
Stage 1: Singleplayer "Roguelite"

The singleplayer mode for Crime Boss: Rockay City is a heisting horde shooter with some roguelike elements built into the design, hence the name "Roguelite". The game is often compared to Payday 2 and Payday 3, although moment-to-moment gameplay is closer to Payday 3 than Payday 2. The roguelike elements mentioned above include having to restart the campaign on Baker's death, permanent unlocks to make runs easier, and progression that goes beyond completing the main story.

No trophy is truly missable in this mode, as anything you fail or can't finish in your current run can be attempted or continued on a future run. If the idea of losing a run and needing to completely restart sounds awful to you, then luckily for you, there's a way to circumvent this mechanic and avoid almost any death or failure you don't want. See Tips & Strategies for more info.

In your very first run, you'll be given the "First Day" goal (quest or storyline), teaching the basic mechanics of taking over the city and completing missions. Until this goal is completed, every run you start will be a "tutorial"-type run where no big heists or character missions will trigger. It's possible to take over the city while in this first attempt, but note that the big heists you find in future runs pay a lot more money and will make those runs much quicker.

As of the latest update, difficulty modes have been added to the singleplayer mode. All trophies can still be earned on normal, so these can be ignored if you want, but if you find the game getting easy, then these modes are worth using for the significant progression boost.

For more details on gameplay or progression unlocks, see Tips & Strategies.
Complete the tutorial in stealth.
Finish the Hidden Vault heist in the campaign.
Finish the Money Train heist in the campaign.
Finish the Dragon Dogs heist in the campaign.
Finish the Import Export heist with alarm in the campaign.
Finish the Import Export heist in stealth in the campaign.
Finish the first day of the campaign.
Fail the campaign.
Start your first story goal with Gloves in your entourage.
Resolve Jupiter’s story in the campaign.
Resolve Cracker’s story in the campaign.
Resolve Chase’s story in the campaign.
Resolve Ranger’s story in the campaign.
Resolve Wiz’s story in the campaign.
Kill a detective.
Successfully defend your stash from a rival gang.
Purchase the first asset for the boss’s office.
Reach boss level thirty.
Remove Hielo from the city.
Remove Khan from the city.
Remove Dollar Dragon from the city.
Escape from Sheriff Norris.
Conquer all turfs of Rockay City.
Restart the campaign ten times.
Purchase twenty-five assets for the boss’s office.

Stage 2: Multiplayer

This is where you'll likely spend the majority of your time grinding. Note that depending on RNG and how efficient you are at grinding, your final time can vary by tens of hours by the time you're finished.

Don't let the name of the mode fool you; these missions can be played solo with bots or even when offline. While an internet connection is necessary to play with others, the urban lgends and individual heists for grinding or practice can be played while not connected to the internet. Despite this, the missions are much easier and likely to be more enjoyable when playing with others, as long as their goals don't conflict with your own. Urban legends should only be done with friends as a random may not care about the special objectives or not killing civilians.

It is recommended to start with the urban legends as the characters and weapons are pre-selected, so you won't have to worry about purchasing better perks, weapons, or characters until you already have some money from the legends.

All trophies can be earned on normal difficulty, and higher difficulties have much lower bonuses than for the singleplayer. It is still recommended to play on Extreme for stealth because the differences (single temporary ping and faster detection) can be worked around much easier than with combat.
Complete all trophies.
Complete the urban legend “New Blood”.
Complete the urban legend “Juiced Up, Iced Out”.
Complete the urban legend “Secret Symphony”.
Complete the urban legend “Hauling Ash”.
Complete the urban legend “Who Took the Dogs Out?”.
Complete the urban legend “The Big Khan”.
Complete all individual urban legends with a two-star rating or better.
Complete all individual urban legends with a three-star rating.
Hire a unique character in the Multiplayer mode.
Hire ten unique characters in the Multiplayer mode.
Hire every single unique character in the Multiplayer mode.
Make ten million dollars in total in the Multiplayer mode.

Tips & Strategies

Live Service Disclaimer

Something important to get out of the way is that this is a live service game, so it is likely that considerable changes will be made to the different modes and mechanics over time. Progression has dramatically changed since the launch of the game, causing some confusion when comparing trophy descriptions to what is actually seen in-game. While the game is in a functional enough state at the time of writing this, previous updates have introduced game-breaking bugs that left some trophies unattainable. Live service games can be unpredictable or poorly managed, so the circumstances surrounding the game's trophies are subject to change.

Exploit to Avoid Mission Failures and Run Restarts

With the roguelike nature of the game comes the mechanic of needing to restart a run if Baker dies or is chased out by Norris. Failing missions, however, won't end the run, and instead, you have to continue on despite the failure. This is meant to give stakes and tension to the risk/reward of taking Baker on missions and to make the fight for the city feel more weighty, as teammates who die and opportunities that are lost will remain gone for the rest of the run.

There is a very simple way around this mechanic that allows you to retry a mission as much as you want. When you die, simply pause the game and close it. You are still able to pause the game for a few seconds after you die and once you close and restart it, you can continue and will be placed at the beginning of the mission you died on. You can do this as much as you like and on any mission, including big heists, character missions, and turf attacks/defends. On top of that, if you fail a special objective in an urban legend, you can use this to restart the individual mission you were on instead of needing to restart the entire legend.

While this does diminish the intent of the game's design, it can be a great tool to learn specific mechanics or heists. Besides, if you're going for this platinum, you will play plenty more than one successful run anyway.


