Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Las Vegas, also known as simply Vegas, was a resort town in Nevada.

Vic Fontaine's lounge bar was located in Las Vegas. (DS9: "It's Only a Paper Moon") Other hotels and casinos in the city included the Hotel Royale, the Desert Inn, the Sands, and the Dunes. (TNG: "The Royale"; DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang")

Vic once told a joke in which he stated, "In Vegas, there's only one way not to lose money. The moment you step off the plane, walk into the propellers." (DS9: "His Way")

Benjamin Sisko had no desire to visit Vic's program, because "in 1962, black people weren't welcome there," further stating, "Sure they could be performers, or janitors, but customers? Never." Kasidy tried to reassure him that that may be true "in the real Vegas, but that's not how it is at Vic's." (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang")

According to Frankie Eyes, Bugsy Siegel was "the man that built Las Vegas," and "a visionary." Eyes was disappointed that there was not "even one statue of the guy" in Vegas. (DS9: "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang")

When Quark wanted to play the Ferengi game of tongo with Vic, Vic reminded him that the game hadn't been played in Las Vegas in 1962 and that, therefore, the program of Vic's lounge couldn't create it. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

After they returned to Deep Space 9, Ezri Dax suggested that she and Julian Bashir take a trip to Vegas. However, Bashir suggested that perhaps they should try out his new Battle of Thermopylae program. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

As part of a vision quest, Tom Paris told Chakotay that word had just come in from Vegas, Mars, and Orion III that the odds were 33:1 that Kid Chaos would outpoint him and 11:1 that he'd be k.o.ed by the fifth round. (VOY: "The Fight")

In an alternate timeline in which Nazi Germany had invaded the United States of America, as of 1944 Las Vegas was controlled by American forces. The city was named on a map of the United States (Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika). (ENT: "Storm Front", "Storm Front, Part II")

In the "Storm Front" two-parter, the map provides evidence of the American control of Las Vegas, which isn't referred to otherwise.

In the writers' second draft script of ENT: "Breaking the Ice", Travis Mayweather doubted Malcolm Reed's supposedly unsentimental attitude, while they were preparing to visit Archer's Comet, by pointing out that Reed was packing a munitions case as though he was "headed for a honeymoon in Vegas." Reed explained the highly prepared nature of his packing was a result of him being wary about the risks of visiting the comet.

Star Trek: The Experience was located in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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