A downloadable game for Windows



  • Found bugs in the game? drop me a line on twitter.
  • Leave feedback about Ravings, I read and comment on absolutely everything!
  • I keep developing despite the silence on social media. (if I am away for more than 2 weeks, then I lie on the bed, eat delicious food and watch youtube :3)
  • Enjoy your game, my friend!



1280x720 @30 FPS1920x1080 @60FPS
CPU i3 3240 2.13 GHz CPU i5 4440 3.1 GHz
GPU GT 730 2048mb GPU RX 550 4028mb
RAM 4GB RAM 8GB and more
DISK 6GB free space DISK 6GB free space

Best Regards Michael Derek.


Ravings Demo (Windows).zip 2.6 GB

Install instructions

After installation, open the ZIP file, then left-click the Ravings icon 2 times

Development log


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sorry, but i couldnt play the game, i too much looped unnecessary audio thorughout the game, i couldnt get through doors, i found a key that didnt work for any door, couldnt search through drawers/luggage...etc
i feel it has potental, just need to get rid of unnecessary audio, theres no objectives, no flashlight, the hallway upstairs was dark...idk, I hope you fix it,and also the frame rate.
I'll be happy to try again after you have fixed the issues!

Thank you very much for your feedback, I will try to do it at the best possible level.


no worries, just letting you know! 

I started playing this game and there is constant talking in the intro and during gameplay  cant hear anything because of it.

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Hi dear Anything Gaming, the game is experiencing audio issues and no solution has been found yet.

I tried to play this but, the frame rate was way too low. Is it possible it's an issue with the game because I don't have the issue with anything else? I did not have the framerate drops with the original demo.  I'd really like to play this, so let me know! Thanks!

Unfortunately, the game has a lot of errors, but I don’t know how to fix them XD. I will try to somehow solve this problem. Thank you.


I love this game! The atmosphere and ambience of this game is amazing! 

Hi bro, it's very nice to see this message from you, thank you very much, I hope it didn't bring any particular problems in the game and everything went great. Thank you very much for playing.

realised i didnt write a review. A game with a good base and lots of potential! I played it over on my YouTube channel if you'd like to check it out! 

Hello SkorpiYT, thanks for such a sincere and cool video about the game, thank you very much!

Sadly this game gets a 3/10 from me, there is many level design issues the big one for me was seeing the ending while i was half way through the game by peeking through a wall, the jumps were pretty lack luster as well. A lot of room for improvement i will check back once there has been further updates

Hello MoffPHC, thanks for such an open review. The game is being finalized and already at this stage it looks more interesting than this game :) 

The release is scheduled for July.

This might be an older version of the game but here's my video on it. My main critiqe is to make important items stand out a bit more.Other than that polish. cleaning up notes and such

Hello dear LordofNope, but unfortunately you downloaded the very first version of the game, I don’t know where you got this version from, but a lot has already changed in the game and has been removed. Thank you very much for the video and your time for the game :)

Sounds like I'll have to play the new version then!

If you are interested, I am happy to greet

It's definitely a nice start to a horror game. The mechanics are pretty commonplace compared to the general genre, but better design than most. Damn jump scares got me good, even when I frickin knew they were coming haha

Great work! 


Hello dear KingTwizz, thanks for playing the game and hopefully having at least a little fun. Thank you!


Friends, thank you for still visiting me, it's very nice :)


Wanted to just pay it forward :) Keep up the amazing work.

This is just a shock now, this is a very gigantic contribution to me. Thank you buddy, I will definitely try not to disappoint you in the future! Can you share your twitter so I can talk to you?

Thank you dude, this is really really cool


i agree


Hi, what exactly do you agree with in this situation? :)





I played before your updates so I'm sure some of the bugs were fixed (I think at one point a monster popped up but it was in the wall). But honestly, your game made me sweat. The atmosphere was spooky and the scares nearly threw me out of my seat.


Hi, I watched this video, it is very cool. Thanks for playing the game. 

Yes, many errors (blank sheets, some shortcomings) have been corrected. 

