
Stage 1: Mostly Laundry, a Few Games

The beginning stages of the game will involve engaging mostly with the laundry sim part of the game. You will have access to a couple of starting games, but they won't earn much money, and you'll need money to buy more games and upgrade your facilities.

You'll see that loads of laundry will spawn on the counter by the door. It's your job to grab those baskets and load them in the washer by holding Cross and waiting 3:00 minutes for the load to finish. Once complete, your watch will prompt you that the load is finished and you'll have to go to the machine that's done and hold Cross to empty the machine. Then you'll bring the load to the dryer by holding Cross and waiting the 3:00 minutes for the cycle to complete and hold Cross to empty the machine. You'll then bring the finished basket to the outgoing counter, which is just next to the receiving counter, and you'll get ranked and paid for that service. It's all very straightforward. It's just boring -- which is probably the point.

The faster you are to load the machines and finish the load of laundry, the more you'll get paid and the higher you'll rank. In the beginning, the laundromat will be the primary moneymaker, so getting high ranks is important. Here is the pay scale:
  • S - Rank - $30.00 / load
  • A - Rank - $20.00 / load
  • B - Rank - $10.00 / load
  • C - Rank - $5.00 / load

It is highly recommended that you enter the Konami code at the title screen before you start the game, as doing so will give you the Bronze IMANOK CODE trophy, but it will also ensure that no matter how much time you take to do laundry, you'll always get S-Ranks and the most money possible for that load. See below for the specific details on how to accomplish this.

In between loads, you'll have a couple of minutes to play some of the starter games. Those games are Racer Chaser, Strike Gold, Video Air Hockey, and Woodgal's Adventure. You won't have a ton of time in between loads to play, but if you start playing just before the laundromat closes, you can put some time into the games and build up the arcade.
Enter the Laundrette
Empty all 4 hoppers at the start of the game
Purchase and receive delivery of your first new Arcade Machine
Shrink the King Wash to expand Arcade Paradise
"...You Knew? How did you know that?!"
Pass out in the toilet
Listen to 10 messages on the answer machine

Stage 2: Mostly Games and Much Less Laundry

After you've focused on laundry for a while, and when your arcade has been upgraded a little, it's time to focus on the games. The idea here is to complete goals. Every game will have three to five separate challenges that you can complete while playing the game. If you accomplish these goals, the arcade game will make more money per hour. Every game is different and some games are easier than others. It's all very dependent on your skill, so your mileage will vary. You can check the status of any game's goals by pulling up your palm pilot by pressing Options and selecting the game you want to check; your progress will be displayed there. You should also focus on completing all the goals for individual games, which will contribute to Bronze Goal, Silver GOOOAAAL, and Gold GOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLL!!!!It is also important to max out your earnings so you can buy more upgrades to the arcade and new games to play.

There will come a point during this phase where you'll want to spend more time in the arcade. This is best done when the arcade is making twice what the laundromat does, which is a good time to go 100% arcade, but you can make that switch sooner; you'll just move at a slightly slower pace. There is no best time to do this, and if you are good at the arcade games, it will be worth your time to switch sooner. Just keep an eye on your daily earning report that you'll see when the day ends and make the best call for you. If you aren't earning enough money, keep doing laundry, and if you are doing well enough, focus on the arcade.

