How to Price Your Microgreens (Episode 10)

How to Price Your Microgreens (Episode 10)

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We continue with Episode 10 of the Microgreens World series “Starting a Microgreens Business: What You Need to Know.” If you missed Episodes 1-9, explore them here: “Microgreens Business.”

Starting jPure Farms in 2018 was a dream for Stephen and me. Nestled in the basement of his house, we embarked on a journey to grow the freshest, most vibrant microgreens. But as we soon discovered, understanding how to price your microgreens was a challenge that would test our resolve.

We were consumed with planting, nurturing, and harvesting excitement in those early days. The delicate greens were our pride, and we were eager to share them. But when it came to pricing, we needed help. How do you put a value on something you’ve poured your heart into? How do you balance the costs of seeds, trays, labor, and love with what the market is willing to pay?

Pricing microgreens must cover production costs, yields, market demand, competitive landscape, varietal differences, distribution channels, and seasonal fluctuations and provide an adequate profit margin that generates a healthy cash flow. Key activities include detailed cost analysis, market research, and strategic pricing alignment with business goals. Often overlooked are the continuous adjustments and testing to ensure sustainable profitability.

We learned quickly that strategic pricing was not just about numbers; it was an art. It was about understanding our product, our market, and ourselves. It was about finding that sweet spot where passion meets profitability.

As we navigated the complex world of microgreens pricing, we realized that this was a journey many others would embark on.

And so, in this post, I share our story with you, hoping to guide you through the maze of pricing your microgreens, turning challenges into opportunities, and dreams into sustainable success.

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Microgreens Business Tools

Calculating Your Microgreens Production Costs

When Stephen and I first started jPure Farms, we were captivated by the beauty of our microgreens. But as we soon realized, understanding the art of pricing begins with a deep dive into the numbers. Let me walk you through the essential steps we took to calculate our production costs.

And by the way, while prices may have risen since 2018, production costs, except labor, have decreased slightly.

Direct Input Costs

These are the tangible materials you’ll need. It included the seeds, trays, growing medium, and packaging. We found that the cost of seeds varied significantly based on the type of microgreens, with arugula and kale being more expensive than radish and sunflower. We also opted for eco-friendly packaging, which added to the cost but aligned with our brand values.

Labor Costs

Time is money, and growing microgreens requires careful attention. We factored in the hourly labor required for seeding, nurturing, harvesting, and packaging. Please don’t underestimate this; it can add up quickly. Even if you are the only labor cost, factor it in!

Utility and Facility Overhead Costs

This includes water, electricity, rent (if applicable), and other recurring expenses. We learned to monitor our utility usage closely to avoid unexpected cost spikes.

Note: Stephen calculated the square footage of his basement space as a percentage of his home. We also put a kilowatt counter device in all the outlets we used. You can purchase this one on Amazon.

Specialized Equipment Costs

Depending on your setup, you may need specialized equipment like grow lights or climate control systems. We invested in energy-efficient grow lights (LED), which had a higher upfront cost but saved us in the long run.

Record Keeping

This is where many new growers stumble. We kept meticulous records of all our expenses, down to the last penny. It helped us derive precise cost data and understand where we could optimize.

You could create a relatively simple spreadsheet with the instructions that we give you. But if you are serious about going into this microgreens business, use QuickBooks. The University of Maryland’s Agricultural extension has a great add-in [1].

Cost Per Unit Sale

Breaking down the costs per tray or ounce allowed us to see the bigger picture. For example, in Metro Atlanta, local prices range from $3.49 to $4.99 for 1.75 oz (50 g) of microgreens, depending on the retailer. Understanding this can help you position yourself competitively.

Tracking Costs Across the Growing Cycle

Microgreens have different growth cycles, and understanding this is key. We developed a process to track costs across the entire cycle, from seed to sale.

Calculating production costs is not just a one-time activity; it’s an ongoing process. It requires diligence, attention to detail, and a willingness to learn from successes and failures. For Stephen and me, it was a journey of discovery that laid the foundation for our pricing strategy.

To succeed long-term, the microgreens producer must cover their costs of production (materials, labor, overhead) and set their pricing with an adequate profit margin.

Remember, understanding your costs is the first step towards pricing your microgreens profitably. It’s not just about covering expenses; it’s about creating value for your customers and yourself. It’s about turning your passion for microgreens into a sustainable business. And I believe you can do it with the right approach too.

