Minecraft Wiki
For other uses, see Furnace (disambiguation).

A furnace is a utility block used for the smelting of blocks and items.


Natural generation[]

Furnaces can be found in plains, desert, and some savanna village weaponsmiths. Furnaces also generate in some houses in snowy tundra villages, and in one of the taiga/snowy taiga[BE only] village houses. They also appear in ancient cities and trail ruins, and one furnace generates in every igloo.


A furnace can be mined using any pickaxe. A furnace will also drop all of its contents when broken, including XP from smelting items that were extracted by hoppers.

In Java Edition, a furnace mined without a pickaxe drops nothing. In Bedrock Edition, a furnace drops itself when mined by hand or with any tool.

Block Furnace
Hardness 3.5
Breaking time[A]
Default 17.5
Wooden 2.65
Stone 1.35
Iron 0.9
Diamond 0.7
Netherite 0.6
Golden 0.45
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

Chest loot[]

Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Furnace Village Snowy house chest 1 9.9%
Bedrock Edition
Furnace Village Snowy house chest 1 9.9%


Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Any stone-tier block

Can use cobblestone and its other variants interchangeably.

The lit furnace can be obtained in Java Edition only with commands such as /give @s minecraft:furnace{BlockStateTag:{lit:"true"}}, although it does not appear lit in the inventory. In Bedrock Edition, the lit furnace block can be obtained only by inventory editing. It always stays lit, despite containing no items.


Furnaces cannot be pushed by pistons in Java Edition.


Main article: Smelting
Furnace GUI

Interface for the Furnace.

The main purpose of a furnace is smelting. Its interface can be opened by pressing the use item button on it. A fuel source (up to one stack of fuel items) is placed in the lower slot, and the items (up to one stack) to be smelted are placed in the upper slot. A furnace smelts items at a speed of one item every 200 game ticks (10 seconds) or six items per minute.

The number of items that a fuel source can smelt depends on the type of fuel. As soon as smelting begins, the fuel slot is decremented immediately and that unit of fuel begins burning. The fuel continues burning until it is consumed, regardless of whether the upper slot has any items remaining to smelt. For example, a piece of coal burns for 80 seconds and can smelt eight items, but if only one item is smelted (or if the item is pulled out before smelting is complete), the coal still continues burning for the full 80 seconds, wasting seven items worth of smelting. After it burns out, no additional fuel is decremented from the fuel slot if the upper slot is empty. If the fuel slot is empty and the burning fuel is consumed before an item completes smelting, the smelting stops, the smelted item is unchanged, and smelting must be restarted with new fuel.

Smelting Recipe

Light source[]

Lit Furnace (S)

Lit Furnace

Furnaces emit a light level of 13 when active, as well as smoke and flame particles.

Crafting ingredient[]

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Blast Furnace Iron Ingot +
Furnace +
Smooth Stone

Minecart with Furnace Furnace +

Smoker Any Log or Stem or
Any Stripped Log or Stem or
Any Wood or Hyphae or
Any Stripped Wood or Hyphae +

Custom name[]

By default, the GUI of a furnace is labeled "Furnace", but this name can be customized by naming it in an anvil before placing it, or by changing the CustomName tag using the /data command‌[Java Edition only].


In Java Edition, a furnace can be "locked" by setting its Lock tag using the /data command. If a furnace's Lock tag is not blank, the furnace cannot be opened unless the player is holding an item with the same name as the Lock tag's text. For example, to lock a furnace at (0,64,0) so that the furnace cannot be opened unless the player is holding an item named "Furnace Key", use /data merge block 0 64 0 {Lock:"Furnace Key"}.

Note Blocks[]

Furnace can be placed under note blocks to produce "bass drum" sounds.



Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.stone.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.stone.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.stone.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.stone.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.stone.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokendig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placeddig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.stone0.370.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.stone0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.stone0.31.0
PlayersJumping from the blockjump.stone0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damageland.stone0.221.0


Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Furnace cracklesBlocksRandomly while litblock.furnace.fire_cracklesubtitles.block.furnace.fire_crackle1.01.016
Chest locked[sound 1]BlocksWhen a player attempts to open a furnace locked using the  Lock tagblock.chest.locked[sound 1]subtitles.block.chest.locked[sound 1]1.00.8-1.216
  1. a b c MC-98316 — Wrong subtitles caused by missing distinction

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksRandomly while litblock.furnace.lit3.01.0

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierFormTranslation key
FurnacefurnaceBlock & Itemblock.minecraft.furnace
Block entityfurnace

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormItem ID[i 1]Translation key
Furnacefurnace61Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]tile.furnace.name
Lit Furnacelit_furnace62Block & Ungiveable Item[i 4]Identical[i 3]
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Available with /give command.
  3. a b The block's direct item form has the same id as the block.
  4. Unavailable with /give command
NameSavegame ID
Block entityFurnace

Block states[]

See also: Block states

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
The direction the furnace's opening faces.
The opposite from the direction the player faces while placing the furnace.
If the furnace is lit.

Bedrock Edition:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
The direction the furnace's opening faces.
  • 2: facing north
  • 3: facing south
  • 4: facing west
  • 5: facing east
minecraft:cardinal_directionNot Supportedsoutheast
UnsupportedThe direction the furnace's opening faces.
The opposite from the direction the player faces while placing the furnace.

Block data[]

A furnace has a block entity associated with it that holds additional data about the block.

Java Edition:

  • Block entity data
    • Tags common to all block entities
    •  BurnTime: Number of ticks left before the current fuel runs out.
    •  CookTime: Number of ticks the item has been smelting for. The item finishes smelting when this value reaches 200 (10 seconds). Is reset to 0 if BurnTime reaches 0.
    •  CookTimeTotal: Number of ticks It takes for the item to be smelted.
    •  CustomName: Optional. The name of this container in JSON text component, which appears in its GUI where the default name ordinarily appears.
    •  Items: List of items in this container.
      • : An item in the furnace, including the slot tag:
        Slot 0: The item(s) being smelted.
        Slot 1: The item(s) to use as the next fuel source.
        Slot 2: The item(s) in the result slot.
        • Tags common to all items
    •  Lock: Optional. When not blank, prevents the container from being opened unless the opener is holding an item whose name matches this string.
    •  RecipesUsed: Which recipes have been used since the last time a recipe result item was manually removed from the GUI. Used to calculate experience given to the player when taking out the resulting item.
      •  recipe ID: How many times this specific recipe has been used. The recipe ID is the identifier of the smelting recipe, as a resource location, as used in the /recipe command.

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format.


Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other
Hot TopicConstruct a furnace out of eight cobblestone blocks.Pick up a furnace from a crafting table output.15GBronze
Smelt Everything!Connect 3 Chests to a single Furnace using 3 Hoppers.Be within the range of three chests connected to a Furnace with 3 Hoppers.15GBronze
Super FuelPower a Furnace with Lava20GBronze


Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Advancement-plain-rawAcquire Hardware
Smelt an Iron Ingot Getting an UpgradeHave an iron ingot in your inventory.story/smelt_iron