During this stage, you will also be introduced to a new task called the "To-Do List". This list will give you three separate, specific tasks that you must complete in order to earn a secondary currency called pounds sterling. You will need pounds (£) in order to purchase personal upgrades and songs for the jukebox. You will also need to complete these tasks for Bronze To Do. Done! and Bronze Nose to the Grindstone, which deal with completing tasks specifically, but relate to many trophies on this list. It's important to complete tasks as often as possible, as you'll need over £1,000 to get everything you need and you can only earn up to £45 per day. 
Uncover all conspiracies in Blockchain
Clock Vostok 2093 once
Have at least one of each colour ball in play on Graffiti Ballz
Feed the Princess in Woodgal's Adventure
Do nothing all day
Complete all objectives for 3 days running
Buy all upgrades in Strike Gold
Drop 15 balls in one move on Bugai
Inflict 5000 damage on the toilet
Set all machines to max price per play.
Bin 250 pieces of trash.
Find and remove 100 pieces of gum
Complete a game of Solitaire
Set a high score on Brick, Toad, Racer, Flyguy and Snake in Knuckles and Knees
Pass out in the toilet
After upgrading footwear and glasses stare, zoomed in at the floor for 3 seconds
Debug an Arcade Machine
Complete all goals on a machine
Complete 10 goals
Complete 30 goals
Complete 60 goals
Complete Barkanoid
Unlock endless mode in Slime Pipes
Get 3 consecutive S-Ranks throwing garbage into the dumpster
62 69 74 2e 6c 79 2f 49 71 54 36 7a 74
Beat Jimmy Goldman in Knuckles and Knees
Kill 99 Zombies with each weapon in Zombat 2
Kill 9999 zombies in Zombat 2
Clear any song with a perfect score on Cyber Dance
Visit all of the tourist destinations in Bugai
Summon Woodguy Jr in Attack Vector
Thump 333 Gophers
Pass out in the arcade 10 times
Have a daily income of over 2500
Wait a second... I'd recognise that voice anywhere!
Pass level 3 of Line Terror
Land the plane 9 times in UFO Assault
Get to level 3 on adventure mode in Bomb Dudes
Clear all 3 cities in Racer Chaser
Fully upgrade your craft in Spacerace

Stage 3: The End Game and Cleanup

You'll get to a point after you achieve the Silver Waking Nightmare trophy that you reach the end game. From here, you'll have to finish working on the final few grind trophies, including Gold GOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLL!!!! (if you haven't completed this yet), Bronze To do. Done!, Silver Many Machines Maxed (if you haven't completed this yet), and Bronze True Capitalist, as well as anything else you need to clean up.

Rest assured that you can complete the game and still have access to the arcade to take as much time as you need to finish the platinum. The game doesn't end, so you are free to do whatever you need to do whenever you want to do it. There are also a few final games that get unlocked during this phase, which you'll need to play to finish up.
Inflict 5000 damage on the toilet
Unlock and listen to all the songs on the jukebox
Bin 250 pieces of trash.
Find and remove 100 pieces of gum
Purchase all personal upgrades
$250,000 in the safe
Complete all goals on 15 machines
Complete 60 goals
Complete 99 to do list items
Unlock and use the NTV Player

Tips & Strategies

Arcade Paradise is a laundromat and arcade management simulation game that also lets you play the games in your arcade. The game has a retro feel, which will definitely appeal to anyone who grew up in or around arcades. All the games are modified versions of those classic arcade games most know very well. Most of the trophies on this list are arcade game-specific, requiring you to earn a high score or progress to a certain point in the game. The rest of the list includes some story trophies and some general simulation milestone trophies, like earning a certain amount of currency or completing a certain number of daily chores and tasks.

Since most of the trophies are game-specific, you don't have access to everything right away. You will have to move the story forward to unlock more games, which will unlock more of this trophy list. Focus on earning as much money as you can; the only way to do this is to complete game goals. Focus on completing as many goals as you can as quickly as you can. Initially, laundry will be more profitable than laundry, so focus on laundry at the start of the game during the day and focus on the arcade before closing. You can play one specific arcade game as much as you want at the end of the day, but as soon as you stop playing, you'll be locked out of the rest of the arcade until the next morning. Choose your game wisely, and before long, your arcade will be making a lot more money than your laundromat. From here, stop doing laundry and only play arcade games, and you'll be able to push the story forward faster and unlock the complete list.

From this point, you can be more selective since you'll have a lot more time to play games. You should be focusing on each arcade game's trophy as well as the to-do list and game goals to make more money. It's a straight path to the platinum and it's just grinding with a limited amount of skill. Keep pushing and the platinum trophy will be yours before long. 
Arcade Royalty
You did it!
Pushing a pull door
Enter the Laundrette
This is the first trophy you'll earn in the game. You'll spawn in front of the laundromat; just walk through the door and the trophy will unlock.
Fetch Quest Complete
Empty all 4 hoppers at the start of the game
To earn money in the laundromat, you'll have to empty the coin hopper on the token machine and put the money in the safe to spend it. You can't progress without collecting money, and the game will prompt you to empty the hopper once it's full, though you don't have to wait until it's full to empty it. Simply empty the hopper four times and you'll unlock this one.
I can't wait!
Purchase and receive delivery of your first new Arcade Machine
This trophy will unlock once you purchase your first machine. To do this, simply go to your office and click on the computer, then click on the Arcademania icon on the desktop. From there, as long as you banked enough money, you can purchase the available machines. This is the main way to progress the story, so make sure to save your money and buy as many machines as you can.
New Kid on the Block
Shrink the King Wash to expand Arcade Paradise
Once you max out the space you are in and you need to expand to buy more machines, you'll get a chat option giving you the opportunity to take over parts of the laundromat and convert it to arcade space, at which point this trophy will unlock.
Waking nightmare
Lose everything and end up working at the Bestwurst
You'll get this trophy while upgrading your arcade. See the spoiler below for its exact details.

