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For sosha sayensi Foodways na di difren difren metod wey pipo dey yuz to mek fud an to chop fud. "Foodways" stil inklud how difren kolsho, difren aria, an difren ekomonik dey hafet fud prodoshon an how pipo dey chop food.

"Foodways" stil mins how fud tek konet with kolsho, tradishon an histri.

Wetin foodways min an di histri of am[chenj-am | chenj-am for orijin]

One dishonari wey bi Merriam-Webster tok sey "Foodways" na di way difren pipo, difren aria, an difren pipo for histri deu chop fud.

Na John W. Bennett, Harvey L. Smith, an Herbert Passin fest yuz di word "Foodways". Di three of dem yuz di word in 1942 wen dem stil bi studet in Yunivasiti of Chicago

United States Department of Agriculture in 1920s go rish 1930s gada pipo wey stodi agrikolsho an pipo wey stodi how pipo dey do tins togeda. Di dipatmet do dis one bikos dem wan train vilej pipo on how to fit sabi bihef wen dem dey chop.

Wen Wold War 2 kom start, di dipatmet kom put bodi for wetin dem plan to do wel wel. For dat time, enibodi wey get somtin to tok abaut fud mata go dey mit Margaret Mead wey de "National Research Council". Margaret Mead na pesin wey dey stodi how pipo dey plenti more more for one patikula aria.

Na dis one mek John W. Bennett an e frend go stodi how some tribe dey tek dey chop fud. Som tribe wey dem stodi na: Anglo-Amerika, German-Amerika, an Afrika-Amerika. Di aria wey dis tribe de na Souta Illinois wey de near Mississipi Riva. For dat aria, di land gud for planti bet wota too dey worri dem wel wel.

Na bread, pig meat, an potetos dem sabi chop for dat aria wel wel