

Stage 1: First Run - Blind Run

About the game and genre

The reader can skip to the next paragraph if they already know what kind of game this is. 

For anyone who does not know,  Rogue Legacy is a roguelite game, i.e. the game starts with a really low-leveled character and the main objective is to wipe as much as possible out in search of currency to upgrade them before eventually being killed. Upon death, the player must start from the beginning, but before the next try, they will be able to spend the recollected resources to level the character up in order to strengthen them and so face the foes easily. It must be said the map is randomly generated at each try, making it impossible to establish any strategy in terms of shortcuts or roadmap.

First run - Focusing only on completing the game

At the risk of being quite a direct sentence for a guide, Rogue Legacy is REALLY hard. The game has many situations that can feel really unfair and frustration is guaranteed (not to mention the bosses), that is the reason why the player should not think in anything but to just beat the game and so getting all the unmissable and story-related trophies as well as some others likely by accident.

In short, the player should do a first blind run without any concern about trophies; technically only one trophy is missable, the game is quite short actually and there is New Game + so there is no progress to lose at all.

Motivational message: This may not fit into an objective trophy guide, but DO NOT FEEL BAD FOR DYING: Rogue Legacy is clearly made to make the player die A LOT, so the worst the player could do is feel disappointed with themselves. Some deaths will be useful to power the character up for the next try, some others will be stupid and useless, and the bosses will make many cry, but the important thing is to never give up. It is not unworthy to end the game with over 100 deaths (or heirs defeated), so the player must stand up, take the blade, and KEEP TRYING!!!
Choose a hero with no traits.
Open your very first gold chest.
Read the last journal entry.
Die 20 times or more.
Have one rune equipped in every item slot.
Have one piece of equipment in every item slot.
Reach level 50 or higher.
Earn your very first Enchantress rune.
Defeat the boss in Castle Hamson.
Defeat the boss in the Forest Abkhazia.
Defeat the boss in the Maya.
Defeat the boss in the Land of Darkness.
Defeat the last boss.

Stage 2: Second Run New Game+ - Remix Bosses


After a first and overwhelming playthrough, it is time to replay the whole game but with an increased difficulty, New Game+. Even though New Game+ can seem quite extreme at the beginning, it is not so hard after playing it a few times, given the experiences earned from the first run.

Main objectives

This time, aside from beating the four bosses the player must also beat de remix bosses, which are really enhanced versions of normal bosses (see the Bosses section in Mechanics and Information), BEFORE killing the final boss.

If this is done, then the following trophies of the stage will have been achieved:

WARNING: If the player thought the main bosses were hard, that is because they have not yet fought remix bosses. These battles are monstrous and will demand a lot of practice and concentration to be bested; normal bosses are pushovers in comparison.

Note: While the first 4 trophies can be earned in any order, the trophy Gold Syngenesophobia is going to be the last one for sure since to access the battle, the other 4 remix bosses must have already been defeated.

After killing the remix bosses, the player is finally ready to end the New Game+ run, achieving both trophies, Gold Katagelasticism and Gold Geminiphobia (see description of both before ending the run).

Note: Technically, remix bosses can be all killed in the first run (NG, Stage 1), but actually, it is not recommended to do that. Those bosses are extremely overpowered and demanding enemies that even experienced players have problems dealing with, so it is better just to ignore those battles until NG +. This is mainly because remix bosses battles ARE ALWAYS THE SAME IN TERMS OF STATS, no matter if the player is in NG, NG +, NG ++... (see the Bosses section in Mechanics and Information) and the trophy Gold Geminiphobia makes the player beat the game in NG + anyways.

Remaining trophies

The above trophies are the main ones to be obtained in stage 2, the few remaining trophies in this stage are rather miscellaneous that may have been obtained in any of the first 2 stages by accident and are actually not very difficult as they require specific actions. In case the player has not obtained any of them, in their description, there is a detailed explanation of how to get them.
Use the special class at least once.
Beat one of the clown's games at least once.
Play the game for at least 20 hours.
Defeat all the minibosses.
Beat the game… twice.
Defeat the brothers.
Defeat the trademarked chemical.
Defeat the son.
Defeat the doppleganger.
Defeat the asteroids.
Mock the traitor.
Kill a chicken.

Stage 3: Optional - New Game++ - Grinding Trophies


Unlike Stages 1, 2 and 4, there is no actual reason for this step to exist in trophy hunting terms. Stage 3 was created to separate grinds from the rest of the stages and so alleviate the number of concerns from any other stage. If the player wants, they can mix this stage with 2 and ignore NG ++.

NG ++

There is no trophy related to NG ++; however, since ALL the blueprints and runes carry on through playthroughs, it turns into a perfect way to grind them before facing stage 4 and the final challenge of the game.

The player will find ALL the information about blueprints and runes in their respective trophies (those below this text), as well as a way to grind them easily in the same description.

Note: Since NG ++ has no related trophy, it does not need to be completed; the player can quit it once they are done with the grinds.

For more information about NG ++ traits, see the New Game + and New Game ++ section in Mechanics and Information.
Find all blueprints (purchase not necessary).
Find all the runes (purchase not necessary).

Stage 4: Actual Third Run - Die 15 Times or Less


This is likely the hardest trophy of the game and should be tried after having unlocked the rest of the trophy list.

15 deaths of less

To earn the final trophy, the player must beat the game once again while dying 15 times or less and WITHOUT using the architect in a NG file (NG + does not count). Since this stage is exclusive for a single trophy, all the information related to it will be find in the description of the trophy.

Even though this is hard and stressful, if the player has followed the guide and so beaten all the remixed bosses, they are capable of earning this trophy as well with patience and practice. Go on!!!
Earn every other trophy.
WITHOUT using the Architect, complete the game dying 15 times or less

Mechanics and Information

Overview of Gameplay

About the Game and Genre

The reader can skip to the next paragraph if they already know what kind of game this is. 

For anyone who does not know,  Rogue Legacy is a roguelite game, i.e., The game starts with a really leveled character, and the main objective is to wipe as much as possible out in search of currency to upgrade them before eventually being killed. Upon death, the player must start from the beginning, but before the next try, they will be able to spend the recollected resources to level the character up in order to strengthen them and so face the foes more easily. It must be said the map is randomly generated at each try, making it impossible to establish any strategy in terms of shortcuts or roadmap.

Gameplay and Controls

The gameplay is really simple and is well explained in the tutorial. This list sums the controls up:

Note: The "Always?" column establishes what actions are always available no matter the build and which ones need some specific equip (in this case, runes) to be performed.

Left or Up or Down or Right or L3
Down  + Square 
Down attack
Cross (Multiple times)
Jump x2 or Jump x3 or Jump x4 or Jump x5 or Jump x6
No - Only with Vault Rune(s)
Class trait
Yes (if it is unlocked in the skill tree)
Dash to left
No - Only with Sprint Rune(s)
Dash to right
No - Only with Sprint Rune(s)


There are 3 ways to power the character up, them all DEMANDING GOLD to do so:
  1. The skill tree: Increases the stats and unlocks new classes.
  2. The Blacksmith: The more blueprints are given to him, the better the equipment will be to buy.
  3. Enchantress: Not a powering method directly, but it allows the player to equip and unequip the character with runes that grant them special skills such as dash, double jump, and more coins per kill...

Skill tree

As in many other games, the skill tree is a set of power-ups that allows the player to level up the character from an origin. The origin in this case is the blacksmith, and even though there are many stats that can be powered more than once (especially health, damage, and armour), adding ONLY one point in a stat is enough to unlock the rest - Silver Decidophobia is related to this. It must be said that when one stat is powered, the next one will be more expensive, however.

