Change Welcome dialog content to more helpful message to new users based on the GuidedTour
Closed, DeclinedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


Screenshot_2015-02-09_18.46.56.png (690×1 px, 183 KB)

Change Welcome dialogue content to have a more concise and actionable message.
guidedtour1-02.png (802×1 px, 338 KB)

"Welcome to editing Wikipedia!
Anyone can edit, and every small improvement helps.
Try fixing grammar in a sentence, or adding a fact and citing its source.
We’ll teach you the basics."
"Next" button opens guided tour. T89074
"Skip" dismisses dialogue and skips tour.

Event Timeline

KHammerstein raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
KHammerstein updated the task description. (Show Details)
KHammerstein subscribed.

Further to Erik's comment in the Triage meeting about this -
One of the first things that existing wikimedians will want to know when they see this box is "how do I go back to the way it was before?" Currently the "switch to source editing" option is hidden at the bottom of the "page options" button on the right hand side of the toolbar.
Perhaps, when this "welcome" message is displayed to users who already have X number of edits on their account, the dialogue ALSO includes a "go back to source editing and set this as my defualt from now on (can be reversed in preferences)" button?
Equally, I would like to see the "switch to source editing button" made more easily findable in general...

Jdforrester-WMF renamed this task from Change Welcome dialogue content to more helpful message to new users to Change Welcome dialogue content to more helpful message to new users based on the GuidedTour.Feb 18 2015, 6:28 PM
Jdforrester-WMF edited a custom field.

@Wittylama This dialogue and guided tour will only be displayed to users who have 0 edits.
We just need to consider that many people could have previously edited on a different project or account name.

Jdforrester-WMF renamed this task from Change Welcome dialogue content to more helpful message to new users based on the GuidedTour to Change Welcome dialog content to more helpful message to new users based on the GuidedTour.Sep 22 2015, 7:26 AM
Jdforrester-WMF moved this task from TR1: Releases to Freezer on the VisualEditor board.
Jdforrester-WMF claimed this task.
Jdforrester-WMF subscribed.

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