Gunplay in this game is nothing remarkable or difficult to learn, but positioning and knowing when to fight or focus on the objective is much more important and will likely come with experience. Some areas can and will have cops spawning where they will already be flanking you, so cover may not always protect as much as you might think. Aside from that, the two major threats to know about are melees and explosives.

Melee attacks deal greatly increased damage compared to most weapons to the point where five cops shooting at you is safer than one standing in melee range. While this goes both ways, many weapons kill quickly or one-shot enemies already, so the damage isn't really worth the risk of getting so close. For the enemies, though, their numbers and disregard for their lives means it's much easier for them to get close to your team and start whacking. Once you start to get a feel for how much damage enemies do with firearms, melee damage will likely catch you off guard.

Explosions are by far the highest damage source in the game. Red propane tanks, grenades, and cars can all do enough damage to instantly down any of your crew members that are too close, with all having a large radius as well. Teammates will usually move out of the radius when an explosive is about to go off, but if they don't, then just a single enemy will be enough to finish them off. This goes both ways, though, and can be useful to kill multiple enemies during turf attacks where groups spawn next to cars. For the most part, though, leaving any pre-placed explosives too close to your team will inevitably lead to them being set off at a bad time, leaving your team either flushed out of cover or easy to pick off by enemies. For this reason, setting them off as soon as you can is a good idea.

Another important feature of the game is that you can usually pick up the weapons of enemies. If you can't afford to buy better weapons, this is a great way to acquire a decent weapon during a heist. Teammates that have a melee weapon, such as a shovel, will automatically swap it for a firearm. 

The sentry gun is usually the best piece of equipment with numerous advantages over anything else but it may take some time before unlocking. Until then, boosters and explosives will be good choices.

The goal of most missions is to finish them as quickly as possible, so there are few that will have combat that lasts any longer than a couple of minutes, even if you start shooting right from spawn.


Unfortunately, you will need to stealth certain sections of the game and will be punished in some cases if you fail to do so. Luckily, stealth is much easier than in other stealth games or Payday. There is a three-strike system in place, with certain actions adding a strike and others that instantly sound the alarm. Guards and cameras can sound the alarm if they detect you and both will give a strike if shot or otherwise killed. Instead, you will want to subdue guards and find the security console that controls cameras to disable them all at once, as shown in the tutorial. There is no limit to how many guards you can subdue, so you can clear out any heist to run around worry-free. Gangsters can be shot and killed with suppressed weapons without breaking stealth.

Later in a run, some heists will have an absurd amount of guards compared to others, so stealth will likely not be worth it. An example would be bank jobs, which have about 5 or 6 guards, compared to a warehouse job, which has about 25 guards all around the map. These heists will have similar payouts despite one being much easier to sneak through. The hidden vault heist is a good heist to stealth as there are only about 6 to 8 total guards depending on the bank, and the camera monitor is simple to find and disable.

The default equipment option, the brick, is also a fantastic option for stealth. Bricks can be used to bring guards to where they can be safely subdued and recharge quickly enough that they can be used again to effectively lure a guard any distance away. They can be used to see if any guards are near a spot as the ? that appears will effectively mark them for a short time, and groups of guards can be taken out by making them all look away from you as only one will move to investigate the sound, but all will look towards it. The only downside is that it is useless if you go loud.

Ultimately, stealth will often come down to at least some trial and error in learning the nuances of the mechanics and each heist, in which case the closing game exploit will make it much easier to learn.
Crime Boss
Complete all trophies.
Ultra Rare
Neophyte Ninja
Complete the tutorial in stealth.
You can find the tutorial on the main menu in the smaller text selections closer to the bottom of the screen.

The default path for the tutorial is the stealth route, so as long as you follow all of the instructions given and the alarm hasn't been sounded when you leave, you will get this trophy.
Underworld Initiate
Complete the urban legend “New Blood”.
"New Blood" is the first urban legend and is meant to be an introduction to the format of the activity with simpler jobs. The first mission is to steal loot from some gangsters, the second is to hit an armored truck, and the third is a small bank robbery.

For details and strategies for all the special objectives, see Gold Rockay Knight.
Roid Ranger
Complete the urban legend “Juiced Up, Iced Out”.
"Juiced Up, Iced Out" is the second urban legend, still consisting of more basic jobs with slight variations on the usual missions. The first mission is to take out a strong captain, the second is to rob a warehouse, and the third is to escape a police ambush.

For details and strategies for all the special objectives, see Gold Rockay Knight.
Hidden Sonata
Complete the urban legend “Secret Symphony”.
The "Secret Symphony" urban legend is an alternate series of events leading up to the same Hidden Vault heist you can find in the singleplayer mode. The first mission is a bank robbery, the second involves rescuing a crew member and escorting him to the van, and the final mission is the Hidden Vault heist itself.

For details and strategies for all the special objectives, see Gold Rockay Knight.
Track Star
Complete the urban legend “Hauling Ash”.
"Hauling Ash" is the story goal for the Money Train heist in the form of an urban legend. While in the singleplayer, there are different missions you may get leading up to this heist. For the urban legend, the three armored trucks variant is used. The only difference is that the second mission has two trucks, which add up to three trucks before the main heist.

For details and strategies for all the special objectives, see Gold Rockay Knight.
Legend Looter
Complete the urban legend “Who Took the Dogs Out?”.
Very Rare
This urban legend is for the Dragon Dogs Heist, except the setup missions leading up to the actual heist are different. The first mission is a jewelry store ambush, the second is a more difficult warehouse defense, and the third is the Dragon Dogs heist.

For details and strategies for all the special objectives, see Gold Rockay Knight.
Imports and Exports
Complete the urban legend “The Big Khan”.
Very Rare
The final urban legend is for the Coke Boat heist but with the first two missions being different than usual. The first mission is an attack and defend against waves of Riders, the second is to steal the loot from a container, and the third is the Miss Olga heist.