Pricing was always an issue. However, custom mixes and growing to order allowed us to reach the best prices by minimizing overruns. We roughly sold wholesale for around $25 per pound. Some seeds are more expensive than others and generate higher production costs.

Lessons Learned and the Path Forward for Your Microgreens Business

Understanding Microgreen Yields and Growth Cycles

Understanding microgreens’ yields and growth cycles is like knowing the rhythm of a beautiful piece of music. It’s essential to dance to the right beat. When Stephen and I were growing jPure Farms, we realized that mastering this rhythm was essential to pricing our microgreens effectively. Here’s how we approached it:


Researching Production Yields

We researched the expected yields per standard tray for each microgreens variety. For example, arugula might yield differently than radish. We consulted various studies and experienced growers to get a baseline. If you’re starting out, “Microgreens Seeding Density & Yield Trials | Johnny’s Selected Seeds” is a great place to start [2].

Factoring Growth Timing

Each microgreen has its unique timing from seeding to harvest. We learned to recognize the peak maturity for each variety, as harvesting too early or late could affect both yield and quality.

Determining Output Capacity

We assessed our total output capacity based on growth cycles and available space. This helped us understand how many trays we could produce in a given time, factoring in the different growth cycles of each variety.

Measuring Yields and Cycles

We didn’t just rely on research; we measured our yields and cycles consistently under our actual growing conditions. This hands-on approach helped us fine-tune our understanding and adapt to our specific environment.

Estimating Per-Unit Production Costs

We could estimate the per-unit production costs for each microgreen using our yield data. This was crucial in setting a price that covered our costs and provided a fair profit margin.

Maximizing Yields Through Planning

We outlined plant spacing, succession planting, and rotation schedules to maximize yields. This wasn’t just about cramming as many trays as possible; it was about creating a harmonious flow that allowed each microgreen to thrive.

Adapting to Seasonal Fluctuations

We also learned to account for seasonal changes that could affect growth cycles. This required constant observation and adaptation, ensuring we were always in tune with our microgreens.

Understanding microgreens’ yields and growth cycles is not just a technical exercise; it’s an intimate dance with the plants you nurture. It’s about recognizing their needs, their timing, and their potential. It’s about aligning your business rhythm with the natural rhythm of growth.

At jPure Farms, this understanding allowed us to price our microgreens to reflect the value of our labor, expertise, and love for these beautiful plants. And I believe you can do the same with careful observation, thoughtful planning, and a willingness to learn. It’s a dance worth mastering, and I know you have the grace to do it.

Microgreens Marketing Plan

Researching Market Demand and Willingness to Pay

Pricing microgreens isn’t just about understanding your costs and yields; it’s about understanding the hearts and minds of your customers. It’s about recognizing what they value, what they’re willing to pay, and how they perceive the beauty and utility of microgreens. Here’s how we approached this complex but rewarding aspect at jPure Farms:

  • Surveyed Consumers and B2B Customers
  • Explored Local Hospitality and Restaurant Trends
  • Interviewing Established Microgreen Growers
  • Exploring the Competitive Landscape
  • Defining Customer Demand Curves
  • Adapting to Regional Differences
  • Real-World Examples and Case Studies

We looked at companies like Aero Farms, who priced their microgreens at $3.49 – $4.49 for 2oz at Whole Foods, and Sprouts, pricing theirs at $4.29 – $4.99. We also considered Trader Joe’s pricing at $3.49 for 1.75 oz. These real-world examples helped us gauge the market and position ourselves effectively.

Researching market demand and willingness to pay was about creating a pricing strategy that resonated with your customers, feels right, and honors your hard work and their appreciation for what you offer.

We covered this topic extensively in the post “Decoding Your Microgreens Market: Understanding Customer Needs (Episode 2).”

Evaluating the Competitive Landscape

Understanding the competitive landscape is not just about knowing who your competitors are but their strategies, strengths, weaknesses, and how the market perceives them. Here’s how we approached this intricate task at jPure Farms:

  • Identified Direct Competitors
  • Understood Competitors’ Positioning
  • Searched Industry Data and Associations
  • Anonymous Price Checked
  • Outlined Competitor Analysis Process
  • Used Insights for Optimal Pricing Strategy
  • Adapted to Market Changes

The competitive landscape is dynamic. It changes, and we need to adapt. At jPure Farms, we kept our finger on the market’s pulse, ready to adjust our strategy.

