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Intro to Crafting! Part 5: Quick tips

If you have left over CP, start adding additional skills in such as inner quiet to further increase the benefits of quality.

The last thing I would recommend is when you get to points where you have crafted all possible options at least once, focus on grinding components rather than equipment. Most components will carry over into the next level set of items, so creating these ahead of time to grind some EXP does not hurt. If you end up not needing them, components tend to be one of the easier things to sell on the market boards and generally fetch a good price.

P.S. - One other thing to throw in here. Using high quality components simply allows you to start with some quality progress. This is great because it allows you to gain more exp on a craft and potentially get an HQ of the synth. This is another reason I recommend crafting each component individually as opposed to quick synth, because HQing an item yourself is much more frequent.

Good luck!
Comments (1)

Wawami Halfpint

Midgardsormr [Aether]

As someone who hasn't touched the crafting side of the game yet, I found this most helpful. Thanks for sharing!
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