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Blacksmith's Soot and Hoot

So i walk into the hall, look straight at the seller and gotten my 1st anvil and hammer before settling down to hammer the trade. With some experience and luck, i got to rank 20 quite fast, without really spending any gil from my pocket. I hammer with precision and speed, minimum breakage and able to deliver goods to designated leve merchant without fail.
Things start to hit a wall after level 20 and such, profits from leve starts to slow down and barely worth it anymore. The pattern goes like this:
If the designated leve is level 15 and you are level 11, you will gain alot of experience.
If your level is level 15 and leve is the same, experience is reduced significantly.
This holds true for all craft until one graduate at level 50( especially around level 45, leve level 50 hard to come by.)
Level 1-10 : Any leve will give you alot of joy.
Level 11 : Leve 15 or 20 gives alot of exp.
Level 15 : Leve 20 is the optimum choice
Level 45 : Pray leve 50 is available, as these rarely comes by at all.
As experience thought me well, finding out what is the crystal element used for crafting allows me to set the brand needed to appease any crystal instability. If i know the pickaxe i am about to craft uses both wind and fire, i would prepare two brand to rack in extra quality during the craft. Smith when the metal is hot. This way i welcome the challenges as it offers a lot of benefit.
( This is especially useful when you just hit a new level, example level 41)
Limsa Lominsan is the rendezvous point for all smither, as the constant demand and supply flourishes the trade.Here you can find the best support to complete your trade or finishing your work. Located south from the inn, the place greets you with roaring fire and playful spark. The best support is given by the big Roegadyn standing at the corner.
The more experienced you are the higher the fee. But this is a cost one should not skip as more support is better.
Normally the leve request is not so bad if you aim for 1 rank a day. The dry spell period is from level x2 to x x4 ( level 13 / level 23 / level 34 / level 44. ). To speed things up, feed yourself(food), preach the scroll and get the support.
I choose the skill to help me gain exp and reward based on the level of leve.
3 level below my current level -
Hasty Hand all the way - * Unless you can't cope with the haste and keep breaking.
i.If Hasty Hand don't work well, use Maker's Muse to narrow the gap
ii. After Maker's Muse, if the light is red, use a substitue ability like Manipulation or Sublimation to pray for a change of light.
iii.Watch out for any element instability and use the Brand of Fire for extra quality. Temper when the metal is hot.
iv. The progress bar should be based on a ratio of
Durability : Progress : Quality
(100 - x [0] - y [0])
v. Once it hit ( 30 - x > [60] - y ), aim to finish rather than raising your quality further.
Average experience point (1000p):good < 300: bad
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