This is a representation of the full tree with all the connections between stats:

The red circle marks the Hokage class. It is one of the most useful classes in the game due to its really high damage and a perfect option to kill bosses (it one-shots many of the enemies from the first area), so it is quite recommendable to unlock it as soon as possible. Careful, though. It is really strong but does not have much health, so the player must prioritize the attack of the enemies over theirs.


As the name implies, he forges equipment for the character based on the blueprints found. Some equipment has special traits, while others only boost the mere nature (sword = more damage, helmet = more armour...). This depends on each player's preferences and how lucky they have been at the moment of finding blueprints, so there is not much more to be said here. 

Just like the skill tree, each purchase increases the price of the next one.


The Enchantress grants new abilities to the character and is the perfect way to LOWER THE DIFFICULTY and so farming blueprints and runes.

Each part of the equip can hold one rune making a total of 5 runes to be used at the same time and their effects are accumulative, as an example, if the character has equipped two runes of "jumping" (Vault Runes) they will be able to perform a triple jump, if they have 3 a quadruple jump......

As with the smith, this is related to each player's preferences, so unless the player has the intention of lowering the difficulty to farm more easily, there is nothing else to be said. Otherwise, if farming is needed, see Silver Gnosiophilia or Gold Disposophobia to learn the rune combination.


Structure of the areas and order in which to visit them

Even though the castle resets randomly each time the player dies, there actually are a few factors that remain the same:
  1. First room: The room in which the adventure starts always remains the same. Not determinant at all.
  2. The architect: An unlockable NPC that "locks" the map, keeping it exactly as it was the last time the player died in it, but reducing the gold earned to 60%. Not recommended to be used. This mechanic "spoils" the player for Gold Thanatophobia and reduces gold gaining so much.
  3. The areas themselves: The map has four areas. Although their internal structure varies, their location itself is always the same. Explanation below. 
  4. The type of enemies and bosses: Related to the area's point, the kind of enemies to be found there are the same; in the third area, for example, the amount and distribution of enemies will change but not the kind itself. This includes the bosses. Each area has one boss, and that boss will always be the same, only changing its location in the area. Explanation below. 


Rogue Legacy has four areas for four bosses. As said, they never change in location, enemies, or difficulty. Here is a referential map and table of them:

Castle Hanson
Center - Initial
Khidr - Giant eye

Forest Abkhazia
East - Right
Alexander - Floating skull

The Maya
North - Up
Ponce de Leon - Fireball

The Land of Darkness
South - Down
Herodotus - Gout


IMPORTANT: This is only a REFERENTIAL MAP. The location is correct but the structure is made up. Tower is not a giant blue room, Forest is not a set of four squared rooms... Actually, sometimes, Tower connects with Forest and Forest connects with Dungeon.


Normal Bosses

The game has 5 mandatory bosses. Although they are rather hard due to the high amount of damage they deal and the lack of dodging options, they are not really complex enemies, having few attacks to perform.

Since all bosses have a trophy related to beating them, the explanations and videos about how to defeat them appear in their respective trophies:

And in addition:

Remix Bosses

Now, this is a challenge. Remix bosses are EXTREMELY enhanced and overpowered versions of the normal bosses and are, without question, the hardest enemies in the game.

Differences with the original bosses:

  1. As said, remix bosses are the same as normal bosses in concept, but their difficulty is way much higher.
  2. The level of the character does not matter here because each remix boss is fought with a specific character granted by the game (runes included), so the only way to beat them is by practicing.
  3. Fortunately, getting killed in these fight will not send the character to the entrances for a new run. Instead, the character will get expelled from the fight and will be able to get in again immediately. This factor eliminates a great deal of frustration as these encounters are clearly made to fail a lot.

To unlock the remix bosses, their respective original versions must be beaten first, and then their obol must be obtained from a sanctuary to get them to Charon, the man at the castle entrance.

How to Reach Remix Bosses Video Guide

Credit to Stormcloud Live for the video.

Since all remix bosses have a trophy related to beating them, the explanations and videos about how to defeat them appear in their respective trophies:

And at the end:

New Game+ and New Game++

Explanation of the Concept

In case the player or reader is not aware of this mechanic, here is an explanation. New Game + is a characteristic that allows the player to replay an already beaten game from the beginning with all the traits, powers, and abilities unlocked from the original run. This usually includes harder enemies to beat, or at least the same ones but with way more health and damage stats. The more runs are made, the more that the challenges increase, and so does the amount of +. In other words, the second run is NG +, the third NG ++, the fourth NG +++, etc...

Rogue Legacy has this feature and from one run to another EVERYTHING carries on, making all the grinding trophies accumulative.

New Game+ traits

The game follows exactly the same concept of dying and leveling up but to a higher degree. The character is now quite a bit more powerful than at the beginning of the NG, but the enemies are also powerful. Rogue Legacy has 3 levels (or tiers) for most of the enemies, each one stronger than the last, the toughest appearing as you go along the game, but in NG +, the first level of each enemy is removed from the game, and the very first area starts out showing directly level 2 having the late area with level 3 enemies but buffed. It may sound really tough, and it is, but actually, once the player gets used to it, it will not make much difference from the NG enemies.

On the other hand, in NG+, the gold gained increases by 50%, so it is a perfect way to farm and level up.

IMPORTANT: Many of the strongest blueprints needed for the Gold Disposophobia can only be achieved in NG +.

New Game++ traits

Unlike NG +, there is no actual reason to reach and beat NG ++ in terms of trophies, so it could be perfectly avoided; in fact, this guide uses it as a way to separate grinding from the NG + run and alleviate the number of concerns of the NG + playthrough.

If NG + was hard, playing NG ++ as intended is hellish. Now the player will only face top-tier enemies that deal a lot of damage, but there is a way to make it quite easier, which is explained in the trophies Gold Disposophobia, Silver Gnosiophilia, and Gold Geminiphonia.
Earn every other trophy.
Ultra Rare
Choose a hero with no traits.
Once the player dies, the game will let them choose a new character to restart the game from a list of 3.

To earn this trophy intentionally a character with "None" in their trait section must be selected, however, is possible that all they have traits and so having to wait until the next selection (death) to choose a new one.

It is likely this trophy is earned by accident during the first run.
Open your very first gold chest.
Gold chests are rewards for beating mini-bosses. Mini-bosses are rather tough but are not impossible to beat at all, especially at a high level. To know what enemies are considered mini-bosses, the player can check the Silver Zoophobia trophy.

As said before, the castle is built randomly after each death, so there is no way to know where to find mini-bosses. If the player finds a mini-boss but gets killed by it, they can lock the castle using the architect and fight the mini-boss again in the same room.

Actually, gold chests are also the reward for winning in the game of the clown, but that is harder to do if the player does not know how to beat it. Refer to the Silver Coulropholia trophy to know more about the clown.

It is likely that this trophy is earned by accident during the first run.
Use the special class at least once.
The special class, which is named "Dragon", must be unlocked from the skill tree by buying the upgrade "Bestiality", this being the only upgrade to be located off-screen.

Since this is a gold-earning matter, the only way the player can unlock it is by killing enemies and opening chests until they have enough gold to purchase it.