For details and strategies for all the special objectives, see Gold Rockay Knight.
Rockay Raider
Complete all individual urban legends with a two-star rating or better.
Very Rare
This trophy can be achieved as long as you get either the special objective or "clean execution" in all the missions for all the urban legends. You will need both for Gold Rockay Knight, so you will get this while on the way to getting all stars.

For details and strategies for all the special objectives, see Gold Rockay Knight.
Rockay Knight
Complete all individual urban legends with a three-star rating.
Very Rare
Each mission in an urban legend has a special objective and "clean execution" objective to complete aside from the main objective. These determine the final rating upon completion of the urban legend. For this trophy, you must complete all of the main game's urban legends while also completing all of the special objectives and maintaining Clean Execution status. "Clean Execution" is achieved by not killing any civilians and having no teammates left behind by being dead or downed.

If a special objective is failed on any mission, then you will need to restart the entire urban legend and complete any previous special objectives unless you use the close game exploit. It is recommended to play on normal difficulty so as not to add unnecessary challenge to an attempt. This can be done solo or with any number of players. You can use the exploit of closing the game mid-mission to restart said mission without losing progress in the urban legend.

Since most missions can be played individually, it is possible to practice stealth or other strategies on each individual heist before encountering them in the urban legends.

The special objectives can vary in difficulty, from only having one revive on a warehouse defense to getting 90% loot on an armored truck robbery. Below are strategies and recommendations for all the special objectives with the assumption of playing solo with bots.

New Blood

Mission NameSpecial ObjectiveStrategies or Details
Hit on Repair Shop
Don't trigger the alarm
Funnily enough, the very first objective is likely something some players will have trouble with. Like all stealth in this game, take it slow, mark guards, and learn the level, and you'll be able to pick off all the guards with time. Keep in mind that you can kill gangsters in stealth without receiving a strike. You do need to kill them all, as there is a required safe to drill that will attract any remaining enemies. Chase comes with a shuriken that is useful for taking down enemies silently and quickly.
A Bigger Fish
Collect at least 90% of all loot
This is a standard armored truck robbery with only one car, so there isn't much loot to secure. When the objective text in the top left says (done), you're free to leave.
First Bank
Use, at most, 2 revives
The easiest way to complete this is to circumvent it by completing the heist in stealth. This is one of the heists that it would help to practice as single missions if you're not confident you can do it, loud or stealthy. Learning security room locations to disable cameras, and where and how many guards are on the map will make a huge difference.

Juiced Up, Iced Out

Mission NameSpecial ObjectiveStrategies or Details
Fight for the Turf
Finish the mission within 5 minutes
This mission is a little unique, as unlike the usual "eliminate the captain" missions, this captain has more health and is health-gated. This means you can only deal a certain amount of damage to him before you have to wait for him to run to another location and he is able to be damaged again. Once you kill him, the van arrives at the escape point pretty quickly, so you have time to take out any enemies between you and the captain.
Warehouse Robbery
Collect all the loot
This is a standard warehouse robbery with the addition of a trailer containing captain enemies and a safe that needs to be drilled. This one is likely quicker with a loud approach, as your AI teammates can help search the warehouse for any boxes you might miss. Make sure you only leave once the special objective is finished, as some of your crew might have loot on them that isn't enough to fill a bag.
Deal at the Canals
Don't use revives
It may be daunting that you can't go down once on a mission that forces loud, but the truth is this mission plays mostly as a scripted level. Enemies will be mostly pre-placed around the map and come out at scripted points to attack. If you move quickly enough, you may not even see any other cops. Use cover, take out everyone before moving forward, and you can complete this in about 3 minutes.

Secret Symphony (Hidden Vault Heist)

Mission NameSpecial ObjectiveStrategies or Details
Collect all the loot
This job is a loud bank heist starting midway through. Even with boosting the drill, you'll likely spend enough time in the bank that special enemies will start spawning. (Robots may spawn with Cagnali's Order installed). The characters you're given have good enough weapons to handle them; just be aware that they may spawn sooner than they usually do.
Freeing Mozart
Finish within 5 minutes
This is a mission that you want to complete as fast as possible, even without the timer. You begin on an overpass with a linear path through cars and fire to reach Mozart, with cops all along the way. Once you're escorting Mozart, he won't be able to travel at your sprinting speed, and if you get too far away, you'll need to return to him. The escort point isn't far, but you will encounter a SWAT wave or two with specials on your way there. So long as nothing goes wrong and you keep moving when clear, 5 minutes should be plenty of time.
The Hidden Vault
Use, at most, 3 revives
This iteration plays the same as any other Hidden Vault heist, so stealth would be best to avoid any risk. To summarize here, take out cameras and guards, start heist with teammates, watch for any running civilians outside once you open the vault (vault alarm doesn't break stealth unless a guard hears it), and move quickly once on the roof in case any more civilians show up (you can't stop them once on the roof).

Hauling Ash (Money Train Heist)

Mission NameSpecial ObjectiveStrategies or Details
Armored Truck
Finish within 5 minutes
This is a standard single armored truck mission, except the saw works a bit faster than usual. If fully boosted as often as possible, the truck can be open in just over a minute. Bagging and moving the loot from the one truck can be done in under a minute or two, leaving plenty of time for the special objective.
Armored Truck II
Use, at most, 3 revives
This is another armored truck heist with two trucks instead of one, although the saws are faster here as well. If both are kept boosted, the trucks can be opened and enough loot to leave secured before any SWAT even show up.
Money Train
Secure at least 90% of the loot
This heist is start-to-end combat, but not as intense as you might think. After the initial enemies, you only need to face the handfuls that come at you in pretty manageable waves. Keep in mind that you may be able to find a key in the upstairs security office or on a body near spawn to unlock the doors inside the train. Once you have everything bagged, you can start making your way out of the station. The route to the truck to unload is open and has a good amount of cops, but most of these will be pre-placed enemies.

