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Ways to remove Wuk Lamat from the game

1. It was a bad dream, and we wake up in Kansas

2. The Loporrits meet her and launch her into the sun.

3. Meteion meets her. Decides the entire world needs to die all over again.

4. Have her look for the Moogles in the Churning Mists so she ends up being devoured by dragons

5. Have Tataru poison her.

6. Negan from the Walking Dead turns up, introduces her to Lucille

7. Have her choke on a furball.

8. She quits the game because she keeps on ending up in Sastasha in levelling roulette.

I'd think of more but I hate this characte so much and my creativity has been destroyed after enduring that pathetic excuse of a MSQ. She is such a repugnant character, there is no need for her. She should have taken a backseat after finding the Golden City. But no, we had to suffer her even more. She will no doubt only be appreciated by a community of clowns. She is Scrappy Doo and Jar Jar Binks combined. She is the worst Final Fantasy character of all time.

Every time the group splits up "I'll come with you" - oh f**k off......facing the final boss "HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAAAAAY" - oh f**k off...

I'm sure she'll sell plushy crap, but she (along with that terrible MSQ) will cost SE a lot more money in subs. For years we'd tell our friends that it has a great story unlike most MMO's, but not anymore. The word of mouth marketing for this game is now dead. We can't recommend this.

I feel sorry for everyone who did a great job. The maps look fantastic, the new outfits are creative, the dungeon bosses are heaps of fun, and lots more. But everything is buried because of this horrible character. Did anyone even test it? If they said it was good - THEY WERE LYING.

SE need better writers, and honest game testers. The multiple forum threads about Wuk Lamat and the MSQ are proof of that. "She just wants everyone to be happy" Well, the players with functioning brain cells certainly aren't.
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