About halfway through the game, after you just started to take over more of the laundromat, you'll get a chat request from your sister saying that she gave preferable treatment to the vendors she recommended to you to expand the arcade. Your father finds out and closes the laundromat, forcing you to work at the Bestwurst factory.
Crowning achievement
Replace the King Wash facia and make your father proud
This trophy will unlock after you have already converted the entire laundromat to an arcade and you just need to upgrade the façade. 
Uncover all conspiracies in Blockchain
This trophy is related to the arcade game Blockchain. This is a completion trophy, so you must complete the game to get the trophy. As you play the game and score points, pieces of a conspiracy are revealed to you. Once you reach the score limit, you'll finish that conspiracy and move on to the next conspiracy. The score total is cumulative, so you don't have to do it all in one sitting.

Game Tips
  • In Blockchain, you'll drop a number in parenthesis. This number is the number of blocks in a continuous chain that will make your specific block disappear. For instance, if you place a (2) next to a (3) by itself, the (2) block will disappear and you'll be awarded points.
  • Starting a chain works in both the horizontal and vertical direction. Keep this in mind when going for combos.
  • Focus on the (=) blocks. These blocks are unknown blocks and need to be unlocked as part of a chain to reveal what number is underneath. These blocks add up quickly, so get rid of those first before working on the known numbers.

Clock Vostok 2093 once
This trophy is related to the arcade game Vostok 2093. This is another completion trophy where you have to beat the last boss in the 4th level. It's the pharaoh head boss, as seen below. The boss is very easy, so no matter what weapon you upgrade, or whether or not you prefer guns, lasers, or missiles, you shouldn't have too many problems with this. Just play through the game and you can't miss him.

Ballz To The Wallz
Have at least one of each colour ball in play on Graffiti Ballz
This trophy is related to the arcade game Graffiti Ballz. While this game doesn't technically have an ending, they want you to finish combining all the balls and have one of each left on the board. See the tips below for more information.

Game Tips

  • You can only shoot black balls; however, if you shoot two black balls into one another, you form a red ball. Keep combining colors via the list below and leave one of each color on the board to win. You have a paint meter that depletes when you create a black ball, but it refills when the balls are successfully combined. If you fail to combine enough balls, you'll lose the game.
    • 2 Black Balls will form 1 Red Ball
    • 2 Red Balls will form 1 Orange Ball
    • 2 Orange Balls will form 1 Yellow Ball
    • 2 Yellow Balls will form 1 Green Ball
    • 2 Green Balls will form 1 Blue Ball
    • 2 Blue Balls will form 1 Purple Ball
    • 2 Purple Balls will form 1 Pink Ball
    • 2 Pink Balls will form 1 White Ball
  • You will have to combine quite a bit of black balls to get what you need, so a good strategy is to aim all the way to the left or the right and spam Cross to shoot the balls into the corner. They combine quickly and give you several orange, yellow, and green balls. Once you get low, aim your shots to fill up your meter and go back to spamming. It will help speed things along and make this a faster trophy. This should take you about 30 minutes on its own.

Fat Princess
Feed the Princess in Woodgal's Adventure
This trophy is related to the arcade game Woodgal's Adventure. This is a completion trophy for the arcade game, so just complete the game and the trophy will unlock. The princess is located in the castle in the extreme bottom right-hand corner of the map. This trophy is a little longer for a game-specific trophy, but it shouldn't take more than 45 minutes, depending on skill and how focused you are on this trophy. There will be many opportunities to return to the game for goals and tasks. 
Existential dread
Do nothing all day
Just as the description implies, you cannot accomplish anything for a day to unlock this trophy. The quickest way to do this is, as soon as you get off the bus in front of the arcade, turn around, go back to the bus stop, and end the day. You can do this from the beginning of Day 1, so you can do this at any point during the playthrough.
"...You Knew? How did you know that?!"
This trophy will unlock once you enter the Konami code at the title screen for the game. In case you need a refresher, it's:
  •  Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right Circle Cross.