Java Edition Indev
0.3120100129Prior to the addition of furnaces, items could be smelted by dropping them on the ground and then burning them with flint and steel. This was the only way to smelt ores.
20100219Furnace (N) JE1 Furnace (E) JE1 Furnace (S) JE1 Furnace (W) JE1 Lit Furnace (N) JE1 Lit Furnace (E) JE1 Lit Furnace (S) JE1 Lit Furnace (W) JE1 Added furnaces.
20100223Cobblestone can now be smelted into stone.
Java Edition Infdev
20100227-1Furnace (away) JE1 Furnace (away) JE1 Furnace (away) JE1 Furnace (away) JE1 Furnace (away) JE1 Furnace (away) JE1 Furnace (away) JE1 Furnace (away) JE1 Furnaces no longer have a front faces.
20100313Furnace (N) JE1 Furnace (E) JE1 Furnace (S) JE1 Furnace (W) JE1 Lit Furnace (N) JE1 Lit Furnace (E) JE1 Lit Furnace (S) JE1 Lit Furnace (W) JE1 Furnaces now have front faces again.
20100325Furnaces are now fully functional.
20100327The smelting time of furnaces has been reduced from 8 seconds to 4 seconds.
20100330The smelting time of furnaces has been increased from 4 seconds to 8 seconds per item.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.14Furnaces are now used to craft minecarts with furnaces.
v1.2.0?Furnaces now face toward the player when placed,[1] rather than away.
Java Edition Beta
1.2Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Furnace (E) JE2 BE1 Furnace (S) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Lit Furnace (E) JE2 BE1 Lit Furnace (S) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 The models of furnaces have been changed. Now use their own top texture on top face.
1.8Pre-releaseFurnaces now generate in village blacksmiths.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6Furnaces take much shorter time to destroy, and the breaking time depends on the pickaxe's material.
1.2.4releaseCats now try to sit on active furnaces.
1.2.5pre⇧ Shift + clicking can now be used to put items into furnaces more easily.
1.3.112w18aWooden tools now work in furnaces as one full furnace use.
12w22aSmelting various ores in furnaces now reward players with experience points.
When using lava as fuel inside a furnace, the player now recovers the bucket.
1.4.212w39aPreviously, furnaces lit up blocks all around them, this snapshot has made furnaces light up blocks only in front of them.[2] (images showing difference) Its light value has remained as 13, but the light is emitted only from the block's front surface.
12w40aThe previous change to furnaces has been reverted until the new lighting system can be optimized.
1.4.612w49aWhen holding sneak, the player can now place blocks and items (like redstone, repeaters, and levers) directly onto furnaces.
1.513w02aHoppers can now be used in conjunction with furnaces, allowing for automatic smelting.
Furnaces renamed using an anvil now display the new name in their GUI where the normal name used to appear.
1.814w02aWhen a furnace runs out of fuel, the smelting progress now pauses instead of resetting.
14w04aWhen a furnace runs out of fuel, the smelting progress now reverses at twice the speed of smelting.
14w25aFurnace (N) JE2 BE1 Furnace (E) JE3 Furnace (S) JE3 Furnace (W) JE3 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Lit Furnace (E) JE3 Lit Furnace (S) JE3 Furnace (W) JE3 The top texture of the furnace now rotates according to the direction it faces.
14w26aFurnaces now allow only fuel or a single empty bucket in the fuel slot.
1.915w43aA furnace now generates inside of igloos.
15w50aAdded a sound to furnaces: block.furnace.fire_crackle
1.1317w47aThe different block IDs for the furnace has been merged into one ID.
A lit block state for furnaces has been added.
Prior to The Flattening, these blocks' numeral IDs were 61 and 62.
18w06aA recipe book has been added for smelting using furnaces. It can be used only for the input slot.