Here is a picture with a red arrow pointing at it:

Once unlocked, the player just has to wait until one Dragon-class character appears in the selection after death; once chosen, the trophy will pop.
Read the last journal entry.
At first glance, the trophy may imply that the player must read and find all of the 25 entries to be earned, but no, only the last one needs to be read and, unlike the rest, is always located in the same place, just before the door to the final boss.

The player needs to interact with the journal entry for the door to open so this trophy will not bring up any issues.
Die 20 times or more.
This trophy could be considered technically missable since actually the game can be beaten without a single death, but this is highly unlikely to happen. It is unclear whether the description refers to dying 20 times in a single run or dying 20 times in all of the runs.

Dying is part of the experience of Rogue Legacy, and unless the player is an absolute master of roguelike games or has mammoth skill and/or luck at playing, this trophy will pop naturally without further explanations.

However, if this trophy is a problem for someone, the fastest and easiest way to earn it is by killing the character as soon as possible each time they start a run either being killed by enemies, jumping into spikes, or falling in any other trap.
Have one rune equipped in every item slot.
Once the player has found around 10 runes, there should be at least one available to purchase per item in the enchantress. The player will only have to buy those and equip them all at the same time. 

Refer to Silver Gnosiophilia if you need more information about runes and how to get them.

It is likely this trophy will be earned by accident during the first run.
Beat one of the clown's games at least once.
From time to time, the player will meet a clown in any of the four areas, and this clown will propose a challenge. Of course, there is no way to know where the clown is due to the random nature of the castle.

Once found, the player must interact with him and he will offer one of these two challenges:
  • Knife throwing
  • Axe throwing

Knife throwing

This is by far the hardest of both. The player must hit 8 targets with his 12 knives. The more targets are hit, the faster the next one moves, making it really hard to destroy them all with "only" 12 knives.

Axe Throwing

Much easier than knife throwing and the most recommendable for this trophy. The player must destroy 90 targets from an amount of 100 using 5 axes, which may sound really hard, but it is not if it is known from where you should throw them. In fact, the player can start throwing axes before the challenges start if they do not get so close to the limit.

Coulrophilia Video Guide

Credit to Sullla YouTube Channel for the video.
Put at least one point in every skill in the manor.
The player should just focus on activating all the upgrades of the skill tree. There is NO need to complete the tree to 100%, only one point per stat.

The stat "Beastiality" is off-screen and also counts for the trophy. This is the upgrade pointed to with a red arrow in the following picture, which also reveals the full appearance of the skill tree:

Since this is a gold-earning matter, the only thing the player can do to unlock all the trees is kill enemies and open chests until they have enough gold to purchase all of the upgrades at the first level. It is quite possible that by the time the player focuses on this, the tree will already be well advanced and does not need many more purchases to be completed.

All of the skill tree upgrades carry on after deaths and starting a NG +, so the player will not lose any progress at all.
Find all blueprints (purchase not necessary).
Very Rare
As said in Mechanics and Information, it is recommended to forget about collectibles until reaching NG + or NG ++, which means reaching the second and third runs. This does not mean that the player should deliberately ignore them, so if the player has the chance of getting some, do it (collectibles accumulate among runs), but this should not be an important objective during at least the first run.


These are plans to craft new equipment pieces. There are 15 plants per equipment piece (helmet, armour, cape, bracers, and sword), bringing a total amount of 75, and it could be said they are separated by tier in terms of power and quality. The 3 weapons from the first column seen via the blacksmith are the weakest, while the 3 from the last column are the strongest.

Note: The reward never repeats. When a blueprint is obtained, the next chest will grant either gold or a different blueprint.

The blueprints are found inside chests that, as with almost everything in this game, are randomly located in the map, and there is no way to know what blueprint they will grant. At the start of the game, it's typical to find them in regular chests, but the more the player finds them, the better they will be, so the plans will quit appearing from those chests and start appearing in iron and special golden chests instead.

Finding limitations

During the first run, there are only 36 blueprints available to find, apparently to prevent the player from turning too powerful, but in NG +, all of them can be encountered.

Golden chests

Each time the player beats a mini-boss, they will be rewarded with a golden chest but instead of a blueprint, it may grant only gold. Another way to find them is using the randomly given by the shrines item "Calypso's Compass" but in NG +. The compass points to a secret room in some places of the map that has 2 golden chests.

Note: Unlike bosses and like usual enemies, mini-bosses respawn in the next runs after being defeated. If one is killed, it can perfectly reappear in the next run.

Not possible to farm but possible to make it easier

Since all maps are random, there is no way to know where to find a blueprint or a mini-boss room, so farming is impossible. The player will have to play normally or just keep searching until the 75 blueprints are found.

If the player has played as intended, they should have over 85% of blueprints after beating the game twice, so to find the rest, they should get into NG ++. In this mode, the enemies are devastating, but if the player uses this combination of runes, finding the rest of them will be more time-consuming than hard:

The Sprint and Vault runes are used to facilitate mobility, while the Triple Grace rune is used to DRASTICALLY decrease the power of the enemies (mini-bosses will not stand a chance). Of course, this will cause the gold earned to decrease as well, but once in NG ++ with a character that is already supposed to be very powerful, the gold does not matter for trophies.
Find all the runes (purchase not necessary).
As said in Mechanics and Information, it is recommended to forget about collectibles until reaching NG + or NG ++, which means reaching the second and third runs. This does not mean deliberately ignoring them, so if the player has the chance to get some, do it (collectibles accumulate among runs), but this should not be an important objective during at least the first run.


Runes are mods that grant new abilities or effects to the character and are found inside Fairy Chests, which are located randomly in the map, and many times, a challenge needs to be fulfilled to open them, so could be considered a reward.

Note: The reward never repeats; each chest will always grant a rune that the player did not have already. If a chest is opened after obtaining all the runes, the reward will be gold.

There are 11 different runes in nature, and all are available for each part of the equipment, which means that the character can carry 5 runes at the same time from a total amount of 55 because they can link one rune per piece of equipment (helmet, armor, cape, bracers, and sword).

The player can see the runes they already have per piece of equipment and equip and un-equip them by visiting the enchantress at the beginning of each run.

Here is a list of the runes and their effects:
  • Sprint Rune (Dashing with L2 and R2)
  • Vault Rune (Double jump with Cross, Cross)
  • Air Rune (Flying, for a limited time)
  • Bounty Rune (10% of gold)
  • Retaliation Rune (Returning the 50% of the damage taken back to the enemy)
  • Siphon Rune (Stealing mana from each enemy defeat, 2MP per kill)
  • Balance Rune (Defeating enemies grants 1HP and 1MP)
  • Grace Rune (Enemies scale slower; makes it easier but less rewarding)
  • Curse Rune (Harder enemies, better rewards)
  • Vampire Rune (Steals health from enemies defeated, 2HP per kill)
  • Haste Rune (20% movement speed)

Even though the character can only carry 5 runes at the same time, they can be the same (assuming they already have that exact rune for each piece of equipment) with the effect STACKING. For example, if the character has the 5 runes of Vault Rune equipped, they will be able to perform 5 mid-air jumps before landing; this concept goes for the rest of the runes.

As the description says, there is no need to buy the 55 runes, only to find them all. Once done, the only thing that remains left to unlock the trophy is to talk to the enchantress.

Chests related to challenges

Some challenges can always be completed, but some others are absolutely impossible if the character does not have a specific ability equipped. There is no second chance, so if the challenge is failed, the chest will lock for the whole run.