We covered the Competitive Landscape topic in the post “Identifying Your Market: The Demand for Microgreens (Episode 1).”

Microgreens Marketing Plan

Accounting for Presentation and Packaging

The presentation and packaging of your microgreens are not just about aesthetics; they’re integral to your pricing strategy. At jPure Farms, we learned that how we presented and packaged our products directly impacted our costs, profitability, and brand perception. Here’s how we approached this critical aspect:

  • Calculating Costs
  • Evaluating Premium Options
  • Estimating Labor Time
  • Considering Wastage Rates
  • Analyzing the Impact on Profitability

For example, Whole Foods prices microgreens between $3.49 and $4.49 for a 1.75 oz (50 g) package. This pricing reflected packaging choices, brand positioning, and target market.

How you present and package your microgreens reflects your brand, values, and commitment to quality. It’s not just a cost; it’s an investment in your business and your relationship with your customers.

Evaluating Distribution and Delivery

Distribution and delivery are often overlooked aspects of pricing. They play a crucial role in determining the final cost to the consumer and the profitability of your microgreens business. At jPure Farms, we faced several challenges and opportunities in this area, and I’d like to share our insights with you.

  • Understanding Delivery Costs
  • Considering Outsourcing
  • Packaging for Safe Transport
  • Estimating Online Sales Costs
  • Weighing Pricing Power
  • Aligning Distribution with Pricing Strategy

Distribution and delivery are not just logistical challenges but strategic opportunities. By understanding and managing these aspects of your business, you can create a distribution system that supports your pricing strategy, enhances your customer experience, and contributes to your success.

Accounting for Seasonal Fluctuations

Fiona, accounting for seasonal fluctuations is a vital aspect of pricing microgreens. The changing seasons can significantly impact production costs and consumer demand; understanding these dynamics is crucial in setting competitive and profitable prices. Here’s how we approached this challenge at jPure Farms:

  • Researching Climate and Seasons
  • Seasonal Supply Fluctuations
  • Setting Seasonal Pricing Thresholds
  • Real-Time Pricing Adjustments
  • Pre-Selling Future Inventory
  • Aligning with Customer Expectations

By understanding the seasonal dynamics of your market and integrating them into your pricing strategy, you can create a more resilient and profitable business. And by communicating openly with your customers, you can build relationships based on trust, value, and mutual success.

case Studies & Reports

Setting Microgreens Prices by Sales Channel

Setting prices by sales channel is a complex but essential part of pricing your microgreens. It involves understanding each channel’s unique characteristics and opportunities and aligning your pricing strategy accordingly. Here’s how we approached this challenge at jPure Farms:

Direct-to-Consumer Pricing

Selling directly to consumers, whether at farmers’ markets or online, offers the potential for higher margins. We were able to set our prices at $4.29 – $4.99 per package, reflecting the freshness and quality of our microgreens. However, this channel required more marketing effort and customer engagement.

Wholesale Pricing with Grocers and Restaurants

Working with grocers and restaurants, we had to consider typical wholesale pricing. For example, we sold to Whole Foods at $2.09 – $2.69 for a 1.75 oz (50g) package. This channel required understanding the needs and expectations of business customers and negotiating volume discounts.

Volume Discounts for Bulk Sales

When selling in bulk, we offered volume discounts to incentivize larger orders. This helped us secure larger contracts and build long-term relationships with key customers.

Channel Exclusivity Agreements

We sometimes considered channel exclusivity agreements that allowed us to maximize negotiated pricing. These agreements required careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks.

Initial Testing Across Sales Channels

We conducted initial testing across different sales channels before finalizing our pricing. This helped us validate our pricing assumptions and make necessary adjustments.

Omni-Channel Distribution Strategy

Finally, we outlined an omnichannel distribution strategy that allowed us to optimize profitability across all channels. This strategy considered each channel’s unique characteristics and ensured our pricing aligned with our overall business goals.

For example, when selling to Trader Joe’s at $2.09 for a 1.75 oz (50 g) package, we had to consider the specific requirements of that channel, including packaging, distribution, and marketing support.