The first trip you make, you'll need to pick them off and clear the way, but any remaining trips will just have the handfuls of enemies like before. You may even be able to run the whole length without seeing any cops until you're already at the end. As you transport the loot, the AI teammates will drop their second bag as they take damage to swap to their primary. Instead of waiting for them to pick it back up, it's faster overall to just haul the single bags to the drop-off and go back for more afterwards than to wait for them to pick them up, only to drop them again once more cops show up.

Who Took The Dogs Out? (Dragon Dogs Heist)

Treasure Map
Finish in 5 minutes
This mission is a jewelry store job, but with a bit of a twist to it. Shortly after starting, Kahn's riders will show up and start shooting, ending stealth if you haven't already. The best option then is to immediately rush in and start on the primary objective, a safe in the back room. Once the safe is open, you'll need to wait on the escape van, which this time takes longer than usual. While it is possible to secure all loot, since jewelry takes longer to bag than most loot and isn't worth as much, you may prefer to just leave without it if you're solo.
Defend the Stash
Use, at most, 1 revive
This is likely to be the one objective that truly stands between you and the trophy. This is a warehouse defense mission, but for an even longer period of time than normal.

About halfway through, captains will show up as well, and since these are riders, plenty of them will be rushing with melee weapons. This can be a bit much for only having one revive, so rather than holding a choke, a better strategy is to use the second floor of the warehouse to camp (this mission is always the two-floor warehouse). The corner that has the red door leading outside is a good spot for this. Sitting in the doorframe, you can watch the ladder on the right and the staircase on the left.

Even if enemies go up the far left ladder, they have to walk to the staircase to see you, so you'll see them in time to defend yourself. Most of the enemies won't even come up anyway, instead just sitting in cover on the first floor. Once time runs out, you'll just need to clear most of the guys still in the warehouse, and the mission will be complete.
Dragon Dogs
Use, at most, 4 revives
(Low-Security Variant) While this heist can only be partially done in stealth before the alarm goes off, it's still worth sneaking up to that point, as going loud beforehand means going through most of the heist defending and protecting allies. If you wait until you're forced to go loud, then you only need to worry about fighting on the way to the escape since the cops will only show up right before you airlift the second dog and can start to leave.

None of the baggable loot is required to successfully complete the mission, so you can just run for the escape as soon as it's available. Just keep in mind that there is a point of no return in the sewers where you drop down and can't get back up. If a teammate goes down up top and nobody is up there to revive them, then you have to restart as you will miss out on "clean execution." (Cagnali's robots also showed up here).

The Big Khan (Drug Yacht Heist)

Khan's Convoy
Use, at most, 1 revive
This mission begins with wiping out a bunch of Khan's guys before needing to defend yourself after the escape van blows up. The game suggests holding out in the small warehouse where the van was, but the whole map is open at this point, and you can defend anywhere you like. There are locations with good sightlines and good cover, rather than the warehouse that allows enemies to easily surround you. Once the defense is over, a new van will show up and cops will begin attacking (Cagnali's bots here as well).
The Distribution Center
Collect all loot
This mission is pretty much a glorified "rob gangsters" mission. The only real difference is that the loot is in a container you need to saw, and to get all the loot, there is one more safe to drill inside. Once again, make sure the objective is labeled as done before leaving.
Miss Olga
Don't raise the alarm
For this heist, it is recommended to already have a strategy for doing this heist in stealth by practicing the individual mission. This heist, especially in stealth, can be completed quickly by ignoring the gate and either jumping over the fence with boxes to the right or going through the dock by climbing the ladder on the opposite side of the parking lot from where you spawn. The guards along the pier can be snuck past or subdued, and if you know where the guards and coke spawn inside the boat, you can finish the heist before the detectives even arrive at the site.

One important note is that once you secure the minimum required loot, the getaway boat will take off soon after. To get all the loot and still have time to use the boat to escape, drop all the bags next to the boat and only throw them in when you're ready to leave. If you do this, you'll have time to secure all the bags and use the boat to escape rather than sneaking all the way back to the van.

Once you have completed the final urban legend with all stars, the trophy will unlock.
Savvy Seeker
Finish the Hidden Vault heist in the campaign.
Very Rare
The Hidden Vault is one of the "Big Heists" that can be randomly triggered during a run as the goal "Key without a Lock." This series of missions sees Baker working with Wiz to locate a secret bank vault.

*Note: To unlock Wiz's storyline, you must fail the first mission in this chain. Instead of recovering the briefcase, you must fail by having all crew members die (the van may not spawn at the start to leave early). This will trigger a different series of events that see Wiz breaking out of prison and then later escaping the country. On future runs, you may want to successfully complete the first mission, as doing so also earns you a good amount of money.

The heist itself takes place in one of two larger banks and can be completed in stealth. To do so, you must take down all guards before revealing the vault, as an alarm will sound, causing any guards still wandering around to sound the real alarm. Civilians will also flee, so it's best to have everyone in the bank under control before opening the vault. Once drilled open, civilians may still wander inside the bank and become alerted. If any manage to escape, it will only count as one strike, not an immediate alarm. Once you move all the bags up the elevator, though, you won't be able to handle any civilians back down in the bank, so it's recommended to save strikes for if anyone escapes during the roof section.