A typical situation of a challenge to get a Fairy Chest:

Here a list of the challenges:
Take no damage
Reaching the chest while avoiding enemies' attacks or spikes along a hall.
The spikes corridors are easier. Being careful with everything and dashing and double jumping help a lot.
No looking
Reaching the chest without looking at it.
Put the character looking in the opposite direction, jump to reach the level of the chest, and dash towards it (only dash, do not move).
No jumping
Reaching the chest without jumping.
Dash along the platforms; can be quite hard to do.
Defeat all enemies
The chest will be locked until all the enemies of the hall are dead.
In huge halls, the only matter is killing. Enemies behind a wall must be defeated with magic. If the character does not have objects that go through the walls, this is unattainable.
No fighting
Reaching the chest without attacking; normally a bullet-hell situation.
Ignore all the enemies and abuse I-frames after taking damage to flee from the situation.
Reach me in 5 seconds
Reaching the chest within 5 seconds.
Ignore all the enemies and abuse of I-frames to reach the chest. If the chest is in a separated hall the character must jump at the dead end to get into the invisible path to the chest and then pressing Down + Cross to reach the level of the chest.

Chests NON-related to challenges

Many chests are not a reward from challenges and are just hidden in the map, what makes them way easier than "challenge chest" to open and get the rune if the player knows where to find them. These chests are hidden amidst the texture of the walls, ceiling, and grounds and are invisible until the player opens them.

If the still-not-visible chest is inside the ground, there will be a "shadowed surface" over it. The player must put the character over that surface, press Down + Cross to go through it, then once landed, move to the slight flashes that reveal the location of the chest, and then just press Up as usual to open a chest (the Up  icon does not appear for hidden chests). See here:

If the hidden chest and so the shadowed surface are on walls or ceilings, the process is similar, except for the fact the player does not need to press Down + Cross to go through.

Not possible to farm but possible to make it easier

Since all maps are random, there is no way to know where to find a Fairy Chest, which challenge will be offered, and what reward will be granted (in the case it is a challenge-related chest), so farming is impossible. The player will have to play normally or just keep searching until the 55 runes are found.

If the player has played as intended, they should have over 75% of runes after beating the game twice, so to find the rest, should go into NG ++. In this mode, enemies are devastating, but if the player uses this combination of runes, finding the rest of them will be more time-consuming than hard:

The Sprint and Vault runes are used to fulfil challenges, while the Triple Grace rune DRASTICALLY decreases the power of the enemies. Of course, this will cause the gold earned to decrease as well, but once in NG ++ with a character that is already supposed to be very powerful, the gold does not matter for trophies.
Have one piece of equipment in every item slot.
Once the player has found around 10 blueprints (which are really easy to find in chests at the beginning of the first run), the blacksmith should be able to create at least one piece of equipment per equipment slot. The player will only have to buy those and equip them all at the same time.

Refer to the Gold Disposophobia trophy for information and explanations about blueprints and how to get them.

It is likely that this trophy will be earned by accident during the first run.
Reach level 50 or higher.
Each time the player upgrades a stat in the skill tree, one level is given, so the more gold is spend in the tree, the higher the level becomes. 

It is likely this trophy will be earned by accident during the first run. If this is not the case and the game is completed without reaching level 50, then the player only needs to keep playing NG + since the level carries on.
Earn your very first Enchantress rune.
Refer to the Silver Gnosiophilia trophy for information and explanations about runes and how to get them.

It is likely this trophy will be earned by accident during the first run.
Play the game for at least 20 hours.
The game only needs to be opened for 20 hours to get this trophy; this is accumulative and DOES NOT need to be done in a row. It is unclear whether the description refers to recording 20 hours on the same saving slot or recording 20 hours among all the slot, but either way, it is very unlikely to beat NG and NG + as well as the remix bosses under 20 hours, and that must be done in the same slot.

The time each slot has been played can be checked out by pressing Select (PS3) or Touch Pad (PS4) in the main menu.
Defeat the boss in Castle Hamson.

Where to find the boss?

As with almost everything in Rogue Legacy, the entrance to a boss fight is randomly located. The only sure thing is that in each run, there will be a gateway to one boss per area, and if that boss has already been defeated, the doors will be closed and locked.

Fortunately, the areas are way more difficult than large, so after some minutes of exploration, the player should be able to find the entrance to any of the bosses.


Castle Hamson is the first area of the game, the area where all runs start, and the place where the boss, Khidr, must be defeated.
  • Khidr is a huge eye that launches bloody gouts to the player. 
  • The gouts come in series of 4 or 5 in a row, and the best moment to attack it is when it is "loading" to start a new attack after performing one, which lets the player give it between 3 to 5 hits. 
  • At the moment of dodging its attacks, it is better to move from the ends to the middle since at the ends, there are spike traps.
  • If the player knows its moveset well, they can jump to one of the platforms at the sides of Khidr and attack from there since there is no need to jump to reach it in those places. However, this is risky since Khidr attacks really fast, and dodging on the platforms is way harder than doing so on the ground.
  • When Khidr performs its spinning attack (to left or right), the player just has to follow the direction of the rotation. If the player is on a platform during a spinning attack, they must jump over Khidr and then perform a down attack (Down + Square) to reach the other side without taking damage (this may need some practice but is not hard to do).

Ommetaphobia Video Guide

95f274.jpgCredit to 彥。文舍 for the video.
Defeat the boss in the Forest Abkhazia.

Where to find the boss?

As almost everything is Rogue Legacy, the entrance to a boss fight is randomly located. The only sure thing is that in each run, there will be a gateway to one boss per area, and if that boss has already been defeated, the doors will be closed and locked.

Fortunately, the areas are way more difficult than large, so after some minutes of exploration, the player should be able to find the entrance to any of the bosses.


The Forest Abkhazia is the second area of the game, the area located to the east, and the place where the boss, Alexander, must be defeated.
  • Alexander is a huge flying skull that launches "magic?" and invokes furies (little skulls). 
  • It is recommended to prioritize killing the little skulls over hitting Alexander and hitting it when it feels safe; otherwise, this fight can turn into a bullet hell.
  • Actually, there is not that much to be said. Unlike Khidr, this boss does not have an actual moveset, so rather than following a strategy, the player has to adapt to its behaviour.

Phasmophobia Video Guide

95f274.jpgCredit to waswat for the video.
Defeat the boss in the Maya.

Where to find the boss?

As almost everything is Rogue Legacy, the entrance to a boss fight is randomly located. The only sure thing is that in each run, there will be a gateway to one boss per area, and if that boss has already been defeated, the doors will be closed and locked.

Fortunately, the areas are way more difficult than large, so after some minutes of exploration, the player should be able to find the entrance to any of the bosses.


The Maya is the third area of the game, the area located in the north, and the place where the boss, Ponce de Leon, must be defeated.
  • Ponce de Leon is a huge flying fireball that pursues the player along the battlefield.
  • Aside from pursuing the player, it leaves a trail of little fireballs while moving. These little fireballs do not move and vanish after a short time, but while they are in the scenario, mobility reduces (they deal damage if you get touched). Not to mention the moving spike-balls in the scenario.
    • The tactic here is simple enough: the player must move around the stage (clockwise) and hit Ponce de Leon whenever they can. This way, when the boss and the player are in one place, the oldest fireballs will start vanishing, leaving free room to move and fight.
  • Ponce de Leon also uses to chain a dash attack. Between each dash, it spends a few seconds staying still, which turns into a chance to hit it 2 or 3 times but no more.

Pyrophobia Video Guide

Credit to XellosDarkSlayer for the video.
Defeat the boss in the Land of Darkness.