Setting prices by sales channel is not a one-size-fits-all process. It requires a deep understanding of each channel’s dynamics, a willingness to experiment and learn, and a commitment to aligning your pricing with your overall business strategy.

You start by looking at the revenue potential of your business model. Two factors go into that: (1) production capacity and (2) revenue pipeline (how many can you sell). Divide those weekly trays produced by the sales channel: trays 1-5 go to the grocery market, 6-9 to chefs, and so on. You can create a spreadsheet to do that.

Microgreens Pricing Based on Varietal Differences

Each variety has unique characteristics; understanding these differences is vital in pricing them appropriately. At jPure Farms, we learned that pricing based on varietal differences was not just a matter of numbers but an art that required insight and intuition. Here’s how we approached it:

Understanding Consumer Popularity and Demand

We reviewed data on consumer popularity and demand for specific microgreens varieties. For example, arugula and kale were more in demand. They could be priced higher, while radish and sunflower had a more moderate price range.

Comparing the Cost of Production

Different microgreens have different production costs. We compared these costs across varieties, factoring in seeds, growing medium, care, and other factors. This helped us understand where we could afford to price higher and where we needed to be more competitive.

Factoring Seasonal Availability

Some specialty varieties were only available seasonally. Knowing that scarcity could command a premium, we factored this into our pricing.

Pricing Exotic and High-Value Microgreens

We considered pricing exotic and high-value microgreens at a premium. These were rare, difficult to grow, or had unique flavors and textures. We knew they could command a higher price, but we also knew we had to justify it.

Increasing Prices for Difficult-to-Grow Microgreens

Some greens required specialized care and were more challenging to grow. We increased prices for these greens, reflecting the extra effort and expertise required.

Communicating Provenance, Quality, and Care

We didn’t just set our prices and hope for the best. We communicated the provenance, quality, and care taken for each variety. We told the story of each green, helping our customers understand why they were paying a premium.

Adapting to Market Changes

Just as with the competitive landscape, the varietal landscape was dynamic. We kept an eye on trends, consumer preferences, and market dynamics, ready to adjust our pricing as needed.

Pricing based on varietal differences is about understanding the unique value of each variety and communicating that value to your customers. It’s about being fair but also being strategic. It’s about seeing the beauty and uniqueness of each green and helping your customers see it too.

At jPure Farms, we found that this approach helped us set the correct prices and also helped us build deeper connections with our customers. We were not just selling them a product but sharing a passion, a story, and a world with them.

Microgreens Pricing to Grocery Stores and Retailers (wholesale)

Pricing for grocery stores and retailers is another unique challenge that requires a strategic approach. When we expanded jPure Farms into retail, we had to consider several factors to set the correct prices. Here’s how we navigated this complex landscape:

Determining Wholesale Pricing Thresholds for Grocers

We started by determining the wholesale pricing thresholds for different types of grocers. We examined independent stores and large chains, understanding their pricing structures and margins. This helped us set prices that were competitive but still profitable for us.

Offering Volume Discounts for Large Chain Orders

For large chain orders, we offered volume discounts. This incentivized larger orders and helped us build strong relationships with major retailers. This approach was efficient with stores like Whole Foods, where microgreens were priced between $3.49 and $4.49 for a 2oz (50 g) package.

Considering Packaging for Retail Displays

Retail packaging is different from wholesale. We had to consider how our microgreens would be displayed in stores and design attractive and functional packaging. This included additional costs but also allowed us to command higher prices.

Factoring in Distribution Fees and Inventory Management

Distribution to retailers required careful inventory management and often involved distribution fees. We factored these into our pricing, ensuring we covered all our costs.

Developing Strategies for Presenting Value to Store Buyers

Finally, we developed strategies for presenting our microgreens’ value to store buyers. We emphasized our quality, unique varieties, and commitment to sustainable farming. We also highlighted our competitive pricing, with examples like our pricing at Trader Joe’s at $3.49 for a 1.75 oz (50 g) package.
Getting Microgreens on Health Food Store Shelves

It is a difficult task, which requires careful consideration of the numerous factors involved in pricing to retailers and grocery stores. But with the right approach, it’s an opportunity to expand your market and build strong relationships with key players in the retail sector.

At jPure Farms, we found that understanding our customers, offering value, and being flexible in pricing allowed us to succeed in this challenging market. And I know you can do the same with your insight, creativity, and determination.

