The West is Wild and the West is Weird. Take up the role of an outlaw who gets wrapped up in an adventure of a lifetime. Face bounty hunters, ghosts and a doomsday cult as you travel cross the Old West, trying prevent the end of the world at the hands of eldritch horrors.

A new century is around the corner, and you are an outlaw traversing the towns and terrains of the Frontier, only to one evening get wrapped up in chasing down the means to stop a doomsday cult from bringing forth the end of days.

You’ll have to deal with hustlers, grifters, gunslingers and vengeful brides as you make your way to the ghost town of Devil’s Creek to find answers, and hopefully get out of there alive.


NOTE: Please see tags and warnings on the dev blog below. While this isn't a 'historically accurate' story, it is still dealing with some heavy topics of the time (late 19th century America) and might not be for everyone.


This is an open WiP. You can find the development blog HERE.

Updated 17 hours ago
StatusIn development
Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(157 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
TagsAlternate History, Character Customization, Historical, Horror, Meaningful Choices, supernatural, Western
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, High-contrast

Development log


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I like it. but i wish that it has multi saves. I hope the next chapter comes out soon. :)


i find this to be very interesting and written quite well, i can't wait to see what future chapter's may bring


Thank you. You'll have to be patient, though, as life's getting in the way Dx. But I'll try. Next update will also bring a complete overhault of the UI and save system <3

i have a quick question and i dont remember if i have asked it already. but you said that the next chapter is going to be in the prospective of the other member(s) of the group, but is it going to be a little bit of time from the prospective of everyone or only from the prospective of the character with which mc has the most romance with?

Hi. The next chapter will be from the perspective of one of three characters. It's also an optional chapter :3

(Btw: it's best to ask questions like this on the development blog on tumblr too, for more people to see, in case they wondered the same)

🙋yes Captain!


Oh, I absolutely LOVE this!!! I find myself skimming over text in a lot of IFs, but I read every single word in this. Everything is written so well, the characters are all charming, and the plot is just phenomenal!  Can't wait for the next update :}


Thank you :D

I hope I can get the update out at least this year... Right now the horse-names keep getting in the way >_> (I'm not kidding, the code to check your horse's name for achievements and flavortext reasons is by now nearly 15k of code... the chapters are usually around 25k words with code)



Oh wow, I don't know much about Twine coding but that sounds...intense lol. Remember not to stress yourself out too much, though, and take the time that you need! :))


thank you. And hey, it's all for the immersion. :3


Just found this and I love it! I can't wait for the next chapter btw that cliffhanger is illegal! I can't wait to meet everyone else especially Preacher.  Like im so invested in this story now 


:D I'll do my best to update. Life got in the way quite a bit, but things are going somewhere. And a heads-up: The next update will see an overhaul of the UI (switching from Twine's harlowe language to Twine sugarcube, because better menu and more save-slots), so you'll have to replay from the start. But it will be a prettier (ymmw though) layout, and more name-shenanigans... <3


lol that how life is sadly lol. But I hope everything is going good for you and everything and if I have to replay it, I'm so down for it. So, I will be looking forward to it :) 


This is the most intriguing and fun text game/story I've ever played, hands down. The way your MC can be transgender and how it's actually brought up in gameplay was so good I don't even have the words to praise it, same goes with their heritage/ethnicity. And I spent the entire game not realizing romance was an option and was just wistfully pining for Charlie the entire time; the joy I felt when I got to the part where you could actually start a romance with him was unmatched. I was over the freaking MOON. 

I'm so excited for more of this story, thank you for sharing it and I am thoroughly hooked. 

<3 thank you

happy new year pals, lads and gals!

<3 same to you.

How are y'all not dying in that ambush? I keep playing it a million different ways and still die :,,,,,,,,,(

oh wait am i dumb is that the cliffhanger i thought i was just a loser


Don't worry, that is a cliffhanger. Next chapter will be a non-interactive one from the Pov of one of three ROs as they set out to rescue MC.  I just need to fight off the writer's block Dx

PS: Also, if this helps a bit more: Every pre-mature ending comes with an achievement

<3 :3

Mx. MeltingPenguins, please tell me i can romance agent Lynwood. please?

you can. as of now (ch6 in the playable version) lynwood, charlie, tommy and seán (only together), and mrs meadows are romancable, with four more ROs to come down the line. maybe 5 if i find a reasonable way to have a potential character in the story.

(1 edit)

Fantastico. I'm going to bully him into loving me with kindness.

though i didnt ask if it is possible as a trans woman, becouse i didnt specify. so, is it possible even(?) then?(english is not my first language, not iven(?) the second, so if i make a grammatical mistake please correct me)


very nice :3


Ok wow, this is really good! Can't wait for more!!!