Where to find the boss?

As almost everything is Rogue Legacy, the entrance to a boss fight is randomly located. The only sure thing is that in each run, there will be a gateway to one boss per area, and if that boss has already been defeated, the doors will be closed and locked.

Fortunately, the areas are way more difficult than large, so after some minutes of exploration, the player should be able to find the entrance to any of the bosses.


The Land of Darkness is the fourth area of the game, the area located to the south, and the place where the boss, Heredotus, must be defeated.
  • Heredotus is a huge "gout?" that splits in two each time the player "kills" it.
  • The scenario has spike traps, so a character with the trait P. A. D. is a good option here since they will not activate those.
  • Heredotus splits in two up to 6 levels, so the player has to kill it 63 times, and almost each time, it splits a "green wizard" capable of invoking stones from the ground will appear.
    • It is highly recommended that each time a wizard appears, the player focuses on killing it since if Heredotus keeps splitting, they will become an army that's impossible to fight.
  • Essentially, this fight could be defined as a hit-and-run. The player must wait for a good moment to hit one of the gouts before jumping to another platform and repeating until all the gouts are gone.

Blennophobia Video Guide

Credit to ETG Videos for the video.
Defeat the last boss.

Where to find the boss?

This boss is behind the doors at the starting hall of all runs and it will only open if the other 4 bosses have already been defeated.


The final boss consists of two fights.

First fight

  • The enemy is Johannes, the character the player controlled in the tutorial
  • He is a more powerful version of the character, and has more health and infinite magic points. 
  • He will attack mainly with magic, launching knives and axes and leaving big swords on the stage for a few seconds.
    • The best moment to attack him is when he is landing after jumping to throw axes because while in the air, he cannot attack.
  • it is also possible to just attack and quickly dash to avoid him countering.

Second fight

  • The enemy is the Fountain.
  • It is not as physical as Johannes's, as its main attacks involve throwing knives from many directions.
  • When it is in the middle of the battlefield and stabs its sword on the ground, it is invoking blades that cover the whole ground, and the player can avoid this and also damage it by performing (Down + Square) on it many times.
  • Before launching knives from the wall, it spends a few seconds staying still, so this is a good moment to attack it.
  • Sometimes, it will just walk toward the player, trying to deal contact damage, but it is really easy to avoid this, and it can be attacked without much risk.

Paterphobia Video Guide

Credit to ASpicyStrawberry for the video.
Defeat all the minibosses.
Mini-bosses are enemies notably tougher than usual enemies but with much less health than any boss. Rogue Legacy has 5 mini-bosses, and all of them must be beaten at least once to earn this trophy.

As with almost everything in the game, the mini-bosses to fight and the location are random, so there is no way to know where to find them or which one will appear.

It must be said that mini-bosses always fight alone with no more enemies around, making them not too hard to beat. In case the player is killed by a mini-boss not yet defeated, a good option is locking the castle using the architect and fighting the mini-boss again and again until it's beaten.

Note: Unlike bosses and like usual enemies, mini-bosses respawn in the next runs after being defeated. If one is killed, it can perfectly reappear in the next run.

Mini Bosses:

Berith and Halphite
Two huge yellow skeletons
Large black knight
Huge painting
Amon and Barbatos
Two gray mages
Stolas and Focalor
Two moving plants
Beat the game… twice.
IMPORTANT: The description saying "Beat the game...  twice" actually refers to beating the NG + mode; if the game is completed again but in a new spot, the trophy will not pop.

As said in Mechanics and Information, NG + removes the weakest enemies of the game, which makes the first area start out directly showing their enhanced versions. Although it is tough, this should not be a big issue with all the experience and level earned from the first run (with the exception of remix bosses, which are the strongest foes of the game).

Aside from completing the game again, and as established in Stage 2 of the roadmap, the player MUST NOT face the final boss until beating the remix bosses in order to unlock their respective trophies, along with Gold Katagelasticism.

Strategy if it is too hard

Grave Runes are the best way to deal with difficulty; the more the character has equipped, the weaker the enemies will be. This also decreases the gold earned, but this gold is not too important here. A good combination of runes that ensures both weaker enemies and good mobility is:

Defeat the brothers.
Ultra Rare

How to reach the fight

This fight is not reached in the same way as the rest of the remix bosses.

Here are the steps:

  1. The other 4 remix bosses must have been defeated.
  2. The player must find the Traitor's Obol in a shrine. Both the item and the shrine are found randomly.
  3. Once the player gets the Traitor's Obols, they must die and deliver it to Charon, the man at the entrance of the Castle.
  4. Once in the Castle, all the doors related to bosses will have been reopened. The player just needs to find any of them and enter to reach the fight.


The Brohannes are the last of the first remix bosses that the player will fight. They are powered versions of Johannes, which have almost 3 times more health and deal more damage. The moveset is the same as Johannes's.

Technically, the scenario changes and there are no platforms to open with Down + Square, but is a really slight modification without importance.

To give the player an idea of what they are facing:

  • Difficulty: 7.5
  • Unfairness: 5
  • RNG component: 4

This is basically a battle against two Johannes at the same time, both stronger than the original. The same attacks are used, but they are still not extremely hard to beat. That is it.

To fight them, the player must have beaten the previous remix bosses. They are not easy to defeat, but after enemies such as Alexander the IV and Ponce de Freon, they should feel plausible.


All the objective facts about the fight are listed and shown here.


The player has the following runes to beat this boss:

Stats and comparison

As said, remix bosses must be fought with a stipulated character (and rune set) given by the game. This makes it possible to establish a list or table that shows the parameters of the boss and the character since the stats are always the same for all the players.



Health points
Damage per hit (ALL their attacks)
Hits to kill the player
Health points
Damage per hit (Square)
Hits to kill the boss (Square)
Damage per hit (Circle)

MP available
MP spent by Circle
Red knight
Purple knight


Both knights have the same stats and moveset as the original boss, and the best way to deal with them is to fight one at a time:
  • At the beginning, each knight is located at one end of the room, and the character is in the middle. The player must DASH to any of them, getting far away from the other. If done well, that knight will not follow the player and remain where he is.
    • This tactic is not perfect, and sometimes, both knights will charge against the character.

About the combat itself:

  • Just like the original boss, the best moment to hit them is when they are in mid-air after throwing the axes because, at that moment, they are not able to attack.
    • Tennis tactic: Following the previous point, if when a knight is hit in mid-air, he touches the wall, he will bounce back to the character (hypergonadism trait). Then the character can hit him again and he will bounce back once more so the character hits him again... Even being  a helpful tactic, this is not a loop since the knight can "release" from this situation by summoning the giant sword.
  • Hit and dash: If the knight is not against the wall, the player should be as close of the wall as possible so as not to attract the attention of the other knight. Then the player can get close to the knight to hit him and dash fast in the opposite direction since the knight reacts really fast.
  • Knife launch: During the fight, the player can laugh a series of knives 10 times by pressing (Circle). Each knife deals 131, and in the best case, the series is longer than the I-frame time of the knights, so they can take a second hit from the same laughing (262). This feature is extremely useful for this battle since each knight "only" has 5000 HP. So, if at some point, they join to fight the player (which they will), the knives are a perfect way to deal good damage to both.
    • Axes?: The player can throw axes also by pressing Triangle and they deal 175 of damage but unlike the knights or the knife launch a single axe is thrown and is harder to hit the bosses with it. This feature is not set on the previous table due to its low efficiency.

