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HELP! [About Crafting-leveling]

Hi all guys!^^

I leveled 30 LVL SMN, 15 LVL THM, 20 BTN, 20 MIN in a few days.

I noticed, however, that the leves-tradequest are only 3 and unlocks every 5 hours. That it will take some time to level ... am I wrong?

How do I level quickly Alchemist (and after Weaver)? Just a complete pages of the log?

Pls, who help me?:-)

Comments (6)

Kawie Rhiki

Faerie [Aether]

Hi, I've leveled both my Alcamist and weaver up over level 10 just by using my crafting log.

Gwen Ashera

Hyperion [Primal]

Definitely discover everything at least once in your log, it's basically the hunters log of crafting. Also make sure when you're crafting you try to make it HQ and try to only turn in HQ items in for Leves as it give more exp per turn in.

Here's a great site for all things gathering/crafting:

Really great fishing guide with nice links:

Lots of details about Leves, etc:

Daath Angels

Ragnarok [Chaos]

Thx @KawieRhiki and Thx so much @GwenAshera for"" web site . It's Fantastic!!!

Gwen Ashera

Hyperion [Primal]

IKR! It's a fantastic site that I just found a few days ago and I'm trying to spread the love for it.

It really helps with lvling your gathering skills too since you can just farm what you know you'll need to create everything at least once. I loooove the shopping list feature too ^_^

Daath Angels

Ragnarok [Chaos]


Kawie Rhiki

Faerie [Aether]

Must give that site and look see. That's also good advice about the HQ items. It really makes a difference.
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