Most growers set a target price of at least $40 per pound or higher for lightweight or slow-growing varieties. Growers sell microgreens by unit price per clamshell or bag rather than by weight.

Pricing by Microgreen Varieties (Wholesale and Retail)

Pricing by Microgreen Varieties (Wholesale and Retail)

Pricing by wholesale and retail microgreen varieties is essential to your business strategy. It’s not just about setting a price; it’s about understanding the value of each variety and communicating that value to your buyers. Here’s how we approached this at jPure Farms:

Understanding the Varieties

We started by understanding the different microgreens varieties we were offering. Some, like arugula and kale, were more expensive to produce but commanded higher prices. Others, like radish and sunflower, were less costly and priced accordingly.

Analyzing Consumer Demand

We analyzed consumer demand for different varieties, looking at freshness, size, and type. We found that freshly harvested microgreens were typically more expensive, and larger microgreens commanded higher prices.

Considering the Competitive Landscape

We looked at our competitors’ pricing for similar varieties and considered their positioning, quality reputation, and customer loyalty. This helped us set prices that were competitive but also reflective of our unique value.

Strategizing for Wholesale and Retail

We developed different pricing strategies for wholesale and retail. In wholesale, we considered factors like bulk order cost savings and packaging and delivery costs. In retail, we looked at factors like display considerations and distribution fees. For example, we found microgreens in specialty grocery stores in Northern California. A 6-8 oz box prices around $12 to $15 depending on variety, like edible flowers and pea shoots.

Communicating Value to Buyers

We focused on communicating the value of our microgreens to store buyers. We emphasized each variety’s quality, freshness, and unique attributes, justifying our pricing and building solid relationships with our buyers.

Pricing by microgreen varieties requires a deep understanding of your products, market, and customers. It’s about more than just setting a price; it’s about building a strategy that reflects your unique value and helps you connect with your buyers.

At jPure Farms, this approach helped us build strong relationships with our buyers and create a loyal customer base. And I know you can do the same with your insight, creativity, and determination.

Depending on the type, we sold at $1 to $3 an ounce. We grew sunflower, pea, radish, mustard, broccoli, amaranth, beet, rainbow chard, tatsoi, lemon basil, and buckwheat. We also made a unique mix and rainbow mix and sold each separately.

Setting Microgreens Profit Margin Hurdles

Setting profit margin hurdles is a critical step in pricing microgreens. It’s about defining the minimum acceptable profit margins for different channels and products, ensuring the prices cover all costs, and aligning the pricing strategy with the overall business goals. Here’s how we approached this at jPure Farms:

Establishing Target Profit Margins

We began by establishing target profit margin thresholds for different channels and products. For example, we set higher margins for our high-risk specialty offerings, recognizing the additional care and attention they require.

Validating Costs

Next, we validated that our prices covered all production, distribution, and overhead costs. This included everything from seeds and trays to labor and utilities. We also factored in the payback period for our startup costs, ensuring our pricing strategy supported our long-term financial sustainability.

Comparing Against Industry Research

We compared our profit goals against industry research on microgreen margins. This helped us understand where we stood relative to our competitors and identify opportunities for improvement.

Setting Higher Margins for Specialty Offerings

Recognizing the unique appeal and higher risk associated with certain specialty microgreens, we set higher margins for these products. This allowed us to compensate for the additional care and potential risks involved.

Outlining Tools for Tracking Profitability

We outlined tools to track unit economics and profitability over time. This included regular reviews of our cost data, sales figures, and profit margins, allowing us to make informed decisions and adjust our pricing strategy as needed.

By taking the time to define your profit margin hurdles, validate your costs, and align your pricing with your business goals, you can create a pricing strategy that is both profitable and sustainable. And by tracking your performance over time, you can continue to refine and optimize your approach, turning challenges into opportunities and insights into growth.