Syngenesophobia Video Guide

Credit to Grims Gameplay for the video.

Donation Box

IMPORTANT: This section is dedicated exclusively to PC players since Donation Boxes were added to the game in 2018 only on the PC version, but never arrived to consoles.

Donation Boxes are objects with the dollar symbol painted on them, which are located next to the entrance to a remix boss that forever boosts up the character that has to face that remix boss in charge of gold. It is possible to boost 9 times the character, each one more expensive than the previous one.

At level 9, health and damage dealt are practically duplicated respect from the base character and also increases a lot the power of magic, but to reach such a level a total amount of 712.500 of gold must be spent. This mechanics makes the remix bosses WAY easier but the grinding to reach the max potencial of it is huge.

See this page on the Rogue Legacy wiki to know how each level per each boss affects the stats of the character.

Note: Each one of the 5 remix bosses has its own Donation Box, which means that if the player wants to fight them all at max level, they will have to spend 3,562,500 of gold.
Defeat the trademarked chemical.
Ultra Rare

How to reach the fight

If the player does not know how to reach this boss, they should check the explanations and video in Mechanics and Information.


Ponce de Freon is widely considered the second hardest boss of the game but unlike the fight against Alexander the IV it does not feel terribly overwhelming. It is a super powered version of Ponce de Leon, having almost 6 times more health and dealing more damage. The only attack it has is the same as the original boss.

The scenario also changes, oddly to benefit of the player since there are no spike-balls moving around.

To give the player an idea of what are they facing:

  • Difficulty: 8.5
  • Unfairness: 4
  • RNG component: 5

This is the remix boss that changes the less compared with the original. Ponce de Freon pursues the player as usual but the fireballs it leaves take longer to vanish. In other words, instead of restricting mobility with spiked-balls like the original boss, Ponce de Freon restricts it by "planting" fireballs.


Here are listed and shown all the objective facts about the fight.


The player has the following runes to beat this boss:

Oddly, some remix bosses are fought with a larger amount of runes that possible in normal game (which means more than 5 runes), Ponce the Freon is the case. In this fight it the player can jump 6 times in mid air and dash once.

Note: Although the number of runes is higher than the usual 5, the game only displays 5 of them in the lower left corner of the screen, as usual. The runes marked in red above are the ones that do not appear in the corner and can only be seen by pausing the game and pressing Square to see the features of the character.

Stats and comparison

As said, remix bosses must be fight with a stipulated character (and rune set) given by the game. This makes possible to establish a list or table that shows the parameters of the boss and the character since the stats are always the same for all the players.



Health points
Damage per hit
Hits to kill the player
Health points
Hits to kill 
MP available

MP spent by Triangle
Ponce de Freon




Aside from the stats of the boss and maybe the long time the fireballs take to disappear, there are really few mechanical differences between this and the original fight.

These few differences could be:
  • The player "just" has to alternate between staying at the ground and at the platforms at the top of the room while they wait the fireballs on the other place to disappear (always trying to attack Ponce de Freon of course). This is due more to the change of the scenario than the combat itself.
  • If the player presses Triangle (20 MP), the character while perform a shout that will clean the surroundings from fireballs. This attack must be used only in extreme cases since can only be performed 3 times during the whole fight.

Chemophobia Trophy Guide

Credit to Grims Gameplay for the video.

Donation Box

IMPORTANT: This section is dedicated exclusively to PC players since Donation Boxes were added to the game in 2018 only on the PC version, never arrived to consoles.

Donation Boxes are objects with the dollar symbol painted on it located next to the entrance to a remix boss that boosts up forever the character that has to face that remix boss in charge of gold. It is possible to boost 9 times the character, each one more expensive than the previous one.

In level 9 health and damage dealt are practically duplicated respect from the base character and also increases a lot the power of magic, but to reach such a level a total amount of 712.500 of gold must be spent. This mechanics makes the remix bosses WAY easier but the grinding to reach the max potencial of it is huge.

See this page on Rogue Legacy wiki to know how each level per each boss effects the stats of the character.

Note: Each one of the 5 remix boss has its own Donation Box, this means that if the player wants to fight them all at max level they will have to spend 3.562.500 of gold.
Defeat the son.
Very Rare

How to reach the fight

If the player does not know how to reach this boss, they should check the explanations and video in Mechanics and Information.


Alexander the IV is widely considered the hardest boss of the game and also the worst one due to the huge RNG component required to beat it. It is a super powered version of Alexander, having 6 times more health and dealing more damage. The only attack it has is the same as the original boss.

The scenario also changes, being COMPLETELY covered by spikes.

To give the player an idea of what are they facing:

  • Difficulty: 9.5
  • Unfairness: 7
  • RNG component: 8

Since now the entire contour of the battlefield is covered by spikes the player only has 3 platforms per side to move so the mobility is extremely reduced, on the top of that, Alexander the IV and its minions can freely fly all over the scenario, which turns the battle into a constant prayer for nothing (or almost nothing) to touch the player while they are somehow draining the health bar of Alexander the IV.

This fight can turn into a perfect reason to give up on obtaining the platinum and actually there is no a better method in the game to destroy the nerves and self-esteem of the player.


Here are listed and shown all the objective facts about the fight.


The player has the following runes to beat this boss:

Stats and comparison

As said, remix bosses must be fight with a stipulated character (and rune set) given by the game. This makes possible to establish a list or table that shows the parameters of the boss and the character since the stats are always the same for all the players.



Health points
Damage per hit
Hits to kill the player
Health points

Damage per hit

Hits to kill

Earnings per kill
MP spent by Triangle or Circle
Alexander the IV

Furies/Little skull

4 MP
4 HP



Unless the player is a master of the game and somewhat manages to predict the attacks before the enemies perform them, this fight is quite luck based no matter the strategy. There are a few tips to follow though:
  • Just starting, the player should press Circle to a put a "shadow mark" (5 MP) in the scenario. Then when the player gets surrounded by enemies ( what will happen) should press again Circle to teleport (5 MP) to the mark and press it again to set a new one.
  • To travel from the left to the right side and viceversa, the player must press Triangle (5 MP), which is a "teleporting dash", to go through the wall and spikes.
  • It is recommendable to not only focus on Alexander and also kill furies (little skulls), not only because of the HP and MP they grant but also for cleaning the battlefield from them.
  • The best moment to attack Alexander the IV is when he stops moving and starts launching its (magical balls) over enough from a platform to let the player hit it without being hit by the "balls" (4 hits could be dealt, 5 at maximum). Unfortunately, this situation is RNG and does not depend on the player at all. Aside from that, the little skulls will keep oppressing the player.
    • Since the previous situation is rather hard to happen, the player should hit Alexander only when they feel is "safe" when it is moving.
  • SPIKES ARE HELPFUL, as seen in the table above, the spikes are the element that deals the less damage, so if the player is about to get hit by enemies and the "shadow mark" is not available, they should intentionally get hit from spikes and taking advantage of the I-frames to flee from that situation.

Ostiophobia Video Guide

Credit to Grims Gameplay for the video.

Donation Box

IMPORTANT: This section is dedicated exclusively to PC players since Donation Boxes were added to the game in 2018 only on the PC version, never arrived to consoles.

Donation Boxes are objects with the dollar symbol painted on it located next to the entrance to a remix boss that boosts up forever the character that has to face that remix boss in charge of gold. It is possible to boost 9 times the character, each one more expensive than the previous one.

