
For a more detailed breakdown of the requirements of each trophy, consult the existing trophy guide. While it is a good guide, the walkthrough here strives to be more efficient in the number of playthroughs you have to do, as that guide advises 6 playthroughs, but it can be reduced down to 5. Every other trophy can be crammed into four playthroughs, but because there are 5 major endings, a 5th full playthrough must be done just to unlock Gold Thank You. That trophy keeps a running total of the major endings that have been seen, which is why save scumming near the end of the game does not reduce the amount of required playthroughs. It is still recommended to periodically stop to back up the save file in case a wrong selection is made on a choice, as it typically auto-saves after every important choice. The game can be paused at any time with the Optionsbutton. Each playthrough can vary in length from 1 hour and 40 minutes to 2 hours depending on the choices required, some routes take longer to complete than others.

There are minor spoilers below uncovered in the list of the 5 major endings. In the sections beyond are detailed walkthrough instructions. A few spoiler tags have been placed to minimize major spoilers, but that's the nature of a choice-by-choice walkthrough. Facts learned in prior playthroughs will not be marked as spoilers in subsequent playthroughs, so do not read too far ahead.

One thing to remember is that progress toward trophies is saved over multiple playthroughs, but the trophies unlocked on that run do not pop until the credits roll. For example, the conditions for Bronze Magic! are fulfilled almost immediately, but it won't unlock until the end of Playthrough #1.

Regarding "Major Endings"

There was confusion in the trophy guide about what constitutes a "major ending" for Gold Thank You (the description says, "See all major endings."). The guide suspected that since there were trophies for 5 endings, it, at minimum, required doing those 5 separate playthroughs and perhaps the 6th, which is a variant of another. After testing the original 4-playthrough guide and then experimenting further on an alternate PSN account, it has been determined there are 5 major endings, but they aren't the ones mentioned in the trophy guide. 3 of the major endings unlock trophies; the other 2 endings required for Gold Thank You don't technically unlock trophies, but those ending choices lead to 1 of 2 epilogues that do unlock trophies based on choices made a little earlier in the story.

The 5 Major Endings are:
  1. An Erica no-killing run in which you stay with Lucien by choice.
  2. An Erica killing some run in which you stay with Lucien under duress.
  3. A run in which you:
    •  kill Lucien, breathe in the lamp, and accept the Mask.
  4. A run in which you:
    • kill Lucien, breathe in the lamp, and reject the Mask, accidentally burning down Delphi House.
  5. A run in which you:
    • kill Lucien, DO NOT breathe in the lamp, purposefully burning down Delphi house.
    • Major endings #4 & #5 end the same, but you get there by slightly different means, which is why both are required.

Silver Into the Moonlight or Silver Not Alone are both compatible with major endings #4 or #5, which is why a 6th playthrough is not needed.

Playthrough #1 - Kill No One While Obstructing Blake's Investigation

The goal of this playthrough is to hinder Sergeant Blake's investigation as much as possible by giving unhelpful responses while also ensuring nobody dies at Erica's hands.

PROLOGUE - Erica as a child

The prologue begins with a young Erica discussing Delphi House with her father. After interacting with the lighter, the lamp, and then the record player, you have a choice of cards to interact with.

Find your favorite card again from the face-down cards

Picture locations:
Nurse (left), Pregnant (center), Wedding (right)
Magic! (1/1)
Make whatever choices you want as adult Erica lounges in her apartment. The next morning, she will receive a package.

ACT I-A - Erica talks to the police and goes to stay at Delphi House

The story resumes with Sergeant Blake, the lead detective on the case, asking questions about the bloody package she received.