You'll get visual confirmation the code was entered properly with a golden washing machine on the title screen. In addition, all the washer/driers will go from white to chrome finish. This code will change the laundry sim, so anytime you finish a load of laundry, you get an automatic "S" rank no matter how long it took to finish.

Nose to the Grindstone
Complete all objectives for 3 days running
Once you have progressed far enough into the story, you'll unlock the To-Do list. Reference the PDA screenshot below, but make sure that you complete the list in full for three days straight and you'll unlock the trophy.
GoldGuy Jr
Buy all upgrades in Strike Gold
In the game "Strike Gold", simply collect enough gold nuggets and buy all the upgrades on the title screen to unlock this trophy. You'll need 85 total gold nuggets to max out your character. Each time you collect a nugget, your gold will increase by one. Also, when you die, all the gold you collected will add to your total and carry over to a new playthrough, so you can't lose progress by dying.

Drop the ball
Drop 15 balls in one move on Bugai
This trophy is related to the arcade game Bugai. This game is similar to Snood or Bust a Move, where you have to match colored balls, and once you attach three of the same colored balls together, they pop. This trophy focuses on you dropping 15 balls at once. You will likely get this naturally just by playing the game and progressing, but if you fail to get the trophy, you can set it up on your own. Just create a little space on each side of a smaller stack so you can attack it from multiple angles. Then just stack the balls as necessary, and when you have 15, cut the base, and they will all fall. Try to set it up like the example picture below and it should be easy enough.

Taking the plunge
Inflict 5000 damage on the toilet
From time to time, the toilet will get clogged and you'll be tasked with fixing it. Your watch will go off with the code "WC" and you'll be prompted that the toilets need to be cleaned. Go to the bathroom and hit Cross when selecting the toilet. You'll enter a quick mini game where you'll use the Right Stick stick to "find the sweet spot" and then hit R2 to plunge while holding the right direction with the Right Stick stick. Once you hit the trigger, you'll deal damage to the clog. The clog has a hit bar at the bottom of the screen, so just deplete the bar and "win" with the toilet being successfully cleaned. You'll have to complete this task about 10 times to get this trophy. 
Sonically Youthful
Unlock and listen to all the songs on the jukebox
This trophy is achieved by buying all of the songs for the jukebox. This can be purchased from your office computer (see the screenshot below). Click on the Disc Jammers app on the desktop; all the songs can be found there. You'll need to have lots of pounds sterling (over 550£ ) to get all the songs.

However, you can exploit the save feature of the game to get all the songs, but not actually lose the pounds, and you can use them to buy upgrades instead. This will save a few hours of grinding the to-do list.

If you are interested, see the list below:
  1. Do as many items as you can on the to-do list and earn pounds sterling. 
  2. Save enough pounds to buy all the songs. 
  3. Once you have enough, end the day and go home.
  4. The next morning, purchase the songs for the jukebox all at once.
  5. Unlock the trophy and immediately exit the game before the end of the day.
  6. When you restart the game, you should have all the pounds you spent on the songs.

Jimmy Goldman Would be Proud
Set all machines to max price per play.
This trophy can be done right away. Simply open your palm pilot, go to each arcade game, and set the price to $1.50 per play. Once you get all your machines set to max, this will unlock right away. This is easier to do when you have fewer machines, so try to do this earlier rather than later.

Clean up on Aisle 9
Bin 250 pieces of trash.
At the beginning of each day, trash will accumulate all around the business. Once you start the day and enter the premises, you'll see the trash all over the floor. To collect this trash, just walk up to it and click on it with Cross. Each day, there are roughly 15 or so pieces of trash to collect and you may have to hunt a little to maximize each day. Either way, it will take at least 15-16 days or more to get enough trash for the 250 pieces that are required for this trophy, meaning that it will probably be one of the end-game trophies you'll get. Just remember to clean up every morning and you'll get it soon enough.
Hidden Packages
Find and remove 100 pieces of gum
This is another maintenance trophy where each day you'll walk in and there will be exactly three pieces of gum stuck somewhere in the business. Just walk in, find the gum, click on it with Cross, and complete the very simple minigame. Since there are only three pieces of gum a day, it will take a long time to reach the 100 pieces required for the trophy. Don't forget to find all the pieces of gum and eventually, you'll get there.

