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Once a criminal from the mean streets of Zaun Crest icon Zaun, Vi Vi is a hotheaded, impulsive, and fearsome woman with only a very loose respect for authority figures. Growing up all but alone, Vi developed finely honed survival instincts as well as a wickedly abrasive sense of humor. Now working with the Wardens to keep the peace in Piltover Crest icon Piltover, she wields mighty hextech gauntlets gauntlets that can punch through walls—and suspects—with equal ease.

ViSquare"We can either do this the hard way or… Oh wait, no. There's just the hard way."  Vi
Read Biography


Early Life[]

As a child growing up in the lawless outskirts of Piltover, Vi learned to rob and cheat to get by. Stealing and stripping hextech hardware gave her the skills of a master mechanic, while life on the streets taught her self-reliance. When she was six, a ragtag group of criminals took a shine to the young delinquent and brought her into their fold. By the time Vi was eleven, she had become a seasoned accomplice, and she relished the thrill of every heist.

Vi's attitude changed when a raid on a mining facility went bad. She was forced to decide between fleeing with her crew or trying to save the innocent mine workers from a collapsed tunnel. Vi chose to play the hero. While searching for a way to free the mine workers from the rubble, she discovered a damaged robotic mining rig. Improvising, she wrenched off its huge fists and modified them into makeshift hextech gauntlets. Fitting the heavy weapons to her tiny hands, the young girl flexed her arm and threw a powered punch at the rubble. The force of the blow blasted away the rock. With the workers free to escape, Vi fled the scene.

After that job gone wrong, Vi severed her connection to the crew. She returned to a life of solitary crime, but stole only from other criminals. As the years went by, Vi modified and improved her hextech fists, allowing her to bust up heists and snatch loot with ease. Eventually, word of her notoriety reached Caitlyn, the famed Sheriff of Piltover. Rather than seek Vi's arrest, Caitlyn offered the criminal a way to pay her debt to society: work for the law in Piltover. Vi laughed. To her, a job that let her beat up crooks without forcing her to run from the cops sounded perfect. She immediately accepted. Caitlyn now struggles to keep Vi in line, and Vi treats Caitlyn's orders as mere suggestions, but when they work together, they are feared by all lawbreakers in Piltover, except Jinx.

Contemporary History[]

To Vi, every problem is just another brick wall to punch through with her gigantic hextech gauntlets. Though she grew up on the wrong side of the law, Vi now uses her criminal know-how to serve Piltover's police force. Vi's brash attitude, abrasive humor, and blatant refusal to follow orders can often infuriate her by-the-books partner, Caitlyn Kiramman. But even the sheriff of Piltover cannot deny that Vi is an invaluable asset in the fight against crime.

Recent events[]



Vi is an muscular, athletic, and light-skinned woman. She wears common punk street fashion typical for Zaunite and Piltover youth atypical for her Warden profession. Her most noticeable features are her mechanical augments inspired tattoos across her entire back and arms (including a VI tattoo on her left cheek), as well as her natural pink hair. She has gray eyes and a height of 5'8 (172cm) including boots.

When at work, she is rarely seen without her Atlas gauntlets which become extensions of her hands.


Vi is an impulsive, brash, energetic, hotheaded, audacious, and daring brawler who lives up to her motto which is "Punch first, then ask questions while punching." She is both fearsome and fearless, she is always looking for a fight. She's a fierce, tomboyish rebel with a loose respect for authority figures, and a witty, abrasive sense of humor. Despite her tendency to fight first, and think later, she is very street smart. But through her rebellious attitude, she is a kind hearted one who means well and gets things done no questions asked.


  • Brawler: Vi is skilled at hand-to-hand combat, being able to dodge and counter most punches, even those from shimmer enhanced individuals. She would use her fighting skills in tandem with her gauntlets.
    • Atlas Gauntlets: Exceedingly rare and powerful hextech augments created by Jayce Talis that considerably boost Vi's strength and dexterity.
  • Deduction Skills: While not as skilled as her partner Caitlyn Caitlyn, Vi has some skills at collect information to solve crimes by talking to witnesses and informants, collecting physical evidence, or searching records in databases. Her familiarity with the undercity of Zaun Crest icon Zaun would prove useful numerous times during her time as a Warden.


Jinx Jinx[]

Jinx is Vi's sister, they both took different paths when they were young, although Vi's main job is to capture her, she also looks for a way to help her.

Ekko Ekko[]

Vi and Ekko were friends since they grew up together in Zaun, their relationship was stagnant on Ekko's part after Vi was accepted into Piltover.

Caitlyn Kiramman Caitlyn Kiramman[]

Caitlyn is Vi's co-worker, she was the one who helped her join Piltover, they have been working together for a long time so much that their relationship is speculated to be more than friendship and professional.

Jayce Talis Jayce Talis[]

Read More


Vi OriginalCentered

Piltover Crest icon


The Piltover Enforcer

By Graham McNeill

Starring Champion

Caitlyn Jayce Jinx Vi Viktor Arcane Promo 01

Runeterra Crest icon


Arcane (TV Series)

Every legend has a beginning.

Vi Child of Zaun

Piltover Crest icon

Short Story

Child of Zaun

By Ian St. Martin

What's the difference between law and order?

Jinx Enemy

Zaun Crest icon

Music Video


By Justin Tranter, Imagine Dragons, JID, Fortiche Productions

Oh, the misery, everybody wants to be my ENEMY.

