Welcome to the Community Finder!

Search for new friends, linkshells, and free companies
to join you on your adventures in FINAL FANTASY XIV!

Using the Community Finder

  • Step 1

    Find a Community

  • Step 2

    Contact the Recruiter

  • Step 3

    Join and Make Friends

  • About Free Companies

    A community to play together with friends on the same World.

    Free companies are player-run organizations which allow their members to pool resources, be it items or gil, to accomplish feats that would be difficult or impossible for a single individual.
    The benefits of joining a free company include a dedicated chat channel for all members, the ability to purchase an estate to serve as the group's base of operations, and the use of free company actions that grant bonuses such as increased experience points.
    No two free companies share the same goals and motivations, so be sure to choose the free company that's right for you.

  • About Linkshells and Cross-world Linkshells

    A dedicated chat channel for players who share a common aim.

    Linkshells and cross-world linkshells are chat groups which allow for quick and easy communication between players who are not necessarily in a party or free company. Unlike free companies, players are able to join multiple linkshells, making it possible to join different communities dedicated to various aspects of the game.

    Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same World.
    Cross-world Linkshells: allow communication with any players on the same data center.
  • About PvP Teams

    A team dedicated to enjoying PvP duties.

    Teamwork is key, so be sure to find a team with whom you're confident you can hone your skills together.

    PvP duties: allow players to compete against one another in unique instanced arenas.
Cross-world Linkshell

Recruiting Carbs & Coffee Members



Active Hours
6:00 20:00
0:00 23:00
Active Members


Data Center




#Friends in Nonsense
#Socially Active
#Work-life Balance
#Beginner & Novice Friendly
The Legend of Coffee & Carbs

In the vast world of Eorzea, where Warriors of Light rise and fall, where dragons are slain & primals conquered, there exists a legendary gathering. A band of heroes who thrive on two things: the chaotic energy of coffee & the comforting embrace of carbs. Welcome to Coffee & Carbs, the cross-world linkshell where we mix epic adventures with a healthy dose of humor.(& a side of snark) 18+

Our Epic Mission Calling All New Players, Returners, and Vets Alike: Whether you’re fresh out of the Adventurer's Guild, back from a long hiatus, or a seasoned vet who knows the difference between a Garuda and a Gurana, we want you! Because honestly, we need someone to laugh at our jokes & join in our shenanigans.

What We Do (Besides Drink Coffee & Eat Carbs):
☼ Daily Roulettes: Tired of running dungeons with silent strangers who don’t appreciate a
good meme? Join us for daily roulettes where the banter is as strong as our coffee & the
fails are as epic as our victories. Remember, a wipe is just a chance to make new friends… or

☼ Dungeon Delving: We take on dungeons with the precision of a caffeinated Lalafell. Expect
chaos, laughter, & the occasional “Why are you standing in the AoE?” moments. We may
not always get it right, but we always have fun.

☼ Mount and Minion Farming: Need that elusive mount to complete your collection? Want
a minion to follow you around & judge your life choices? We’ve got your back. We farm
mounts & minions with the tenacity of a Roegadyn at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

☼ Community Events: From dance parties mid maps run that put the Gold Saucer Gates to
shame to hide-and-seek games in the Twelveswood, our events are as varied as our
members. Expect the unexpected & bring your best memes.

Why You Should Join:
☼ New Player Friendly: Our vets love helping new players, mainly because it makes them
feel important. Seriously though, we’re here to guide you, answer your questions, and laugh
with (or at) you.

☼ Casual Vibes: No hardcore requirements here. If you want to run endgame content,
we’re down. If you want to sit around and discuss the finer points of Eorzean cuisine, we’re
down for that too.

☼ Snarky Community: We communicate in sarcasm, memes, and the occasional heartfelt
compliment. If you’re not rolling your eyes at least once a day, we’re not doing our job right.

☼ How to Join: Ready to join the ranks of the most legendary (and slightly ridiculous) linkshell
in all of Eorzea? Send a /tell to Rue L’ette or Bagu Ette. Or just shout “COFFEE AND CARBS,
” in the middle of Limsa Lominsa. We’ll find you. We always do.

TL;DR: The cross-world linkshell where epic adventures, daily roulettes, dungeon delving, mount and minion farming, and chaotic community events await. New players, returners, and vets welcome. Join us and become part of the legend. And bring your best memes.

Coffee and Carbs: Where we mix epic quests with snarky banter & always have room for one more. Join us, laugh with us, & let’s make Eorzea a little more ridiculous together.

The Chaotic Carb Community:
☼ Check the Community Finder for our FC (Chaotic Carbs) and our Nighttime CWLS (Carbs

☼ Come check out our FC house aka the Carb Cafe ~ Goblet Ward 15, Plot 6!
☼ We have a discord server setup to stay connected across linkshells & outside of Eorzea.

Come join our 18+ community, hang out and enjoy other games too!!
♥Rue L'ette
♥Bagu Ette

Our Carrd/discord:

Group Profile



Active Members


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Apply Below!