Be negative/unhelpful to Blake in all responses in this playthrough 
  • Rip out the journal page 
  • Question 
  • Relevance
Progress toward Failure to Comply
At the Lobby of Delphi House:
  • Pound the bell on the counter, then look at the painting
  • Select to answer the phone
  • Select left to go to the office
Service! (1/1)
Inside the back office
  • Interact with the desk to open it
  • Select the typewriter
  • Read the front of the note and then flip it to read the back
Paperwork (1/10)
  • Interact with the top-left drawer
  • Click the bottom right of the notepad, then scratch over it
Paperwork (2/10)
Enigma (1/2)
  • Interact with the top right drawer and grab the key
  • Turn off the radio all the way to the left
S Ranking (1/2)
  • Open the cage door with the key 
  • Open the file cabinet
  • Read Alodie Carter's file, and be ready for a QTE after exiting
Paperwork (3/10)
QTE - Quickly interact with the window on the right
S Ranking (2/2)
Look to the right in the clearing to see a Fox
Foxy (1/4)
Don't tell Blake about the call or the masked girls; say "Sorry"

Act I-B - Erica's first day at Delphi House

After Erica arrives at Delphi House with Blake, she'll get introduced to the staff and escorted up to her room.

Wake up and go down the stairs to see Kirstie cleaning the carpet

Click the middle hallway to walk over the carpet to annoy her
Fall Out Girl (1/3)
When Kirstie arrives in the Music Room, tell her to "Get Help"
Keeping the Peace (1/1)
After the small talk with Lucien, tell Blake: 
  • Doubt
  • Hopeless
  • Refuse the therapy
  • Click on the Fox by the fountain
We Need to Talk (1/3)
Foxy (2/4)
After a talk with Lucien, choose "Check on Tobi" and answer:
  • Defy
  • Comfort, to annoy Tobi
We Need to Talk (2/3) (NOT hanging out with Hannah)
Fall Out Girl (2/3)
Annoying Tobi sends you to lunch with Kirstie:
  • Complete her hang-out by doing what she says
  • Look under the pillow
Proud Father (1/2)
Kirstie's BFF (1/1)
Back in your room with Hannah:
  • Challenge
  • Insist
  • Decline, to reject the perfume diffuser
  • Bin it to annoy Hannah
Fall Out Girl (3/3)
Wake up to see a petal in your toes, then open a gift once inside
Botanist (1/6)
Discuss the gifted doll with Blake and Lucien, and leave with Blake

ACT II - Return to Erica's apartment, second day at Delphi House, and visit the chief inspector

Following the meeting with Blake and Lucien, Erica is escorted back to her apartment by Blake to find it in a state of disarray.

Disobey by following Blake into the apartment next door 
  • Click lamp 
  • Click fridge
Botanist (2/6)
Ignore Blake's order to leave by clicking on the left door to see Steinbeck's body
 I See Dead People (1/8)
Back at Delphi House with Kirstie:
  • Sign the card for Hannah.  
  • She will then show you a secret entrance in her closet
Calligraphy (1/1)
Backstage Pass (1/5)
Peek around the corner at Tobi in Hannah's room
Voyeur (1/10)
At the chief inspector's house, receive a note, then insist on leaving
We Need to Talk (3/3)
In the bathroom, directly click on the door on the right; do NOT click on the window since that will cause you to miss something
Paperwork (4/10)
Proud Father (2/2)
I See Dead People (2/8)
Under the photo in the drawer:
  • Click the notebook inscribed with "AJ" before clicking the medallion
Paperwork (5/10)
Enigma (2/2)

ACT III - Final night at Delphi House

The last act begins with Erica returning to Delphi House from the inspector's residence and walking up the stairs with Blake:

  • Dismiss Blake
  • Berate
  • That's not true
  • Lie to Blake about the farmhouse

  • Lean out of the room to watch a scene with Blake and Ballard
  • Reassure Kirstie
  • Enter the cabinet to go underground
Voyeur (2/10)
Enter the Red Room and interact with the gurney at the front of the room to see Hannah
I See Dead People (3/8)
Interact with the center Blue Room to spy on Ballard
Voyeur (3/10)
You'll automatically move into the next room:
  • Click on the desk with the beakers to spy on Ballard again
Voyeur (4/10)
  • Click the left passage to Exit the underground
  • Repeatedly Reject Mia Greene to see a petal
Botanist (3/6)
Back at Delphi House:
  • Accuse Blake, then see him get shot by Greene
Failure to Comply (1/1)
I See Dead People (4/8)
  • Let Ballard escape by not shooting her
  • Save Tobi with an Epinephrine shot from the fridge (brown liquid in the lower right corner)
Hero (1/1)
Do not shoot Lucien, then accept his help
Happy Family (1/1)
Thank You (1/5)
Innocent (1/1)

This unlocks: Bronze Service!, Bronze S Ranking, Bronze Proud Father, Bronze Enigma, Bronze We Need to Talk, Bronze Keeping the Peace, Bronze Calligraphy, Bronze Magic!, Silver Kirstie's BFF, Silver Fall Out Girl, Silver Hero, Silver Happy Family, Silver Innocent, and Silver Failure to Comply.