Vi Interrogation 101

Piltover Crest icon

Short Story • 5 Minute Read

Interrogation 101

By Graham McNeill

Vi stifled a yawn as she moved through the gilded chamber at the heart of Piltover's Hall of Law. Dawn was less than an hour old, and the place was quiet. A few drunks were sleeping it off in the shaming cells, and she'd heard there were a couple of chem-augmented thugs in the deeper, more secure lock-ups. She'd ask around later, see if she could provide any insight as to what they were doing up in Piltover.

Council Archives 01

Piltover Crest icon

Short Story

The Council Archives

By Ty Sheedlo

The Council Archives. You'd heard stories at the Academy, of course, but words could not describe the breathtaking magnitude of its contents. The entire history of your city: its glorious achievements, its sinister secrets, painstakingly documented, waiting to be read.

Galio Garen Lux Sylas Warriors

Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video


By Numerous creators

Mentioned Champion


Zaun Crest icon



By Double Stallion Games

Rewind the Past, Control the Future - Explore and traverse through the spectacular city of Zaun as Ekko, a young inventor with an ingenious device to manipulate time, in this story-driven action platformer. Play as a young Ekko and realize the full potential of one of League’s fan-favorite Champions.

Piltover Zindelo's Incognium Runeterra

Piltover Crest icon

Short Story • 27 Minute Read

Progress Day

By Graham McNeill

Tamara forces herself to rise early - an easy habit to get into when the earth is your bed and fallen leaves the only blanket. Less so when the mattress is stuffed with goose down and the sheets woven from soft cotton. The curtains are pulled back, and warm light pools on the floor of her third floor boarding room. She'd closed the curtains on her first night in Piltover and had slept two hours past dawn, which worried her so much, she has never closed them since.

Jinx OriginalCentered

Zaun Crest icon


The Loose Cannon

By Graham McNeill

Caitlyn OriginalCentered

Piltover Crest icon


The Sheriff of Piltover

By Elyse Lemoine

Piltover Trade And Progress

Piltover Crest icon

Short Story • 5 Minute Read

The Thrill of the Chase

By Graham McNeill

Even three bells after the Sun Gate had closed, Piltover was still full of life - life that was currently getting in her way. Caitlyn sprinted down Mainspring Crescent, weaving a path between midnight revelers strolling down the fashionable promenade of cafes and bistros. The supper clubs were emptying, as were the nearby theaters inside the Drawsmith Arcade, so this street was going to get a whole lot busier. If they didn't catch up to Devaki soon, they were going to lose him.

Alternate Universes

Umbra Society Cover

Runeterra Crest icon


A Fireside Frightener

By Luchador Teemo, ZeOcelot

C4H Hallway Background

Runeterra Crest icon


Cupcakes 4 Heartaches

By Ty Sheedlo

Play League of Legends to collect ingredients for Caitlyn's top secret cupcake recipe!

Worlds Just One More

Runeterra Crest icon


Just One More

Every League of Legends player knows what it's like to chase the next win. Inspired by the true story of the five North American League of Legends players with the longest losing streak in one sitting. It's On.

Jinx Mayhem Everywhere You Look 01

Zaun Crest icon


Mayhem Everywhere You Look

By Unknown Author

An inane crime wave sweeps Piltover to the tune of manic laughter. As authorities attempt to curtail the chaos, one enforcer vows to pull the plug on the panic-inducing party.


Runeterra Crest icon



No war stays hidden for long.

Worlds Solo Darius

Runeterra Crest icon


Solo Darius

It's easy crushing top lane when you're SoloRenektonOnly. It’s On.

PROJECT 2017 The Hunt

Runeterra Crest icon


The Hunt

Jinx X WUZ HERE 01

Zaun Crest icon



By Unknown Author


Worlds Warriors

Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video


By Numerous creators

The battle begins, and sixteen teams across the globe are fighting towards one goal – to win the League of Legends World Championship.

Worlds Worlds Collide

Runeterra Crest icon

Music Video

Worlds Collide

By Numerous creators

Two teams have risen above their peers. Ten warriors have laid claim to the Summoner’s Cup. Five champions will etch their names in history.


  • Vi is a Zaunite orphan who became a Guardian of Piltover.
  • Vi's prototype Atlas Gauntlets were created by Vaido Violante, a former apprentice of Covin Reveck, Orianna's Orianna's father.
  • Vi remembers nothing from her early childhood, even her name 'Vi' comes from the tattoo on her cheek.
  • Before the release of Arcane logo icon Arcane, Vi and Jinx Jinx were often theorized by the community to be sisters. The reference to this on Jinx's release was her quote, "You think I'm I'm crazy? You should see my sister". Though there was never any implication that the sister was Vi Vi, players equated Jinx's antagonization of Vi specifically as "sisterly bonding".
    • Incidentally, Jinx Jinx only antagonized Vi specifically on English-speaking servers. Other servers showed her antagonizing other champions, such as Lucian Lucian.
    • Hermit later says to Vi, "You look like your sister! Er, wait, I'm not supposed to talk about that...". This could be a confirmation that Vi has a sister, but could also be an example of Lyte repeating rumours he's heard from players (such as the rumour he heard from players that Lux Lux and Ezreal Ezreal were dating, which Lux herself later denied after hearing the rumour ).
    • There is a significant indication that the pair did grow up together, however. With Vi currently suffering from amnesia, Jinx Jinx has taken it upon herself to try and trigger her memories.
    • In an interview with Ghostcrawler, he mentioned that Jinx and Vi are "sisters", but later confirmed he was merely stating what he thought was true, and that the narrative team said otherwise.
  • Vi is in her 20s, and around 5 years older than Jinx Jinx.
  • Vi is left-handed and weighs 8,140 lbs with her gauntlets on.

Change log[]

Character blurb
V10.20 (12 October 2020) Added.


See also[]
