The Friday Art Cats of Christmas Past

I thought I might borrow a bit of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and play off of the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future as a theme for my December Art Cat posts. The surprising thing, is that when I went back through my archive to find cats of Christmas past, there were not many from which to choose!  But, I did find this mysterious mound of packages being inspected by ravens from 2007.

Pesky ravens investigate a pile of presents in the snow.
I found this watercolor from 2007, when ravens were still invading my work.

I wanted to show it to you because I revisit the pile of presents in this holiday image from 2014, complete with surprise attack cat. I suppose, if I wanted to play on words, this could also be Cats of Christmas Presents. Ha! Get it? Like the ghost of Christmas present? Only with cats?! Never mind…

Christmas presents being used as a shield for a cat attack.
Look carefully and beware! A sneaky cat hides in the packages.

It was interesting to see how my working method has changed over time. In the earlier work, I drew individual elements like a single bird, or present, and scanned them into Photoshop to arrange the composition. So, the final image only exists as a digital. But, the newer work, the one with the cats, is a fully realized illustration before it gets scanned. Any digital manipulation is only to make the color accurate to the original.

Anyway, I digress. To see more of my arty cats, visit me at Art is not for Sissies. Happy Holidays! See you in future with your Friday Art Cat.

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