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Hollow Men is a Pocket DS9 novel written by Una McCormack. Published by Pocket Books, it was first released in April 2005.

Sisko and Garak travel to Earth to take part in the first Allied talks between the Federation, the Romulans and the Klingons. While there, Sisko informs Starfleet of the extent to which he and Garak were involved in the death of Senator Vreenak.


From the book jacket
At the turning point of the Dominion War, Captain Benjamin Sisko of Starbase Deep Space 9, facing certain defeat by the overwhelming and relentless forces of the Jem'Hadar and the Cardassians, went through with a secret plan to secure the aid of the Federation's longtime adversaries, the Romulans. What began as a desperate attempt to save lives became a descent into an abyss of deception, moral compromises, and outright criminal acts, as Sisko sacrificed every ideal he held dear in order to preserve the civilization that espoused those selfsame principles.
Now the aftermath of that choice is revealed for the first time as Sisko is summoned to Earth to take part in the first Allied talks to come out of the Federation's new partnership with the Romulans. But Sisko's conscience weighs heavily on him, compelling him to seek some kind of penance for what he has done… while elements within Starfleet itself set in motion a scheme to use Elim Garak as a pawn against a Human political dissident who may hold the key to the outcome of the war.

Excerpts of copyrighted sources are included for review purposes only, without any intention of infringement.

Background information[]


Benjamin Sisko
Elim Garak
William Ross
James Leyton
Kimara Cretak
Jadzia Dax
Julian Bashir
Kira Nerys
Miles O'Brien
Jake Sisko
Joseph Sisko
Judith Sisko
Luther Sloan
Marta Batanides
Alynna Nechayev
Vic Fontaine
Tomas Roeder
Former crewmember of the USS Livingston, agent of Internal Affairs and now Earth's most vocal anti-war protestor.


1960s; 2370s; admiral; Bajor; Bajoran; baseball; Benzite system; Betazed; blackmail; captain; Cardassia Prime; Cardassian; Cardassian Science Ministry; Cardassian Union; cargo; coup d'etat; dabo; Dax, Curzon; Deep Space 9; diplomat; Dominion; Dominion War; Dukat; Earth; Eddington, Michael; exile; Federation Alliance; Federation Council; Felix; Fourth Order; front line; Ghemor, Tekeny; Glintara sector; hologram; holosuite; Hudson, Calvin; Jem'Hadar; Jem'Hadar attack ship; Julian Bashir, Secret Agent; Ih'tanu; ketracel-white; Klingon; Klingon Empire; Las Vegas; latinum; Lissepian; London; Obsidian Order; Portland; Promenade; Quark's; Replimat; Romulan; Romulan Star Empire; Romulus; Rubicon, USS; runabout; Scalosian; Section 31; senator; Seventh Fleet; Soukara; starbase; Starbase 375; Starfleet; Starfleet Headquarters; Starfleet Intelligence; sub-commander; Sybaron; Terok Nor; Tolar, Grathon; Trepar; turbolift; Tzenkethi; United Federation of Planets; Victory, HMS; Vreenak

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