Once you have successfully completed the heist, the trophy will unlock.
I Like Trains
Finish the Money Train heist in the campaign.
Very Rare
The Money Train heist begins as the story goal.

This heist is start-to-end combat, but not as intense as you might think. After the initial enemies, you only need to face the handfuls that come at you in pretty manageable waves. Keep in mind that you may be able to find a key in the upstairs security office or on the ground next to the bodies of the initial guards that spawn. This can be used to unlock the doors inside the train. Once you have everything bagged, you can start making your way out of the station. The route to the truck to unload is open and has a good amount of cops, but most of these will be pre-placed enemies. The first trip you make you'll need to pick them off and clear the way, but any remaining trips will just have the handfuls of enemies like before. You may even be able to run the whole length without seeing any cops until you're already at the end. As you transport the loot, the AI teammates will drop their second bag as they take damage to swap to their primary. Instead of waiting for them to pick it back up, it's faster overall to just haul the single bags to the drop-off and go back for more after than to wait for them to pick them up only to drop them again once more cops show up.

This assumes that you are not at max police tier. If so, then cops will be tougher and come more frequently, making the heist much more difficult. Fighting the police at this tier for a long period of time is usually more trouble than it's worth, so it may be best to do this heist as the first or second "big heist" in a run and to just ignore it if it comes later.
Foo Finder
Finish the Dragon Dogs heist in the campaign.
Very Rare
This story goal begins under the name "A Rich Guest" and sees Baker hiring Silver to find information on the legendary jade dogs for him to steal. The first mission has you playing as Silver and is meant to be done in stealth, and going loud will cause two significant changes to the actual heist. The security will be more dangerous armed guards rather than normal security guards (also with guards in the vaults), and the lead guard won't spawn, meaning you won't get a keycard and will need to go loud before you can drill open the vaults. Whether you plan to sneak through the bank or go loud, this will make either much more difficult. Another option is to decline Silver's services when she asks for "cash upfront." The story goal will continue anyway, with the final heist being the same as if you had gone loud in the Silver mission. For this reason, if you don't want to stealth the first mission or the final heist, it would be quicker to decline and skip the mission.

While this heist can only be partially done in stealth before the alarm goes off, it's still worth sneaking up to that point, as going loud beforehand means going through most of the heist defending drills and protecting allies. If you wait until you're forced to go loud (assuming you are able to use the keycard), then you only need to worry about fighting on the way to the escape since the cops will only show up right before you airlift the second dog and can start to leave. However, this heist is one of the more difficult ones to stealth with many guards on it, as well as a longer intro section to go through upon a restart. For this reason, it may be preferable to simply do the heist in loud from the start despite the advantages of stealth. Keep in mind that the vault area is very tight and enemies can spawn from almost anywhere, so you'll need to be extra mindful of melees and grenades.

Be aware that there is a point in the sewers where you will drop down and will not be able to climb back up. If you want to secure all loot, be sure to throw all the bags down beforehand and try to make all teammates go down first, as any that are downed while still on top with nobody to revive them can't be saved.

If you're curious, keeping the dogs for yourself will boost your gang tier by one level (if not already max) and give everyone on your team one free level. Selling the dogs to Kahn will form a truce with him and he'll start attacking other factions much more aggressively.
Finish the Import Export heist with alarm in the campaign.
This is the Big Heist goal called "Warlord's Shipment," and involves robbing Kahn's Drug Yacht. Leading up to the heist, you can either pay for a coke order to instantly get the location, or rescue a gangster to interrogate later. The rescue mission is full of enemies, with a few captains as well, so it's recommended to be combat-ready and take them all out on your way to the prisoner so the way back to the van will be mostly clear.

The main difference between the loud and stealth versions of this heist is that once you go loud, you'll need to use the van at spawn to secure loot and escape. The much simpler way to do this is to bring at least two crew members, stealth the heist up to securing all loot in the boat, and then sound off the alarm. Once the boat leaves, you can simply switch to the second crew member still at spawn and leave in the van. If you time it properly, it is possible to escape in the boat before it leaves and still get the trophy, but if you miss the timing, then you'll need to fight your way back to the van solo if you don't have any teammates.

For details on doing the heist in stealth, see Bronze Privateer.
Finish the Import Export heist in stealth in the campaign.
Very Rare
This is the Big Heist goal called "Warlord's Shipment," and involves robbing Kahn's Drug Yacht. Leading up to the heist, you can either pay for a coke order to instantly get the location or rescue a gangster to interrogate later. The rescue mission is full of enemies, with a few captains as well, so it's recommended to be combat-ready and take them all out on your way to the prisoner so the way back to the van will be mostly clear.

Once you get to the heist itself, you will spawn out back behind a diner and are told to get closer to the yacht and find the gate. This heist needs to be done somewhat fast as detectives are going to show up after some time and will likely end your stealth if they get to the boat. Eventually, you will be told that a guard locked the gate and you need to get the key, but there is a much easier way to get inside. Depending on chance, you will have one of two alternative paths. Both require you to cross the parking lot to the warehouse on the right of the fence you're looking to get past. Once here, there will either be a ladder to climb onto the roof and drop down inside, or crates in the corner between the fence and the warehouse to use to jump over. If you have to go inside, two cops will be waiting but will wander far enough apart to be subdued and can be left inside the warehouse.