The gross margin can be calculated by dividing the gross earnings by the selling price and then multiplying by 100 to get the percentage. Here’s how you can calculate it based on the given information:


  • Average Yield per Tray: 8–12 oz
  • Selling Price per Ounce: $25–40 per pound, so $1.56–2.50 per ounce (since 1 pound = 16 ounces)
  • Earnings per Tray: 8–12 oz * $1.56–2.50 per ounce = $12.5–18.8
  • Gross Earnings per Tray (after deducting production costs): $8.5–14.8
  • Gross Margin: (Gross Earnings per Tray / Earnings per Tray) * 100

Using the Lower Bound Values:
Gross Margin = ($8.5 / $12.5) * 100 = 68%

Using the Upper Bound Values:
Gross Margin = ($14.8 / $18.8) * 100 = 78.7%

So, the gross margin for selling microgreens per tray ranges from 68% to 78.7%.

In Excel:
You can calculate this in Excel by using the following formulas:

  • Column AH: Selling Price per Ounce (e.g., $1.56)
  • Column AI: Earnings per Tray (e.g., =J2*AH2)
  • Column AJ: Gross Earnings per Tray (e.g., $8.5)
  • Column AK: Gross Margin (e.g., =(AJ2/AI2)*100)

These formulas can be adjusted based on your spreadsheet’s values and columns.

Optimizing for Sustainable Pricing

Optimizing for sustainable pricing is a journey, not a destination. It’s about creating a pricing strategy that supports long-term success, aligns with your brand, and adapts to the ever-changing dynamics of the market. Here’s how we approached this at jPure Farms:

Taking a Gradual Approach

We recognized that pricing was a complex and evolving challenge. So, we gradually adjusted our pricing over time as we learned more about our customers, costs, and market. This allowed us to make informed decisions without risking sudden shocks to our business or customers.

Aligning with Brand Positioning

Our pricing strategy must reflect our brand’s values and positioning. We wanted to offer premium microgreens, and our pricing needed to reflect that quality and care. But we also needed to ensure our prices were competitive and accessible to our target customers.

Validating Supply and Demand

We worked hard to validate the consistency of our projected supply versus demand at our set prices. This meant understanding our production capacity, growth cycles, and customer needs and preferences. It also meant building in flexibility to adapt our pricing amid market shifts.

Modeling Cash Flow Effects

We modeled the effects of pricing changes on our near-term cash flows. This helped us understand the financial implications of our pricing decisions and ensure we balanced profitability with competitiveness. Explore more in our post, “Optimizing Cash Flow: The Make-or-Break Priority for Microgreens Business (Episode 6).”

Cash Flow is The Life-Blood of Small Businesses!

Let me help you build a 12-month rolling cash flow projection  (+Cash Flow Statement ) under different scenarios to stress test and forecast your capital needs. I can handle the modeling and analysis.

Striving for Sustainable Profitability

We strived for sustainable profitability. This meant creating a pricing strategy supporting our long-term success without sacrificing our values or customer relationships. It meant finding the right balance between profitability and competitiveness, growth and stability, opportunity and risk.

At jPure Farms, we’ve found that sustainable pricing is more than just about numbers. It’s about creating value for our customers and our business. It’s about building relationships and trust. And it’s about embracing the microgreens market’s complexity and opportunity, turning challenges into insights and insights into success.

Remember, pricing is a journey. And with the right approach, you can create a pricing strategy supporting your success, values, and unique growth path.

We sold fresh to customers at farmer’s markets and made the most significant margins. But the restaurants bought the most volume from us. Our price structure ranged from $2 per oz to $6 per oz depending on the variety: Asian greens, radishes, scallions, and various herbs (basil, cilantro, parsley, etc.)

Key Takeaways: Crafting a Profitable Microgreens Pricing Strategy

Crafting a profitable pricing strategy for microgreens is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful consideration of various factors. Here’s what we’ve learned at jPure Farms:

Layered Factors

Optimal pricing isn’t just about numbers; it’s about understanding the layered factors that impact your business. Every aspect, from production costs to market demand, from competitive landscape to seasonal fluctuations, plays a role.

Research-Based Approach

A research-based approach, grounded in actual data and insights, enables profitability and sustainability. It helps you align your pricing with your costs, customers, and market.

Continuous Testing and Adjusting

Pricing is a dynamic process. Keep testing and adjusting as you gather customer data, learn from your experiences, and respond to market changes.

A Journey, Not a One-Time Decision

Finally, remember that pricing is a journey, not a one-time decision. It’s about creating a strategy that supports your long-term success and reflects your unique growth path.

It’s both an art and a science to price microgreens. It’s about finding the right balance between knowing what works for you and how to make your strategy work. And with the right approach, you can turn pricing into a powerful tool for growth and success.