The game does show you the total gum found, so there is a counter to help you keep track.
Complete a game of Solitaire
The solitaire game is on your personal computer in the office. This trophy will unlock after you upgrade the arcade a few times. Just open the computer and the solitaire icon is on the desktop. Just open it up and win a game of solitaire. It's not enough to play a game; you have to win it for the trophy to unlock. 
Set a high score on Brick, Toad, Racer, Flyguy and Snake in Knuckles and Knees
This trophy is related to the arcade game Knuckles and Knees. In the first stage of the game, you'll run across the King Wash, where there is an arcade inside, just like yours. Enter the space, and there are five arcade machines where you play a Fly Guy (a flappy bird clone), Toad (a Frogger clone), Brick (an Arkanoid Clone), Snake (self-explanatory), and Racer (a very simplistic version but similar to OutRun).  Simply get the high score on every machine to unlock the trophy. Keep in mind that the high score of all the machines is zero, so you don't have to go crazy. Just score a point and end the game, and that will make this a very fast trophy.

Smells like teen spirit
Pass out in the toilet
This trophy can be done at any time, but the business closes at 2AM every day. Most days, you will go home to end the day, but you can also stay in the business after hours. If you stay up until 3AM, you will pass out wherever you are. The best strategy for this is to go about your business until closing time, then go to the bathroom and wait a minute or two. You'll pass out and this will unlock. 
Your Bloody Valentine
After upgrading footwear and glasses stare, zoomed in at the floor for 3 seconds
The shoes and glasses upgrades can be purchased on the office computer. Go to your office and click on your computer, then open the upgrades app on the desktop to open the list of available upgrades. These upgrades are available right away but require pounds sterling to purchase (£). Simply perform some of the to-do tasks and earn enough currency to purchase the glasses and shoes from the upgrade list. Once purchased, look at the floor and press R3 to zoom in. Look at the floor for 3 seconds and it should unlock.

There are a few cases where it doesn't unlock, so just walk around the arcade for a minute and that should do the trick.
Bug Fixer
Debug an Arcade Machine
Debugging arcade games comes into the gameplay loop relatively early, but it's something you will do quite a bit. Every once in a while, you'll get a notification that one of the arcade cabinets has broken down. You'll then have to go to that game, where you'll see the screen turned black with green code on it and the bottom will say, "Please Call the Attendant". From here, you'll click on the cabinet and pull the motherboard out, where there will be several cockroaches on it, symbolizing the game bugs. You'll then have to move your hand and flick off the bugs. Flick all the bugs off and you'll earn this trophy upon your first debug.
Ahoy Hoy
Listen to 10 messages on the answer machine
Next to your computer, on the left, you'll see an answering machine. Just click the machine 10 times and listen to all the messages to unlock this trophy. As you progress in the story, you'll get more messages, so while you probably won't have enough messages right away, it won't take long to have enough to unlock the trophy. This is also cumulative, so if you don't want to do it all in a row, you can spread it out. This is a quick trophy, so whenever and however you want to approach it is up to you; it is one of the easiest trophies in the game.
Fresh Prince of Grindstone
Purchase all personal upgrades
Much like many of the other trophies on this list, you will need a lot of the pounds sterling currency (£) to purchase upgrades. All upgrades can be purchased from the computer in your office. Just click on the computer and go to the upgrades app to purchase everything you need.

Not all the upgrades are available from the start; several will unlock as you progress through the story. It's always a good idea to do as many of the to-do list items as you can. Since you need all the upgrades, make sure you complete to-do items often, and because of the time needed to collect the amount of money you need, this will be one of the last trophies you will unlock.
True Capitalist
$250,000 in the safe
As you will quickly find out, you'll make money by doing laundry and emptying the hopper of the video games. You then need to put that money into the safe to be able to spend it. This is the main currency of the game and the game will walk you through collecting money. This trophy requires you to have $250,000 in the safe at one time. This is best achieved during the end game when you have an arcade full of cabinets making a good amount of money each day. Doing this any earlier will only take you more time and slow down your time to platinum.
Machine Maxed
Complete all goals on a machine
Each game you have in the arcade has several permanent goals for you to accomplish, which usually involve beating the game, collecting a certain amount of items or kills, achieving a high score, or beating an opponent in certain ways. This is also required because as you complete goals, the machine makes more money, so it's always a good idea to complete game goals.

