Patricia Hernandez's discussions

Patricia Hernandez
Deputy editor.

In today’s stream he said that he talked to Myth and would likely be streaming with him again, FWIW. Read more

Yes, I think there’s a fundamental tension between why we play games and how much they can push us out of our comfort zone. I don’t think it has to be full on “this will be a nightmare” but it would be nice to find a balance between “they are your loyal slaves” and “they have a will of their own.” I doubt we’ll ever… Read more

I’m not blaming the game. I know this is on me. I’m just sharing an experience that I think is funny/silly and that I hope some people relate to on some level - whether that’s forgetting to use a cool new item or getting killed before you can pull out the heavy weapon in time, among other things. I can’t be the only… Read more

Since it needs to be said/some people seem to have stopped reading a couple of grafs in, I’m not stating that I never find any cool new items. I’m saying that’s a situation that sometimes comes up, but I also outline 3 other situations where I never get to *use* or enjoy said items. Read more

Because this keeps coming up despite being addressed in the article: the n-word is not in the original song. He added it in. Read more

I do think some couples are gaming together. I saw at least a few conversations of people MAD that their significant other was better than them at Fortnite. Read more

i tend to do better than literally like 85% of people in any given match, so i guess most of everyone must suck even worse Read more

I want to play it, but I also don’t know if I would get sick of it quick after just beating IV. It’s on the list, though! Read more

For what it’s worth, I think Persona Q will be next. Eventually. I’m stuck in the hospital maze, I think. I’ll probably play the Strange Journey re-release first, since that’s coming up—and I’m still crossing my fingers that Tokyo Mirage Sessions will come to Switch soon. We’ll see! But I need a buffer between “games… Read more

He didn’t discover it, but that’s certainly when most folks learned about it - the video went viral (hence my ‘general public consciousness’ wording) The first discovery, which is credited in the video, comes from Average Josh. Read more

Yeah, I found the movie way funnier than intended - it just made such little sense! Read more

I’ll give them a crack, but not for a while. Still want to finish the main game and get all the strawberries I can see before taking that on. Read more

Yeah, I mean, if nothing, you can get a feel for the genre w/ Fortnite for free. You might end up liking PUBG better, but you can at least get a sense of whether you like this type of game at all with Fortnite. Read more

I juuuust bought the PS4 port, largely because folks told me that if I liked Elex, I’d also like Dragon’s Dogma. Read more