Next up is Episode 11. How to Package and Deliver Your Microgreens, in Part III Product Development and Pricing.

Related Questions

These answers provide a snapshot of the critical considerations in pricing microgreens, offering valuable insights for those looking to venture into this profitable niche.

How Are Microgreens Typically Priced?

Microgreens are often priced by ounce for retail, ranging from around $2.00 upwards. The pricing may vary based on quality, variety, and whether the microgreens are organic. Local demand and market trends also influence the pricing structure.

What Are the Basic Costs Involved in Producing Microgreens?

The total cost for producing a standard 1020 tray of microgreens is about $3-5. This includes fixed and variable production costs such as soil, water, seed, tray, electricity, and packaging. Other variable costs like labor, insurance, and shipping may also apply.

How Much Can You Earn Per Tray of Microgreens?

It is not unusual for microgreens growers to set a target price of at least $40 per pound or higher. However, microgreens’ average wholesale selling price is $25–40 per pound. For each 1020 tray, the average yield is between 8–12 oz per harvest, translating to earnings of at least $12.5–18.8 per tray. After deducting production costs, the gross earnings are around $8.5–14.8 per tray.

What Factors Influence Seed Density and Yield Per Tray?

Seed density and yield per tray depending on the microgreens variety and the planting method. For example, microgreens like basil, cilantro, and broccoli usually yield 8-12 oz per tray, while radish, sunflower, and pea may produce 1-2 lb per tray.

How to Determine the Best Microgreens to Sell?

Identifying the best microgreens to sell requires careful consideration of factors such as time to grow, market demand, competition, and profit margin. Researching buyer intent, market volume, and competitor strategies helps make informed decisions. Check out Episode 9 in the series, “Choosing Your Microgreens Varieties for Maximum Profitability.”

Share the Knowledge

You’ve just unlocked the secrets to pricing your microgreens for success!

If you found this guide valuable, don’t keep it to yourself. Please share it with fellow growers, friends, and anyone interested in microgreens.

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Your journey to profitable microgreens farming starts here. Share, learn, and grow with us! 🌱

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References and Resources

Sources of microgreens pricing data for North America:

  1. “Bulletin #3020, Using QuickBooks for Farm Recordkeeping: Considerations for Getting Started – Cooperative Extension Publications – University of Maine Cooperative Extension.” Cooperative Extension Publications, Accessed 14 Aug. 2023.
  2. “Microgreens Seeding Density & Yield Trials | Johnny’s Selected Seeds.”, Accessed 14 Aug. 2023.
  3. USDA Market News Portal – Provides aggregated pricing data on microgreens at major regional farmers markets:
  4. State agriculture department market reports – Many state departments share pricing surveys for local producers. For example, the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Produce Pricing Series:
  5. Industry associations and commissions – Groups like the Produce Marketing Association and state-level commissions occasionally share microgreen pricing data in industry reports.
  6. Specialty online marketplaces – Aggregators like Barn2Door provide price transparency:
  7. Direct surveys of producers, distributors, and retailers – Many consultants and research firms directly survey players along the value chain to compile pricing estimates.
  8. Anonymous price checking – Acting as a prospective buyer with local farms and stores can provide data points.
  9. The best picture of the price situation in rural microgreens is made possible by combining data from several sources.
  10. Kaiser, C. and M. Ernst. (2018). Microgreens. CCD-CP-104. Lexington, KY: Center for Crop Diversification, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. Available:
  11. Harlow, Ivory. “How to Price Farm Products.” Farm and Dairy, 9 July 2018, Accessed 14 Aug. 2023.
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How to Package and Deliver Your Microgreens (Episode 11)

How to Package and Deliver Your Microgreens (Episode 11)

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Choosing Your Microgreens Varieties for Maximum Profitability

Choosing Your Microgreens Varieties for Maximum Profitability (Episode 9)

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In order to use this website we use the following technically required cookies
  • wordpress_test_cookie
  • wordpress_logged_in_
  • wordpress_sec

For perfomance reasons we use Cloudflare as a CDN network. This saves a cookie "__cfduid" to apply security settings on a per-client basis. This cookie is strictly necessary for Cloudflare's security features and cannot be turned off.
  • __cfduid

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