it counts toward the trophy.

These are a few missions where you can rearm yourself three times:
  • On Mission 18, you are tasked with picking up supplies to deliver to the frontline which counts as rearm #1. You then escort the ground units to a base where there is another resupply point (#2). Finally there is a 3rd resupply point before the attack on the enemy base. Credit: Mulukh.
  • On Mission 20, you are tasked with evacuating a ground convoy across a series of bridges. There are 2 manual rearming points in the starting dome and a 3rd rearming point in the final done to the North.
  • On Mission 30, there are 2 manual resupply points to rearm at in the mission as you destroy the defenses on an enemy base. Your final objective is to land and rearm to pick up a bomb to drop on the enemy base which counts as a 3rd resupply.
Wolves in Metal Wool
Destroy 25 active Civilian targets.
Civilian craft will be your primary foe at the start of the campaign, they appear as white on the map and HUD. Expect this to pop before Mission 5 if you play every mission. If you skip missions and only play the required Mission 1, 3, and 5 there should be just enough enemies if you kill every enemy craft in all 3 missions. If you fail to kill 25 civilian targets by the end of the campaign then you can start over at Mission 1 with a new game and kill targets until the trophy pops.
Corporate Lackeys
Destroy 25 active Krakov targets.
At Mission 6, your primary foe changes to Krakov corporation craft which appear as red on the map and HUD. There will be more than enough Krakov craft for this to pop if you play every mission. If you skip missions and only play the required Mission 10 and 15, then you will come up short. After completing the campaign, use the mission password ESKZYQAA to continue playing from Mission 11, killing Krakov targets until the trophy pops.
Greedy Technicians
Destroy 25 active Nanosoft targets.
Very Rare
From Mission 16 and onward, your primary foe changes to Nanosoft craft which appear as green on the map and HUD. There will be zero difficulty obtaining 25 killed Nanosoft targets by the end of the campaign even if you only play the required Mission 15, 20, 25, 30, 34, and 35.
Reliable Sky Guardian
Finish any mission with a hit ratio of 70% or more.
On most missions, achieving a hit ratio of 70% or higher would be a pretty tall order even with the rewind feature, but there are certain missions that feature slow or immobile objects that makes it pretty easy to juice your hit ratio.

Here are two missions where it's easier to finish with a hit ratio of 70% or more:
  • In Mission 3 the primary objective is to project a shuttle craft from attack by air and ground units. Carefully target lock and kill the aircraft with homing missiles before turning your attention to the ground units. These particular ground units are extremely slow so switch to the cannon and carefully shred them to death with a long volley of gunfire.
  • In Mission 10 the primary objective is to destroy the first heavy cruiser of the game. These craft are large, slow, and tanky so they are very easy to hit with cannon fire and never evade target locked missiles. As long as you carefully destroy the few smaller craft, and don't miss many, you can run up the hit ratio on the cruiser. See Tips & Strategies and Silver Presidential Defense for methods to fight the heavy cruiser.
What Are These Helicopters Made Out of Anyway?
Recover 25 shield energy in a mission.
The craft of the G-police possess a shield that slowly regens over time if it isn't stressed. After taking 25+ damage hide from the enemy until it regens and the trophy will pop. This is pretty much unmissable, it might even pop in a tutorial mission.
On My Command!
Instruct your wingmen to attack 3 times in a mission.
Early on in the campaign (around Mission 5) a new weapon will be periodically added to your arsenal called "Wingman."
  1. Select the weapon
  2. Toggle target to target lock an enemy
  3. While that enemy is in view, press the attack button to assign your wingman to pursue and destroy that target. There should be a confirmation radio message from them if it worked. 

It has been a bit buggy for some people, but you should be able to just mash attack 3 times on the same enemy and the trophy will pop. If not, try switching target to another 2 enemies while pulling the trigger.
Crashed and Burned
Fail any mission.
Technically missable due to the emulator's rewind feature. Just run out of time, lose your follow target, get blown out of the sky, etc. to fail a mission. It will likely happen naturally.
Smuggler's Folly
Eliminate Rogan Edwards.
It is unmissable as it is a primary objective to complete Mission 3.

This is a tailing mission, follow behind at a distance and leave a beacon each place Edwards stops after being instructed to do so by your superior officer. Each time he takes off after stopping you are usually ambushed by aircraft. If you target lock Edward's ship and destroy the aircraft with manual fire like hyper-velocity missiles, rockets, or cannon fire, then you can use the lock indicator on the radar to prevent losing track of Edward's ship during the fire fights.

Mission password UIXZAAAA
Nocardo Here
Eliminate Ricardo.
Very Rare
It is unmissable as it is a primary objective to complete Mission 34.

As a part of this mission you will be leading a ground team to cut the power blocking access to a few of the domes. 
  1. Fly ahead to take out the 2 turrets guarding the first gate. 
  2. The next dome will have a few aircraft and a heavy cruiser. Normally the cruiser would be the priority, but the ground convoy will proceed immediately to the left and run into heavy defenses with 4 turrets. So ignore the aircraft and fly immediately to destroy the turrets, then target and destroy the generator too instead of waiting for your allies to arrive and do it. As soon as the generator is destroyed, the aircraft will stop attacking your ground units so you no longer have to worry about them dying and causing your mission to fail. 
  3. Take your time engaging the nimble Ricardo in combat. Destroying the heavy cruiser is optional. 
  4. Once the mission ends select Continue to move on to Mission 35 which is necessary for Gold Avenging Those We've Lost.

Mission password OHCVNLOL.