From here, you can make your way to the ship. The best way to go depends on the random orientation, as it could be right next to the gate or all the way down the pier. Once you get to the boat, it's best to subdue all the cops onboard to get free reign to search for coke. Each of the three floors can have between 2-4 cops patrolling, with each floor having some cover for places to subdue them. Once you've subdued them all, you can start searching for coke. This is where getting familiar with spawns by practicing the single mission in multiplayer can seriously help. As a reminder, there are two big stashes somewhere on the boat as well as many small stashes in nesting dolls, Kahn busts, briefcases, drawers, and on shelves behind towels. Do not secure the minimum loot until you are actually ready to leave, as once you are able to leave, the boat driver will soon leave you behind. It is recommended to leave all bags next to the loot boat, and only once you're ready to leave, throw them all in at once so you have enough time to secure everything and leave in the boat.
Hire a unique character in the Multiplayer mode.
See Silver Full House for more information.
First One’s Free
Finish the first day of the campaign.
This trophy is unlocked upon advancing past the first day on your first "tutorial" run of the singleplayer mode.
Downed but Not Outed
Fail the campaign.
This trophy unlocks for failing the campaign, which will likely come naturally as you play the game, but if not, then simply fully die as Baker on any heist, and you will unlock this trophy.
Too Old for This
Start your first story goal with Gloves in your entourage.
It's almost impossible to say exactly when this trophy will pop, but it will unlock either when starting a story goal involving gloves, or when gloves become involved in the middle of a story goal. Since which goal you get is up to chance, when you unlock the trophy is determined by which goal you get first that involves him. 
Olympus Ascended
Resolve Jupiter’s story in the campaign.
Very Rare
This mission chain will start seemingly at random as Jupiter is introduced to your team, with the missions starting soon after. Jupiter's missions are as follows:


This mission is very short, as it consists of a single fistfight. During the fight, you won't have any way to avoid attacks, so the best strategy is to tank the hits and keep swinging until the fight ends.

The Blue Bull:

A slightly longer mission, you will need to take out about a dozen gangsters in the bar before escaping out the second-floor back door.

Jupiter's Gym:

This mission will be a SWAT ambush on Jupiter that you must fight through. The cops will be able to see you through the smoke, and some may drop down right on top of you at times.

Steroid Fire:

Jupiter will attack a gang hideout to find her target, setting the building on fire in the process. Once again, the area will be obscured by smoke, but enemies will still be able to shoot you through it.


The final mission is Jupiter getting arrested to get inside a police station to get close to her two final targets. There will be many cops to fight as you find the two detectives and the helicopter keys. Once you manage to get the keys, you can leave in the helicopter on the roof.
Cracked the Jack
Resolve Cracker’s story in the campaign.
Very Rare
Like Ranger, Cracker has quite a long mission chain to get through. Said missions are as follows:

Hook Up:

Cracker is captured and strung up and must free himself. Keep in mind that the thug with the bat can do a lot of damage if he gets close enough.

Jet Set:

This mission sees Cracker sneaking through a snowy base to steal a fighter jet for its data. You'll need to cross the hangar to the barracks to find the pilot, with the key being nearby. Then, you must go back to the hangar to get in the jet and take off. The guards in this mission don't give strikes when you kill them, so feel free to take out as many as you want with the silent pistol you're given.

Dish Order:

The next mission has the player infiltrate a comms base to defend a laptop for a few minutes. This will start quiet but inevitably go loud, so there's no need to stealth if you don't want to. Defending the laptop can be tricky as the cover isn't all that great in the main room, but the mission won't fail if enemies get to the laptop. You will only need to start it back up, and then progress will resume.

On Rails:

Back to a snowy environment, this mission is all about defending a sled while waves of enemies attack. Note that there are ammo boxes on each side of the sled for when you run out.


This is the final mission, having you make your way through caves full of terrorists to reach the briefcase from the beginning of the storyline. At the end, you have to choose between fighting the terrorist leader or fighting government agents on your way out of the complex.
Ding Dong
Resolve Chase’s story in the campaign.
Very Rare
Chase's missions will start seemingly at random, with him not even being introduced at all before playing his first mission. There are only two missions for this story, which are as follows:


This mission can be annoying, as you must make your way through water that slows you down to a crawl. On top of this, there are cops that can be difficult to see through the bushes, and you will likely need to backtrack to find the end of the level. Fortunately, the mission is rather short and there are only a few cops to fight.

Der Jager:

Chase must clear out a couple of gangsters before retrieving some items, then hold off the cops in the street. During the hold-out section, it's okay to retreat further back if you need to, as the van will arrive behind you anyway.
Red Star
Resolve Ranger’s story in the campaign.
Very Rare
Ranger's missions consist of him having flashbacks to his time in Vietnam, with a heavy emphasis on combat. This story contains about 5 missions, detailed as follows:

Pinned Down:

A sniper pins the men down in a minefield, and the player must get through the minefield (slowly) and flank around to come up behind the sniper. There aren't many enemies to worry about, so there's no need to rush.

Danger Close:

The player must fight through the jungle to a bunker, then clear it as they make their way to the objective and back out. Enemies will be nearly impossible to see by any means, but their gunfire due to the brush, and the tunnels have close quarters for dangerous melees.

Last Man Standing:

This mission consists entirely of holding off enemies at a single location while waiting for a ladder to drop for you to climb. Note that there is an ammo crate to refill when your gun runs out of ammo.


(Fixed and is completable) This mission is similar to the last, although the defense section covers a much larger area. Near the end, a scripted scene will play out with Ranger going down, and afterwards, the missions will be complete.