Recruiter Profile

Community Member

Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Look, I adore this game, but sometimes it's a chaotic mess and I'm the walking definition of 'well-intentioned chaos'. Looking for a community with the pep of a squadron of excited moogles? That's where I come in! I'm basically a walking emote factory – excited screams, celebratory dances, and plenty of bewildered flailing. I may get lost occasionally (okay, frequently), fall off cliffs with alarming regularity, and try to befriend clearly hostile mobs... but at least I'll look adorable doing it! Prepare for an overabundance of hugs (virtual...usually).



Community Member Sarisa Tohka Exodus [Primal]

I would love to be part of this CWLS! I've been looking for a place to make new friends and run things with (while throwing in a little chaos). Plus the description was hilarious and definitely tempting.


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

I will send you a message in game!


Community Member Erusu Kuruzu Famfrit [Primal]

Holy CARB! I think I'm BREADY to join this CWLS!!!


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Hi there! I will send you a message in game :)


Community Member Midhir Mccool Exodus [Primal]

This sounds like the right place to be!


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

It certainly is! I will pop over and get you an invite, Let me know when you are on! :D

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Community Member Midhir Mccool Exodus [Primal]

I'm on now.


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

I was in duties! I will keep trying to catch you online but feel free to message me in discord as well if you have it!


Honoka Summerset Ultros [Primal]

Looking for invite? Fresh out of NN and need something to fill the all-consuming silence.


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Popping over to send an invite now! Looks like I had missed you. Please feel free to send me a discord message as well if you have it!

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Community Member Kaede Sakata Exodus [Primal]

Hiya, I'd love to join if you'd have me!


Community Member Bagu Ette Exodus [Primal]

Hello! Feel free to join our discord or Rue and I will try to find you today. Do you have a time that you are normally on?

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Sylaise Vaire Exodus [Primal]

Hiiiii! I'd like to join if you're still lookin o/


Community Member Bagu Ette Exodus [Primal]

Hello! Just did a check if you were online and didn't see you pop up. I'll try again. You can also join our discord and we can plan from there to get you in :)

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Subliminal Thoughts Leviathan [Primal]

linkshell invite plz


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Linkshell invite sent!


Zhadn Tevryukoh Leviathan [Primal]

Bring on the nonsense!


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

I will hop on now and try to send over an invite!


Jula Dorne Leviathan [Primal]

Well intentioned chaos, huh? Sounds fun, count me in!


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

I will hop on over and send an invite!


Jula Dorne Leviathan [Primal]

Sorry, I got busy. I'm on now, and can be on when you need me to be.


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

We are on now! :)
Invite sent!

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Melody Yung Excalibur [Primal]

Hello I've been looking for some new buddies to adventure with and just have a good time! You guys seem pretty chill and friendly and would love a chance to adventure with you and make new friendships :3


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Hello! I will be on tonight until maintenance. Feel free to join our discord server as well!


Melody Yung Excalibur [Primal]

Just joined :3 thank you


Community Member Kalina Krossa Excalibur [Primal]

Ooooh are you still accepting new people? I would love more opportunities for shenanigans. Only if there will be explosions though. Almost every situation could use more explosions though....


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Heya! I can send you an invite whenever. Please feel free to join our discord server as well!


Community Member Kalina Krossa Excalibur [Primal]

Yeah! I'll be on for about another hour tonight - I'm going to pop into the discord in a few minutes!


Silvose Okajima Ultros [Primal]

if yall are still lookin i wouldnt mind finding some more friends :)


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Glad we got you in! ^_^


Salty Salty Excalibur [Primal]

Still looking for more? I would like to join the CWLS :)


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Glad to have you! ^_^


Community Member Caius Victor Exodus [Primal]

miss gurl, I love me some carbs any day! count me into getting an invite if you have any open spots left c:
I'm new to the game and just looking to have fun and enjoy getting to learn the game and meet new people as well.


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Let us know when you are online or join us in the discord and we will get you set up!


Community Member Caius Victor Exodus [Primal]

I'm online currently and I will be around for the whole night on here!


Azarius Griffin Hyperion [Primal]

would like to join


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Thanks for joining!


Community Member Nhala Vashai Behemoth [Primal]

Would love to join this CWLS. Sounds like an amazing time


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Let us know when you are on and feel free to join the discord as well!


Community Member Nhala Vashai Behemoth [Primal]

Jumping on right now


Community Member Eowyn Arcy Behemoth [Primal]

I'd love to be added to this CWLS. Just hopped on the discord as well. Lemme know if there are still spots available


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Glad to have you! we will get you sorted!


Zero Wolfheart Leviathan [Primal]

Hello! I've been wanting to meet new people and perhaps friends to enjoy this world with more! >~<


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Please feel free to join in our discord, Let us know when you are online and we will get you an invite!