You can see the goals from the Palm Pilot menu, as shown in the example below. Simply complete all the goals for one machine and the trophy will unlock. The relative ease or difficulty will depend on personal skill and your tolerance for some grinding, but most of the machines are fairly easy. Just take your pick and go for it.

Many Machines Maxed
Complete all goals on 15 machines
See the description for Bronze Machine Maxed for what to do to max a machine. For this trophy, just do this 15 times over. Most of the arcade-specific trophies in the list require you to beat the hardest goal for that game, so the best strategy is if you find those games easy for you, max those machines. Some popular picks of machines to max are Attack Vector, Bugai, Championship Darts, Cyber Dance, Graffiti Ballz, Gravichase, Hustler, Slime Pipes, Space Race Simulator, Stack Overflow, UFO Assault, Video Air Hockey, Vostok 2093, Woodgal Jr, and Zombat 2, but feel free to mix and match depending on personal skill.
Complete 10 goals
See the description for Bronze Machine Maxed to understand the machine goals concept. Simply complete 10 goals across any of the arcade games and this trophy will unlock. This is a beginning-stage trophy, so you will unlock this naturally while playing the game. 
Complete 30 goals
This trophy has the same concept as Bronze Goal, but you just have to achieve 30 goals over all the arcade games you have.

This is another trophy that will come naturally as you play and progress through the game. It's likely to pop about a third to halfway through the Silver Many Machines Maxed grind.
Complete 60 goals
This is the final goals challenge, similar to Bronze Goal and Silver GOOOAAAL, but this time, you need 60 goals complete. This trophy will likely come toward the end of the Silver Many Machines Maxed grind. This will take some time to complete, as this is about 15 machines worth of goals. It isn't overly hard, but it's important to complete as many machine goals as you can. Even if you can't max the cabinet, every little bit adds to the total. Stay on track and this will come in the end game. 
To do. Done!
Complete 99 to do list items
To-do items are specific tasks that you'll be given at the start of each day. They can range from achieving certain scores on the arcade games, doing laundry, or certain maintenance items in the arcade. Whatever they ask you to do, it's very important to do as many of them as you can. The game only assigns you three tasks per day, so it will take you at least 33 in-game days to accomplish 99 tasks and get this trophy, assuming you are able to do all the tasks every day.

More than likely, some tasks aren't worth the time, or you'll run out of time to accomplish all the to-do items, so you'll miss a few tasks, increasing the in-game time you'll need to get this trophy. Once you finish a task, you'll be awarded the alternate currency, pounds sterling, which is used for upgrades and jukebox songs, making this extra important to do.  
Friends Reunited
Complete Barkanoid
This trophy is related to the arcade game Barkanoid. This is another completion trophy, so beat all 15 levels and you'll win the game. It's very straightforward and should take about 30 minutes to complete, depending on your luck with powerups. If you get the laser upgrade, it will allow you to end the level fairly quickly, so make sure you grab those as soon as you see them.

Once upon a slime
Unlock endless mode in Slime Pipes
This trophy is related to the arcade game Slime Pipes. This is yet another completion trophy, so beat the game and the trophy is yours. There are 24 individual stages to complete before Endless mode is unlocked, but you can choose thestage you want to work on in whatever order you want, so progress is very clearly tracked.

Get 3 consecutive S-Ranks throwing garbage into the dumpster
This is a maintenance-related trophy. Once you enter the arcade/laundromat, the business will be dirty. Walk around the store and pick up the trash by clicking on it. That trash will then go to your trash bag. Fill up that bag with trash from around the business, and once full, walk around to the alley outside to throw it out. Once you reach the dumpster and click on it, a mini game will start asking you to stop the meter at the top of the scale. Simply stop the meter in the top section of the scale to get an S-rank. Do this three days in a row and the trophy will unlock.
62 69 74 2e 6c 79 2f 49 71 54 36 7a 74
This trophy is tied to the arcade game "Gravichase". The game is simple since you only have to move your ship to the opening of each gate. You will need to clear 66 gates to earn the trophy. The game seems to get a little easier once you get through the first third of the required gates, as it slows down a little and shows more of what's coming up. Simply clear the required number of gates and the trophy is yours.

