Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

I've seen this several times on social media and it rings true:

At 25: I want to be CEO!

At 40: Nah, I'm good.

I was previously in the kind of job that took over my life before I got laid off during Covid. I've since focused more on the idea that I work to fund the things that do give me joy.

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Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

Health is priceless and three cheers to you putting it first. It’s hard to “fail” and it took me years to realise that the only one who benefits from an employee who powers through is the company. Everyone else loses! Congrats on the new role!

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Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

You sound like my career twin. Stress is a killer… I ended up with stress induced ‘vocal paralysis’ due to stress. Remove the stress wherever possible… and breathe.. well done adulting !! X

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Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

Good for you! And great advice!

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Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

Congrats and good for you! I had a soul-sucking job before and it wasn't until I left that I realized just how bad it really was (a job prior to my next example). I left education after almost 20 years in March 2023. I liked my job, my school, my admin, but everything else was sucking the life out of me and I knew I had to exit sooner than I expected. I took way less money, but my benefits were the same and it was my way out. I still have no idea what I want to do next, but right now the job I have works and hopefully I can figure out that next step.

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Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

I quit my job of 10 years this year with absolutely no idea where to go next. I’m still trying to figure it out. What I did know, though, was that my family and I deserved more than I was able to give after leaving feeling absolutely drained every day. The stress was horrible, the negativity was never-ending, and the dysfunction and toxicity was something I had never experienced before. Hope this new path brings you every fulfillment that you need!!!

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Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

I lasted 8 years at a job that tore me to pieces, almost ended my marriage, i gaines over 100 lbs, broke out in hives, had stomach issues so bad i developed an ulcer, and I lost 14 hours a day with my kiddo. It's so worth it to quit and find better!

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Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

Congratulations to you! I had to leave a job that I had been at for 20 years due to a toxic boss. I am doing so much better now and am working from home which I love!

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Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

Proud of you for doing hard things!!!!

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Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

I feel like I comment a lot, but you always hit the topics that councide with my life. I too had to evaluate things with my job. I had been an agent for 11 years and it was getting harder for me to compete and sell. An opportunity came late 2021 and when I took it and had three weeks off,I had a mental breakdown. I didn't realize how stressed I really was until I took a time out. Regarding your other questions to ask yourself,as a family, we switched churches this year. My husband grew up in the previous church, and I had been a very active member for 20 years. It was not an easy decision, but we had to burn some bridges. I like to write myself so I wrote a whole 2 page document on that decision.

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I’m so happy for you Katie! Though I don’t comment much, I’ve followed you for years and love your writing and feel like I know your family. You are in such great years with your kids - here’s to hoping you will now have more space to really enjoy those years!

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Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

Good for you Katie! Many years ago I had a job doing what I thought I really wanted to do in an awesome location. But after 2 yrs at that job and of not learning anything and having an unsupportive boss who was unwilling to teach me, I found myself suddenly without a job when they let me go. What I was doing was fairy specialized so finding a job was really hard unless I wanted to move my family. So, like you, I took a look at what I actually enjoyed (spreadsheets and reconciliation) and that opened a world of doors. I found a job in the accounting department at the best company I have ever worked for, with an amazing boss and coworkers and work I'm actually good at. Best of luck in your new career! Proud of you for prioritizing your health in all areas.

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Jul 2Liked by Katie Brown

Congratulations on the new job, and more importantly, having the courage to make this change and the vulnerability to share with us about it. I am 41 and have spent the last year evaluating my priorities as I, too, have found myself in the unfamiliar place of needing to get off that professional ladder for my own mental health (it wasn't easy, and I work in the mental health field!). It has been such a gift to myself and to my family follow this new path. I hope that you also experience these same gifts as you make this next transition. As always, thank you for sharing your journey with us all these years.

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Again, your words ring so true for my life. I just printed this. I'm heading out on a two week vacation (where there will be no internet!), and I want to read and reflect on this because ... your words speak to me. Thank you, Katie. (How can someone as young as you be so wise??? Your parents raised an "old soul!")

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We went though something similar with our daughter. She was attending a wonderful school, best teachers and academics… but her mental health was tanking. After 2 years of this and working with counselors and therapists. We made the radical change to pull her from a traditional school setting to an online school. It has been THE best decision, as she is thriving. I have nothing but good things to say about her previous school, but like you, that environment was toxic for her. I am glad you are finding peace and excitement in your radical change…. Sometimes that’s is what is needed most :-)

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Good for you, Katie! Bravo! ❤️

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