Playthrough #2 - Kill Some People while Cooperating with Blake to Get Close

The goal is to be more positive and cooperative with Sergeant Blake for most of the story, then betraying his trust nearer the end, then having the playthrough end by opting to remain with Lucien at Delphi House under duress.

ACT I - Erica talks to the police and then spends a day at Delphi House

Be cooperative/helpful to Blake in all responses in this playthrough:
  • Hand over the entire journal
  • Cooperate

At the lobby of Delphi House:
  • Answer the phone
  • Click right to immediately go outside
  • Tell Blake about the call

In the meeting with Lucien, tell Blake: 
  • Help
  • Helpful
  • Accept therapy to see petals on the slides
Botanist (4/6)
  • After therapy, go to Make Perfume with Hannah 
  • Select Get Matches

  • Open the left drawer
  • Select the article on the left
  • Leave early
Paperwork (6/10)
Back in your room, tell Lucien:
  • "I think you should go"
  • Turn on the perfume diffuser
Personal Space (1/1)

ACT II - Return to Erica's apartment, second day at Delphi House, and visit the chief inspector

Disobey by following Blake into the apartment next door: 
  • Click the lamp
  • Click the picture
  • Warn Blake
Voyeur (5/10)
  • Click the picture again
  • Answer the phone and stay on the call
Voyeur (6/10)
At the chief inspector's house:
  • Identify the photo
  • Accept staying
  • Click on the window in the bathroom to see a Fox
Foxy (3/4)

ACT III - Final night at Delphi House

After returning to Delphi House from the inspector's residence:
  • Worry
  • Berate
  • Going Crazy
  • Kiss Blake

Lie to Blake about the farmhouse to go underground
Backstage Pass (2/5)
  • Directly click the left door
  • In the next room, click the left door to see a scene
  • Click the same left door again to leave the underground
Voyeur (7/10)
Accept Mia Greene's offer and try to enter the greenhouse
Backstage Pass (3/5)
  • Ask Greene to Show Erica how to use the knife
  • Have Erica kill the guard
  • Once inside, peek to the left to watch Dr. Ballard
I See Dead People (5/8)
Voyeur (8/10)
After you turn off the lights, Blake attacks.
  • Push him
  • Grab the knife
  • Stab him
Backstabber (1/1)
  • Select the gun in the middle of the options to kill Ballard
  • Inject Lidocaine (the clear liquid to the lower left)
  • Wipe Tobi's cheek
I See Dead People (6/8) & (7/8)
Farewell (1/1)
Do not shoot Lucien; accept his help
Get tranquilized for killing
Prisoner (1/1)
Thank You (2/5)

This unlocks: Bronze Farewell, Bronze Personal Space, Silver Backstabber, and Silver Prisoner.

Playthrough #3 - Breathe in the Lamp in the Garden and Accept your Fate

By the end of this playthrough, you will aim to find all corpses, petals, and Delphic Epsilon locks, spy at every available opportunity, and accept the Butterfly Mask to become the priestess.