Corporate Restructure
Beat Jimmy Goldman in Knuckles and Knees
This trophy is related to the arcade game "Knuckles and Knees". This is the completion trophy for Knuckles and Knees, so beat the final boss and this trophy will unlock. It will probably take you a few rounds to build up enough XP to strengthen your player enough to progress, but you'll get over-powered very quickly, so it's a quicker trophy than you'd expect.
Modern Gorefare
Kill 99 Zombies with each weapon in Zombat 2
Kill 99 zombies with every weapon in the Zombat 2 arcade game to unlock this trophy.

Those weapons are:
  • Pistols
  • SMG
  • Assault Rifle
  • Shotgun 
  • Sniper Rifle
  • Flame Thrower
  • Mini Gun

Simply choose the weapon that you need the kills for and use it as much as you can. It's fairly straightforward, so there shouldn't be any issues, but you can always check your progress after every death on the game over screen. This shouldn't take you very long, especially once you start getting used to the game.
Got 9999 problems but a Zombie ain't one
Kill 9999 zombies in Zombat 2
This trophy is related to the arcade game "Zombat 2". All you have to do is kill 9,999 zombies and the trophy is yours. There is no best way to do it, but a few things to keep in mind are:
  1. Purchase all the weapons as soon as possible. All your coins should go to unlocking all the weapons. Once you unlock a weapon, you can earn that weapon as a drop after defeating a small hoard of zombies. It's worth unlocking all the weapons as a top priority.
  2. Once you unlock all of the available weapons, try to use the weapons that have the greatest killing potential as late as possible. Things like the flamethrower, mini-gun or airstrikes kill lots of zombies, so they will get you where you want to go, quickly. 
  3. The jungle level is the best level for killing lots of zombies; just stay on either side of the fence and the zombies will get caught on the other side if they spawn away from you. Use that to your advantage and get them before they can get you. 

All your kills are cumulative, so there is not a need to grind for this trophy. You'll play this game a lot throughout the course of the game, so just sit back, achieve your goals, and finish your to-do list, and this will come naturally about halfway through the game, give or take a little, depending on how much you play. It's not a difficult trophy; it just takes a little time.
Rhythm is a dancer
Clear any song with a perfect score on Cyber Dance
Just as the description says, you must play the arcade game "Cyber Dance" and achieve a perfect score in a song to unlock this trophy. There are only a couple of songs that you can choose from, so the best advice here is to play all the songs and focus on the song that works best for you. There is a slow song in the list if you are really having trouble, but keep in mind that this song is longer than the others, so you trade difficulty for time. Every song has a pattern that doesn't change when you replay it, so the more you play, the more of the pattern you'll recognize, making this a little easier.
Intergalactic, planetary, planetary...
Visit all of the tourist destinations in Bugai
This trophy is related to the arcade game "Bugai". This is a completion trophy, so there are no special tricks or tips to follow; just play the game to the end and you'll unlock this trophy right away.

There are 16 different levels for you to master, none of them are particularly hard and it's the same gameplay loop the entire time. Keep your board as clear as possible, which sends more balls to the other side of the board and only makes it more difficult for the other player. Eventually, the CPU will get overwhelmed, so lose the match and you will progress. Do this 16x over and this trophy will pop. Again, this is not a hard trophy; it just takes a little time; about 20-30 minutes will be what it takes to move on.
You Spin Me Round
Summon Woodguy Jr in Attack Vector
This trophy is related to the arcade game "Woodguy Jr". All you have to do is press either Left or Right four times in a row and the tank's turret will make a complete circle. If done quickly, Woodguy Jr will appear and the trophy will unlock. 
Hammer time
Thump 333 Gophers
This trophy is a cumulative trophy for the "Whack-a-Gopher" arcade game. Simply hit 333 gophers over the course of the entire game, across all your different attempts. You can do this in one sitting or you can play and come back later to add to your total. Either approach works, so do what works best for you. It's exactly as the description says.
Another all nighter?
Pass out in the arcade 10 times
This trophy is cumulative, so you don't have to pass out in the arcade 10 times in a row. All you have to do is wait in the arcade until you pass out, which happens at 3AM. You can not be playing a game since time will stand still while playing after the arcade closes. Do this 10 times over the course of the game and you'll unlock this trophy.
I ran the numbers
Have a daily income of over 2500
Once your daily income at the arcade is over 2500, this trophy will unlock. However, making sure you own as many games as you can purchase will go a long way to completing this trophy. You must also complete as many of the game goals as possible, which increases the income from each game dramatically. Following these tips will ensure that you get the trophy; however, if you want to get it earlier rather than later, you can always maximize the profits for each game using the palm pilot, as well as make sure the placement of each game in the arcade is optimal. There really is no reason to do this since you'll have to buy plenty of games to progress the story, which will make this trophy almost a story trophy, but the option is there if you want to focus on it first.
Gerald of Riviera
Wait a second... I'd recognise that voice anywhere!
To unlock this trophy, simply listen to the voice messages you have on the answering machine after you expand the arcade for the first time.

