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Culinarian day with Ahpook!

Welcome to the blog! Today we have a real treat for you! Whipping up Culinary delights in game and in RL.

Any good baking session is going to start with a over sweet coffee! Espresso in game and fair trade with foam for me!

In the spotlight tonight is an amazing dish, Pasta Ortalano. A food that gives a gathering buff to not two, but three stats sitting at level 60 so it makes a great all around dish for quick or mass gathering and is quite affordable to make! In RL just like in game we want quality ingredients for our dish for a better chance at something we can be proud of. Tonight we decided to attempt to make a cream cheese chocolate chip cookie, the recipe for which was found on Facebook.

After some intense focus and a bit of grinding, plus quite a mess in my actual kitchen we have come up with a finished product!

The pasta was an astounding success! Highly recommend for anyone looking to level a gathering class. As for the cookies... All those ingredients only made three?! What the heck! Lol but actually they turned out awful and I am not quite sure what went wrong... I think I will stick to cooking cheeseburgers for awhile!

This was a special blog post letting you all in on a small part of my RL! Thank you for stopping by and sharing it with me! Bonus points to anyone who leaves A favorite recipe in the comments!

ttfn, Ahpook Mihkotaru
Comments (1)

Maria Morisot

Lamia [Primal]

Recipe: The national dish of Kyrgyzstan - Besh barmak
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