Hopefully soon. I'm currently stuck coding hijinks with the names...


and nuuuu you can't leave me hanging like that in the alleyway with one big dude and a short guy like that

but I Love it ^^


heh. well, not to disappoint you, but they're not interested in you in any way you might like

i was so into the game that cliff hanger hit hard lol but it was amazing work


thank you. Next chapter, (mild spoiler) won't have any choices, as you'll play as one of three ROs... (because your MC is out cold)


i cant wait for more chapters  yayz ^^


:D also, note: with the next update I'm switching to a different coding language on twine, so you'll have to replay from the start ^^; But it looks nicer (and has more saveslots)

    Name: Mr. William Doherty
    Age: 25
    Your horse:
    Annabelle, a spotty gray Morgan horse stallion.
    Your Reputation:
    Bold: 60Timid: 40
    Selfish: 70Altruistic: 30
    Tactical: 50Rash: 50
    Trusting: 70Doubting: 30
    Polite: 20Brash: 80
    Impatient: 80Patient: 20
    Curious: 20Uncaring: 80
    Your Skills:
    Medical Knowledge: 60/100

    Riding: 30/100

    Survival & Brawling: 10/100

    Gambling & Sleight-of-Hand: 20/100

    Gunslinging: 25/100

    Smooth-Talking: 20/100
    Charlie: 85/100
    Seán O'Brian: 70/100
    Agent Lynwood: 20/100
    Mrs. Meadows: 30/100
    Tommy Burke: 35/100

    Emmett Blayne: 20/100
    Finley O'Conner: 55/100
    Florence Beauchêne: 25/100
    Sheriff Lowell: 45/100

    ~Oh, Just One More Thing?~

gratz :D Hope you enjoyed it so far.


Is this game still being working on?

Its so good it would be shame if wasnt

Also i played on dashingdon i dont know if its the same  version because it says that the last update was in 21 so .....


It's still being worked on. (Had quite a massive burnout due to irl stuff, so, there's the culprit). Currently porting the version here from Twine Harlowe to Sugarcube, making it look better :) I hope to get a major update out by june/july (aiming for national cowboy day)

Alright i will wait 

Oh one more thing do you have discord?

If yes can you the link here pls

I do have a discord, but due to certain things happening, I usually just give the link to people that follow the dev blog on tumblr for a while. (once bitten, twice shy)

bro i love charlie to much for my own good :))

also i wanted to know if there is anyone that charlie looks like so that i can imagine him

He's got an image over on the development blog. It's in the linked post when you click on his name :)

I love what’s happening with the plot, and the characters are very well thought and fleshed out! I honestly was a little bit put off by the accent (it’s ironic considering I’m Southern and locals speak exactly like it), but it grew on me.

I’m curious though, what’re the romance options available in the content currently uploaded? I seem to have accidentally stumbled upon Charlie’s (unless that was prompted). Am I just blind and somehow missed the chance to flirt with every character we’ve met so far?


thank you for the comment :)

As of now you can 'only' flirt/get together with Charlie, as you already know each other well. With the others it will take a while longer, as you've just met them and at best know them by reputation.

(1 edit) (+3)

I'm so in love with this story so far. It's beautifully written. All the characters have such unique personalities and great backstories. Also the option to fully customize MC and their backstory is the best.  I can't wait for more.

And btw will the characters get jealous if you romance more than one at the same time? (Not including Tommy and Sean with each other )


Thank you for the nice comment. :D

And no, they won't. Not in the 'you can romance everyone' way, but in the, the others catch on quickly and are a little suspect when you go flirt with them

Oh I love this ever so much. I am trying incredibly hard to seduce Lynwood (and save everyone at the same time), and hope that will be an option in the future, but did also adore the Charlie options. He's so sweet. They're all so sweet. I love all of them and would kill and die for them. That's a threat. Fantastic work! 

thank you :D and yes, Lynwood is a possible romantic option down the line


this is probably my favourite story on here, i can't believe i only found it recently. Rdr2 is my favourite game so i love western themes and finally finding a western themed IF is amazing!

:D Great. Oh, have you tried naming your mc after any rdr2 character?

On my first play through i went for Odette Adler (Sadies last name) cause i couldn’t really decide on a last name

:D nice


Charlie appreciation post. He's so sweet i'm getting cavities.


<3 I must admit (again) that I am baffled how much people like Charlie. Ain't complaining, just surprised

everyone loves a good himbo character 

He's not even a himbo XD (there IS a term for charlie, but I forgot)


Oh, one of my reads in dashing. You still planning to update there?


Of course. Life hasn't been kind to me the past year, so I didn't had much time/mind to write. But I'm working on it. It will be updated on dashing and here, and there should be a writing stream soon (check the dev blog for info) :)


oook.. straight off the bat , i love this shit & hope you can continue but uh yea was really a hidden gem to find tbh. 


<3 sorry it's been almost a year since a proper update. Live really got in the way Dx I'm trying to have ch7 out before the end of the year, and also move from twine's harlowe to sugarcube to make it look nicer

Noooooooooooooooo I can't wait for the full version. I finished it so far and I love all the options the player gets, especially getting to befriend all sorts of characters.

<3 I'm trying my best to get the next few chapters out, but life is being a mess. So, be patient please ^^; sorry

This current chapter ending has reawaken my odd love for bad stuff happening to mcs, especially customizable ones


oh dear D= well, at the risk of disappointing you... they'll be fine-ish....