ACT I - Erica talks to the police and then spends a day at Delphi House

At the lobby of Delphi House: 
  • Follow the 3 masked girls down the hall
  • Peek into the office on the right
Voyeur (9/10)
In the meeting with Lucien: 
  • Reject therapy
  • Afterward, click on Hannah to the right of the fountain

Select Check on Tobi, and answer:
  • Defuse 
  • Stay Cool
  • Question
  • Drink and Answer (do not leave) to see a drawing and a secret passage
Tobi's BFF (1/1)
Paperwork (7/10)
Backstage Pass (4/5)

ACT II - Return to Erica's apartment, second day at Delphi House, and visit the chief inspector

Disobey by following Blake into the apartment next door, then click the left room to inspect a corpse:
  • Click the chest
  • Breast pocket for a scrap of paper
  • Open the mouth for petals
Paperwork (8/10)
Botanist (5/6)
Follow Tobi from the piano to Hannah's room and spy on Ballard
Voyeur (10/10)
  • Find the jewelry box in the cabinet next to Hannah's bed 
  • Open the side drawer of the box
Botanist (6/6)

ACT III - Final Night at Delphi House

After returning to Delphi House from the inspector's residence: 
  • Tell Blake the truth to go to the farmhouse together
  • Click the car's glovebox to read Blake's notebook
Paperwork (9/10)
  • Accept or Reject Mia Greene
  • Kill or save Ballard
  • Kill or save Tobi

  • Select the gun in the middle of the options to kill Lucien (or wait for the prompt) 
  • Unlock the door with his medallion
I See Dead People (8/8)
Backstage Pass (5/5)
  • Light the lamp
  • Breathe in the lamp
  • Accept the Mask
The Butterfly (1/1)
Thank You (3/5)

This unlocks: Silver Tobi's BFF, Silver The Butterfly, Silver I See Dead People, Silver Voyeur, Gold Botanist, and Gold Backstage Pass.

Playthrough #4 - Kill all, Breathe in the Lamp, and Reject the Mask

The major goals of this playthrough are to ensure that everybody dies, see the Fox at every opportunity, and find all the hidden documents, while also making perfume with Hannah, slapping Tobi, and finding the Delphic Epsilon slide in the lab along the way.

ACT I - Erica talks to the police and then spends a day at Delphi House

Make whatever choices until the meeting with Lucien: 
  • Reject therapy

Select to Make Perfume with Hannah:
  • Select Get Matches
  • Read the file on top of the desk
  • Apologize and finish the hangout
Paperwork (10/10)
Hannah's BFF (1/1)

ACT II - Return to Erica's apartment, second day at Delphi House, and visit the chief inspector

Obey Blake and stay in your apartment to see the last Fox
Foxy (4/4)
In Hannah's room:
  • Refuse to give Tobi the box
  • Slap her
Impulsive (1/1)

ACT III - Final night at Delphi House

After returning to Delphi House from the inspector's residence:
  • Lie to Blake to go underground

Enter the Red Room:
  • Touch the TV screen
  • Keep clicking Next (center button). 
  • Exit the underground by clicking the door to the left
Subliminal (1/1)
  • Accept Mia Greene
  • Kill the guard
  • Stab Blake
  • Shoot Ballard by selecting the gun

Kill Tobi via improper injection (clear liquid), then shoot Lucien

  • Light the lamp
  • Breathe in the lamp
  • Reject the Mask
Into the Moonlight (1/1)
No Survivors (1/1)
Thank you (4/5)

This unlocks: Bronze Impulsive, Bronze Subliminal, Silver Hannah's BFF, Silver Into the Moonlight, Silver No Survivors, Silver Foxy, and Silver Paperwork.

Playthrough #5 - Do NOT breathe in the lamp in the Garden

Finally, you will be getting the final ending, in which Delphi House is burned down, to finish off all the endings.

You can literally pick any responses you want until near the end of the playthrough.

Silence (letting the timer run without picking a response) is a valid option most of the time and can elicit some unique responses.

For the fastest route to the next choice, look to the right.
The fastest route:
  • Make Perfume with Hannah
  • Tell Blake the truth about the farmhouse
  • Accept Mia Greene

ACT III - Final night at Delphi House (after your encounter with Ballard in the underground)

  • Save Tobi with an Epinephrine shot (brown liquid on lower right)
  • Tell them to leave Delphi House
  • Shoot Lucien

  • Light the lamp, but DO NOT breathe it in
  • Throw the lamp to burn down Delphi House
Not Alone (1/1)
Thank you (5/5)

This unlocks: Silver Not Alone, Gold Thank You, and Platinum That's a Wrap.