Upgrades & Payments

Right now, PRO upgrades are on a per-map basis. If you want PRO access to every MapGenie map, check out MapGenie+.
Yes, PRO upgrades are a once-off payment!

We also offer a yearly subscription with MapGenie+ which grants PRO access to all MapGenie maps.
Nope! Our payment processors (Stripe/Paypal) will charge you a once-off payment and won't store your details.
If you're unhappy with your PRO upgrade and would like a refund, please contact us at support@mapgenie.io

Map Features

To toggle the display of your found locations between semi-transparent/hidden, click the "Found Locations (0)" button on the Progress Tracker panel.
To reset your found locations for a specific game, click the "My Account" button on the Progress Tracker panel - then use the "Reset Progress" button

Technical Issues

If you visit a map and you only see a black space instead of a map, then it's likely that you just need to enable hardware acceleration or WebGL in your browser (normally these are enabled by default but some browser extensions may change your settings).

Visit https://get.webgl.org to check if WebGL is working in your browser.

It's possible that your browser is showing you an older cached version of the page (this happens when you close and re-open your whole browser - it doesn't reload your open pages).

Refresh the page and you should see all your progress!

You can change your email on the account page - just click the "Update Email" button