In level 9 health and damage dealt are practically duplicated respect from the base character and also increases a lot the power of magic, but to reach such a level a total amount of 712.500 of gold must be spent. This mechanics makes the remix bosses WAY easier but the grinding to reach the max potencial of it is huge.

See this page on Rogue Legacy wiki to know how each level per each boss effects the stats of the character.

Note: Each one of the 5 remix boss has its own Donation Box, this means that if the player wants to fight them all at max level they will have to spend 3.562.500 of gold.
Defeat the doppleganger.
Very Rare

How to reach the fight

If the player does not know how to reach this boss, they should check the explanations and video in Mechanics and Information.


Neo Khidr is likely the first remix boss the player will fight. It is a super powered version of Khidr, having 10 times more health, dealing more damage and all of its attacks are extremed versions from the original boss.

The escenario also changes, now having spikes also in the middle of the ground that must be surpassed by dashing.

To give the player an idea of what are they facing:

  • Difficulty: 7.5
  • Unfairness: 2
  • RNG component: 2

Overall once the bosses attacks are learnt is just a time-consuming battle but some of the bloody gouts it throws can feel a bit random in direction, making them to seem RNG sometimes.


Here are listed and shown all the objective facts about the fight.


The player has the following runes to beat this boss:

Oddly, some remix bosses are fought with a larger amount of runes that possible in normal game (which means more than 5 runes), Neo Khidr is the case. However, the Bounty Rune and the Siphon Rune are absolutely useless and irrelevant for this fight so they likely act as a joke of the developers.

Note: Somehow, the Haste Rune adds 50% of speed instead of 20% and the Bounty Rune "grants" 30% more gold instead of 10%, this parameters can be seen only in the features of the character (see note below). It is unknown if this means that this 2 specific runes are way more efficient and powerful than those from the main game or if actually the effect is the result of a combination of many more runes that are not stated in the features.

Note: Although the number of runes is higher than the usual 5, the game only displays 5 of them in the lower left corner of the screen, as usual. The runes marked in red above are the ones that do not appear in the corner and can only be seen by pausing the game and pressing Square to see the features of the character.

Stats and comparison

As said, remix bosses must be fight with a stipulated character (and rune set) given by the game. This makes possible to establish a list or table that shows the parameters of the boss and the character since the stats are always the same for all the players.




Health points
Damage per hit
Hits to kill the player
Health points

Damage per hit (Square)

Damage per hit (Circle)
Hits to kill the boss (Square)
Hits to kill the boss (Circle)
Neo Khidr

138 (/6) = 23


MP available
MP earned per hit
MP spent by Circle


If the player has not understood the section "Hits to kill the boss (Circle)" here an explanation: 
  • Each giant sword hits 6 times and each hit deals 116 of damage, which is a total of 696.
  • The HP of Neo Khidr (16000) divided by 696 results in: 22,98 (23), which are the times a giant sword must be invoke to kill the boss.
    • Due to how close the actual number (22,98) is to 23, the player will only need to invoke the sword 22 times because of the progressive low damage they had already dealt with the normal attack Square.
  • The 138 are the total amount if hits given by all the giants swords needed to kill the boss: 16000 divided by 116, which results in 137,93 (138).

IMPORTANT: Apparently, in the early years of Rogue Legacy, the damage dealt by the giant swords was 232 and the MP spent per sword were 30 (both doubling the actual stats), there are many videos on You Tube showing this stats against Neo Khidr. This must has been patched at some point because the current stats are those established in the table above.


Neo Khidr is exactly the same concept from the original boss but with faster attacks (and boosted stats of course). There is no much more to be said if the player has mastered Khidr but actually there are 3 differences:
  1. The MOST IMPORTANT difference, Neo Khidr takes real damage with magic (see table above), which costs 15 MP, but each time the player hits it with the sword they get 10 MP. Here the player is hitting more to get MP than to damage the boss so when is possible using magic (with Circle) it must be done.
    • Each giant sword gives 6 hits and each hit
  2. For the spinning attack to the LEFT, the player does not need to run around and over Neo Khidr to dodge it, if they are in the right side of the room when the attack starts, it can be avoided by moving to the left part and place the character at the extreme edge so any of the gouts touch them. This DOES NOT work for spinning attacks to the right.
  3. Since in this fight there is double and triple jump available there is no need of risking by performing the down attack over Neo Khidr to go from one side to the other of the room. This is mostly done during the spinning attack also.

Scotomaphobia Video Guide

Credit to drones92 for the video.

Donation Box

IMPORTANT: This section is dedicated exclusively to PC players since Donation Boxes were added to the game in 2018 only on the PC version, never arrived to consoles.

Donation Boxes are objects with the dollar symbol painted on it located next to the entrance to a remix boss that boosts up forever the character that has to face that remix boss in charge of gold. It is possible to boost 9 times the character, each one more expensive than the previous one.

In level 9 health and damage dealt are practically duplicated respect from the base character and also increases a lot the power of magic, but to reach such a level a total amount of 712.500 of gold must be spent. This mechanics makes the remix bosses WAY easier but the grinding to reach the max potencial of it is huge.

See this page on Rogue Legacy wiki to know how each level per each boss effects the stats of the character.

Note: Each one of the 5 remix boss has its own Donation Box, this means that if the player wants to fight them all at max level they will have to spend 3.562.500 of gold.
Defeat the asteroids.
Very Rare

How to reach the fight

If the player does not know how to reach this boss, they should check the explanations and video in Mechanics and Information.


Astrodotus are the easiest remix bosses and one of the easiest of the game. Are a "powered" version of Heredotus, the total health is unclear but 3 hits kill the player. The "moveset" is the same as Heredotus.

The scenario changes to a void space with only a platform. But the player can fly so does not matter so much.

To give the player an idea of what are they facing:

  • Difficulty: 3
  • Unfairness: 4
  • RNG component: 3

In absolute contrast with Alexander the IV, Astrodotus is perhaps one of the easiest bosses (even easier than the original maybe) but also one of the most creative and the funniest to fight. The player as a dragon dodging everything in a bullet hell situation.


Here are listed and shown all the objective facts about the fight.


The player has the following runes to beat this boss:

Stats and comparison

As said, remix bosses must be fight with a stipulated character (and rune set) given by the game. This makes possible to establish a list or table that shows the parameters of the boss and the character since the stats are always the same for all the players.




Health points
Damage per hit
Hits to kill the player
Health points
Hits (Circle) to kill (from main body to a smallest shred)
Hits (Circle) to kill the whole gout
MP available
MP spent by Circle
Green gout(s)
(Max. 6300)
Red gout(s)

(Max. 6300)


Just like the original boss, Astrodotus split in two after taking enough damage, but this time that "enough damage" means "one single hit". Each time a fireball hits one of the sherds of Astrodotus it splits in two and those smaller sherds split in two when they are hit again and so on until the sixth hit, which make the smallest shreds vanish once and for all.

Here a representation about how Astrodotus (one of the two main bodies of the boss) split and how they multiply according to the amount of hits taken:

In short, to beat each of the two bodies of the boss they must take 63 hits each one and so, to kill definitely Astrodotus, the whole boss itself must take 126 hits.


This time the player is a Dragon, can start flying by pressing twice Cross and in this scenario there are no physical limits, if the player falls to the bottom they will reappear falling from the top and if they go through the left side of the screen will reappear from the right and viceversa (the same goes for Astrodotus).

Since the magic spends 0 MP it can be used infinitely by pressing Circle. As a Dragon, the magic is launching fireballs from the mouth, being the best way to fight against this boss.