18w09aWhen the output of a furnace is extracted with a hopper, the experience now accumulates inside the furnace, and is released the next time a player takes the output.[3]
1.1418w43aFurnace (N) JE3 BE2 Furnace (E) JE4 Furnace (S) JE4 Furnace (W) JE4 Furnace (N) JE3 BE2 Lit Furnace (E) JE4 Lit Furnace (S) JE4 Furnace (W) JE4 The texture of furnaces has been changed.
18w49aAdded snowy tundra villages, where many of the houses contain furnaces indoors.
Furnace items can now be found in chests in snowy tundra village houses.
18w50aFurnaces can now be found in one type of taiga village houses.
The updated taiga village weaponsmiths no longer contain furnaces.
Furnaces can now be used to craft blast furnaces and smokers.
1.1620w15aBlackstone can now be used to create furnaces instead of cobblestone.
20w17aBreaking a furnace now drops the experience accumulated from smelting.[4]
1.1721w07aFurnaces can now be crafted with grimstone.
21w08aFurnaces are now crafted with cobbled deepslate instead of grimstone.
1.1922w13aFurnaces now generate as part of ancient cities.
Furnaces no longer drop when breaking a minecart with furnace.
1.2023w12aFurnaces now generate in trail ruins.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.3.2Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Furnace (E) JE2 BE1 Furnace (S) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Lit Furnace (E) JE2 BE1 Lit Furnace (S) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Added furnaces.
With the addition of furnaces, every available block and item can now be gathered, crafted or smelted into (no more unlimited items).
v0.9.0build 1Furnaces now naturally spawn in villages.
v0.11.0build 1Crafting descriptions are no longer displayed in furnaces.
build 3Furnaces now drop one stack for each item instead of splitting them up.
v0.15.0build 1Furnaces can now be moved by pistons.
v0.16.0build 1A better description (Input, Fuel, Result) has been added to furnaces for devices that do not use a controller.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha furnace now generates inside of igloos.
Bedrock Edition
1.10.0beta (N) JE3 BE2 Furnace (E) BE2 Furnace (S) BE2 Furnace (N) JE3 BE2 Lit Furnace (N) BE2 Lit Furnace (E) BE2 Lit Furnace (S) BE2 Lit Furnace (N) BE2 The texture of furnaces has been changed.
Furnaces can now be used to craft smokers and blast furnaces.
Furnaces now generate in the new villages.
1.11.0beta can now be found in snowy tundra village house chests.
1.16.20beta now drop experience from within from processed items.[5]
1.17.0beta can now be used to craft furnaces.
1.20.30beta now use the minecraft:cardinal_direction block state instead of facing_direction.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1CU1 1.0 Patch 11.0.1Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Furnace (E) JE2 BE1 Furnace (S) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Lit Furnace (E) JE2 BE1 Lit Furnace (S) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Added furnaces.
TU12Cats now try to sit on active furnaces, making them unusable. This is intended to annoy the player.
TU14 1.04 Wooden tools now work in furnaces as one full furnace use.
When using lava as fuel inside furnaces, the player now recovers the bucket.
TU31CU19 1.22 Patch 3When a furnace runs out of fuel, the smelting progress now reverses at twice the speed of smelting.
Furnaces now allow only fuel or a single empty bucket in the fuel slot.
TU53CU43 1.49 Patch 231.0.3More items can now be used as fuel in a furnace.
1.90 Furnace (N) JE3 BE2 Furnace (E) JE4 Furnace (S) JE4 Furnace (W) JE4 Furnace (N) JE3 BE2 Lit Furnace (E) JE4 Lit Furnace (S) JE4 Furnace (W) JE4 The texture of furnaces has been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Furnace (E) JE2 BE1 Furnace (S) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Lit Furnace (E) JE2 BE1 Lit Furnace (S) JE2 BE1 Furnace (N) JE2 BE1 Added furnaces.