I'm glad you liked the atmosphere, it's cool!

Something about this game is so familiar...

Haha, hello dear FunkyDReggs, thanks for the video. I will definitely check it out soon! 

and what is so familiar to you? :)

The house kinda reminds me of RE7. I like it tho.

Guys, I apologize for the broken update, I think I found a solution to the problem. In the next 1-2 days I will be able to download a working assembly.

(1 edit)

I just purchased and donated to the continuance of this project. Sending many respects! I will be doing a live review and mentions on my new Twitch channel! Hope to see your follow, friend!

Jay Prowaves

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Hi dear Jay Prowaves, thanks a lot for the donation, itch io takes the commission very well! I am very grateful for such help, let's talk about it on twitter?

New bug fix is already coming friends!

New vid showing the 0.3 update content off is out! really enjoyed it!

p.s love the cod zombie sounds.

Welcome back dear ian_gussey, I am very glad that you made a video on the new update of the game. I will definitely take a look

Amazing game for anyone who loves horror like me. It was amazing and I’m ready to play more of it!

Thank you, I will look forward to the continuation! :)

Yo covered this game in my most recent 3rg episode.

A new video covering the new updates is coming Wednesday.

Great video my friend, I hope you enjoy the updates in the game!

This game is  cool.

Thank you, you're cool too :)

Fixed a bug with the menu, the game can be safely installed!

Nice game

Hello Nickfan, it's cool that you decided to visit me, great video!

Nice to see improvements being made! Looking forward to further updates in the future.

Hello my friend theartist! I am very glad that you saw this Easter egg, thanks for the great video!

Much respect. I appreciate the shoutout and continued game development

Awesome experience! Here's my short playthrough  

Hello JokiGAME, thanks for rating the game, I am very pleased!


(1 edit)

Haha hello dear Twalls, thanks for playing and appreciating it

Thank You Micheal Dereks for the easter eggs in your game, It's amazing to know that someone like you are out there in this world to spread love and kindness to others.

Hello dear MarlonxAssassin, it's great that you returned to the Ravings page again and got good and positive from this Easter egg, the best youtuber 100% :)

This game looks very good, I'm interested to see this turn into something rad!  Very much my type of horror haunted spooky house.  Hope to see something dead chasing me in the future... thanks!

Hello Niсtendo, yes, I want to add an enemy in the new update, I think it will be hot!

i really appreciated to easter egg.great game 

Hello lucidthasensei, thanks for coming back to the game to see this easter egg.

WOOOOOOOO! Huge Congrats on getting funded! So Proud of you!

Thank you, my friend, I myself am shocked that everything turned out like this. And without your help it would also be very difficult, thank you very much!

Very nice little demo! Gives me a lot of Resident Evil 7 vibes, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where this goes! I wasn't able to find the code for the first keypad door near the kitchen however, I assume it's meant to be an Easter Egg. 

Hello dear Loggles_J, I am very glad to hear that you liked the game, if you want to enter the room yourself, then the password is 6032!

The atmosphere was incredible though it might've been too dark in some areas. It kept me on edge the entire time. You should make the objectives clearer as however. It was a little disappointing to only see the monster once before I gave up on trying to figure out what to do next. Overall it was a creepy experience that I enjoyed. Check out my playthrough of this game in my first 3 scary games video! Hope you enjoy!

Hello Rodasama, I'm very glad you decided to play the demo. As for the goals, I will try to make it more clear, and I will definitely watch your video, it is very interesting what you say about the game

Not bad dude,It could be scarier but it was a nice game ^-^

Hi, thanks for playing the demo, but when I watched the video I was horrified. You played 1 fix, which had very big bugs and did not work correctly, if you want you can download the new version, it feels much better there)

yes dude glad you realized your mistake, i hope you make better games :)

Hi again! I just wanted to drop this by as a thank you gift for making that easter egg with me included. Thank you so so much for everything and I  wish you great success and achievement for this game and any other projects you work on! 