Operation Red Star:

While most of Ranger's missions have been toned down in difficulty, this one may still be quite challenging. Most of the combat for this mission takes place on a mounted turret while large waves of enemies come at you. You can't get off the gun until each wave is cleared, so you have no choice but to kill all of them before they kill you. It may be helpful to actually lower your FOV in the settings as you can't ADS while on the turret, so it may be more difficult to see the enemies. You should also try to reload the gun before leaving, as needing to reload halfway through the next wave could mean having too little time to kill everything shooting you. The objective isn't in any particular box; it will spawn once you've opened enough boxes.

Once you complete the mission chain, you will get some cash from selling the Red Star, but Ranger will leave the team.
Geek Out
Resolve Wiz’s story in the campaign.
Ultra Rare
This character story is unique in that it is the only case in the game where you are required to fail in order to progress. During the story goal "Key Without a Lock," you will start with a mission to steal a briefcase from a gangster named Whitey. To unlock the path that sees Wiz broken out of jail, you must fail this mission by having your crew die (the van no longer spawns at the start every time for you to immediately leave). This will lead to a short mission where Wiz is broken out of prison, and then the player must place sniffers in the bank as per the usual series of events. Once the sniffers are placed, Wiz's missions will begin to show up on the following days.

Wiz only has two missions, with both being relatively short. The first takes place in Wiz's apartment, where he is ambushed while preparing to leave the country. Gangsters will continuously spawn in and enter the apartment, all while the player must find and destroy evidence before leaving to the roof. Before you go, Wiz's rifle can be found in the bathroom. There will be more gangsters waiting on the roof and at the end, a tightrope walk. Enemies will shoot at you while on the rope, and certain sections require the player not to move to avoid falling, so it's recommended that you only go on with a full health bar.

The second mission sees Wiz and his pilot ambushed while securing bags at an airfield. The player must finish moving the bags and complete further objectives, all while holding off the gangsters. At the end, you must get to the plane as it starts to take off before it leaves without you. Once complete, a cutscene will play and the trophy will unlock.
Case Closed
Kill a detective.
In the campaign, once the investigation bar gets high enough or you get far enough in conquering the city, detectives will be introduced. To lure one into combat, all you have to do is go loud on a heist and cross your fingers. If a detective does show up, text will appear on the screen saying, "Detective ____ has arrived!" in the same way that "Police Attacking" does. You'll know the detective by the health bar they have (same as gang captains) and the outfits they wear, which are different from standard cop or SWAT uniforms.
King of the Hill
Successfully defend your stash from a rival gang.
Usually in the late game, there is a chance for a raid to take place on a warehouse that you will need to defend with team members. This is a pure defense mission with unlimited enemies, requiring you to hold out until the bar at the top of the screen runs out.

These missions can be much harder than any other missions in the game for a few reasons:
  1. Explosives spawn inside the warehouse, so they're more of a threat to you and your team than the enemies. You may want to purposely set them off as soon as you get a chance so they don't go off at a bad time.
  1. Enemies pour into the warehouse and spread out, so it's much more likely that they will get close enough to melee or flank you. To hold a choke, you have to be aware of the spawns and be good at timing reloads.
  1. Some positions have you shooting enemies outside the warehouse, making it more difficult to pick up ammo. This is usually not too much of a problem, but it is something you should keep track of, just in case.

One strategy is to personally hold one side of the warehouse and trust the other 3 team members to hold the other spawns. Where enemies spawn can be different for each defense, so you should make sure that you hold enough of the enemies back yourself so your team doesn't get overwhelmed. One or two guys with crowbars can easily start a cascade that takes out your team members if there are too many enemies for them to focus fire.

Sentry guns work great for these missions, as enemies are forced to run into their sightlines.

Another method for the two-floor warehouse specifically is to camp in the back corner on the second floor near the door. While here, enemies will stay down on the first floor and teammates will stay near you. Once the time runs out, you can use your high ground to take out everyone in the warehouse.
Fancy Pants
Purchase the first asset for the boss’s office.
See Silver Classy Joint for more info.
True Player
Reach boss level thirty.
Very Rare
Level thirty comes pretty quickly as you buy most of the assets and complete runs, win or lose. Just keep playing the campaign mode and this will come before you're done with the rest of the trophies.
Off the Rocks
Remove Hielo from the city.
This trophy will unlock after you complete an attack on Hielo's final turf, killing the three captains.

This last stand takes place at a motel, with entrances on the left and right to flank the rival gang or move to the second floor. The captains have no notable features; just make sure you're able to finish them off once they go down.
Raider’s Ruin
Remove Khan from the city.
This trophy will unlock after you complete an attack on Kahn's final turf, killing the three captains.

The most important threat in the Kahn final stand is the mounted turrets that have great angles to shred your gang. Luckily, you can make a break for the staircase to the left of the main gate and get onto the roof, where you can easily flank the turrets. This also gives you high ground on most enemies, although enemies may start spawning on the roof instead. The captains are standard captains, and may even spawn below you where they will be easier to fight. Don't forget that Kahn's riders have more melee troops than the other factions and will gladly charge straight at you.
Remove Dollar Dragon from the city.
This trophy will unlock after you complete an attack on Dollar Dragon's final turf, killing the three captains.

This last stand is a little trickier as your spawn will be put through a bit of a choke to get to the construction site where the enemies are. While not necessary, it may be better to push into the construction site and flank the enemies as they run back up the front. One or two of the final captains will have saws, while the remaining are standard captains.
Impossible Dreamer
Escape from Sheriff Norris.
Very Rare
This is one of the more difficult trophies. To do this, the player must let the investigation bar fill and then complete the mission that triggers as a result. Once ready to start the mission, you can skip days to quickly add progress to the bar. 

When the investigation bar gets close to 100%, you will have about 3 or 4 days of ominous warnings from Nesara before Norris comes for Baker and you're forced into a mission to flee.