Kynir Ynvilir Famfrit [Primal]

If you guys happen to have any spots left I'd love to be a fair of this carnival!


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Hi there! we do have a few spots left. Please feel free to join our discord and let us know when you are online!


Victor Fury Lamia [Primal]

Hi there. If you guys are still looking for members I'd like to join up.


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Sure! Please feel free to join our discord, Let us know when you are online and we can get you added.


Victor Fury Lamia [Primal]



Nonoza Noza Ultros [Primal]

hello, the description was to tempting to resist. chaos is a lot of fun after all, mind if i join the cwls?


Community Member Bagu Ette Exodus [Primal]

Hello! Tried to see if you were on, but did not see you. I'll try again later today. You can also join our discord to check us out!


Nonoza Noza Ultros [Primal]

yeah i'm a night owl, not usually on til close to midnight est during the week lol

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Community Member Bagu Ette Exodus [Primal]

Got it, I will try to snag you after my shift!


Ju No Excalibur [Primal]

Let me know if there is a spot!


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Hi there! We do have space. Please join our discord server or send one of us a message in game!


Community Member Rosetta Rouge Lamia [Primal]

Hope there is room for more chaos and lots of coffee and carbs for one more. If you'll have me.


Community Member Onin Peryl Exodus [Primal]

Hello gang! Looking to add to your roster! I work nights, but I'm around in the afternoons EST. I'm always down to hit dungeons, go fishing or anything really. My FC is rather inactive, so I'm looking to hang with some cool folks who don't mind a returner with a casual approach to the game. I'm always down to hit up some higher-end content, but I may have some catching up to do XD

Thus, my application for your Linkshell! Hoping you still have room :)


Community Member Bagu Ette Exodus [Primal]

Hello! I will look for you and get you added :).


Community Member Onin Peryl Exodus [Primal]

Rue got me in. Thanks Bagu ^_^


Community Member Alana Evenstar Hyperion [Primal]

I would like an invite!


Community Member Bagu Ette Exodus [Primal]

Hello! I will try to grab you! if not, jump onto discord, we can get you set up there :)


Community Member Xeno Extremis Hyperion [Primal]

I would love to join if you have any openings?


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Hi there! We do still have a couple spots. Let us know when you are online. Hopping into our discord is the quickest way to get in touch with us!


Community Member Xeno Extremis Hyperion [Primal]

Ok, join the discord And I'm going to log on.


Bahna Strife Exodus [Primal]

Hi I’m a lover of all things coffee and final fantasy ^.^ joined discord!


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]



Community Member Raysaya Lane Excalibur [Primal]

I am looking for some new friends just came back and i dont have any linkshells in my list. I would like to join yours please.


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Sure! We have a few people online right now over on Exodus at our FC house or you can drop into Discord!


Amythis Gem Excalibur [Primal]

I would love to join you


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Sure! We have maintenance soon, if you want to hop into the discord, we can see about getting you sorted before, or we can wait until tomorrow!


Amythis Gem Excalibur [Primal]

Sorry just saw this. I will be in game tomorrow around 2 pm CST. I have not been able to get Discord running for some reason maybe someone can help me with that.


Community Member Hildey Starr Famfrit [Primal]

Hello, I would love to join your community! :D


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Sent you an invite! Feel free to also join our discord server :)


Community Member Bayani Remix Excalibur [Primal]

I'm ready to carb load and I'm already caffeinated, please send me an invite!


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

haha! I will get you an invite! feel free to join the discord as well and Let me know when you are online next!

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Hanous Kingsbury Leviathan [Primal]

Hey, I'm interested as well.


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

I saw your application as well. I think we are not linking up when you are online! Feel free to join our discord as well :)


Community Member Sera Tops Leviathan [Primal]

I would like to join if you if i can please


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Hello! I will look for you online to get an invite over to you. Please feel free to join our discord as well!


Naru Celestalis Behemoth [Primal]

Hi there! New player here and I would like to join the group!

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Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Welcome new Sprout :D I will look for you online to get an invite over to you. Please feel free to join our discord as well!


Community Member Wilfred Wolfson Leviathan [Primal]

Y'all want a floor tank?
Casual Sprout here with a lot to learn. The Duty Support NPCs put up with me...but they don't laugh at my jokes.
Specialties include: AoE faceplanting, fat-fingering, dropping inane one-liners into discords, and taking seven business years to do an emote (console player).
Not able to be on a ton these days, but would love to find some folks to hang out and learn the ropes with!

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Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

I will try to get you an invite here shortly :)


Breakon Tia Ultros [Primal]

hey there i would like to join if possible trying to find a community so i can do content and just talk with !!!


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Hello! Please feel free to join our discord. It is the quickest way to reach us. I will try to find you online as well.


Altalyia Malqir Hyperion [Primal]

All of this sounds great! Id like to join if your still recruiting


Community Member Rue L'ette Exodus [Primal]

Hi there! Please feel free to join our discord We will try to catch you online and get you an invite!


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