Hi Leoharp, thanks for coming to visit me again, I hope you liked the Easter egg made for you :)


I certainly did I can't thank you enough :D

The demo doesn't really tell much about the plot or story, it only gives us a good sense of the mechanics and the feel of the overall tone of what the final game may be. I do see the potential, but Ravings needs lots of work and improvement. 

I typically play games without critiquing too much during gameplay. I want to focus on having fun and taking in the game as it unfolds, then give a quick review and critique in the outro of the video. However, I couldn't help myself but critique and review as I played because there were so many things to comment on as far as improvements were concerned. It'd be too much for me to go over them here in the comment section, so I urge the developer to watch my gameplay and take notes.

One thing worth noting here though is the size of the house. For a couple who just moved in and planning on starting a family, a huge house is pretty unbelievable. I know it's an indie game and that delving deep into the story isn't necessary, but for a story seemingly grounded in reality, it's difficult to take the game seriously because of the mere fact of the location of the game: a mansion. Granted, the demo doesn't show us the size of the house, but all the rooms we come across (some we can't even access) give us a good idea of how big the house is. It doesn't make sense for a couple who's planning on starting a family to be moving into a house of that size.

Ravings can be an enjoyable walking simulator for what the developer is able to offer. Personally, the developer didn't offer enough. From what I can tell, the game is about the ravings of a man progressively going mad manifesting themselves as hallucinations. It would've been a better demo if it delved into why he's experiencing hallucinations, why he and his wife moved into such a huge house, and the story behind the house. I feel like there's something insidious about the house that's giving the protagonist hallucinations. If so, why wasn't the wife affected before she abandoned him?

As I mentioned, there's a lot of improvement, but nonetheless worth checking out.  

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello TheCardsharp, thanks for such an open answer and advice, I will definitely watch your video, the game will still need to offer a lot of effort and try to make it better, but now I am ready to answer these questions and wishes. 

As for the house, it is really huge for a young couple who just arrived in this city. But according to the plot (I did not write this in the notes because, in theory, the main character is doing this for me), you play as a sick person who no longer understands where is reality and where is fiction.

You see repeating rooms - labyrinths (this still helps me a lot to save game materials and do more subtle optimization) Scarlet is the monster you saw in the corridor, she urgently left this house because no one can deal with the shit hero. Of course, you would not know all these details, but I hoped that the players would think out and understand what was going on, but okay :) 

Honestly, thank you very much for this comment and video, I will definitely watch it and, if necessary, I will make edits to this comment.

In light of the information you commented on my YouTube, some of the things I mentioned (especially the size of the house) make sense. Unfortunately, it wasn't easy to pick these things up in the demo, they weren't quite clear. And I'd venture to say not many others (at least the gameplays I've seen so far) picked up on those things, either. I'll download the latest version right now and try it out.


I agree, this will need to be explained, thanks for responding so responsively to my comments, it's very nice :)


Congrats on almost reaching your funding goal! This game has a lot of potential, and you've done a great job on it! (Video below if anyone wants to watch!)

The whole atmosphere and house was well done; it was dark, there were spooky sounds and it was generally a good spooky environment,

That being said, I personally thought that there were too many doors in the game; their main purpose was to slow the player down and to anticipate a scare that might happen. And it sort of had the opposite effect, where the player would have to open doors every few feet, it kind of gets boring after a while. My suggestion to this would be to design an actual house and make the player roam through that, than make it more of hallways that they have to get through.

Also, the mechanic of opening the doors wasn't that great (I had difficulties when I first got in the game.) Maybe doing it the Outlast way where you can press a key to fully open the door or hold a key to slowly open it would be a good idea? That way, players have a choice and they don't have to slow down and manually move their mouse in order to open the door.

And one other thing I would suggest is to make the monster that is initially shown more prominent. The loud noises and fringe effect as jump scares were mainly scary because it was sudden and loud, but not because they were scary. You've built an interesting character with the notes and making the monster scary because of that is a great way of tying it in with the whole game and adding to the scary and spooky vibes!

The above are just my personal thoughts and suggestions, I do know that coding and game dev-ing is hard. But it was an absolutely fun game to play! The story you build with just the notes alone, was (I think) amazing and you have a knack for story building and climax.