Lit furnace "item"[]

The following content is transcluded from Technical blocks/Lit Furnace.
This section is missing information about Did the beta 1.5 pumpkin bug affect furnaces as well?. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
Java Edition Indev
20100219Lit Furnace (inventory) JE1 Lit furnaces have an unobtainable item form corresponding to its block ID, which uses the normal furnace appearance. It can be obtained via inventory editors with numeric item ID 62.
Currently lit furnaces can be obtained as items simply by mining the furnace when lit.
Java Edition Infdev
20100611Lit Furnace (inventory) JE2 The lighting on blocks in the inventory has changed, changing the appearance of the lit furnace item as a result.
Java Edition Alpha
v1.0.1Lit Furnace (inventory) JE3 The left side of block items has been darkened, changing the lit furnace item as a result.
Lit furnaces can no longer be obtained as items by breaking a lit furnace.
Java Edition Beta
1.2Lit Furnace (inventory) JE4 The furnace model changing has affected the lit furnace item.
1.6Test Build 3Lit Furnace (inventory) JE5 Block items have changed in this version to be brighter and rotated 90 degrees clockwise from their prior appearances.
Lit furnace items can be obtained from the newly added debug chests, mainly from the 4th slot of the 3rd chest from the left, and the 15th slot of the 6th chest from the left.
releaseDebug chests no longer spawn, preventing lit furnace items from being obtained this way.
1.8Pre-releaseLit Furnace (inventory) JE6 Block items are now far brighter than before.
Added endermen, which can pick up any block including lit furnaces. Such endermen could be killed from 15w31a to 15w47c to drop the lit furnace as a block.
Pre-release 2 ;)Added pick block functionality. This will change the currently selected slot to any containing a lit furnace item, but will not allow it to be obtained if not already in the hotbar.
releaseEndermen no longer pick up lit furnaces.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4Lit furnaces can be obtained with the Silk Touch enchantment by breaking a block with an appropriate tool enchanted with it.
Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5Lit furnaces can no longer be obtained via Silk Touch.
RC2Lit Furnace (inventory) JE7 Block items are now more shaded again.
1.2.5prePick Block will now always return a normal furnace.
1.3.112w16aLit furnace items can now be obtained in singleplayer worlds via the /give command using the respective numeric ID.
12w22aLit Furnace (inventory) JE8 Block items have been rotated back to their pre-Beta 1.6 orientations.
1.4.212w34aLit Furnace (inventory) JE9 Block items have been brightened to an almost unnoticable degree.
1.513w02aLit Furnace (inventory) JE10 The item form of the lit furnace now has no face due to texture storage reforms.
1.814w06aLit Furnace (inventory) JE11 The item form of the lit furnace now correctly displays its face as lit.
14w10aFurnace (top texture) JE1 BE1 The item form of the lit furnace now displays its top/bottom texture.
14w18aLit Furnace (inventory) JE11 The item form of the lit furnace now correctly displays its face as lit again.
14w25aLit Furnace (inventory) JE14 The item form of the lit furnace now has missing textures.
1.915w31aLit Furnace (inventory) JE15 The model of the lit furnace block's item form is now missing.
Endermen now drop their held block, allowing those holding lit furnaces to drop lit furnaces as items.
15w49aThe direct item form of lit furnaces has been removed from the game.[6] It can no longer exist as an item in any way, only as a placed block.
?Added BlockStateTag, which allows to obtain all valid block states of respective block. This tag allows to obtain many technical blocks otherwise cannot be obtained, including lit furnace.
Pocket Edition Alpha
v0.3.2Lit furnaces exist as an item.
Bedrock Edition
?Lit Furnace (inventory) BE Lit furnace items now look like this.


Java Edition

Item names did not exist prior to Beta 1.0.

  • Beta 1.0 - 15w49a: Furnace
  • (As block name, item does not exist) 15w49a - 17w47a: Furnace
  • The block lit furnace has been removed in 17w47a and furnace block has become generic. Now lit furnace is no longer a technical block, instead it is a block state and can be obtained through BlockStateTag.
'Bedrock Edition'
  • ? - ?: tile.lit_furnace.name


Issues relating to "Furnace" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • Furnaces function as multiple real-world devices combined into one block: bloomeries and blast furnaces (for smelting ores), ovens (for baking and cooking), charcoal pits (for the charring of wood) and kilns (for baking of clay).
  • In Bedrock Edition, the lit furnace block was legitimately obtainable by mining a furnace that is smelting an item while the pickaxe has Silk Touch. When highlighted in the inventory its name was 'lit_furnace'.



In other media[]

See also[]


  1. "Guess what.. Furnaces should now face the opposite direction the player is facing when you plant them."@notch (Markus Persson) on X, October 30, 2010
  2. "The furnace only gives out light from the front now, unlike before where it'd be all directions!"@Dinnerbone (Nathan Adams) on X, September 26, 2012
  3. MC-7046 — "Furnace with hopper not giving XP" — resolved as "Fixed".
  4. MC-1601 — "Breaking a Furnace will not give you the experience for the smelted things inside" — resolved as "Fixed".
  5. MCPE-71651
  6. MC-80597

External Links[]