How to kill

There are two ways to deal with Astrodotus; extra-save or bullet-rush:
  • Extra-save: Only shooting one by one the fireballs to avoid a bullet-hell until the fight is over. Boring but effective.
  • Bullet-rush: Start shooting from the beginning as a machine gun to everything moving. Risky, but funny and in some tries it will work.

Whatever it is the strategy chosen, Astrodotus kill the player in 3 hits, so the player must be careful and shoot from far away.

Astrophobia Video Guide

Credit to Grims Gameplay for the video.

Donation Box

IMPORTANT: This section is dedicated exclusively to PC players since Donation Boxes were added to the game in 2018 only on the PC version, never arrived to consoles.

Donation Boxes are objects with the dollar symbol painted on it located next to the entrance to a remix boss that boosts up forever the character that has to face that remix boss in charge of gold. It is possible to boost 9 times the character, each one more expensive than the previous one.

In level 9 health and damage dealt are practically duplicated respect from the base character and also increases a lot the power of magic, but to reach such a level a total amount of 712.500 of gold must be spent. This mechanics makes the remix bosses WAY easier but the grinding to reach the max potencial of it is huge.

See this page on Rogue Legacy wiki to know how each level per each boss effects the stats of the character.

Note: Each one of the 5 remix boss has its own Donation Box, this means that if the player wants to fight them all at max level they will have to spend 3.562.500 of gold.
Mock the traitor.
Ultra Rare
This trophy is directly connected to Gold Syngenesophobia.

Once Syngenesophobia is obtained, it will unlock the final class "Traitor". The player must fight Johannes, the final boss of the game, using a character belonging to this class, that is it. The trophy should pop at the beginning of the fight so there is no need to win the battle for this. However, is the roadmap has been followed, this is happening in NG + so beating this fight itself is mandatory no matter the class used.
WITHOUT using the Architect, complete the game dying 15 times or less
Ultra Rare
Actually, the initial stats of this guide are technically wrong, if this trophy is unlocked during the very first playthrough then only one more run in NG + (and all grinds) must be completed in terms of trophies. However, this trophy is widely considered together with Silver  Ostiophobia the hardest trophy of the game and an excellent motive to completely renounce the satisfaction of obtaining platinum, so it is extremely recommendable forgetting it until it is the last trophy to be earned and starting an entire new game dedicated just to unlocking it.

IMPORTANT: This trophy must be complete in a new game, NG + DOES NOT count.

As a curiosity, these would be the stats if this trophy would not exist:

  • Difficulty: 6.5
  • Playthroughs: 2
  • Hours: 25

Note: If Ostiophobia also did not exist the difficulty would be 5.5 and the time 20 hours.

Tips and explanations

Here is where all the experience of the player after two terrible playthroughs and many boss battles pays off. Since all the map resets after each death there is no way to think in a solid and always-working strategy so these explanations are more tips than any other thing (many of them being easy to deduce using common sense).


  • DO NOT USE THE ARCHITECT: This is literally said in the description of the trophy but must be restated. Actually it is allowed to unlock the architect in the skill tree to reach the further upgrades but only that, unlock him, NEVER using him.


  • ALWAYS FARMING EVERYTHING: Gold is the main objective of this trophy. The more gold is earned before dying the strongest will be the next character, as simple as that. The player must break as furniture,  kill as many enemies and open as chests as possible. Even though this, the player must be realistic (next point). 
  • REALISM OVER GREED: The player must always keep a cool head and judge correctly any situation, if a chest is guarded by many powerful enemies while the character is still low-leveled maybe the best option is ignoring it and keep farming in any other places.

Stats and equipment:

  • HEALTH AND ARMOUR OVER DAMAGE: Perhaps one of the most important tips, this trophy is an ENDURANCE CHALLENGE. The player wants gold so the more health and armour the character has the more will take to kill them. Of course the damage dealt is important but that stat should be upgraded once there is a considerable differences between its upgrading price and those of health and armour. Actually, for damage is a good idea to start crafting swords from the blueprints found than upgrading the parameter itself (at least at the beginning).
    • Once all the needed skills from the skill tree are unlock, the player should only focus on upgrading health, armour and damage (and also some levels of equip to carry better equipment). See the picture in the Skill tree section.

  • KING/QUEEN BARBARIAN: Once again, this trophy is an ENDURANCE CHALLENGE. King/Queen barbarian are the classes with most HP what turns them in the main class to use even though their damage is not quite high. In fact, the chicken thighs heal proportionally to the max HP of the character (around a 10%), which means that the most HP the character has the more they will heal. This is quite advantageous when the player realize that the enemies deal the same amount of damage to each character no matter the max HP they have.
    • An example, if a king barbarian with 300 HP takes 60 of damage, he will have 240 HP and if then he eats a chicken thigh will get 30 HP, reaching a total amount of 270 HP. However, if a hokage with 150 HP takes 60 of damage, he will have 90 and if then he eats a chicken thigh will get 15 HP, reaching a total amount of 105 HP.

  • GRAVE RUNES, GRAVE RUNES, GRAVE RUNES: And once again this trophy is an ENDURANCE CHALLENGE. The weaker are the enemies the better will be for the player, of course this can reduce a bit the gold earned but it is worth it. As said, the runes are random and in the worst case the player will not get any grave rune in the whole run. These runes are not mandatory but help a lot to deal with the toughest areas and bosses.
    • Vampire/Balance Runes: Not as useful as grave runes but getting HP and/or MP per each kill is not a bad idea. It is recommendable to equip these also if there are not grave runes to use.

Skill tree

Here a picture about what to unlock in the skill tree:
  • The red numbers represents the unlocking order.
  • The stats that has no number should not be unlocked.
  • The blue circles are marking the stats to level up once all red numbers are unlocked.
  • The blue numbers represents the order of priority at the moment of leveling up (can depend on the price).

Of course these are only suggestions and the player can upgrade the character as they want.


  • EACH HIT TAKEN COUNTS: Specially with the early characters, each hit taken means a lot since the health bar is not so big. In other words, is more important avoiding damage than dealing it.
  • RUSHING IS THE WORST: Self-descriptive, the player must not rush, this is not a speedrun so taking the time to think and judge any situation is not unworthy.
  • MAY THE LUCK BE WITH THE PLAYER: As simple as it sounds. All is random and there is no way to control or know what enemies will be in a room, so luck can turn into an important factor (unless the player is extremely skilled already).
  • BEATING KHIDR WITH THE VERY FIRST CHARACTER: While not extremely mandatory is really helpful to defeat the first boss with the first or maximum the second character due to the gold it grants because with around 2500 of gold it should be possible to unlock all (or almost all) the upgrades from the picture above and then start spending gold in equipment and upgrading the blue stats.
    • Beating Khidr with the first character may sound really hard, but after playing the game twice and beating Neo Khidr is quite doable with a few tries.

Back ups

If the player has a USB flash drive or the Play Station plus service contracted, they can save the game and resume from the last save point indefinitely. This removes a lot of difficulty from this trophy and eliminates completely the stupid or accidental deaths.
Kill a chicken.
This trophy can only be unlockED using a character with a trait called "Alektorophobia".

Of course, just like everything in the game, this is random. If the player needs this trophy specifically, then they will have to keep dying and dying until a character with an Alektorophobia trait is given a choice at the moment of selecting the next character.

With this trait, there is a chance of finding a whole chicken alive instead of only a chicken thigh while killing enemies or destroying anything. When the chicken appears, the player must kill it by just attacking it and the trophy will pop.