The house had spooky vibes and looked great. The sounds were well done as I mentioned, the spooky house sounds added to the subtle scare of the game and helped raise the fear a little bit. The shadows of the house was also well done! I almost expected a scare at every corner because things were pretty dark and thought something might happen because of the sounds!

Oh, and one last suggestion is to change the keys for using items and leaning. I found that the defaults for using the torch was '1' and leaning was 'Y' and 'X'. Maybe making torch as 'F' and leaning as 'Q' and 'E' might be better because that's what other games do and is more comfortable to the human hand. Or maybe have an inventory system where you can quick select three or four items and store things which you won't use, might also be a good idea!

But yeah, this game can really be well done and it's a great start so far! I hope the updates and everything go well and can't wait to play more as you finish the game! Good luck and good job on a great demo so far! (Also, sorry for calling it a Resident Evil type game, I might have mistook your game for another? Because I thought I remembered the preview photos having a gun and some RE type monster.)

P.S: I found a space in the ceiling at the end of the game where one could see into the sky. (Just thought that you would like to know about that.)

Hello dear Lucifer_exe, I am very pleased that you played and got a little pleasure from the game) 

I want to start right away without a long introduction to your advice. 

As for the house.The house is really very small and it is rather difficult to improve it, but I am already thinking about it, new materials will not interfere. 

There are a lot of doors, not only because of the small distance, I wanted to create the effect of a maze and surprise behind each door, I think you yourself noticed rather repetitive rooms, this was partly done on purpose.

I thought for a long time about opening doors on E instantly or simply by dragging. I'm having big problems with just opening doors on E because of the animation, I will work on it, but not the fact that I will. 

Monster - I completely agree with your statement, I am already studying artificial intelligence to add a more or less good and most importantly not stupid monster)

I want to say a huge thank you for such an informative comment, thanks only to you and such comments, I understand my mistakes and make the game better. Thanks you! 

And yes, changing the keys, you can open the control settings and do everything as it suits you!

This game will continue to be worked on for a long time, and there will still be a lot to add and change. Thanks a lot!

You and I pretty much noticed the same things. The one main thing I mentioned is the size of the house. With all the rooms interconnected through long hallways, it's pretty clear the house is huge. Given that, it doesn't make sense for a couple to move into such a big house.

Well, that's true but imagine Resident Evil 7, it happens in a large house and it works because it's segmented into different parts and there are monsters and items for each part.

Yeah, but that could easily be justified because it was a family of four living in a house. A husband and wife in a house that size is still unreasonable to me. Regardless, the developer informed me that the size of the house is all part of his hallucination, and apparently this was hinted at in the game. So, the size of the house is, from my understanding, much smaller than what it seems to be in the demo. I picked up that he was having hallucinations but not that the inside of the house was part of it.

My dear friends, I apologize for the fact that the update did not come out today, I had a problem with the files. The update will be tomorrow!

New update in 8 hours, get your alarms and coffee cups ready, it will be interesting

Nobody: "Let's go live in a haunted house.."


Hahaha hello President9, thanks for playing the game and filming a video on it, as for the main character who lives with ghosts, it's just his hallucination. Everything that he sees is unreal and does not make sense, I have already prescribed a small plot and I think you will be interested in the outcome of the plot in future updates of the game.

My pleasure playing it man. I really enjoyed it can't wait to see more of it in the near future.

Hi President9, thanks for waiting for the full version, I am very pleased to hear that!

Just finished the demo. Awesome! Having the "thing" show up early really plants the fear in you the rest of the time. He doesn't even have to show up again. The little moments of high pitched noise really makes your hair stand on end. This is truly terrifying. One surprising thing is the rain fall was actually a comforting sound as the rest of the time the suspense is crushing. I hope you're able to continue working on this project!

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Hello omeyga, I am very glad that you liked the game, this is very important! 

As for the game... I have very big plans for it, and I will work on the game for a long time to get a good storyline and great mechanics!

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