

  • 2

DawnTrail 7.0

I am taking my time this time, and slowly progressing through the story and content of the new expansion. I am enjoying it all a lot so far. My only fear is that soon on social media, I may get spoiled by some people sharing content that I am not ready to see.
Comments (2)

Zolmation Volt

Sargatanas [Aether]

I would avoid social media until you've finished. It's worth it. I took my time as well, I was the last to finish among my friend group. Theres just so much story it really was a treat. I hope you enjoy it.

Mikh'il Molkho

Ultros [Primal]

Thank you!!! yes, I am enjoying it so far. I know I still have a long way to go, but that is okay.
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