Depending on how many messages you've listened to, it may be the last message you get after the expansion, but either way, just listen to them all and this trophy will unlock on its own as you make your way through.
It's a horror game
Pass level 3 of Line Terror
This trophy involves the arcade game "Line Terror". Simply complete the first three levels to unlock the trophy. The first stage requires you block off 60% of the stage, the second requires 65% of the stage, and the third requires 70%. 

If you get stuck, it's worth trying to stack little boxes a few layers deep. While it doesn't help the total all that much, the enemies and the boss can get stuck on all the angles and layers you create. It's not very consistent, but it can make your playthrough a lot easier if you get lucky. 
Video killed the radio star
Unlock and use the NTV Player
Once you complete the story portion of the game, you'll see a music video play called "Arcade Paradise". Once the video is over and the credits roll, you can return back to the arcade. Go inside, return to your office and on the computer you'll see a new application installed called NTV. Just click the icon and this trophy will unlock, it just plays the video again but it's very easy. 
We come in peace
Land the plane 9 times in UFO Assault
What they mean by "land the plane" in "UFO Assault" is to just clear a stage of all the buildings. Just clear 9 stages, cumulatively, and the trophy will unlock. You don't have to do this in one sitting; you can do this over a number of different sessions if that suits you better. There is no specific need to do this quickly or early since you will likely have to play this game for game goals and the to-do list sooner or later.
Get to level 3 on adventure mode in Bomb Dudes
This trophy is fairly straightforward, requiring you to clear the first three levels on Adventure mode in "Bomb Dudes". The other mode available besides Adventure is the Versus mode, so if you have anything to do in this game, it will be in Adventure mode.

Note that this is not cumulative; you must do this in one sitting. Luckily, the stages are short, so you can do this within 10 minutes, depending on skill and which pickups you get. Focus on killing the enemies and getting out of the way of the blast. Before you know it, this trophy will unlock.
GTA: Crime City
Clear all 3 cities in Racer Chaser
This trophy involves the arcade game "Racer Chaser". This can be done in two different ways, and which way you choose will be solely dependent on skill. If you find that you are good at the game and can clear stages without too much difficulty, then you can play straight through, and after the third stage is completed, the trophy will unlock as you'll cycle through all the different stages in one pass.

If you find that you are not good at the game, you'll be happy to know that the order in which the different cities you play in are random. You still have to beat each city, but you don't have to do them all in a row. If you can only beat the first level, just keep beating the first level and restart the game, and after a little while and a handful of victories, you'll unlock this trophy just by chance.

This specific game tends to show up a lot on the to-do list, so you'll see your fair share of "Racer Chaser".
Pimp My Ride
Fully upgrade your craft in Spacerace
This trophy involves the arcade game "Space Race". In the game, you'll be tasked with collecting wrench-shaped coins, which are used to upgrade your ship's top speed, acceleration, and turbo gauge, as well as your ability to collect coins from a distance. To earn this trophy, you'll need to play the game at least 20-30 times, collecting most of the coins to earn all the upgrades. It's fairly straightforward, but it takes a good amount of currency to go up a level. By the time you get to the top levels, you'll have to run the level 2-3 times to get enough to upgrade.

Keep in mind that the game runs in a large loop. Once you complete a lap, you run the same exact loop again and the coins do not regenerate. It is much more efficient to run the track once, picking up as many coins as you can, and when you get the starting gate, let the time expire and run it again from scratch. This will save you a good amount of time.