I'd never be disappointed by that, I take what I can get

So far I'm really really enjoying this story and I can't wait to see how it will progress, hope to see soon  more of this  mysterious bounty-hunter


you will. preacher's an RO

Hell yeah, You had my curiosity now you have my attention


Hello! I'm not sure if you're aware of this bug/whatever it is or not so I apologize if you already are, but I got this pop-up when I selected 'Comfort Florence' in Chapter 5, I believe! :]] 

This is strange. I can't reproduce the error, and all of the code looks to be in order.

Could you click on 'error' and screenshot that?

sorry for the late reply, but here you go! :] I also found another one of them in chapter 6.

Thank you. I still can't reproduce the error. Did you start from scratch/cleared your cache or is this a loaded save?

It's a loaded save.

That might be the culprit then. the variable is a new one, so maybe the save got corrupted due to that. Sorry.

As someone who usually reads on mobile, is there a way to save and load to disk like other twine games? Sometimes the twine stored save reset even when i don't close the browser

Unfortunately I don't know. I'm pretty new to twine coding. There IS a version of the game in Choicescript over on dashingdon however, that should provide better saves for mobile gaming.

yep, it seems like i don't lose the save even if i close the browser, thanks!

the itchio and dashingdon versions are identical except for a few phrasings here and there due to how the coding/structuring works. When the game is fully released I should have sorted out the missing saves :3

(1 edit)

I noticed that I am unable to put in a custom first and last name. Either way I love the story!

Mhnn... I checked on several browers now and it works on my end. When you click the '...' at the options, you need to select and mark the input field, deleted the 'your name please' and enter your own. Was that maybe the problem?

Ill try it out and see! Thank you!

Let me know if it works. Also, don't worry for the name not immediately showing up in the stats then, it's set to only appear there once you also set what Charlie calls you nickname-wise due to how the stats will show the full name.


... I did not expect to love this as much as I did... I was set on trying it out because the "summary" intrigued me. But I ended up absolutely LOVING IT! I haven't even met the whole cast of characters and I am already hooked! There's just something about his game... The flow? The narrative? The plot maybe? Idk but I am DEFINITELY following this through to the end. Also, the chapters I've read so far have been really engaging. I couldn't wait to find out what was next every time I reached the end of a chapter. Looking forward to seeing more! You did great!

<3 thank you, this means a lot. I must admit I am currently a bit in a writing slump, but I'm getting there with the next chapter :3

No worries! Please take your time!


AHHHHHH the end I can't-. Amazing story! I love the found family dynamics between all the characters, and for the life of me I can't seem to just pick a love interest! XD Very well written and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Plus, the accents make the story seem much more authentic. I can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work! 

:D thank you.

Also, there's still a few ROs to be introduced...


Imma be real. This is amazing to play! I love the dynamic between the mc and Charlie and everyone else. The writing is amazing!

I can not wait for more!

Why does the mc have an accent?


It's influence from the people they grew up with/spend most of their time with. :)

Just a small bug I found in the prologue 

When you are picking Mr, Mx, Miss, ect.
Once you click on Mx it takes you to Mr is correct

Could you screenshot the bug? It's a bit har to find. 


edit: I think I found it. I'll fix it with the next update. Thank you :D


omg i love your story and the characters are all charming. i cant wait for the next chapter. feed me all the angst plssss i wanna see my mc suffer jdjssdfggf sorry

you. i like how you think >:D

Genuinely such a game! I couldn't put it down until I reached the end of the written content. Thanks so much for making this! Your writing is just so goood

So far this has been the best reading and choice game I've ever played. Thanks for making this game. Does anyone know how to remove the thing in the corner by any chance?

It happens when i press load :(

huh, that is the debug overview. it should only pop up if there's a bug in the code. if you restart from scratch and it pops up, could you screenshot the tab on it saying 'Errors'?

addendum: On chrome your safety settings might prevent saving/loading the game. I'm looking into what causes it, as it works fine on firefox or edge.

Oh okay, it's gone now thank you!

Sometimes it might be the cache when new variables are added or altered. Only if the errors persist the mistake is in the code.

(+1) is updated with Ch. 6 but here only has content up until Ch. 5? Thanks for the immersive game experience, great time playing 🙌🏽


Porting takes a while :) but it's a good thing as I found a ton of bugs in ch6 >>


oh my goodness i have been obsessed with this since it was first posted on cog forums i am LOVING the jump to twine it suits this story so well

i know there's not much new story content from where the cog demo left off but it felt like a whole new story and also like coming home 🥰

looking forward to future updates!! xoxo

:D There's a few small details that were changed added for this, maybe you can spot them :)

(Also there's some small bugs now >_> but I'm fixing them when uploading ch6)

i did spot some actually but until now thought i was just misremembering 😄 i played the cog demos obsessively as they updated

you got two things i love. one, realistically diverse westerns, and two, the supernatural 💕


ps. am now following the dev blog on tumblr so i shall be prepared when you update my evil plan to shower your writing with affection is working 😈😈😈


that is what keeps us writers going :D (that and spite)