This mission is difficult for a few reasons:
  1. You will spawn as Baker with only one other, random team member.
  2. The team member will immediately start picking up loot you can't use anymore, locking them to their sidearm, a slower speed, and bag throw animations when they should be defending themselves.
  3. Cops are pre-spawned throughout the level, so it is difficult to find cover that isn't quickly, if not immediately, flanked.
  4. You need to cross the map filled with pre-placed and spawning cops and then defend a likely open street waiting for the van.

For these reasons, it's recommended to build your team up a bit before triggering this mission by buying better weapons and equipment, and leveling your team. You won't know who comes with you (unless they're the only ones left), so you should make sure all available team members have a good loadout. You can also dismiss lower-tier members so that only better crewmates can be selected. Finally, it's best to try and trigger the mission as soon as you can, as the longer the run continues, the higher the police tier will become.

Lastly, keep in mind that the run is already over, so there's no reason to risk your life for any loot that spawns or to save a teammate that went down. Once you escape in the van, a cutscene will play, and you'll get the trophy.
Rockay Rex
Conquer all turfs of Rockay City.
To get this trophy, you just need to make sure that the only turf you don't own when you defeat the final faction is the turf that you have to attack. Once all rivals are defeated, detectives will be cleared and you'll be able to end the campaign with all turfs.
Groundhog Days
Restart the campaign ten times.
Very Rare
You will almost definitely get this trophy while going for others, but if you don't or just want to knock it out early, there's a very easy way to do this. As soon as you start a campaign run, pause the game and select restart campaign. Do this as many times as you need, and you'll have the trophy.
Talent Scout
Hire ten unique characters in the Multiplayer mode.
Ultra Rare
See Silver Full House for more information.
Full House
Hire every single unique character in the Multiplayer mode.
Ultra Rare
This trophy requires you to unlock 20* specific characters in the multiplayer mode to either play or bring along on heists. In a way, you actually need to unlock them twice, though, as you first need to select them as a level-up reward or complete their missions, and then you need to buy them with cash for them to be unlocked. Since your options are limited to a random 3 rewards on each level up and you can't choose which characters show up in singleplayer runs, you should make sure to unlock characters whenever they show up in the rewards and try to complete all the character missions as soon as possible (note there is a difference between unlocking a character and unlocking their appearance to use on your boss).

Since the highest-tier characters can alone cost over $3,000,000 for each, you will need to grind out much more money than what is required for Silver Moneybags to be able to afford them all. See that trophy for grinding methods.

The 20* characters that are needed for this trophy are as follows: 

*Buggy: The requirements to earn this trophy are generally unclear at this time because Silver and Wiz are currently unable to be unlocked for multiplayer, and another character, likely Ranger, doesn't appear to count towards the trophy. Despite this, it seems a fix has been implemented to unlock at 17/20 characters, making the trophy still achievable.
Make ten million dollars in total in the Multiplayer mode.
Ultra Rare
You will unlock this trophy well before getting all the money you will need for Silver Full House, but not before you need to start grinding money rather than just playing. Please note that it is not necessary to grind a particular heist or to do so in a particular way. Everything in multiplayer earns money, so there is no wrong way to make progress towards getting the amount you need. This is the preferred method of the author, based on efficiency, time, and ease of use. Also, it is recommended to complete all urban legends before starting to grind since they do award money that would otherwise be wasted if done afterwards.

The recommended heists for the most efficient way to earn money are either the Drug Boat heist or the Hidden Vault heist. Either way, stealth will be better for time on both, as any time spent fighting cops is time that is wasted in comparison to sneaking. The final decision is up to you, but the pros and cons for each are as follows:

Hidden Vault
  • Pays more per run ($440,000-$510,000)
  • All guards and civilians can be subdued, giving free access to the whole bank
  • Significantly faster with more people to help
  • Can be done at any pace, with unlimited time
  • Must subdue all guards and manage most civilians in the bank
  • Need to manage civilians who wander into the bank
  • Have to wait on one or two drills
  • Longer bag moving distance
  • More bags to move
  • Can't manage civilians while on roof, possibly leading to alarm
  • Much longer when solo

Miss Olga Drug Yacht
  • Can be done much faster
  • No civilians to manage
  • No drills to wait on
  • Drug spawns are predictable
  • All guards on the boat can be subdued, giving free access
  • Fewer bags to move
  • Shorter distance to move bags (Stealth)
  • Pays less per run (~$200,000)
  • Mission is timed (detectives)
  • More difficult to get close to some guards
  • Must be fast to be efficient
  • Boat escape can leave you

To summarize:
  • Hidden Vault = Bag Moving Simulator
  • Coke Boat = Speedrunning
Classy Joint
Purchase twenty-five assets for the boss’s office.
Ultra Rare
One of the ways to spend money in the singleplayer is on assets in the office menu that give immediate boss XP for permanent upgrades. There are actually far more than 25 assets to buy, but to unlock more, you must complete runs and buy the ones you currently have available with some exceptions (see below). This can be done by farming however much money you need in a run by leaving a single rival turf and farming the higher-paying heists.

A different method could be using the payouts from big heists, as they usually amount in a couple million. Once 25 assets have been purchased, the trophy will unlock.

*Note: A few of the assets that can become available won't count towards this trophy. This includes the luxury car, the penthouse, and the island. These assets, while still expensive, used to cost significantly more and heists paid significantly less, so it's possible that when these assets were added they weren't meant to be bought for a while. Either way, these assets currently don't count towards the trophy and there doesn't seem to be any point in buying the car more than once.